CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When Don got back to NYPD Danny was waiting.

"How did it go Don?" "Not good. Teresa doesn't want to accept that it wasn't Claire's fault. I'm not sure where to go from here." "I am... where are those cassettes?" "They're downstairs, why?" "Get me one Don. I think it's time Judy and Teresa see exactly what Claire went through." "You can't be serious. I couldn't even get through the first two minutes of it."

"Good. That's what they need to see. Now get me one." "You have to sign for it Danny. I'm not taking responsibility if it gets lost or damaged." "Just get the tape." Heading down to the evidence locker Don signed out one of the cassettes.

"Let's go Danno." "What? You're coming?" "Of course. You don't think I'd let you do this alone, do you?" Laughing... I guess not."

After they picked up Judy, they headed over to Teresa's. "Just what the hell are you two up too?" "Don't worry about Judy. It's about time you and Teresa learn the truth of what really happened to Claire." Pulling into Teresa's driveway they walked up to the door. "Now what the hell do you want? For that matter, what the hell is Judy doing with you?"

"Just let us in. It's time you two learn the truth about Claire, and what that bastard husband of hers did to her." Pushing her aside they walked into the living room. "Where's your boys?" "Sleeping, they have school in the morning." "Good... sit down." Looking at Danny with anger, Teresa sat down with Judy.

Placing the cassette in the player Don turned it on. As they watched the girls expressions they could see the horror, and disgusted looks of shame on their faces. "Turn it off. God damn it Don, turn it off." Stopping the video Judy ran from the room and threw up on the floor. Never had she witnessed anything so degrading as what was happening to Claire's body.

"What do you think now Teresa? You still feel it was Claire's fault? You still feel Claire asked for it. Or that she slept with your husbands? Do you? Why don't you tell me what turned your husband on. Was it Claire? Or was it the damn sick S and M torture you just witnessed?"

"I'm sorry Don... I didn't know this was what Jimmy was doing to her. I also had no idea my husband was in on it with Judy's. God... poor Claire... I'm so sorry for what happened to her." "Good, you should be. For no one told your husband to go gunning for Claire, after they were caught with those cassettes."

"Umm... I think I need to go home. I feel so sick. I need to see my kids. Please Don, I just want to go home." "I'll take her Don." "Okay Danny. I'll see you back NYPD." Once Danny left with Judy. Don sat down with Teresa. "I think we need to talk about your boys now Teresa." "I know... what did they say to Claire's boys?" "They asked them where their trampy mom was at. Was she out getting more Officers killed."

"Again... I'm sorry Don. They must have overheard me talking to Judy. I'll talk to them in the morning, then I'll work things out with Claire." "Good because I think your youngest son has some serious issues. When I left your home earlier, he had his fingers pointed like a gun at the back of my head."

"Damn... I knew something was wrong with him a while ago. He was forever trying to shoot things with his fingers. I just figured he was trying to be like his dad, but I guess I was wrong." "You don't have any weapons in your home, do you?" "No... the only gun in the home was Trevor's, but you took that from him after he was killed."

"Good... if you need help with your boys and councilling, let me know." "I will Don, and once again I'm really sorry. I just hope Claire will forgive us." "She will. If there's one thing I know about the Taylor's, it's that they are a very forgiving family. Try and get some rest. I'll check in on you and the boys tomorrow."

After Don left, Teresa collapsed on the ground and cried.

On the ride home, Danny felt bad for Judy. She was such a pretty little thing. Danny knew her and her husband for years. He also knew that Teresa was behind the hate, for Judy was very quiet and reserved. So different from her husband. Looking over Danny seen her blue eyes full of tears, as she brushed her long blonde hair from her eyes.

"You gonna be okay Judy?" "I think so Danny. I just feel so sad for Claire. To have to go through that kind of hell. God... how did she survive that type of torture. The pain she must have felt when that...." Reaching over Danny took her hand. "Hey... come on Judy. Try and relax." "How can I ever relax. Just knowing my husband was into that kind of torture tears my soul apart. Just what the hell did I marry?"

Danny himself wasn't sure. But the one thing he did know. Was that Claire and her boys would finally be able to put their fears to rest.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Great chapter. I forgot to mention that in the last chapter (or was it the one before?) when you had Don and Danny saying they had already checked tony's record cause Claire was "their baby", I really loved that. They all have such a great bond.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Thanks again for the reviews,:)

With the boys in bed Anthony and Claire had some time to talk.

"Claire... what happened with the boys today?" "Hmm... nothing why?" "Just wondering, James seemed really upset about something." "Did he? I didn't notice. I'm sure you're just reading to much into it." "Yeah... I guess. So what did you want to do?" Claire wasn't really sure. She kind of liked the way Tony made love to her, but she wasn't about to ask. She didn't have that kind of nerve yet.

"I'm not sure. What did you want to do?" Turning on the music, he whispered..." dance with my beautiful lady." Smiling he pulled Claire into his arms. wrapping herself around him, they began moving in circles, as their bodies touched, softly caressed. Moving in closer, Anthony could feel her senses come to life, as her body responded to his strokes.

Bringing up his hands he wrapped them in her beautiful curls, as he looked into her beautiful eyes. "You're so beautiful Claire... so pure, innocent, and sweet." "Please Anthony..." Claire wasn't sure what she asking, but Anthony was, as he pulled her in and kissed her with deep gentle passion.

God her response was one of pure innocence.

Sweeping her up, he took her to the couch and sat her on his lap. "I want you to take from me Claire. I want you to touch, caress, explore, and get to know each and every part of my body that interests you." Claire wasn't sure where to start. There was to much of Anthony's anatomy that was begging her to begin.

Lifting his shirt over his head, she looked at his powerful tanned chest, tracing her fingertips across every inch of it. As he watched her, he could see her eyes glaze over with temptation. Oh yes... Claire was enjoying each every part of her Indiana. Tracing her fingers lower, she watched as Tony closed his eyes, while she took him beyond anything he could have imagined in his mind.

When she was done exploring and making him see Angels, he returned the favour. Flipping her onto her back, he gave her the same fingertip caresses, and kisses, she had given him. Watching, as her eyes slowly closed, watching as her head moved side to side, as her passion flowed between them.

"Easy baby... just let it happen Claire. Let yourself feel each and every second of the passion that is pouring from you into me."

Letting herself go, she cried out in the beauty, as it overtook her soul beyond anything she ever thought was possible. Moving himself back up, he pulled her back onto his lap, allowing her to take in as much of his soul as she could.

With their passionate storm at its end. Anthony carried her drained body to their bed. Climbing in, he pulled them into the spoon position, leaning down as he whispered... "I love you Claire." Grinding herself closer giggling as she whispered back... "I love you too Indiana." Sighing deep he swatted her butt before closing his eyes.

Meanwhile... Gary and Donna were still unpacking.

"Gary... why don't we leave the rest till morning? It's getting late, and I'm tired." "But I'm not Donna. I mean we haven't even christened one room yet," he winked. "Listen... I"m to tired to christen anything tonight. I'm going to bed."

Leaving the room Gary grabbed her around the waist. "Mmm... now... you have the next minute to pick the room, or I will." Donna grinned. She loved when Gary went all macho on her. "Hmm... fine Gar... the kitchen." "That's my girl." Lifting her in his arms, he carried her to the kitchen.

"Stove, counter, table or stading up pinned against the fridge?" "Oh you naughty boy, all four." "Rooooar...." he yelled. Laughing insanely, Donna allowed him to strip, caress and tease her into their own little web of erotic sin.

"Dada... funny dada." Looking up from their game, they seen Jess clapping away as she watched her mommy and daddy wrestle. "Oh crap Donna." "Oh cap..." said Jess. Putting back on his shirt, he picked up his daughter and tickled her.

"Just what are you doing out of bed young lady?" Scrunching her shoulders she giggled. "You're not tired? What would you like some juice?" Kissing her pretty lips he poured her some juice and sat her in her chair.

"Well... so much for our first night in our new home," giggled Donna.

Looking at her mommy with a wide smile. Jess couldn't agree more.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

That'll be one to remind Jes of when she's older :lol:...I loved the beginning with Claire and tony I love it how you write their love, they are one of my fave pairs you've wrote ;)
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Great chapter. Loved baby Jess catching her parents "wrestling". :lol: love how she said "crap". Too cute. Tony and Claire= hot! :D
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When Danny pulled up to Judy's door, he helped her out.

"Danny... would you mind coming in for a bit? I really don't want to be alone right now." Danny wasn't sure if it was a good idea or not. He knew Judy was hurting right now, and as much as he had always liked her, he knew if he went in, he wouldn't be coming out till morning.

"I'd love to Judy. But I told Don I'd meet him back at the station. How about I stop by in the morning, and check on you the kids?" "You would do that for us?" "Of course I would Judy. Try and rest okay, I'll be here in the morning."

Reaching over Judy hugged him. "Thanks for straightening us out Danny. To be honest... without you or Don letting us know, I'm not sure what would have happened." Releasing her hold, Danny walked down the stairs.

"Sleep well Judy. I'll see ya in the morning."


Before Don headed back to the lab, he wanted to check on his wife. Pulling up in front of the house, he found the kitchen light on.

"Christ... she's eating again." Walking into the kitchen, he seen his wife with a huge piece of New York chocolate cheesecake. "What is it with you women and chocolate?" "Us women?" She said with a mouthful of cheesecake. "Jess you know I love you, but you also know I hate when you go out at night."

"I didn't go out Donnie. Donna, Gary and Jess stopped by, they even brought you a piece which I'm eating now," she said with a huge smile. "Jess... as he snatched the plate, you are going to be huge by the time you have our child. Stop eating." Pouting Don gave in and gave it back. "Fine... but it's your weight you have to work off after."

"Since you put it that way. I don't want it now." Shoving the plate aside she got up, and walked out into the living room. "Jess... come on Jess. Thinking to himself he said... "why do you always stick your foot in your mouth?"

"Don't be mad at me. I'm just worried about your health." "No you're not. You're just worried I'll get fat. Then you won't love me no more," she cried. All you've done the last few weeks is insult me. If I had of known this is how you were going to act... I would have never got pregnant."

Taking her in his arms he kissed her beautiful hair. "Come on Jess. I'm really sorry, and I don't care how fat you get. I'm sorry if I made it sound that way. My only concern is your health and our childs." Caressing her hair she leaned into his chest. "You don't even make love to me anymore Donnie."

Don knew it had been a while. But what could he do when the crime in New York wouldn't take a break, leaving him to work all hours of the day and most nights. Then their was the problem with Claire. "I know Jess... and I'm sorry babe. I really am. Raising her face to his he kissed her in fevered passion. Both of them lost now, as he carried her to their room.


Reaching for his cell, he looked at the message. "I'm sorry Jess. I have to go." Giving her one last kiss, he left.

Back at the Taylor's Mac was watching his wife sleep. God she looked so peaceful and happy. He could see that their pregnancy had given her more than a healthy glow. Watching her deep even breaths, he hoped that his health proved strong enough to raise another baby. He was scared... scared of leaving his wife and child behind.

Getting himself out of bed, he took his blood pressure then his medication. Turning to go back to bed, he seen his lovely wife standing in the door of their room. "Is everything okay love? You look upset." "I'm fine Mac. It's you I'm worried about. What's the matter? You're awful restless." "I'll be fine love, don't worry. Just having some future thoughts."

"I can feel that Mac. It may help if you talk to me about your fears." Caressing his wife's face he said... "my concern is that I'm going to pass on love. My fears are of me leaving you, our children and new baby behind. Of not being able to see him or her take their first steps, or speak their first words."

Stella teared up. How could she not when she had the same fears. When she shared the same thoughts about this child. Would it be to much for Mac's health, would the stress of another child cause him to stroke again. So many questions neither of them had the answer too.

"Mac... I know this is difficult for both of us. Maybe we need to talk too the doctor about our fears. He said if we had any concerns or questions we should call him." Leaning against her husbands chest, he felt his child ripple.

"Did you feel that sweetheart?" "I did Mac. See, even our unborn child is concerned about us. So let's talk to the doctor okay. That way we will both lay all our fears to rest." "Okay love... we'll call in the morning." Taking his wife's hand, they headed back to bed.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

"Fine... but it's your weight you have to work off after."

"Since you put it that way. I don't want it now."


Poor Jess. Hopefully the city that never sleeps will take a sleeping pill soon so Jess can get some lovin' from her hubby. :D

Aww at Mac and Stella.

It's so neat to see these two different dynamics with pregnancies.

Great chapter!
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

The following morning Danny grabbed a couple coffee's and headed back over to see how Judy was doing. Knocking on her door, Keith answered.

"Hi Det.Messer... mommy said to let you in." "Thanks kiddo. How you doing?" "I'm alright, I miss my daddy though." "Yeah... yeah I understand that Keith." Walking into the kitchen Danny came face to face with Calvin. "Hey Calvin... how's it goin?" Calvin was twelve, and as much as he knew it wasn't Claire's fault, he still hated Danny. For he was told by another Officer that Danny had shot his father.

"I'm going to get going mom. I'll see you tonight. Come on Keith, I'll drop you off." "Now wait a minute Calvin. Aren't you being a little rude to Danny?" "No... I don't think so mom. After all he shot dad." "Whoa... now hold on Calvin. Who told you that? I wasn't even there." "Officer Trudder, he said you were the one that killed my dad."

"Listen Calvin, Officer Trudder is wrong. Don and I arrived after the shooting was done. The first two Officers to arrive on scene were Trudder and Spence. Don and I arrived after the shots were fired." "Then why...." "I don't know why he would tell you that. But I promise you I will find out."

Nodding his agreement, Calvin took Keith to school.

"I'm sorry Danny, I didn't have any idea." "It's okay Judy. Either did I, but I'm going to find out why Trudder would lie." Sitting down to their coffee, Judy and Danny caught up on old times.

Over at Teresa's house the youngest boy Jerry was giving her a hard time.

"I want you two to listen to me. I talked with Don and Danny last night. I found out that none of this was Claire's fault. What your father did to

Claire was wrong. None of this was caused by her, and mommy was very wrong in calling her a tramp." "Oh come on mom. Why would you tell you Judy that was then? I mean you called her every name in the book, now all of a sudden you've forgiven her, why?"

"I forgave her because what your father did was wrong. When you are older, I promise I will explain it too you. But right now, I need you both to understand that Claire and her boys have done nothing wrong." "So other words you want us to leave them alone." "I do Jerry, you are really begining to worry me. Don told me you pointed your fingers at him like a gun. Why would you do that?"

"I have too go mom, I'll see you tonight." "You get back here right now Jerry." "I'll talk to him mom. We'll see you tonight, have a good day."

Jerry... Jerry wait up. What the hell are you doing?" "What... I'm not doing nothing, I just don't understand how mom can do that. How can she forgive that bitch for getting our father killed. If I had a gun I'd kill the whole fuck'n family.

"Alright Jerry, that's enough of that. Mom's right there is something wrong with you." Turning to his brother with hate, he pulled a knife from his backpack and stabbed his brother in the chest. Taking of to the school grounds, he went gunning for Claire's boys. Getting up while gasping for breaths, Ben made his way back up to house, and collapsed against the door.

Hearing the thump Teresa opened the door and found her son. "Oh my God... Ben? What happened Ben?" Applying pressure to her sons chest, she called 911. "Mooooom...Jimmy and James... help them." Passing out, Teresa now knew what her youngest son was going to do. Dialing Don's number. She realized he may be the only one who could help her son.

Once Don got the call, he knew he would have to rush too the school. Just not for the boys, but to save Anthony from doing something that would ruin the rest of his life with Claire and her kids.

"Damn you Claire for having a seminar today." He whispered to himself. Pulling into the school parking lot, he seen Jerry running towards Anthony and the boys.

Getting out Don ran and tackled little Jerry to the ground, as Anthony and the boys watched, confused. "What the hell is going on Don?" "Nothing Anthony, it's under control." Looking down Anthony seen the bloody knife. Putting two and two together, he realized what the Phillips boy was going to do.

"Don't even think about it Anthony. Just stay with the boys. Think of Claire... I know you don't want to lose your new family." While Anthony tried to move forward Jimmy stopped him. "No Tony... please... please Tony." Looking at Jimmy with tears in his eyes, he turned and walked the boys to class.

Turning towards the car, Don dragged a screaming Jerry. "I'll kill them... I'll kill them all. You'll see. When I get out I'll get my revenge."

After Don had Jerry brought in to the station, he called for a Psych evaluation. Waiting for the results, he called the Hospital to see how Ben was doing. Finding out he was going to come through the surgery fine, Don breathed a sigh of relief.

"Excuse me Det.Flack. I have the report for you on Jerry's Psych evaluation. I can honestly tell you he's going to need too be institutionalized for several years." "Will he be able to be reformed, or should we be worried about his release?" "That I can't tell you yet. I mean he's only ten. Once I start working with him, getting him into some programs, I'll know more."

"I'm honestly not sure I like this. How do I know you can guarantee he won't escape?" "It's a monitored facility, trust me he won't be going anywhere." "Where have I heard that before." "Is that attitude I hear from you detective?" "Yeah... it is. Fine... we will transfer him this afternoon." "Very good."

When the doctor left, Don took him down to holding.


Trudder was watching in the shadows. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. They had arrested his son. He couldn't believe it. Damn Teresa for allowing him to be arrested. Did she not promise him, that if he didn't tell Phillips about their affair, that she'd look after him, never allowing any harm to come to him? Yet she did. Well no way was anyone putting his son in any institution for long.

Waiting for Don to leave, Trudder walked in to see his son.
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