CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

To get the full chapter of their first time, check FF.Net.

When Anthony had the boys alseep, he walked out and found Claire still sitting on the floor. Not saying a word he picked her up and carried her into her room. Pulling back the sheets he tucked her in and kissed her cheek.

"Night Claire...sleep well." Walking towards the door he softly heard her whisper...

"Please stay Tony...don't leave me alone." "Shh...I wasn't leaving you alone Claire. I just thought you'd like some space. Some time to think." "I don't...please Tony, I just don't want to think. Please help me forget the pain."

Walking towards the bed he sat down beside her. "What are you asking me Claire?" "I'm asking you to love me. I'm asking you to show me what it feels like to be touched, stroked, and loved with gentleness and care. All I know is I don't want to go another night without feeling your love. I don't want to be afraid anymore."

Standing up Anthony removed his clothes. As Claire watched she seen his powerful build come to life. All she could think was how beautiful, sexy, and tanned he was. So much man. from his tough weathered face, his well toned chest, beautiful deep blue eyes, strong full lips and long drawn out deep voice. Feeling her heart race as she seen every part of her Indiana Jones come to life.

He knew he was scaring her, he could see her shiver. Still taking his time, he allowed her to watch, to admire.

"Stand up Claire...I want to see you're beautiful body." He could see the ache in her eyes. he could see her shame as she knew her body was still bruised. Trying to reach for the light, he wouldn't let her. "Listen to me Claire...I don''t care about any bruises, I don't care about any scars or imperfections. The only thing I care about is loving the real you."

Seeing her tears fall, he refused to take her into his arms. He knew if he did, she would never be able to overcome her own imperfections. She needed to accept her scars, for they were a part of her strength, her will to survive. Slowly with caution, Claire unbuttoned her shirt. Watching as she slipped it off, Anthony admired her beautiful pearly skin.

Watching his expression for any signs of shame, she couldn't see it. "You are so beautiful Claire. Look at you, I can see so much passion in your soul." To frightened to speak...standing before each other, he could see her bruises that had still yet to fade.

Oh yes...he knew he was going to have to use extreme care and gentleness when he touched her. Reaching out to her, she moved herself into his arms, allowing him to wrap her in their warmth. "Just breathe Claire...that's it...slow calm breaths." "When she had calmed down a little, he began tracing fingertip caresses across her back.

"Anthony?" "Yeah Claire?" "What if I'm no good? What if I can't satisfy you?" "Then I have no one to blame but myself Claire. For I can feel your body already responding to mine, and I haven't even begun to show you all the wonderful seductive ways to make love." Sweeping her up, he laid her gently on the bed.

As he laid down beside her, she curled herself right into him. "It's okay Claire." Carefully laying her back flat on her back, he passiontely kissed her, drugging her, seducing her in his touch. Breaking the kiss, he caressed her neck, stopping to nibble on her ear, taking his time.

"I'm sorry Anthony...so sorry." "Shh...listen Claire, I swear to you I will not be rough, or touch in ways that will hurt you. Please...let me show you the diffrence." She still wasn't sure, she just didn't think she could trust any man that way again. Looking up into his eyes, he kissed her again, in fevered passion.

"I promise from this moment on Claire, that I will love you and boys forever. I'll never hurt you or abandoned you and the boys." Not giving her a chance to respond, he softly took her into their new world. A world that was full of passion, seduction and love.

A short time later, Anthony felt her release her nails from his bloody back. Oh he knew she had gouged him good. But he could care less. The only thing that mattered, was that he knew, he had proven to her that making love could be tender, erotic, and full of endless passion.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Im so glad that she finally trusted him to let himshow her love like she should know, i think the next few chaps will be interesting :)
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Later that night Claire woke to a chill. Opening her eyes she found Anthony had stolen the covers. Turning to face him, she cautiously tried to wake him. Thinking back to the nights she did that with Jimmy and got slapped for it. Taking her fingertips, she pushed gently against his skin.

"Anthony? Anthony..." "Hmm... yeah..what's the matter baby?" "I'm freezing, you've stolen the covers." Opening his eyes he seen her shivering. "Aww...I'm sorry Claire... come here into my arms." Moving in closer, Anthony wrapped her cold flesh close against him.

"How's that Honey?" "Better... thank you." Raising her chin up with his fingertips, he whispered... "I love you Claire... I don't ever want you to be afraid to wake me, shake me, or yell at me. I'll never raise my hands to you. I promise. But I need you to learn to trust me." "I do Tony... that's the funny thing. I trust you with my life."

"Good... cause I have no intention of allowing anyone to hurt our family again." Laying her head back on his shoulder, she fell into sleep, wrapped in his love.

When next they woke it was morning, and the boys were jumping on their bed.

"Tony... mommy... wake up. Come on you two... it's a school day. Mommy... come on, we'll be late." "Alright Jimmy, I'm coming son. Are you dressed?" "Yes mommy. But we need help making our lunches and getting breakfast."

"I'll take them downstairs hon and get them started on breakfast. That way you can dress." Kissing her sweetly, he carried their giggling boys over his shoulders. "Alright guys, what do you want?" "Froot loops please. Me too Tony." Grabbing down the cereal he filled their bowls and made some toast.

"Hi mommy... how you feeling?" "I'm feeling fine Jimmy, thank you for asking." "Mommy... can we have chocolate cookies in our lunches today?" "Of course. What kind of sandwiches would you like?" "PB&J please." With the lunches made, Claire sat down to coffee. "Mmm... this is good. How did you get it not to taste bitter?" "I used a few pinches of salt. It take away the bitterness."

With breakfast out of the way Claire kissed Anthony good bye and took the boys to school. When she arrived she noticed the mothers giving her dirty looks. Not saying anything, she watched her boys walk in to their classroom. Then turning around she tried to leave.

"Claire... how are you?" Coming face to face with the wives of Phillips and Davies she wasn't sure what would happen. "I'm getting better, thanks for asking." "That's good... boy that's some nasty looking scars. Tell me who did it? My husband or Judy's husband?" Claire really didn't want any trouble, Christ she had been through enough already.

"I don't know which one, look I have to go. Take care." Watching her walk away, Claire knew her terror from that night was not over. For now... she had to deal with their wives. After finishing up her two seminars for the new medical students, she headed home. Pulling into the driveway, she ran inside and locked the door. Heading into the kitchen she found the note...

"Claire... had to go open an account here and have my funds transferred. I'll be home as soon as I can. Don't cook, I'll bring home Pizza for us. Love you lots, Tony."

Placing the note back down, she laid her head on the table and cried. *Ding, dong.* "Who is it?" "It's dad Claire bear, open the door love." Opening the door, she wrapped her arms tightly around her father, and cried.

"Hey... what it is love. Come on Claire..talk to me." "I'm sorry daddy. So sorry. I'm so scared." "Scared of what Claire?" "Scared that the Judy and Teresa hate me for killing their husbands. At school today when I dropped off the boys, they were very distant, and angry." "Shh... come on love, calm down. I'm sure they are just confused by what happened."

"I hope you're right daddy. I really do, cause I know I cannot take another beating. I'd rather die first." As Claire finished her words Anthony walked in and heard the last of them. "Claire... what's going on baby? Mac... is she okay? Why would you want to die Claire? Talk to me?" "Calm down son, it's okay."

Taking a minute to calm down, Claire explained everything to Anthony and by the time she was finished, his face was etched in hurt, pain, but most of all anger. As Mac watched him, he could see Anthony's whole demeanor had changed. Leading him to think there may be more to Anthony then what his son had told him.


During afternoon recess Jimmy and James were playing on the swings when Ben and Jerry walked over. "Well, well, if it isn't Jimmy and James. Where's your trampy mom at? Is she out getting it on with other Officers that she can get killed?"

Jimmy and James were only six, they didn't understand what the words meant. All they knew was that Ben and Jerry were Phillips sons, and they were angry. "Ben and Jerry.... what are you two doing on the junior side of the playground?" "Sorry Miss.Pream, we were just talking to Jimmy and James about their mom." "Well get back on the other side... now. You know you are not to be on this side."

Once they left, James turned to Jimmy and asked..."what's a trampy mom?" "I don't know James, we will have to ask mommy when we get home." "Oh... but why are those boys mad at us?" "I think they're mad cause mommy had their dads killed." "They're not going to hurt us now...are they?" "No... don't worry James, I'll protect you."

As much as James wanted to believe that, he knew those boys were to big for his brother or him to handle alone.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

No...they didn't get the chance, they tried but she fought back. She just got beat badly, and then the glass from the mirror that cut her face. :)

The kids were just being smart.

Cancel this mess
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Yeah, I figured the boys had heard their mother, but I forgot the husbands were still alive. I was thinking that they got shot by the police. I don't know why I thought that. Sorry, I get confused easily. Apparently I didn't have enough coffee today. :lol:
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Damn you're right. they did. I'll have to try and find a way to fix that.

I'm the one that's slow. What would I do without you:p

All fixed...hehe, thankies:lol:
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

So go ahead and post it and tell us teh rest. Why not tell them the truth?
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

This chapter has been fully corrected. Thanks to GNRF for catching my errors.:)

Repost so my readers don't get confused by above posts.

Later that night Claire woke to a chill. Opening her eyes she found Anthony had stolen the covers. Turning to face him, she cautiously tried to wake him. Thinking back to the nights she did that with Jimmy and got slapped for it. Taking her fingertips, she pushed gently against his skin.

"Anthony? Anthony..." "Hmm... yeah..what's the matter baby?" "I'm freezing, you've stolen the covers." Opening his eyes he seen her shivering. "Aww...I'm sorry Claire... come here into my arms." Moving in closer, Anthony wrapped her cold flesh close against him.

"How's that Honey?" "Better... thank you." Raising her chin up with his fingertips, he whispered... "I love you Claire... I don't ever want you to be afraid to wake me, shake me, or yell at me. I'll never raise my hands to you. I promise. But I need you to learn to trust me." "I do Tony... that's the funny thing. I trust you with my life."

"Good... cause I have no intention of allowing anyone to hurt our family again." Laying her head back on his shoulder, she fell into sleep, wrapped in his love.

When next they woke it was morning, and the boys were jumping on their bed.

"Tony... mommy... wake up. Come on you two... it's a school day. Mommy... come on, we'll be late." "Alright Jimmy, I'm coming son. Are you dressed?" "Yes mommy. But we need help making our lunches and getting breakfast."

"I'll take them downstairs hon and get them started on breakfast. That way you can dress." Kissing her sweetly, he carried their giggling boys over his shoulders. "Alright guys, what do you want?" "Froot loops please. Me too Tony." Grabbing down the cereal he filled their bowls and made some toast.

"Hi mommy... how you feeling?" "I'm feeling fine Jimmy, thank you for asking." "Mommy... can we have chocolate cookies in our lunches today?" "Of course. What kind of sandwiches would you like?" "PB&J please." With the lunches made, Claire sat down to coffee. "Mmm... this is good. How did you get it not to taste bitter?" "I used a few pinches of salt. It take away the bitterness."

With breakfast out of the way Claire kissed Anthony good bye and took the boys to school. When she arrived she noticed the mothers giving her dirty looks. Not saying anything, she watched her boys walk in to their classroom. Then turning around she tried to leave.

"Claire... how are you?" Coming face to face with the wives of Phillips and Davies she wasn't sure what would happen. "I'm getting better, thanks for asking." "That's good... boy that's some nasty looking scars. Tell me who did it? My husband or Judy's husband?" Claire really didn't want any trouble, Christ she had been through enough already.

"I don't know which one, look I have to go. Take care." Watching her walk away, Claire knew her terror from that night was not over. For now... she had to deal with their wives. After finishing up her two seminars for the new medical students, she headed home. Pulling into the driveway, she ran inside and locked the door. Heading into the kitchen she found the note...

"Claire... had to go open an account here and have my funds transferred. I'll be home as soon as I can. Don't cook, I'll bring home Pizza for us. Love you lots, Tony."

Placing the note back down, she laid her head on the table and cried. *Ding, dong.* "Who is it?" "It's dad Claire bear, open the door love." Opening the door, she wrapped her arms tightly around her father, and cried.

"Hey... what it is love. Come on Claire..talk to me." "I'm sorry daddy. So sorry. I'm so scared." "Scared of what Claire?" "Scared that the Judy and Teresa hate me for killing their husbands. At school today when I dropped off the boys, they were very distant, and angry." "Shh... come on love, calm down. I'm sure they are just confused by what happened."

"I hope you're right daddy. I really do, cause I know I cannot take another beating. I'd rather die first." As Claire finished her words Anthony walked in and heard the last of them. "Claire... what's going on baby? Mac... is she okay? Why would you want to die Claire? Talk to me?" "Calm down son, it's okay."

Taking a minute to calm down, Claire explained everything to Anthony and by the time she was finished, his face was etched in hurt, pain, but most of all anger. As Mac watched him, he could see Anthony's whole demeanor had changed. Leading him to think there may be more to Anthony then what his son had told him.


During afternoon recess Jimmy and James were playing on the swings when Ben and Jerry walked over. "Well, well, if it isn't Jimmy and James. Where's your trampy mom at? Is she out getting it on with other Officers that she can get killed?"

Jimmy and James were only six, they didn't understand what the words meant. All they knew was that Ben and Jerry were Phillips sons, and they were angry. "Ben and Jerry.... what are you two doing on the junior side of the playground?" "Sorry Miss.Pream, we were just talking to Jimmy and James about their mom." "Well get back on the other side... now. You know you are not to be on this side."

Once they left, James turned to Jimmy and asked..."what's a trampy mom?" "I don't know James, we will have to ask mommy when we get home." "Oh... but why are those boys mad at us?" "I think they're mad cause mommy had their dads killed." "They're not going to hurt us now...are they?" "No... don't worry James, I'll protect you."

As much as James wanted to believe that, he knew those boys were to big for his brother or him to handle alone.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

I really liked this chapter with the love and the hate it had so many emotions, loved the ending with the boys, i just hope they are safe :) I wonder f they'll ask Tony about those boys words...
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Thank for the reviews:)

Just as Mac was heading out the door, James and Jimmy walked in.

"Papa... hi papa. Where's nana?" "She's at home Jimmy J. How was school?" "It was scary papa." "Scary... Why?" "Cause Ben and Jerry said that mommy was trampy and they wanted to know if she was out having more Officers killed. What is trampy papa?" "You never mind son. Did they threaten you or Jimmy?" "No papa...they just talked about mommy."

"Hey my boys. How was school?" "It was scary mommy. Ben and Jerry were mean to us. They said you were trampy. What's trampy mommy?" Claire teared up. "Listen my boys, Tony has Pizza in the kitchen. What do you say we keep this between us?" "You mean not tell Tony?" "That's right Jimmy, promise me." "I promise mom." "Me too mommy, I promise too"

"That's my boys, now go get your Pizza." Running into the kitchen Mac reached for his daughter and whispered..."Claire bear... why didn't you want the boys to tell Tony?" "I don't know dad. I guess cause I'm not really sure about him yet. I mean... I know I'm falling in love with him, but I still can't feel one hundred percent comfortable. Yet I know I trust him with my life. It's so confusing."

"It would be love. You've been through hell and survived. Is there some other reason why you don't feel sure?" "No...I think it's more that I'm just not ready." "Okay love. I"m going to get going. If you need anything, call me. I love you Claire bear." "I love you too daddy. Give mom a kiss me for me." "I will love, bye."

Closing the door Mac headed over to NYPD to speak with Don.

Back in the kitchen the boys were munching away on their Pizza. "Good Pizza boys?" "Mhmm.. it's great mom. Is papa gone?" "He is. But we'll be seeing him soon. In fact... I think on friday for nana's baby shower." "Eww... do we have to go and see a bunch ladies? Can't we stay with Tony for the day?"

"Umm... of course you can. If it's okay with Tony." "Can we Tony? Can we stay with you?" "I don't see why not. We can have a boys day out." "Yay...you're so cool Tony. Come on James let's go play Wii." Once the boys were out of earshot Tony wrapped Claire in his arms.

"You okay sweetheart?" "Yeah...I'll be fine." Looking into her eyes, he said... "You know that nothing will happen to you or the boys right? You know I'll protect you all with my last breath, don't you Claire?" "I do Tony... but hopefully it don't come to that." Releasing herself from his arms, she started the dishes.

When Mac got to the station he ran into both Don and Danny.

"Hey Mac... what brings you here?" "I need some information on Tony." "What kind of information?" "His background, record check, everything and anything." Don and Danny were trying not to laugh. They had already done that. "What's so funny?" "Relax Mac... the guy is clean. He's got one assault charge five years back for protecting his sister. The judge threw it out of Court."

"Oh... I should have known you two would have it under control." "Of course we do. That's our baby we are talking about. The most Danny and I can see with Tony is that if it ever came down to Claire and the boys being hurt, he may fall over the edge." "Yeah Mac... here's the case file from five years ago. Like Don said... if anything, he's over protective."

"Then we may have to watch him soon." "What? Why Mac?" "Claire and the boys are having trouble with the wives of Phillips and Davies. It seems my grandchildren were spoken too by Ben and Jerry, Phillips sons." "Did they threaten them?" "No... they mentioned to the boys that their mother was a tramp out to get more Officers killed."

"Aww... I'm sorry Mac. We had no idea. Is Claire okay?" "I'm not sure yet. It seems the wives are very upset with her. She's pretty shaken up. That's why I worry about Tony, and Claire must see it too. For she wouldn't let the boys tell him about the words, Ben and Jerry said to them." "Alright Mac. We'll watch over Claire, and I'll have a visit with Judy and Teresa."

"Thanks... keep me informed on this." "We will Mac. See ya." Leaving the station, Mac headed home to his wife, so they could start the Nursery for their new baby.

"Mac... is that you?" "It is love. Have Gary and Donna got everything moved yet?" "They do... how's are daughter doing hon?" "She's surviving. Though she 's having a hard time with Phiilips and Davies wives." "Aww... you're kidding. When is she going to get a break from all this? I just don't know how much more she can take."

Walking into the Nursery he seen his wife standing on the ladder. "Get down from there love. You know you're not supposed to stretch." "Oh for goodness sakes, calm down." helping her down, he whispered... "I should spank you for that." "Mmm... please, I'd like that," she winked. Wrapping her arms tighter around him they kissed in fevered passion.

Meanwhile... Don knocked on Teresa's door.

"Hey Don... what brings you here?" "I came to see you and your boys." "Oh really? What about Don. Last time I checked you could care less." "Yeah... well now I do. So let me in." "I don't think so, but thanks for stopping by." Sticking his foot in her door, he said... "I'm going to give you one warning. You and Judy stay away from Claire and her children. She's been through enough hell."

"Hell she started Don. If she didn't go around sleeping with our men, because hers couldn't satisfy her. Then she deserved what she got." "You are rude Teresa, you also have no clue as to what went on. It was Jimmy, your husband and Judy's that tried to sell torturous videos of Claire. It was their sick obsession that got them killed. You have no right to blame Claire... she did nothing wrong."

"So you say Don... now get the hell away from my door, before I charge you for trespassing." Moving his foot, she slammed the door in his face. Walking down the stairs he seen Phillip's boys smiling. Then the youngest boy Ben, put up his finger and thumb like a gun. Taking aim at Don as he walked away.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

These kids need to be taught a lesson before they get anyone into trouble, im just hoping they dont hurt any one.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

^ I agree, Natty.

Maybe the widows would be more compassionate if they knew the hell that Jimmy put Claire through and the fact that he filmed it too. If they knew how Jimmy was then they would realize that Claire was way too afraid of him to ever cheat on him.
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