CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

what's the last line mean?

It just means that she couldn't help the next person that was calling for her guidance, for it was to late for them to be healed.:) You'll find out more about Delilah's background soon.

As for Claire going home, that's coming in the next part.:)

Thanks for the reviews guys
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Going home

"Mommy...we are here. Are you ready to come home?" "I am James the bear. Just let mommy grab her bag. Where's Tony and Jimmy?" "They are coming. Hey mommy...have you seen Delilah? I wanna say good bye." "Hmm...come to think of it, no. Why don't you go ask at the nurses station."

Running down the hall James pulled on the nurses skirt. "Hey...hey nurse lady." "Well...hello James the bear, are you here to get mommy?" "We are...but where is Delilah? I want to say good bye." "Ohhh...umm...why don't we go see mommy, okay?"

Taking him by the hand they walked back into the room. "Claire...I need to share some news with you and your family. Where are they?" "We are right here...hey honey, you ready to come home?" "Mm..I am. But Nurse Betty has some information for us first."

"Sure...shoot." "Umm...our long term resident was transferred yesterday to a long term care facility." "Oh...you're kidding, can we have the address to go see her?" "Of course you can, I'm sure she'd like that very much. Just give me a few minutes to write the information down for you."

"Umm...Betty? Doesn't she have any family?" "No Claire...she's always been alone. She was a Medium for several years. A good one too. There was not one person or famous actor that she didn't help connect with those that they loved. She took care of all of them. Then when she came here, she brought hope and love to those that needed it. She's going to be sadly missed here, that's for sure. Anyways, I'll get you that information."

"Oh Tony...how's she going to handle being alone in a nursing home. Just who is she going to help there?" "Shh...come on Claire, calm down, she'll be fine sweetheart."

Once the nurse left, the doctor walked in. "Good morning Claire. All ready to go home and face life on the outside again?" "Oh would you stop Dr.Heddle. You always make this place sound like a jail." "Trust me...it is," he laughed. Now let's have one last look."

As he checked her scars, he noticed the swelling was just about gone.

"Beautiful Claire. Everything has healed nicely. I'm going to give you some cream for your scars. Apply this twice daily. It will help conceal them a bit. Then if you decide in a few weeks you would like the plastic surgery, you can let us know.

Now... where is the appointment for your Physio? Ahh..here it is. It's very important you keep these appointments, otherwise that elbow will never function normally. I'm also giving you some Oxy, you don't have to take it. It's just once you start your sessions, you'll be in alot of pain, so you may need it...and on that note, you and your family are free to go."
Laughing he left the room.

"He worries me sweetheart?" Laughing, Claire had to admit he worried her too.

"Mommy...when can we see Delilah?" "How about this afternoon. We'll drop my bags off at home, then head over there." "Yay...awesome. Thanks mommy, let's go Jimmy, we get to see Delilah."

Meanwhile Jess was jumping up and down. "I"m not fat. I'm not fat...na,na,nanana.." "Jess get off the bed before you fall and hurt our child." Catching her in his arms, he placed on her butt on the bed. "Behave Jess. Now get dressed, we have the doctors appointment in an hour."

God she was hyper. Poor Don had been trying to get her settled all morning. Once she was dressed, they headed out the door.

"Umm...Donnie...honey...can we stop and get a double fudge brownie sundae?" "If you stop jumping around and acting like a child, yes."

"Alright...I'm sorry, it's just so exciting Donnie. We actually made another child from our love."

When they pulled into the parking lot Jess's whole attitude changed.

"Good afternoon. Jessica Flack here to see Dr.Grahill." "Okay...you can have a seat Mrs.Flack. The doctor will see you shortly." Sitting down Don looked around the room. God he felt out of place. Not one expectant father or mother were over thirty.

"Excuse me...are you two having a baby?" "We are." "Wow...hey Robert...this couple are expecting. I told you older people in their late forties could concieve. These two are proof." Don lowered his head, Christ how embarrassing. What the hell was wrong with kids today?"

"It's okay honey...you should be proud. You still got it. So what if they call us old, we know were not." Kissing him passionately, the doctor called them in.

"Mr.Mrs Flack...the doctor will see you now." All Don could think was..."thank Christ." "Jess if you could come with me, I'll do your weight, and blood pressure, then I'll need a urine sample." Once they had finished their appointment, Don took Jess for her double fudge sundae.

Back at home, Claire walked towards her boys room, as she neared her door, she couldn't turn the knob. How could she, when all she could see was that horrid night when everything changed. Leaving her bag outside her own door she walked back downstairs. For she knew she couldn't face any part of that night.

"You boys ready too go?" "Are you sure mommy? You look tired, we can wait till tomorrow if you want." "No guys, grab your coats and let's go." Once they were in the car, Anthony said..."I forgot something Claire, I'll be right back." Heading back into the house, Tony knew Claire was hiding something.

Heading up the stairs he seen her bag at the door, and whispered...

"damn Claire, why didn't you just say you were scared of entering your room. Hell...for that matter Anthony you idiot, you should have known." Running back down the stairs, he knew this was something he and Claire would have to work on later. Starting the car, he reached over and took her hand, while he drove.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

:lol: at Don telling Jess to stop acting like a bouncy child.

Poor Claire. Hopefully Anthony's love will help her heal.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When they arrived at the Long Term Care Facility they seen Delilah sitting out front.

"Delilah...Delilah...we came to see you." "Well...hello Jimmy and James bear. How are you?" "We are good, but we miss you Delilah...how come they made you leave the Hospital?" "Slow down Jimmy, give Delilah time to speak." "Sorry mommy. So why Delilah?" "Well Jimmy...they finally had an opening here for me. This is where I should have been a while ago. But they had no spaces available, and now they do. So I'm here."

"But how are you going to help people Delilah...there's no one to help here?" "Yes there is child...there are so many broken souls here. So many other hurtful people who would love to hear from their families who have gone before them. So this is the perfect place for me child." "Are you sure Delilah? You could always come live with us, mommy won't mind. Will you mommy?"

"Hmm...it's an idea. We do have the extra room." "Aww...that's a lovely jester Claire...but this is where I shall stay. I'm needed here, please try and understand." "Fine...but we can see you all the time right? And maybe we can bring you home with us on some week-ends?" "You know what James the bear? That we can do. I promise child...that we will do."

"Cool...so what can we do now? Is there a game room or anything?"

"There is James, come along and I'll show you child. They have a nice big one for families who visit." Once the kids were off playing Claire had time spend with Delilah. "So tell me child...how are you feeling now?" "Better...my face is still sore and tender, but most of my other bumps and bruises are fading."

"I meant your soul child...I sense you are still hurting. I can feel pain, agony,hurt coming from inside." "I'll be fine Delilah...as you said, I need to work it out." "You know what child? I have faith in that. Do you know why? You have a wonderful partner to help you through it." Hugging Delilah close Claire didn't want to let go.

"Shh...come now Claire. You're a survivor love. You've made it through the worst of it." "I know...I just wish you would come home with us." "Aww child...another time and place I would have. But now...now I'm to set in my ways to live with anyone child. This is my life, I've always been on my own. I'm what you call a free spirit. So many people still need me Claire. I can't leave all those lost, torn souls behind."

Wiping away her tears, the boys came to say good-bye.

"So you will stay with us this week-end right Delilah?" "I promise James the bear. We will spend the whole week-end together." Running up James hugged her tight. "I love you Delilah..I love you so much." "I love you too child. You take care of your family." "I will I promise." Letting go of Delilah Jimmy hugged her next, and gave her a kiss on her cheek. "I love you Delilah...we'll see you on friday."

Watching as they left, Delilah had a lone tear in her eye.

"Looks like you've found yourself a family who loves you Delilah." "I have...and God couldn't have blessed me with a better one."

When Claire, Anthony and the boys got home, she told them to get ready for bed. "Are you going to come tuck us in mommy?" "Yeah mommy...we missed you tucking us in." "Umm...not tonight boys, I'm sure Tony can do it." "Aww...please mommy?" "Alright, let's go." As they neared the top Claire could feel herself begin to panic. She could feel her heart begin to race.

"Well mommy...come on. What are you waiting for?" "I'm sorry boys, I can't." Running back downstairs she left the boys standing there.

"Claire...Claire...come back." Knowing he couldn't leave the boys alone, he had to call her dad.

"Hello." "Mac...it's Tony. We have a problem. Claire took off, I can't chase her, and leave the boys alone." "Okay Tony...calm down, I'll call her Uncle Danny." Hanging up the phone Mac called Danny, while Anthony put the boys to bed.

As Danny parked his bike near the park, he knew exactly where he'd find her. On their swings. The swings they played on, and engraved their names on when she was younger. "Hey kiddo...what brings you here to our old stomping grounds?" "I just needed some air Uncle Danno. Can you push me like you use too?" "I can try. Though you're alot heavier now," he winked.

"Uncle Danno...have you ever been afraid to face anything? Like really afraid that if you did, all those memories would come flooding back." "Lots of times kiddo. It's never easy going back, but we all have to face what haunts us. If we don't, then we may as well cower in a corner for the rest of our lives." Stopping the swing, he pulled Claire infront of him. Then looking into her eyes, he kissed her smartly on her lips, like he did when she was a little girl.

"You are a survivor kiddo. If you could survive that hellish beating. Then you can survive facing where it happened. Besides that...your Uncle Donnie tells me that Tony has become your strength. Use that Claire, let him help you through this pain." "I miss being a little girl." "Why would you miss being a little squirt?" "Cause...when I was little I didn't have to face anything. For I was too young to understand."

"Well...you are still my little squirt Claire, no matter how old you get. Your Uncle Donnie and I will always be here to pick you up." Jumping onto his back, he piggybacked her to his bike. "Ahhh...my Harley. Can I drive Uncle Danno?" "In your dreams squirt. Remember you asked me if I had any haunts?" "Yeah..." "Well you and my Harley are one of them."

"Augh...how rude Uncle Danno," she laughed. Hopping onto his bike, he drove her home to her boys and Anthony.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When Claire walked back into the house, the boys and Anthony were waiting, as she neared them, they ran up and hugged her. Tackling her to the ground, they cried.

"Please don't run away again mommy. Don't leave us behind. We are here for you, we wanna help you. All you had to do was tell us you were scared mommy. We love you...we love you so much." Wrapping her boys tighter, all Anthony could hear was little whispered cries of "I'm sorry too my babies. Mommy's so sorry."

Still not letting her up, Anthony sat down beside them. He loved the closeness of this family. He loved how cherished Claire's boys were by her, and her family. So much love, love that is never found between most families. Yet here they were. The Taylor's, proof that unconditional love and understanding does exist.

After a few minutes, Claire took her boys the hands, and neared the stairs. Breathing deep she felt Anthony touch her shoulder. "You ready Claire?" Looking down at her boys, then at Anthony with fresh tears, they ascended the stairs. Nearing the top, she squeezed her boys hands.

"I'ts okay mommy...we got you. Just take one step at a time. I promise we will keep you safe mommy."

When they neared the door, Jimmy Jr opened it. "It's okay mommy...you can look, honest." She just couldn't move, her eyes just wouldn't open, as he body began to tremble. "It's okay Claire...Jimmy, James, maybe we should give mommy somemore time. We'll try again tomorrow. For now let's get you two into bed." "But mommy always helps Tony?"

"I know that son, but haven't I been doing it for the last few weeks?"

"Yeah...I guess you're right. I love you mommy." "I love you too boys, give me big kisses." Kissing their mommy they seen more tears. "Aww..come on mommy, it's okay, we understand. We love you." Watching them walk into the room, Claire sat on the floor, and listened to Anthony tell her boys a story.

Meanwhile Stella was searching the cupboards for her hidden Peanut Butter. "Mom...what are you up too?" "Oh hey baby...I thought you and Donna went to see your new place?" "We did mom, we move in tomorrow. So again...what are you looking for?" "Umm...hmm..oh I know. An apple." Reaching into the fridge she grabbed an apple and bit into it.

"Where's your dad Gary?" "He's laying down on the couch." "Okay...I need to go out for a bit. If he wakes up tell him I had to go get some milk." "Mom...the fridge is full of milk. Where are you really going?" "Just to the store son. Don't worry." "I do worry mom, it's almost ten, how bout I come with you?"

"Oh for God sakes...forget it then." Storming out of the kitchen Gary tried not to laugh. He knew damn well his mom was craving again. But he also heathed his fathers warning about his mom's health. Following her out, he watched her pick up Jess, then he seen the chocolate in his daughter hands.

"Psst...Jess...give nana a bite?" Giggling Jess passed the chocolate bar up to her nana. But just as it neared her mouth, Gary placed his hand over it.

"Forget it mom. Try that again and I wake dad." "Oh for crying out loud...when did you say you were moving out?" Gary seen the smile across his fathers face. "Very funny dad, get up and control mom before she turns into an animal."

"All I want is some peanut butter, I haven't had any junk today." "Alright love...get on your shoes, and we'll go get you some peanut butter cups." Jumping up, she had her shoes on even before Mac got off the couch.

Over at the Flack's Jess had finally settled down in Don's arms. Watching the movie she reached for his arms, and wrapped then tighter around her.

"You cold Jess?" "No...I'm just really affectionate tonight. I want to feel you Donnie, I want you to feel me everywhere." She whispered seductively.

Moving his hand down her thigh, she sighed into his mouth, as she felt his hand slide. God his touch was melting her in a raging fever, as she couldn't control her needs and felt herself let go into his kiss. Knowing her cries were forcing him to lose control, he picked her up and carried her to their room.

Laying her on the bed, he was about to undress her when the doorbell rang. "Hold on Jess, I'll be right back." "Umm..Donnie...you might want to wait, she giggled. Else you will send our unexpected guest running." Looking he noticed it too. "Damn...okay...maybe you should get the door."

Getting up Jess asked..."Who is it?" "It's me mom, open the door."

"Donna...what are you doing out this time of night alone?" "Oh would you stop mom. I'm an adult for crying out loud. I need to grab those boxes, we're moving tomorrow." "Oh...they are by the door. How's Stella feeling?"

"Alright...she's craving like crazy. But Mac's keeping the peanut butter out of the house. Though because she was good today, he took her out to buy her one chocolate bar."

"Hehe...poor Stel. Knowing her she'll get peanut butter cups." "She is...so how are you feeling mom?" "Umm...really good. Your dad and I were just getting ready for bed." "Oh God...I know that look mom. You two were being naughty." "Shh...honey....bring those boxes for our daughter." Coming out of the room Donna tried not to laugh, her poor dad looked so frustrated.

"Don't worry daddy, I'm going." Kissing them both, she left with the boxes.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Loved Stella and her peanut butter :lol: BUt the ending was great, loved Donna knowing that they were being 'naughty' :devil:
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

:lol: at Stella and at don and jess being interrupted by donna.

awww at claire and the boys.
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