CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Aww, that's so sweet. I was hoping Deliah would come back to speak to Anthony. Great chapter!
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Two days Later...Early Evening

"Mmm...owww..." Hearing Claire's cries Anthony woke from sleep. "Claire...oh Claire, you're awake. Let me call the Nurse." Pushing the call button Anthony knew she was pain. "Are you in alot of pain Claire?"
"Trying to move her swollen lips, she sobbed out..."yes".

"Anthony...what is it?" "She's awake and in alot of pain. Help her, please." "Okay Anthony, calm down. That's it. Now Claire...where does it hurt honey?" The Nurse could see her tears pouring from her eyes, but she also needed to know where she was hurting before she drugged her again.

"Eeevywere..." "Everywhere? Okay honey...I'm going to give a fair size dose okay? Just tell me when the pain starts to ease. Watching Claire's expression, she whispered..."now." "Alright honey. That should help you for a while. The Doctor will be here shortly. Would you like to try a sip of water?" taking the water with the sippy straw, Claire took a small sip.
With the Nurse out of the room, Anthony took Claire's hand in his. "I love you Claire...I love you so much, you scared us half to death. We thought we lost you." Squeezing his hand, to let him know it was okay, Mac walked in with the boys.

"Mooooooooooommy...we missed you mommy." Looking at her boys caused her to tear up again. Her only thought being, thank God they were alive. She also knew in her heart that her dad must have to talked to them about her face, for they weren't shocked, by her looks.

"How is she Anthony?" "The Nurse just dosed her, she woke up in pain. But she's taken some water. "Good. Hi my Claire bear...how you doing my baby?" Nodding her head yes, Mac leaned in and kissed her. "Mom sends her love, but she's just not feeling well with this pregnancy. But don't worry, she's healthy, just really tired."

"Tony...how much longer before mommy can come home?" "It will be a while yet Jimmy, but you'll get to see her everyday." "Can we kiss her?"

"Of course you can. Lifting Jimmy first, he kissed his mommy on her swollen lips, and whispered..."I love you mommy." Then doing the same with James, he cried. "Aww...come on James, it's okay." Cuddling into Anthony's neck, he squeezed his arms around him tight.

Claire knew it would be harder on James, he was the tender, quiet one. Jimmy was the strong, leader type like his father. "How about you just tell mommy you love her?" Turning to face his mommy he said..."I love you mommy." Nodding her head again, James knew she loved him too.

"Good evening everyone, I'm Dr.Heddle. If you could all wait outside I'm going to remove the bandages from Claire's face." "What? Already? It's only been two days." "The face heals better if air is allowed to dry the stitches. It's very important her skin dry out a little, else the scaring will be worse. Please try and understand."

With everyone out of the room the doctor started to remove the dressing.

"If at anytime you feel discomfort, let me know Claire...okay?" Unwrapping the badages, he removed the guaze and tested the area for any signs of infection. "It looks good Claire. There's no infection, and the sutures are clean.

"I want to see. Please...let me see." "I don't think that's a good idea right now...you still have alot of swelling." "I said...I want to see." Passing Claire the mirror, he waited for the cries to start. Not hearing anything...he lowered the mirror and found her in silent tears.

"It's okay Claire...you will heal. The scaring will get better, and the swelling will disappear. Turning her face away from the doctor she laid on her side. "Please tell my family to go home. I don't want my boys to see me like this."

Once Mac left with the boys, Gary, Don and Danny walked in. "Hey sis...how the hell are ya? Thought for sure you'd be out of here by now. Must be getting old, huh?" "Get out...I want you all to leave." "What? Claire...what is it sis?" "I said get out...noooooow."

"Alrighty then...everyone must leave, let's go...visiting hours are over for this young lady. She needs rest." "Yes maam...I'll see you tomorrow sis, I love you." Nodding her head they all left but Anthony. "I take it you'll be staying?" "Damn straight. I have no intention of going anywhere."

When everyone was gone Anthony walked up to the bed. "Claire...what is it? Please Claire...look at me." "No...please go home and spend time with the boys." "No Claire...turn around please. I don't care what you look like." Turning to face him Anthony didn't make a sound, he didn't have too, it was written on his face.

As Claire seen his shocked look she tried to turn back over, but Anthony stopped her. "Don't Claire...please. It's only scars. I know my reaction was shocking, but it wasn't meant to hurt you. I love you, no matter what you look like, I love you for what is inside you. You need to understand that Claire, else you'll never heal inside... or out."

"How am I supposed to help my boys understand. They are only six, I look like something out of a horror novel." "God damn it Claire...who gives a care. The boys already know, sure it will be a little shock to their system, but that's normal. As for the rest of the world...who cares what they think, all that matters is me, your family, and your kids. Damn it Claire, you're alive. You made it through a horrendous beating, and over four hours of surgical hell. You still have your life.

Watching her tear up he yelled at her again. "Forget it Claire...your God damn tears aren't going to work on me. Christ I never took you for being vein Claire. Don't tell me I had you pegged wrong." Grabbing a tissue he gently wiped the tears from her swollen cheeks. "Please Claire...you are beautiful. You have a beautiful heart, soul, and spirit. That is what I fell in love with. The inner package. Not your damn face."

Bending down to her level, he held her face carefully. "Say it Claire...I want to hear you say it." with tears running down her cheeks again, she whispered..."I'm beautiful." "Again Claire...I want to hear you say it again." "I'm beautiful...okay...I'm beautiful."

Softly touching her lips, he passionately kissed her. "Yes you are Claire...yes you are. My beautiful surviving angel."
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Aww! That's so sweet!

Does Tony have a brother? :lol:

I loved the last part especially where he called her his angel. I was melting the whole time.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Later that night while Claire slept. Anthony had Mac bring the boys back. Sitting in the waiting room with them, he showed them pictures of their mommy's face.

"Okay my men...I have these pictures to show you of mommy. Now I know she's going to look really scary, and it's okay if you eww. But you need to understand that mommy's face will heal soon. Do you understand?" "Uhuh...can we see them now."

Anthony had to laugh at Jimmy, he was actually excited to see his mommy's face. "You worry me Jimmy." "Why Tony?" Laughing he said..."never you mind." Showing the boys the pictures, James turned away..."that's not my mommy"...he whispered with tears. Jimmy on the other hand was whoaing. "Whoa...look at her...how come she's so fat in the face Tony?"

"Well...mommy has stitches across her head, down her left tearduct and cheek, and alot of bruising on her beautiful face from being hurt by the bad guys that broke in." "Ohhh...,but her lips are fat too, did they punch her there too?" "They did Jimmy. They hurt your mom bad, but she survived and she's going to heal."

"Papa...can I go see mommy again, please?" "Sure son. Tony...you'll be okay with James?" "We'll be fine Mac, you go ahead." While Mac walked down the hall with Jimmy, Tony spent more time with a terrified James.

"James...can you tell me what's scaring you?" "Mommy looks like a monster, I don't mean to hurt her Tony, but she's scary." "Aww...I understand that sport. But you have to remember it's just bruises and bumps, they will go away." "I know...but can't I wait till they are gone?"

Jimmy really tried to contain his laughter, Claire's boys were like night and day. He had never met two sweeter Angels. "You can James, but the problem with that is, once mommy's sutures are removed in four days she'll be coming home. How are you going to avoid her then?"

"I stay with papa...okay Tony. Papa won't mind." "Listen James...I really don't think mommy would like you staying with papa all that time. She loves you too much to have you gone that long. Besides...how can we play Wii if you stay at your papa's?" Anthony hoped his little psychology was working.

"I don't know Tony." "How about we look at the pictures together and I'll help you get use to seeing mommy's face." James still wasn't sure. But he also knew Tony was right. How could they play Wii if he was at papa's.

"Okay Tony...I'll try again for mommy." "That's my big man. You ready?" Nodding his head, he took a deep breath, removed his fingers slowly from his eyes, and peeked.

Meanwhile in Claire's room, Jimmy ran up to the bed and woke his mommy.

"Hey mommy...mommy I'm here, wake up." Opening her eyes she seen her son standing there, then her dad. "Dad? What are you doing back here?" "Tony called us, said we should come see our beautiful angel." "Funny dad."

"What? There's nothing funny about it Claire. Angels come in all different forms, shapes, and faces." Tearing up she sobbed out..."daddy..." "See...angels even cry. Now that's my girl." Embracing her tight, Jimmy climbed carefully between them, trying not to hurt his mommy's arm. "Hey...I want huggies too. Share papa." Laughing they sandwich Jimmy between them.

Back in the hall Tony had James just about ready when Delilah walked by.

"Well...my, my, you must be James the bear. Your mommy has told me all about you." James stood behind Tony, peeking out. "You're an angel...you're glowing." Tony couldn't see her glowing anywhere. "Why thank you James. That's very nice of you too say. So...are you going to see your mommy?"

"Uhuh...but I'm still kinda scared. She looks like a monster. I don't mean to say that...but she does." "Aww...you listen to Delilah, James the bear. When you walk into your mommy's room, you just look right in her eyes and tell her how much you love her. Then you tell her how you feel. I promise you...mommy will help you understand. For her love for you and your brother is unique and lovingly special, that she'll not be hurt by your confession."

You wanna come?" "I'll tell you what. You go with Tony here, and I'll stop by later." Walking out from Anthony's leg, James hugged Delilah. "Tell my cousins I miss them...bye." Running down the hall James left Tony behind.

"You are very lucky Tony...you've been blessed with a beautiful family who will love you... always. Your sister was right. She said that you would find love here."

Walking away from Tony, he watched as she headed into another patients room. Listening at the door he heard the same words. "Dennis...come with me child. Your mommy would like to hug you." Turning around Anthony walked towards Claire's room with tears in his eyes. "I love you sis, thank you."
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

I loved the James and Tony moment with the pics, and I love the help and guidenve fom Delilah :)
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

"Hey...I want huggies too. Share papa."

:lol: That's just precious!

Walking out from Anthony's leg, James hugged Delilah. "Tell my cousins I miss them...bye."

Aww! That line brought tears to my eyes.

I absolutely love how great Tony is with the boys. He's so patient and understanding and loving. :adore:

Love Deliah. Great character! :)
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When Mac got home with the boys, he checked on Stella.

"Sweetheart...how are you feeling now?" "Good Mac...how'd it go with the boys and Claire?" "Not bad actually. Jimmy seems to have no problem with their mothers face, James is still a little hesitant, but he's getting better. So...are you up for that New Years party? Gary and Donna are watching the boys."

"Sure...I guess we could go for a while. Just let me shower and dress." Walking towards the washroom Mac stopped her. "What is it Mac?" "It's you Stella...everytime I see our child nestled within you it brings tears to my eyes. God Stel...we are so blessed to have been given this opportunity again."

Feeling the warmth of Mac's hands as they slid under her blouse caressing her tummy, she moaned out a soft, seductive purr. Then she felt his fingertips dance along the waist line of her pants, unclipping them as they dropped to her legs exposing her beautiful body to him. So many memories came flooding back.

Memories of each time Stella was pregnant and Mac couldn't keep his warm strong hands off her. Always leaving her breathless in his caresses, kisses, and love. Always it seemed funny to her why he always became aroused from just watching her move.

"Mac...if you don't stop...we'll never get out of here tonight." "Would that be so bad love?"

Meanwhile Jess and Don were getting ready for tonights events as well.

"Jess...what's taking you so long? We are going to be late meeting Mac and Stella." "I'm sorry Don...my dress won't fit." "What do you mean it won't fit? We just bought it last week." "I know...the damn thing won't do up past my waist. Oh God...I'm not getting fat am I?"

Don laughed. Leave it to Jess to be polite about her weight. "Let me try Jess." Pulling on the zipper Don couldn't get it to budge. "Christ Jess...what the hell have you been eating?" "What's that supposed to mean, smart ass?" "It means you must be taking in to many calories, what have you been eating?"

"You know what Don? Screw you...go yourself." "Jess...come on Jess why are you being so damn miserable?" "Gee Don...maybe cause you called me fat." "Hey...I never called you fat, you called yourself fat." As they continued to argue, they heard the knock. Answering the door Don seen the Taylor's.

"Come on in guys, Jess is still getting ready. She's having trouble getting into her dress." Walking out a few minutes later Jess was dressed in silk pants and shirt. As Stella looked at her, she could see the tiniest outline of her tummy bulge. "Umm...Jess...can we talk for a minute?"

"Sure Stel...come on into the bedroom." Walking into the room Stella came out and said..."you're pregnant Jess. How long have you known?" "What? Are you insane? I'm not pregnant Stella." "Yes you are Jess. Come here." Walking towards stella, she lifted her shirt up and Stella traced the outline of her tummy.

"When was your last Menstration date Jess?" "Oh God...I can't remember. It's been a couple months. Oh God...we stopped trying Stella. Do you think...are you sure?" "I'm positive Jess. So when are you going to tell Don?" "Oh...oh...I don't know. When should I?" Poor Jess was so excited she just couldn't think straight.

"How about midnight Jess? Tell him at the stroke of midnight." "Oh...good idea, this is wonderful. Let's go." Walking back out Don noticed the change in Jess immediately. "Well you seen happier?" "I am...let's get going, the new year approaches." Kissing her husband sweetly on the lips they all left.

"What the hell is that about love?" "Jess and Don are pregnant. Don just doesn't know it yet." "Are you serious? Oh this is going to be great. I suppose she is telling him at midnight?" "Uhuh...and we are going to be there, to see your best friend and mine faint."

Laughing Mac couldn't agree more.

Back at the Hospital Tony left to get them some dinner. While he was gone Delilah stopped by on her travels.

"Hello child. Look at you, all beautiful and healthy again." Claire cried...she was hoping to see her guiding spirit again. "Hi Delilah." "Oh my child...don't cry honey. Don't shed your beautiful tears for me. I'm here with you, Delialh is always here Claire. I'm never far away child. I met your boys tonight...they are the purest of angels."

"Thanks...they loved you too, James said you are an angel." "Aww...that's so nice, but I'm just a simple soul seeker child. Helping bring broken and lost souls home. Tell me my child, what is troubling you?" "Anthony...I so badly want to trust him Delilah...but I'm so scared and unsure. I can feel myself wanting to hold him, caress him, and love him. But then I get so terrified when the time comes."

"Claire my child...I know what Jimmy did you was traumatizing, horrible, and unforgettable. But you have to learn to let go of that child. You have to learn to trust and love again in Tony. I can honestly tell you Claire...that Tony will love you and your boys unconditionaly, with understanding and patients. He's scared too Claire. He's scared to touch you the wrong way, afraid he might hurt you, or bring back your haunting memories of Jimmy."

"So how do we get by it Delilah? How do we both learn to heal and trust in ourselves?" "One step at a time child. Just trust in the warmth, the love, and the rest will fall into place on its own. You will both know together when you are ready. I must go now child...I'm being called. I love you Claire...you and your family will heal and make new wonderful memories."
Closing her eyes, Claire felt the gentle caress of Delilah's hand. Then opening her eyes again, she was gone.

"Hey Claire...I got us some Spaghetti with those giant meatballs from that little Italian restaurant." Looking up Anthony noticed her glow. "Delialh was here, wasn't she Claire? I can see her glow." "Yeah...yeah she was. She came to say good bye." "Aww...don't cry Claire...she'll always be here, she's always here." "I know Tony. Let's eat...I'm starving for some real food."

Back at the Taylor's Donna and Gary had the kids helping with the snacks for the countdown. "Uncle Gary...if we fall asleep before midnight, does that mean we miss the whole year?" "No James...the new year will still be here. It stays from January forst till December thirty first." "Then why do people ring it in?" "Well...it's just to celebrate the new beginings, and putting the past behind you."

"Ohh...so kind of like we all start fresh?" "Exactly...we leave all the old behind, and live for the new." "Cool...I'm gonna make sure I stay awake." Running back in to tell his brother Donna lauhged. "I give them till eight tops, before they are out." Kissing Donna Gary couldn't agree more.

Meanwhile at the party, Mac and Stella were dancing. "Well love, eleven fifty five, should we go find the gang and ring it all in together?" "Mhmm...right after you give me another sweet kiss." "Mm...how can I resist my beautiful wife." Kissing her passionately, they left the floor.

"Alright guys, you all ready? Two minutes to go, and we welcome in 2009." Danny, Adam, Sheldon, their dates, Don and Jess were waiting with their glasses in their hands. "Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one..."Happy New Year...."

As everyone screamed and shouted, Jess yelled above them all.

"Happy New Year Don...we're going to have a baby. All that could be heard was a bang on the floor. "Oh God...help me Stella, he passed out."

"What the hell happened Jess?" "I don't know Danny...I just told him we were going to have a baby," she giggled. Waving a cloth in Don's face, while Mac tapped him with his hand he started coming around.

"Don...Don...you okay man? Don..." Looking at Jess he whispered..."what did you say Jess?" "I said we are going to have a baby. We did it Don." Pulling Jess down on top of him, he kissed her. "God Jess...you've made me the happiest man alive. I still got it. Christ Mac...we both still got it."
Laughing Mac couldn't agree more.

At the Hospital Claire and Anthony had welcomed in their year together too. Leaning over Tony softly, gently kissed her beautiful lips, while whispering..."I love you Claire, always and forever, this will be our year. this is our new begining Claire...yours, mine, and our boys."

Claire looked shocked..."what did you say Tony?" "I said...you, me, and our boys. I want forever Claire, say we can have forever?" Crying at Tony's beautiful words she whispered back..."yes Tony...we can have forever." Sealing it with another soft kiss, Delilah watched from the door.

And as the hour struck it's last toll, she heard a new soul calling for her help. But with a saddened heart...she knew this was one soul that she wouldn't be bringing home. For this one was for God.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Awww, that was a great chapter. I knew Jess was pregnant as soon as she said the pants were too tight. :lol: I can't believe Don said what he said though. Donnie, you should know better than that. :lol:
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

lol at Don

post more, what's the last line mean? And I want CLaire to go home :)
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