CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Thanks for this great chapiter :thumbsup:


Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Thanks for the reviews guys, glad you enjoyed it:)

After Christmas dinner Claire, Jess, and Donna helped with the dishes. "So tell us Claire...is your Indian Jones staying?" "Oh God...I forgot I gave him that name. That was the funniest when we first met. Yeah...he's staying." "Aww...that's so awesome." "It is Donna. So have you and my brother found a place yet?" "We did actually, just three blocks from your place. Isn't that great?"

"Damn straight it is. We'll be able to walk the boys to school together." As they laughed Stella stretched for the peanut butter. "Whoa mom...the doctor told you no straining. I'll get it." Passing her mom the peanut butter she sat down with a spoon. As the girls watched they ewwed.

"Eww..come on mom, do you have to eat it like that? Doesn't it stick to your mouth?" "Mmm...uhuh.." Stella heard someone coming into the kitchen. Hiding the peanut butter behind her back she told the girls to shh." "Hey daddy...what's up?" "Give it to me Stella." "Give you what?"

"Listen love...I can smell it from here. Now pass it over." "Aww...come on dad, give mom a break."

"No...the doctor warned her about her eating habits." Reaching in the fridge he grabbed up an apple. "Now give it to me Stella." Passing him the peanut butter, he gave her the apple instead. "Here...now this is better for you." Walking back out of the kitchen, Stella waited the briefest of moments. Then getting up she grabbed a jar she had hidden under the cupboard.

"Mom...daddy is going to torture you." "Shh...only if you tell. Now be a good girl and get me another spoon." With the dishes finally done, and the evening at an end. Anthony, Claire and the boys headed home with their added gifts. "Mom...I really wish we could have brought the kitties home with us." "I know James, but it won't be much longer. A couple more weeks."

When they got home Anthony helped the boys hook up the Wii, and connected the Lan line for internet access to their laptops. "Tony...can we ride our bikes tomorrow with you?" "Umm..sure. But I don't have a bike." "You can use our mommy's, she has a black one." "She does? She like riding bikes?" "Sort of. She says she likes Harley's better. Uncle Danny always took her out on his."

Laughing Anthony could just imagine Claire on a Harley, with the wind blowing in her face. "What's so funny Tony?" "I could just see your mommy gripping onto your Uncle with a frightening look on her face." Claire was listening at the door. "What frightening look? Mommy was the one driving, Uncle Danny said she's crazy...she's trying to get me killed. It was funny Tony."

"Yeah Tony...it was funny. Didn't think I could ride one. Did ya?" Sitting down beside him and her boys, he pulled her close, as she rested her head on his shoulder, watching them play with the Wii.

Meanwhile...Jessie had walked her way into her nana and papa's room. She just knew those little kittens were in there. Finding them on the floor by her papas bed she plopped down on her bum, pointed her finger, and said..."baby..hi baby." Hearing his daughters voice Gary walked in and found her watching them.

"Jessie...what are you doing in nana and papa's room?" "Babies dada..." Picking her up he held her in his lap. Then gently lifting one of the babies, he showed his little girl. Placing it to her neck, she giggled and scrunched her shoulders, as the kitty tickled her. "Hey guys...what are you two up too?" "Just showing Jessie the kitty. She wandered her way in here again."

"Know what I think Gar?" "What love?" "I think we are going to have too take a couple of these Christmas kittens for Jessie." Smiling...Gary had to agree that it beat a little puppy who would chew your shoe. "I'll talk to the boys. I'm sure they'd be willing to part with two of them. Especially if it means they're staying in the family." "I'm sure they would too Gar...now let's get this little baby girl to bed."

Putting the kitty back down, Gary passed Jessie to Donna, made sure the kittens were warm, and left the room. "Give nana and papa kisses." Making her way up, Jessie kissed her papa, then her nana. Pointing to nana's tummy she said..."baby..see...baby." Laughing Stella sad..."I think she likes that new word. Everything she points to is a baby." "That's our grandbaby, very bright. She sees her Auntie nestled in there."

"Auntie...God dad, that's going to seem so strange. Jessie's Auntie being younger then her." Caressing his wife's tummy Mac knew his son was right. It was going to seem strange for a while, till they all got use to the idea.

Taking Jessie into bed, Mac leaned his wife in closer to his chest, while lifting her shirt with his other hand exposing her swollen tummy. Tracing little circles, and tiny shaped hearts his strokes became wider, and deeper as he could feel her hips raise to meet his touch.

Knowing she was affected by his touch, as much as he was. He carried her in his arms to their room. Standing her over the bed he whispered..."always we do this to each other Stella...always we heat each other in fevered passion from our simple strokes." She couldn't answer, the passion she was feeling from his seductive voice was overwhelming her already shivered senses.

Turning her to face the posts, he wrapped her fingers around the bars with his, while he continued to rain little soft kisses down her nape and back. As he felt her go pliant in his arms, he knew it was time to lay her down. "Maaaaac...I can't..."she panted out as she gripped the pillows from the sensual assault he was giving her. He knew he was draining her, he knew he was making her soul soar again and again, but still he couldn't stop.

He needed more, he needed her scent, her taste, he needed her cries of pleasure, of passion, so wildly out of control as he took her over the edge again. Pulling her tightly into his arms, he allowed her tears of love to soak his chest. All the while continuing to coo and comfort her in his love.

A short time later, while she finally slept, he kissed her, pulled the covers over their drained souls, and fell into sleep.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

:lol: at the thought of Claire driving a harley and freaking Danno out. :lol:

Loved Jessie with the kittens.

Nice Stella/Mac moment. :)
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Loved the part with Jessie and the Killtens, cute :) But I like that Claire seems to have a happy family again :)
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Back at Claire's her and Anthony finally had the boys tucked away for the night. "Hey Claire...you want to play Wii Bowling?" "You're kidding right? I suck at those games." "Aww...come on. It's really easy. It's all interactive. All you do is put your arm back, bring it forward and the ball releases down the little lane." "Fine...one game, cause I know I won't like it."

Setting the game to play, he passed her one of the controllers.

"Okay...just push the A button when it's your turn. Then press B...which is the back button, swing your arm back, bring it forward and let it go." After she watched Anthony she lined up the controller, brought her arm back and tossed the whole controller at the TV screen.

"Aaahh...no Claire...you have to hold the controller. You don't throw it." "Great...now you tell me, thanks alot." Anthony tried not to laugh.

"Alright...let's try again. I'll hold your hand and guide you, ready?" "I think so. Helping her hand extend back, he brought it forward as she released.

*Strike*....as all the pins went down. "Whoa...you're a natural Claire."

Once Claire got into it, she didn't want to stop. Looking at the clock Tony noticed it was three in the morning. "Umm...Claire...it's getting late. I have to be up with the boys soon for a bike ride. I need some sleep." "Ohh...okay...just one more game okay?" "Come on Claire...you've been playing for over seven hours straight." "I know, I'm sorry, it's so addicting."

Knowing he was going to have too be sneaky, he used his controller to shut off the system. "Hey...what happened?" "Huh...I guess it got to hot, it must have shut itself off." "They do that?" Seeing Anthony's smirk, she knew he had shut it off. "Oh that's mean. You killed my game." Gunning towards him, she took a playful swing, as she missed, he tackled her to the ground, and held her there.

Looking into her eyes, he didn't give her a chance to be nervous. Kissing her deeply, with passion, she responed back for the first time with hunger. Tackling him over, so she was on top, she smiled wickedly at him. "Now what are you going to Claire?" Giving him a quizzical look, she really wasn't sure.

Anthony could tell she was thinking again. He also knew it wasn't good. Not wanting her to tense anymore then she had just started too, he sat up with her on his lap, and playfully bit her lip. "Oww...what was that for?" "That is me wanting your kiss." "You know Anthony...sometimes I can't figure you out." "You know what Claire? That's a good thing. It will keep you on your toes."

Using his strength, he picked her right up and carried her to the hall.

"Alright Claire...my room, or yours?" Laughing she whispered..."ours." "Good girl. Running upstairs with her in his arms, he flicked off the light. Placing her on the bed, they both heard the noise. "Shh...you hear that Claire?" "I do...someone is trying to get in." "Call your brother or Uncle."

Picking up the phone she noticed the line was dead. "Anthony...the line is dead. My cell phone is downstairs." "Shh...alright, let's get into the boys room. We will have to scoot them out the window to get help."

"Nooo...they are only six." "Listen Claire...we have no other way out of here. They are already in the house" "Fine...let's go."

Heading into the boys room, they heard the glass break....

"God...they're in." Placing one of the boys chairs against the door, they woke them from sleep. " "Jimmy, James...wake up." "Mmm...what mommy?" "I want you to listen to me carefully, climb out the window, and go next door. Bang on Mrs.Gray's door, tell her to call the Police."

"Why mommy? What's wrong?" "Just go Jimmy and James, hurry." Helping lower them to the grass, they watched as they ran next door.


Seeing the chair fly away from the door, they turned. "Bang...down went Anthony. Claire could feel herself being wrapped back into the world she thought was long gone. Feeling heself snap, knowing she had no choice, she faught her assailants like she was taught. As she could feel her body tire, she faintly heard the sound of sirens in the distance, then the world went black.

At the Hospital....

"Come on, we should have heard something by now," yelled Anthony. "Shh...how's your shoulder?" "It hurts like a bitch, but I'm more concerned for Claire. I didn't even get the chance to tell her I love her yet." "Come on Anthony...don't think like that son, you will." "I'm sorry Mac, I just started bringing her back to trusting men again, then this happens...she said they'd come for revenge."

"Listen Anthony...she faught like a tiger, they didn't get the chance to rape her, sure she'll fall back a little, but I have faith you can still bring her back." "I know...have you heard from Don, Danny, or Gary yet?" "Not yet...but these things take a while, especially with two dead Officers and the Chief's office involved."

"Those two got what they deserved. As far as I am concerned, there should be no questions."

Sitting down, Jimmy and James walked over and wrapped Anthony in their arms. "Tony...mommy will be okay, right?" "She will son, we will help her be okay." Looking down at Jimmy's fist, he seen Claire's necklace.

"Jimmy...where did you find your moms necklace?" "On the floor in our room...it's still warm."

"I know son...it will stay that way. As soon as mommy is out of surgery, we'll put it back on her to help her heal. Then we will never let her slip away from us again." Cuddling in closer to the boys, they waited for news on Claire.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

:lol: at the Bowling part. I love wii bowling. Its sad, but I am much better at bowling games than I am at actual bowling. :lol:

:eek: at the dirty cops breaking in. Glad they got the boys out in time. Poor Claire. I agree with Tony, the ex-cops got what they deserved. And aww at Tony's confession to Mac that he loves Claire.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

7am...four hours later.

"Dad, Anthony...any word yet?" "Not yet son, it's been over four hours now." "How you doing Anthony?" "Not good, I need to see her Gary...but they won't let me." Gary could see Anthony's eyes mist up, as he left to get the boys something to drink. "Let me go see what I can find out." "Forget it son, they won't tell us anything. Just how bad was she when you found her?"

"Pretty bad dad. The top of her forhead, down her right tearduct to her cheek was sliced. Just narrowly missing her eye from the mirror that fell from the dresser. Her left arm was twisted behind her, and she had multiple bruising on her stomach, legs, and thighs." "Det.Taylor?" "Yes Sandra?" "I have the pictures I took for the Chief. would you like to see them before I take them back?"

"Sure...how is she? Did they tell you anything?" "No...they said to be quick so they could get her back to surgery. I'm sorry I wish I could tell you something." It's okay." Opening the envelope he looked at the picutres. "Let me see son?" "I don't think that's a good idea dad." "I said I want to see."

Taking the pictures from his son, Mac tried not to show his emotion, but Christ his daughter was a mess. "Get these back to NYPD before Anthony gets back, this is the last thing he needs to see right now." Mac couldn't even recognize his own daughters face.Sitting down he tried to breath deep.

"You going to be okay dad? What time is mom coming?" "I'm fine son, she should be here shortly, now get going with those pictures." When Anthony returned with the boys he noticed Gary was gone. "Where'd Gary go Mac?"

"He had to go back to the Station, he'll be back shortly." "Tony...how much longer? I miss mommy." "I know Jimmy, I miss her too."
Sitting the boys back on the chairs, their nana walked in.

"How is she Mac? Give me something, anything?" "I'm sorry love, she's still in surgery." "Oh come on...it's been four friggin hours." "Shh...calm down love, it's not good for our baby." "Don't tell me to calm down. This is our daughter. Just how much more God damn hell does she have to go through, before her and my grandbabies are allowed happiness?"

Storming out into the hall, Mac could hear her yelling at the nurse for information. "God...I see where Claire gets it from." "Yeah...Stel's a tough one. If anyone can get information, she can."

"YOU...give me some information on my daughter right now? I said now?" While the Nurse ran down the hall, Stella waited. Coming back with one of the doctors, he asked what the problem was. "What is it maam?" "Look...you've had my daughter in surgery for over four hours now, I want some answers."

"Where's your family?" "We are all down the hall in the waiting room." "Okay...let's go." Walking back into the room Stella sat down beside Mac, waiting for the doctor to begin. "We've given your daughter twenty stitches on the right side of her head and twenty-two down her face. We also had to place screws, and pins in her right elbow. Along with two busted ribs, and severe bruising to the stomach, legs and thighs."

"She's going to heal though, right?" "She will. She'll have very minimal scaring on her face. As the sutures we used were very fine. She'll need Physio for her arm once it heals, every else will be fine with time." "Thank you, can we see her now?" "She's very heavily sedated. She may not even recognize who you are. You also need to be prepared. The swelling in her face has not gone down yet, so she will not look like your daughter. But as long as you make it short, that's fine."

Looking over at Anthony, Stella knew there was no way her grandbabies could see their mom like that. "You and Mac go first Stella. It's okay. I'll see her when you two are done." Walking over Stella kissed him. "Thank you Anthony." Heading to their daughters room, Stella took Mac's hand and pulled him back.

"It's okay love. Breathe deep...ready?" Holding back her tears, she nodded her head, and as they opened the door, the only sound that could be heard, was Stella's cry that had slipped from her mouth, as she looked at her broken child.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Aww, that poor family. I feel so bad for all of them. That last line is so heartbreaking, but I liked it all the same.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Walking up to the bed, Stella stroked her hair, bent down and whispered her love.

"I want you to listen to me Claire bear. Don't give up okay? Just keep fighting like you have been. Don't allow them to win, and take you away from your boys and Anthony. You hear me Claire bear? Do you?" Not getting a response Stella just wasn't sure where to touch.

"Mac...I don't know where to hold her. I don't want to hurt her. Please help me hold our baby somehow Mac." Mac wasn't sure himself...she was broken everywhere. Not one part of her body wasn't bruised or cut. "Shh...come on love, calm down. Think of the baby." "The only baby I can think of right now is our one that is laying helpless on the bed."

"Excuse me Mac...perhaps I could help." "And you are?" "I'm Delilah a very special soul searcher. Your daughter called me to help you hear her. Stella...if you come to this side with me." Reaching out her hand she placed it into the womans. "You're so warm, and I feel so at peace." "It's okay Stella...please...trust me." Walking over to the side of the bed, the woman placed Stella's hand on her daughters heart.

"Feel that Stella? That's your daughter...she's alive, she breaths, just like you and I are doing. She can feel you holding her, tell me...do you feel her?" Closing her eyes, Stella felt what was a feather caress across her hand, then a tight squeeze. "Oh...oh she's with us...feel Mac, just feel our baby."

As Mac placed his hand on his wife's, he closed his eyes and felt the squeeze, the soft gentle squeeze of his little girls strength. Opening his eyes he smiled at the woman, when the Nurse walked in. "Delilah...what have we told you about wandering the halls?" "I'm sorry fay...I could hear this poor child calling for my help. She desperately wanted to talk to her mom and dad."

Turning back to Stella she hugged her. "You're daughter will be fine. She will heal and become whole again. Bye." Once she had disappeared down the hall the Nurse said..."I'm sorry that's Delilah...she's harmless. She conciders herself a soul searcher. She wanders the halls giving patients families hope."

"Of all the patients and families she has given hope too, how many survived?" "Hmm...come to think of it, all of them. Well...if that doesn't beat all. Anyways, if you need anything, let me know." "We will, thank you." Stella and Mac wondered to themselves...just how did she know their names, if she hadn't talked to their Claire bear. Taking one last look at their daughter, they cautiously kissed her warm swollen lips and left the room.

Walking back out into the hall Mac told Anthony they would take the boys for the night, and explain their mothers condition to them. With everyone gone, Anthony took a deep breath and walked into Claire's room. Nearing the bed he took the necklace, carefully raised her head, and attached the link. Tucking it under her gown, he watched it glow bright.

"There you go Claire...it's back where it belongs. Around your beautiful neck. Can you feel it Claire? It's okay...you don't have to answer. Just know I'm here, and I love you. Do you hear me Claire...I love you. So you fight for us. Fight for the boys, and for us." Sitting down in the chair Anthony laid his head on her bed as he silently prayed.

Later that night Anthony felt a warmth on his aching shoulder. Looking up he seen a woman standing there. "Hello Anthony. don't be scared...my name is Delilah, I was here earlier and talked to Stella and Mac about their daughter." "Oh...I'm sorry I wasn't aware." "That's okay...stand up for me." Standing up she took his hand and placed it on Claire's heart.

"Tell me Anthony...do you feel her? Close your eyes and feel her love." Closing his eyes he felt the warmth of Claire's touch as she softly caressed his hand. Watching as his teardrops fell, Delilah smiled. "She knows you love her Indiana...she wants you too know she loves you too." No one called him Indiana except Claire. That was her name for him. Opening his eyes he seen Delilah smiling at him.

"Don't try and figure it out Anthony. I'm just wandering the halls, helping broken souls come home. Take care now...bye." As Anthony watched her walk down the hall, he seen the Nurse guide her back to her room. Nearing Claire's side again, he noticed an aura around her, kind of like a halo shadowing her face, protecting her, comforting her, helping her come home.
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