CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

To all my readers. Thanks for the reviews. Just a little note. If we could keep the responses to reviews only that would be great. If you are having problems or feel the need to say something more. Feel free to PM me.;)Thanks

When they arrived at the new house, the first thing they did was put up the tree. Then Anthony hid the presents upstairs, before the boys had a chance to see them. "Mom...can we go out and ride our new bikes?"

"No...those are for Christmas. It's not Christmas yet." "Aww...come on mom, please." "I said no. They are for Christmas, you should have never seen them."

"Talk to her Anthony?" "Oh no...don't get me involved boys. Besides...how about we head upstairs and put up your beds." "Yeah...cool, our very own rooms." Running upstairs with the boys Anthony forgot one of his boxes on the floor. Walking into the living room Claire noticed it.

Picking it up the bottom broke as the contents spilled out. Placing it all back in she seen the small video cassette that read property of NYPD. Thinking it may be one of Jimmy's that had fallen into the box she put it into her pocket, then headed to the spare room with Anthony's box.

Coming back out of the room she heard the knock. Opening the door she seen her brother, Donna, and Jessie. "Hey...hi guys, come on in." Running down the stairs the boys seen their Uncle. "Uncle Gary...you're here. See our new home?" "I do...it's great." Looking around Gary noticed the two black bikes in the corner.

"Claire...where did those come from?" "Oh...it seems we've had a secret Santa of sorts. For the last six days he's been dropping off presents, food, and other items for the kids." "Hmm...you say one secret Santa?" "Well I don't know? He did say he had some elves, so I imagine it's more then one."

Gary now knew who his sisters secret Santa's were. The guys at work. "That's wonderful sis, so I guess the boys will be having a great Christmas after all." "Yeah...yeah they will." "Hey Gary..." "Anthony my man...how are you?" "I'm great, so what brings you to the East side?" "My sister and her boys. But to be honest I wanted to see Jimmy's taste in homes."

"I hear you. Though it's not bad. It's been very well kept." "I can see that, listen Tony...can we talk for a minute?" "Sure...how about in my room." Leaving the girls to get reaquainted, Gary headed into the room and shut the door. "What is it Gary?" "Do you by chance have that letter Claire received this morning?" "No...she actually threw it out. If I remember right, it should be in the kitchen bin. Why? What are you up too?"

"I'm up to figuring out who Jimmy's mistress was." "Come on Gary...why don't you just leave it. Your sister has been through enough hell with him." "I'm sorry? "What hell? Just what do you know?" "It's nothing Gary, just forget it." Walking from the room Gary pulled on his arm.

"Tell me Anthony. What do you know?" Sighing deep Anthony said..."The mystery woman wasn't Jimmy's playmate. Your sister was." "What? Quit being quizical, and tell me." "Claire was Jimmy's stress release. She was the one he tortured with his sick preverse pleasures." Gary could feel his temper boil, he could feel his soul breaking for his sister.

"Do you have proof of this?" "I do. I found a surveillance tape in the bedroom behind the mirror. It's in my box. Let's just say Claire's years of marriage consisted of pure sadistic torture." "I want that tape Anthony." "Sure...it's in the box here." Digging through the box he couldn't find it.

"Damn...it's not here...it's not here."

"What do you mean it's not there? Please tell me you didn't lose it." I didn't...it was in this box, I'm positive." Heading back out into the living room he looked at Claire. "Claire...did you happen to find a small cassette marked NYPD?" "Oh...yeah, it was one of Jimmy's, I'm not sure how it got into your box. Why?"

Looking at Gary he wasn't sure what to do about it. "Listen Claire...I need that back. It was a case Jimmy was working on, can I have it?" "Gary, what case? You and Jimmy never worked together." "Just give it too me Claire, please?" "No Gary, now that ends that. How about you guys stay for lunch."

"We have to pass this time Claire, we're taking Jessie to see Santa." "Can we come Uncle Gary?" "Of course you can, get your coats." Grabbing their coats they headed out the door. "Work on her Anthony." "I'll try Gary, see ya." With the kids out of the house Claire and Anthony worked on unpacking the remaining boxes.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Hmm... at first I thought the tape was something Jimmy recorded doing to Claire, then I thought that maybe the super had put the recorder there. But, I guess it was Jimmy after all. I hope the guys can get that tape before Claire watches it.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

I dont know, im in two minds, i dont know if i want her to be stubborn like she been and watch t or not :lol:
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

With everything unpacked Claire put on a pot of coffee. "Did you need any help Claire?" "Nope...I'm great. Thanks though." "Listen Claire about that tape?" "What about it?" "I really don't think you should watch it." "Why not? Just what is it with you and my brother? Do you know something I shouldn't?"

"Come sit down Claire." Sitting down at the table Anthony looked compasionately into her eyes. "Claire...I know what Jimmy did you. I know how he treated you in the bedroom. I also know about your scars on your wrist. But I'm sure they are nothing compared to the ones in your memories."

"How...how can you know?" "God please don't hate me Claire. I found the cassette in your room behind the dresser. I noticed it was oddly out of place." "Whoa...back up...are you telling me you watched what was on that tape?" "I did Claire. That day you and boys went skating."

"Damn you Tony...you had no right. As soon as you found that tape you should have told me. I had a right to know." "I know Claire, and I'm sorry. But God...the horror you suffered...I was just trying to protect you from knowing what Jimmy had done."

Getting up Claire hooked up the VC and attached the cords. Turning on the video she watched. Watched as she came to life on the screen. Watched as he used her in ways that she was not meant to be used. God the pain on her face, as he knew he was hurting her, and enjoying every minute of it.

Collapsing on her knees Tony caught her in his arms. "Oh my God...God...noooo." "Shh...I know Claire, I'm so sorry, I've got you, I've got you tight. Please Claire just breathe." Breathe...she could barely form a thought. Just what did Jimmy do with all those tapes he made. Did he keep them? Did he sell them? What?" questions she knew would never be answered.

With Claire still wrapped in his arms, he called Gary on his cell. "Hello." "Gary...it's Tony. She seen the tape, I need you to keep the boys for the night, can you do that?" "Christ...how is she?" "Not good. I'll keep in touch with your mom and dad over the next few hours. Don't worry Gary, I'll take good care of her." "I know you will Anthony. Just be sure to call."

"You must think I'm the lowest grade of a woman right now," she cried. "No Claire...none of this is your fault. Don't ever think that." "How can I not, when Jimmy made me feel that way, God how long has this been going on?" "Only you have the answer to that Claire. Is this something that has happened from the begining of your marriage? Or something that happened over time?"

"I can't remember. I really can't. All I do remember is him always coming home late at night. While I was sleeping, he would pull on my hair, sitting me up against the rails, and cuffing my hands. I can remember the pain, as he assaulted me. The long agonizing pain as he took, and took from me."

"Shh...it's okay Claire, I swear to you that it will be okay." Anthony was so heartbroken, no wonder Claire wouldn't allow him to touch her. No wonder she became upset when he lifted her on the counter, telling her he would make love to her.

"I want you too listen to me right now Claire. No matter what happened in your past I will never hold that against you, ever. Seeing what I seen is never going to make me leave you or the boys alone. But I promise you Claire, I will treat you with nothing but respect. Never will I force you to do anything you are not comfortable with. Trust in us Claire...as hard as I know that is, please...trust in me to keep you and the boys happy, safe, and warm."

Pulling her closer he held her as she continued to softly cry from the memories she had been forced to relive.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Wow, that was pretty...cant think of the word. But it was very well written, im glad Tony's there :)
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

After this chapter we move on too Christmas Eve, and day.:)

When Gary got home with Donna, Jessie and the boys , they attacked their papa. "Ouff...alright you two...let your old papa up." "Your not old papa." Helping pull their papa up he laughed. "So how was your visit with Santa?" "It was good, where's nana?" "She heard you boys were coming, so she's making her chocolate chip cookies."

Running into the kitchen with Jessie trailing behind Mac asked..."Have you heard anything more from Anthony yet?" "Not yet dad. It's still early yet. I have a bigger problem, I have to figure out how many tapes Jimmy made, and who he gave them too." "God your sister must be going through hell right now."

"She is dad. But Anthony is there for her, he's a great guy. Also Uncle Don is doing a locker check at NYPD now. Hopefully if Jimmy did give those tapes away, he gave them to other Officers. "Even still...if he did, how many of them have already watched them. I heard that Jimmy tortured her in inexplicable ways . Alot of damn Officers get off on that sick torture."

"I know dad. Please try and calm down. It's not at all good for you to get this upset." Sitting down Mac breathed deep, as he reached for his medication.


"Alright guys...everyone open your lockers. We are doing a check." "What? What the hell for Don?" "We've had information come to our attention that some of you Officers may have purchased or been given tapes of a graphic nature. So open them now." "What? Come on Don...who the hell would be into that sick preversion, we all have kids for christ sakes."

"I understand that...but I won't ask again, open them now." As the dayshift opened their lockers they stood back and waited. While they watched Phillips noticed Davies acting awful nervous. "Don!!" "What is it Phillips?" "Check Davies locker, he's getting awful antsy over here."

"Don't worry Phillips, I'll get there right after yours." Digging in the locker Don pulled out a small box. Opening it, he seen the tapes inside. "Tell me Phillips, should I still look in Davies? Or are you going to tell me how many of these you've sold?" "I haven't sold any, count them. Jimmy made fifty copies, you'll find fourty nine, you do the math when you get to Davies locker."

Opening Davies locker Don found a small video recorder with the tape inside. "Tell me Davies...do you get off on watching my niece being tortured? Or do you do the same shit to your wife? Answer me Davies." Bowing his head in shame Davies said nothing. "I want you both in my Office now. The Chief is there. He'll decide whether you two still have a job after today."

Flipping up his phone Don called Mac to let him know they had all the tapes.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

God, Jimmy sure was a sick B--tard. And so are those officers if they watched the tapes. Glad Don found all of the copies.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Christmas Eve

Hearing the phone ring Anthony picked it up. "Hello." "Anthony...it's Gary. Is my sister awake?" "She is, just a minute. Claire...it's gary." "Hey bro...she said with sadness." "Hi sis, how you feeling? I have some news for you." "Good I hope?" "Very good, Uncle Don got his hands on all the cassettes, there were fifty in total."

"Oh my God...how many were watched?" "As far as we know, just one. It was seen by Officer Davies. He stole it from Phillips locker. Both have been fired Claire, so you can rest easy." "Can I...how do you know they won't come after me for revenge, or to try something. I'm not safe Gary, I never will be."

"You will be sis, please trust me." "I do bro...I want to come get my boys for Christmas eve. I'll be there shortly." "Okay sis...I love you." "I love you too bro." Hanging up the phone Claire put on her boots, and coat with Anthony. "Grab the gifts for my family Anthony." "Sure...don't you all spend Christmas day together?" "We do...we have a large dinner with all the families."

"Oh...so you exchange gifts the night before?" "Yeah...we drop everything off the night before, that way it's all there for Christmas day." "That's cool. So you have like two Christmas's in one." "Yeah...something like that, let's go get my boys." Leaving down the street, Anthony reached for Claire's hand as she cautiously took it.

When they arrived at her mom and dads, they could hear kittens mewing. "Listen...you hear that? It's coming from under the porch." Bending down Claire seen a mother cat lying dead, as her babies whined. "Christ...get my dad, and grab a warm blanket with a flashlight."

Running into the house Gary asked..."What's going on Tony? Where's Claire?" "She needs a warm towel and flashlight. She found a littler of kittens without their mother, she's lying their dead." "Christ...alright, calm down. Mom heat a towel, dad grab your flashlights."

Once they had the flashlights, Claire slid underneath and passed the kittens to Anthony, who passed them to Stella. "Aww...aww..look at the little misfits." "That's it mom, get them in where it's warm. Gary and Anthony, Help me bury the mom." With the kittens inside Stella grabbed some little droppers and filled them with some of Jessie's left over formula.

"Alright...we have four little babies. Mac...you take the black one, Claire, you take the black and white. Gary, you take the orange and black." "Calico mom." "Oh...right. And I'll take the grey one." "Nana...are they going to live?" "Let's hope so Jimmy, they are very little, and need lots of care."

"This is so cool mom, we have Christmas kitties. Can we keep them?" "We'll see Jimmy, first we need to get them healthy." Jessie walked her way over and watched her daddy feed the little kitty. "Baby dada...ook, baby." "Yes love...it's a little baby." Once they had been fed, Stella placed the warm towels in a box with an alarm clock and a teddy bear.

"Nana...what's the teddy bear and clock for?" "The teddy is so they have something soft to lean against. The alarm clock will help them think that their mommy is there. It's like a beating heart." "Cool...so how long do we have to feed them?" "For a while...every two hours, so if they make it through the next week, then they will live."

"Can we take them home with us tonight mommy?" "No sweetheart, they have to stay here." "Aww...why mom, we want Christmas kitties too." "I know you do Jimmy, and you will. Once they are off the formula, and eating soft food, we can bring them home and find homes for them."

"Promise mom?" "I promise." "But we can see them tomorrow right?" "Of course. So how about we go home, before Santa passes up by."
While the boys grabbed their coats Mac embraced his daughter in his arms. "Are you going to be okay my Claire bear?" "Yeah daddy, I'll be fine. I love you so much." "I love you too Claire bear." Giving her dad, mom, and brother a kiss she left with the boys, and Anthony.

When they got home Anthony helped Claire tuck the boys in. "Mom...Santa is coming tonight right? He's not going to forget us, is he?" "Of course not son, why would you think that?" "I don't know...I guess cause we've been kind of naughty." "You haven't been naughty Jimmy, now sleep. I promise Santa won't pass you or your brother by." Giving them each another kiss goodnight, they left their rooms.

"Okay Anthony...let's grab the presents." Opening the closet, Claire stretched up to reach the big ones, losing her footing she fell back into Anthony's arms. As she looked up at him, he whispered..."I told you, I'll always catch you if you fall." Feeling his warm breath as he neared her lips, she closed her eyes as he softly traced the outline.

"It's okay Claire...he whispered...I promise I won't hurt you. Just trust in me please." Cautiously opening her mouth, she allowed the warmth of his tongue to touch hers. So gently, so tenderly, as they cautiously tasted each other. Breaking the kiss, Claire tucked her head into his neck. "Thank you that was very nice." "You're welcome. Now let's get those presents under the tree, before the boys think Santa didn't come."

Laughing Claire couldn't agree more. With all the presents under the tree, Claire brought out two cups of coffee, and some muffins. "Thanks Claire." "You're welcome. Listen Tony...tell my about your life on your expeditions." "There really isn't much to tell. They are very lonely, at times you have very few people to converse with."

"Did you find many interesting things?" "No...a few bones here and there. Nothing worth talking about." "Then how to you get paid? Or survive?" "Regardless of whether we find anything, we still get paid by those who hired us." "Hmm...so where will you go next?" "At this moment...nowhere but here. If something comes up, I'll leave." "Oh...so you wouldn't stay?"

"Claire...what are you exactly asking me?" Getting up she walked over to the tree, where he followed her. "Claire...what is it?" "I don't want you to leave." "Claire...I promised you I wouldn't leave till after Christmas." "No...I mean I don't want you to leave at all." "Aww...come on Claire...I told you, there is nothing left here for me." "Oh...I see. I'm sorry, I didn't realize we were nothing."

"God Claire...I don't know what you want from me? First you tell me to go, then you tell me to stay till Christmas. Now you never want me to leave. You are a very confussing woman." "I know...I just figured after the moments we shared, you would want to stay." "I'd love to Claire...but I just can't, I have nothing to make me stay homebound. I've always been on the move."

"Yes you do. You have the boys, they love you. All you have to do is believe in that. It would be more then enough to make me stay." "Good Claire, for you that's good. But it's not enough for me, so why don't you just give me the real reason you want me to stay." Claire's eyes welded with tears. She wasn't ready to tell Anthony the truth, she didn't want her heart to accept what she had known all along. That she was falling for him, in more ways, then she ever thought possible.

"Tell me Claire. Please...why should I stay?" Lowering her head he seen her teardrops fall onto the floor. Raising her face with his thumb and finger he whispered again..."just give me the words Claire." "Please don't go Anthony. I want you to stay, please stay for us." Bending his head towards her lips he said..."Yes Claire...yes I'll stay." Kissing her with gentleness and care, they turned off the lights and headed into bed. Laying upon the sheets in their clothes. They fell into sleep wrapped in each others arms.

Later that night, Claire woke and watched Tony sleep. He looked so peaceful, so gentle and loving. Pulling herself up, she leaned in and very delicately touched his lips, jarring him from sleep. As they looked into each others eyes he knew what Claire needed. She needed to know it was okay to touch him, to explore him, knowing that she wasn't going to be brutally assaulted for it.

Turning flat on his back, he placed his hands behind his head and allowed her to explore him. At first with fingertip caresses, then long sensual strokes as she felt his hard muscled body ripple from her touch. Caressing her way back up he felt her strokes become deeper, then laying her head on his now bare chest, he felt the warmth of her tears.

"Tony..." "Mhmm..." "I want you to love me, but I'm scared." "I know you are Claire...I can feel you shivering in my arms." Pulling her closer he traced his fingertips cautiously up and down her back, being careful not to move to quickly. Allowing her to get use to his touch as it danced across her warm skin.

Carefully rolling her over he whispered..."If at anytime you feel uncomfortable or want me to stop Claire, just let me know." Nodding her head he stroked his tongue across her neck, while his hands continued down her waist, and as he neared her most intimate spot she tensed. Deep down Anthony knew she wasn't ready for a mans touch, and rolling her back over into his arms, he kissed her hair, while telling her to sleep.

The next time they woke it was Christmas morning.

"Mommy...Tony...wake up. It's Christmas, come see all the stuff Santa left us." Waking from sleep Claire hopped from the bed and walked out into the living room with Anthony in tow. "Wow...looks like you two were very good boys." While Claire started coffee, the boys started tearing at the presents.

"Whoa...whoa...mom...look a laptop. We got laptops." "Very cool Jimmy, Apples too...hmm...why don't you see what else you got." Claire was getting suspicious, she was slowly realizing who the boys secret Santa's were. "Whoa...oh...Wii's mom, we got Wii's." Tony noticed the smile on her face. "What's so funny Claire?" "I know who the secret Santa and elves are." "Who?" "The guys at the station. They must have put this together for the boys."

"Hmm...do you think Gary, Don and your dad knew about this?" "I'm not sure about my dad. But Gary and Don would have." "Then it's best to leave it as a secret, right?" "Yeah...you're right." Once they had all the gifts unwrapped the boys noticed one small box under the tree. "Hey mom...there's one here for you." "For me? From who?" "I don't know, open it."

Opening the little box she seen an odd looking small stone attached to a necklace. Holding it up to the light it glowed. "Whoa...that's so cool...why is it glowing mommy?" "I'm not sure Jimmy." "It glows because it's an Hemitate stone, it brings strength to a soul that has been hurt, or saddened. It helps them heal from the inside."

"That's so awesome. Did you give it to mom Tony?" "I did." "Aww...don't cry mommy, it's okay." "Can you help me put it on?" Turning her back to Tony, he latched it around her neck where it continued to glow. "Thank you, it's beautiful." Kissing her sweetly, he whispered "you're welcome."

"Alright boys, how about we head over to nana's and papa's, you have more gifts there to open." "Cool...and we get to bring the kitties home tonight, right?" "No James...you have to wait a few weeks." "Aww...can we hold them though?" "Of course you can, but only for a few minutes." "Cause they need lots of sleep?" "That's right, so grab your coats."

When they arrived the rest of the families were already there.

"Hey...there's my boys." "Hi papa...where's are kitties?" "They are in our bedroom. Go have a look at them." Helping her daughter off with her coat, Mac noticed the necklace. "That's beautiful...it's so warm, and it's glowing. Stella...come see this."

"What is it Mac?" "Look at your daughters necklace, now feel it." "Oh...it's so warm, where did you get it honey?" "Anthony, it's for strength. To help heal from the inside out." "Aww...that's stunning Tony, have anymore?" "Mom..." "Oh hush, I'm just kidding." "To be honest Stella I don't. It was a very special piece I found on one of my expeditions." "Wow...it must be priceless?" "It is...just like the beautiful woman wearing it."

Watching them walk away, Stella teared up, as Mac wrapped her in his embrace. "Come on now love, don't cry it's Christmas." "I know, I"m sorry. It's just our little girl looks almost at peace." "She does love, I guess that charm is working its magic on them. "I also think in the New Year we are going to be adding a few new members to our family." Smiling Stella couldn't agree more.

Joining the rest of family by the tree. They all grabbed a glass and held it
in the air...

"From our family to yours...Have a very Merry Christmas."
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Jessie was so cute calling the kitties "babies". Adorable.

Loved Tony and Claire and his gift to her was so sweet.

Loved the last part of the chapter too. :)
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