CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Haha no worries Natscrackers I honestly was wondering the same thing until she explained it to you. How'd I just miss that? Lol. I guess I need to wake up too. However, this story's been a lot of fun to read. The worst thing about fanfiction is waiting for an update. I swear it is!
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

^^Oh right yeh, that makes sense :) *should wake up*

Haha no worries Natscrackers I honestly was wondering the same thing until she explained it to you. How'd I just miss that? Lol. I guess I need to wake up too.

Most likely you both missed the chapter before this one. For it's right there, impossible to miss. I'm sure you'll catch it next time. :lol::lol:No worries. If not I'll gladly start highlighting the parts for you or underline them:lol::lol:

*Yes I'm being a smart A#@*:p

Thanks for the reviews.:)

*slaps self* I did miss that whole chapter :shifty: I did wonder what was meant about the mirror etc

Edit: That's okay...I'll start posting the chapter numbers for those of you who don't have as much time to keep up. Yes I post alot. most being as I am home all the time. Also...my fics are not pre written, they are posted as the thoughts come to me. It's my style and I love it.:)

Hope that helps. But Natty already knew that:)
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Most likely you both missed the chapter before this one. For it's right there, impossible to miss. I'm sure you'll catch it next time. :lol::lol:No worries. If not I'll gladly start highlighting the parts for you or underline them:lol::lol:
*slaps self* I did miss that whole chapter :shifty: I did wonder what was meant about the mirror etc
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

^^Oh right yeh, that makes sense :) *should wake up*

Haha no worries Natscrackers I honestly was wondering the same thing until she explained it to you. How'd I just miss that? Lol. I guess I need to wake up too.

Most likely you both missed the chapter before this one. For it's right there, impossible to miss. I'm sure you'll catch it next time. :lol::lol:No worries. If not I'll gladly start highlighting the parts for you or underline them:lol::lol:

*Yes I'm being a smart A#@*:p

Thanks for the reviews.:)

*slaps self* I did miss that whole chapter :shifty: I did wonder what was meant about the mirror etc

Edit: That's okay...I'll start posting the chapter numbers for those of you who don't have as much time to keep up. Yes I post alot. most being as I am home all the time. Also...my fics are not pre written, they are posted as the thoughts come to me. It's my style and I love it.:)

Hope that helps. But Natty already knew that:)


There's post #795 before this one

At the rink Claire, the boys, Gary, Donna and Jess took a break for lunch. "So how much longer are you going to stay at dads Gary?" "I'm not sure yet Claire. Hopefully not much longer, it's just a matter of finding the right place for myself, Donna and Jessie."

"I'm sure you can find something nice. The kids and I have to move again too." "Why?" "Oh our crazy landlord is being a moron. He says the boys are to loud, and he can't stand the screaming." "The guys a idiot anyways, you'd do best to move with the boys, before the shit goes down."

"I heard something about that. Anthony mentioned that. Just what is the scumbag doing to our apartment?" "Doesn't matter Claire. Just get you and the boys out of there soon." "I will...I promise." "Good...the last thing I need to do is be worried about you and the boys."

"Oh my God...I just thought of a wonderful idea. What if we got a duplex together." "Hmm...not a bad idea, what do you think Claire?" "Could work. Sure, let's start looking." Removing their skates they headed home.

When Claire got back to the apartment she found Anthony waiting for them. "Anthony...you should have come. It was so cool." "I bet it was. So did you fall down?" "No way...we are to good to fall. You know what though?" "What James?" "Mommy and us are moving into a duplex with Uncle Gary, Donna and Jessie."

"You are...that's so awsome. Good for you guys." Claire tried to smile. But she knew something was wrong with Anthony, he looked almost emotionally upset. "Are you okay Tony? You look very upset." "No...I'm fine Claire, we'll talk later, for now let's get you guys some hot chocolate."

Back at the Taylor's Gary and Donna found the house empty. "Hmm...I wonder where mom and dad went?" "I'm not sure. Did she have an appointment with the doctor today?" "No...they could be out finishing up last minute shopping. I'm going to put Jessie down for her nap, then we'll start dinner and surprise them."


"Come on Mac...is this really nessesary right now?" "Yes love. I want our every moment to be special...now...pick out a new baby book. One that has everything included, from the begining of pregnancy till the end." Looking around Stork Ltd. Stella decided on a beautiful silver covered book with laced trim.

"Oh my...that is one of our most popular items. It has a section for each and every thing you crave, each and every day you have morning sickness. It even has a huge section for you to keep track of every appointment with your OBGYN. Now would you like it engraved? It will only take a minute."

"Maybe later. We'll just take the book for now. Once we know what we're having we'll be back." "Oh...oh...this is for you? God I'm sorry. I thought it was for your grandchild or something. Wow...you two must be very proud?"

"We are. Not only proud, but blessed." "Aww...I can see why. Congrat's again, and see you back soon." Walking from the store Mac seen the young girl still grinning widely.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Good chapter. :) Love that Claire and Gary are gonna share a place with their kids/significant others. :)
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Yeah! I love the whole idea of sharing space too! Just because I'm such a stickler for having my own space that it's a really intimate idea. It means that they must really love the person they're doing it for and that's just adorable.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Also...my fics are not pre written, they are posted as the thoughts come to me. It's my style and I love it.:)
I also do that and that is why mine gets buried among many other fics (usually your old ones :lol:)

I really like the idea of Gary and cliare livng together :) But im still curious about this tape..
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Come on guys. It's not my fault that it comes easy for me, and I have more time.
It also doesn't help when my two readers, are always...more, more, more
Anyways don't slap me, I'll post the next chapter very shortly
Hugs my readers, I luv ya guys.:)

3 Days till Christmas Eve

Heading to the mailbox Claire opened it and found an envelope inside. Opening it she found a set of keys with an address. "Morning Claire...what do you have there?" "A letter, came with keys and an address." "Hmm...what's the note say?"

"Dear Claire, I'd like to take this opportunity to inform you that your husband Jimmy bought himself this home while we were together. It was a present from him to me and children. We no longer have need for the place now that Jimmy is gone.

I'm sorry you were never told sooner, but I was Jimmy's secret from you. We shared three years together before he died. In the envelope you will find the deed with your name on it. Please enjoy the home, and take care of your boys. Also do not look for me, please trust me that some things are better left buried."

"Hmm...intersting that she typed it out, and left no signature." "Yeah...there is that. I'd also bet that if we printed these keys and note we'd find nothing on either of them." "What are you thinking Claire?" "I"m thinking Jimmy's plaything was a cop."

Getting the boys dressed they headed over to the address and found the house in a nice clean neighbourhood. "Mommy...who's place is this?" "I'm not sure Jimmy, that's what we need to find out." Walking up to the door she tried the key.

"Whoa...look mom, this place is awesome." Running upstairs the boys seen three rooms. "Mommy...is this our place? If it is we have our own rooms. Please say it's our place mommy?" Claire wasn't sure what to say. Should she take it? Or should she just leave the home in the past like her life.

"Take it Claire. It is Jimmy's home which gives you every right to it. We can have you moved in this afternoon." "Please mom...please say yes." "Alright...let's go home and pack. I'll call Uncle Gary and let him know we have a place." "Yay...cool...thanks mom." "Listen Anthony...there's a nice spacious room down here, kind of looks like a den, I'd like you to stay with us till after Christmas."

"I don't know Claire." "Please...just tell me you'll stay with us." "Alright, just don't get use to having me here. For I am leaving in the New Year." Claire laughed...she had a feeling he wouldn't be leaving at all. When they arrived back home Anthony and the boys started packing.

"I"m going to give Gary a call." Picking up the phone she dialed her brothers number. "Hello.." "Hey bro I have some news for you." "Oh yeah...what kind of news?" "We won't be moving in with you and Donna." "You're kiddin...why not?" "It seems Jimmy bought a house a while ago for his plaything. I recieved the keys and letter today."

"Aww sis...are you serious? So he did cheat on you?" "Yeah...he's been doing it for a few years. Though I guess I should thank him, the kids and I got a house out of it." "Listen sis...did you want me to check into it for you? Maybe I can find out who she was." "No...just leave it buried Gary. It's time we all move on."

"Alright sis. If you change your mind let me know." "I will gary...I love you." "I love you to sis." Claire knew whether she had told her brother no or not, he would look into it. "Okay Claire, I have the van. Let's get everything loaded."

Once they were on their way Claire didn't look back. She knew she had to look forward to her future and the boys, for that is what mattered.

Taylor home

Stella woke with a huge hunger for peanut butter. Heading into the kitchen she giggled. It seemed with each of her pregnancies she craved peanut butter. Yet deep down she hated the stuff. "Nana." "Good morning doll face, where's daddy?" "Seeping wit mama." "Oh...just how did you get out of your crib?"

"She climbed out mom. We watched her." Picking his daughter up in his arms he kissed her pretty face. "Time to change your crib into a bed." "That's a good idea son, did you want coffee?" "Sure mom, but you sit. I'll make it." Taking her toast to the table she sat down and shared it with Jessie.

"So mom...I talked to Claire this morning." "You did? How is she?" "She's good, it seems Jimmy had a house he bought for his mistress." Silence could be heard as Mac walked in. "I'm sorry son? What did you say?" "It seems Jimmy had a mistress, he bought her a house. Claire found a letter in her mailbox this morning from her."

"Do you know who she is?" "No...Claire said to leave it in the past." "I know you son, you're going to look into it, aren't you?" "Yes...but first I need to get my hands on that letter." "Just how are you going to do that son?" "Hopefully through Anthony. He's going to be staying with Claire and the boys in the spare room till the new year."

"Should we be worried about her again?" "No dad... Claire sounded very happy on the phone, which is why I think it would be better to have her left out of it." "You do know this could backfire on us, right?" "I know dad. But I need to know who Jimmy was fooling around with."

"Dada...bite dada?" "No thank you doll face, you eat it. Daddy's going to take down your crib, and make it into a bed." Clapping her hands and smiling, she couldn't wait.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

I wonder what Gary will come up with or what Claire will do if she finds out lol

Come on guys. It's not my fault that it comes easy for me, and I have more time.It also doesn't help when my two readers, are always...more, more, more
Who us?! We wouldnt think about doing that!Wanting more from a great writer? no chance :p
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Great chapter. I love Gary and Jessie... so cute. So Jimmy's mistress was a cop? Talk about keeping it close to the vest. Hehe. :D
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