CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

rofl at the ending :)

will you get back to the part about her not being readly?
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Her saying she wasn't ready to share with him
Oh...you mean with Claire and Anthony. That helps. It will be on Christmas Eve she tells him everything she went through with Jimmy:)

Once Claire had the boys settled in bed with Anthony's help, she put on a fresh pot of coffee. "Hey Anthony...did you notice this seems to be a routine now. I mean for four nights we've done the same thing. Tucked in my boys, and started coffee."

"I've noticed that too. Thinks it's a sign Claire? A sign that maybe you are falling for me?" Claire smirked. Oh she knew she was falling for him alright. Had been for a while. "Hmm...I don't really know. I think we're more along the line of brother and sister, don't you?"

"Huh...you're kiddin right? Don't tell me you kiss your brother, like you kissed me?" "Of course not. I just mean you're more like my brother." Anthony could see her shoulders shaking. "Ahh..damn you Claire...that's not nice."

"Aww...is my little Tony bear pouting? Now tell me...what would make little Tony bear feel better?" Placing his hands on each side of the counter he trapped her in. "Hmm...now let me think..." Caressing his tongue across her neck, he could feel her pulse increase.

"Anthony...please..." she whispered.

"Please what Claire? You want me to stop? Or you want me to love you now?" Claire couldn't think, she couldn't form a coherant thought. Feeling his hands around her waist, he lifted her onto the counter, bringing her face level to him.

As he looked into her eyes he seen fresh tears. "Claire...what is it? We don't have to make love Claire...I was only teasing with you. What is it Claire?" "I'm scared..." "Scared...scared of what Claire? Please talk to me." "I can't...please let me down."

Lifting her down from the counter, she allowed him to just hold her. God how he just wished she would tell him what had happened to her. She was so lost, far away from allowing herself any comfort he offered.

Back at the Taylor's Mac and Stella headed out for the night. Leaving Gary, Donna and Jessie on their own. "Are you sure you three don't want to come to the NYPD Christmas party?" "No dad. I see the guys all year round. I think I'd prefer a quiet evening home." "Okay son. We'll bring home Jessie's present and stocking."

"Thanks dad. Have fun. Alright girls...what should we do tonight?" "Hmm...how about we watch Sesame Street Christmas?" Clapping her hands togther Jessie couldn't agree more.

Placing the DVD in the player, they all cuddled up together on the couch.

When Mac and Stella arrived at the Flack's they weren't ready to go. "Come on you two, we're going to be late." "Blame Don...he's changed like six times tonight. You think we were going to see the Queen." "Be quiet Jess, I'm ready now."

Leaving out the door, the Taylor's and Flack's headed over to the NYPD Christmas party.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Great chapters. Loved baby Jessie painting the walls and Donna and Gary blaming each other. And then the kiss... wow! Loved Anthony and Claire too. :)
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

oh ok. Will you post that on Christmas eve?
We'll see...it depends how fast the other chapters come together. I'm hoping to drag it out till then:)

After Donna, Gary and Jessie finished the movie. They noticed Jessie was sound asleep. "Gar...she's sleeping." "I know Donna...let's get her into bed." As they settled her into her crib, Gary took Donna by the hand. "Gar...where are we going?" "Just over here to the window. If it's okay...I'd like to hold you for awhile."

Donna didn't say anything. She didn't have too. Gary's actions had said enough for the both of them. "Gary...I know there will never be enough apologizes for what I've done to us. But I can promise you from this day on...I will never lie to you again."

"Just tell me one thing Donna. Did you ever stop loving me?" Turning in his arms to face him, she whispered..." No...I never stopped Gary. I just thought you were so in love...that I...I just didn't want to come between you."

"That is the sad part Donna. For if you had of come to me, if you had of been truthful. I would never had married...ever." "I know Gary...but I can't turn back the clock, but I'm willing to make every moment with you, Jessie and I special."

"I guess I can't ask for more then that Donna. As I can honestly tell you our love never died. It never went away." Wrapping his fingers in her hair, he kissed her in fevered passion. God how the sensual deep touch of him never left her soul, her mind. So much forgotten love, and need pouring between them.

Sweeping her up in his arms, he carried her to the bed. Laying her upon the sheets, he began undressing her with fevered eyes. "Please Gar...touch me...touch me now." With fingertip caresses Gary lifted the blouse from her already shivering body.

"God Donna...look at you...I have forgotten how gorgeous you were. Tracing his fingers down her arm, her waist, and thighs, she moaned out as he touched her soul. So lost in the erotic pleasures of their lonely minds.

"I'm sorry Donna...I wish I could wait. You deserve so much more then what I'm about to give you." "It's okay Gary...we can get to the passion and caresses later. Just love me now, like I know you want and need to."

Rolling her over onto him, she could feel every muscle, every nerve, every breath that was her Gary Taylor.


Claire had fallen asleep on Anthony's lap. Lifting her in his arms he carried her to her bed. Laying her down, he pulled the sheets up over her. Leaning down to kiss her, she freaked. Screaming out...no...over and over while he held her down.

"Claire...Claire...wake up. Claire..." "Tony...what's wrong with mommy?" "It's okay son, she's dreaming. Go back to bed." "No...no way...this is what mommy sounded like when daddy came home. Mommy would cry really loud, and then she would come into our beds and crawl in with us. But daddy's gone...so why is mommy still screaming?"

Tony could see the boys were freaking out. "Claire...wake up Claire. Come on...open your eyes." Finally opening her eyes she seen her boys up on Tony's lap, then she noticed Tony's lip bleeding.

"Oh God...your mouth...what happened?" "You were screaming mommy, like you did with daddy. Please mommy...I'm scared, don't cry no more." Getting up from the bed she headed to the washroom and wet a cold cloth.

"Let me see your lip. God I'm sorry Tony. So sorry." "Don't worry about me Claire...let's just get your boys settled back into bed." Carrying the boys back to their room, Tony took the time to tell them a story, lulling them back into sleep.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

With the kids back in bed Tony noticed Claire sleeping on the couch again. "Claire...wake up. Why don't you get into bed?" "Umm...no. I"m fine out here. Why don't you go home and get some sleep." "I'd rather stay here with you and boys...you're sweating Claire, let me take off your sweater."

As he pulled off the sleeves he noticed she had wrist bands on. Claire...why do you wear wrist bands?" Shrugging he knew he wasn't going to be getting an answer. Refusing to question her further while her tears were falling, he pulled her close. "It's okay Claire...I'll just hold you for the night. Go to sleep." "You won't leave...will you?" "No...I'll stay right here Claire. I promise."

While she slept Anthony was so tempted to remove her wrist bands. Playing around with her fingers, he carefully pulled back part of it and that's when he seen it. The raw, messy, scars across her wrists. Wrists that had been bound by cuffs.

Laying her down, he walked back into her bedroom. Looking at the bars across the head of the bed, he could see dried blood. With each breath he took, he felt sickened. Pulling back the sheets he seen the matress, drops of dried blood.

"Oh God...God Claire." Watching towards the mirror he noticed the odd reflection. Getting up he checked behind it and found a small VC with a tape inside. Taking it out, he slipped it into his pocket and walked back out.

"Tony?" "I'm right here Claire...I just had to use the washroom. I'm right here." Sitting back on the couch, he knew watching the tape would have to wait till he was alone.

Meanwhile...Mac and Stella dropped off the Flack's at home. "Jess...are you going to be okay with Don? Do you need our help getting him upstairs?" Laughing she said..."No...we'll be fine. Goodnight guys." "Night."

When Jess got Don into the apartment he became frisky and hot. "Mmm...come on Jess...let's get you out of those clothes." "Funny Donnie...like that's not going to happen tonight." "You think not Jess? We'll just see about that."

Tripping over the table Jess laughed as she ran into the bedroom. "I'm coming for you Jessie...I'm going to make you see God." Jess howled...Don was a damn hoot when he was plastered. Grabbing at her, he collapsed on the bed with her.

"You see...see Jess...I caught you...now I'm going to love you." Caressing his fingers across her dress he unzipped it and let it pool to the floor. Then removing his own clothes, he loved her deeply, passionately without finesse, without control. Leaving Jess to drop her egg, which would soon be met by his seed.

So lost now as Mac's words repeated in Don's head. "Just have fun with making love. Forget about the baby, and just have fun." With their passionate storm ended, Don passed out on top of his wife. Leaving Jess no choice but to fall asleep in his warmth.

Pulling into the driveway Mac and Stella noticed the darkness. "What do you think love?" "Hmm...I think they are in bed, where it's warm, together." "You know what this means right?" "Uhuh...looks like another Taylor wedding coming soon."

Unlocking the door they walked into their room and changed. "Mac...can you help me with this dress. I seem to forget it being this tight." "Of course it's tight love, you're with child." Sliding his hands down the zipper, he watched in the mirror as it pooled to the floor.

Taking his hands he brought them to the front of slightly bulging tummy. Caressing his child that lay nestled deep within her womb. "So beautiful love. Look at our child, sleeping, quietly growing, waiting patiently to make its appearance into our lives."

Linking his fingers to hers, she layed her head back against his shoulder, as they watched together the passion, the beauty, the warmth of their love.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

I wonder what's on the tape. Poor Claire. Seems her hubby was a bigger jerk than we initially thought.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

The following morning Claire woke to the smell of bacon and eggs. Getting up off the couch she walked into the kitchen, where the boys and Tony were making breakfast.

"Morning mommy, look Tony is letting us help with breakfast. Sit down mommy, I'll bring you coffee." Sitting at the table Tony made Claire's coffee and handed it to Jimmy to give her.

"There you go mommy, just for you." "Mm..that's wonderful. Can I have a morning kiss?" "Of course mommy. Kissing his mom Jimmy ran back to help scramble the eggs. With everything done and ready, the kids brought it to the table. Then sitting down, they helped dish it out.

"Wow...this is wonderful guys. Thank you so much, and the eggs are amazing." "Thanks mom, it's Tony's favorite reciepe." "It is? Well it's terrific." Once they were finished with breakfast they shared in the dishes.

"I'm just going to get dressed. I'll be right back." Leaving the room Claire noticed her sheets were pulled back, and the mirror had been moved. Covering up the sheets quickly, she walked over to the mirror and noticed it seemed normal except for the little round cirlce.

"Anthony?" "Yeah Claire...something wrong?" "Yeah...what happened last night?" "Umm...you had a dream, woke the boys, beat me up, and then you were fine," he smiled. "Hmm...cause the mirror has been moved, and my sheets were pulled back."

"Claire you were dreaming. Of course the sheets are going to be pulled back. We kind of had to wrestle you awake." "Oh...okay. Thanks." Leaving the room she closed the door so she could dress.

"Alright guys, I'm all ready. Let's go get Gary, Donna and Jessie for skating fun." "Yay...alright mom. You're coming aren't you Tony?" "Maybe next time Jimmy. I have some things to do. But I'll see you when you get back." "Promise?" "I promise."

Leaving out the door they headed over to their grandparents. When they arrived Gary, Donna and Jessie were ready to go. "Hi sweetheart, how are you and my grandbabies doing?" "We're doing good mom. How you feeling?" "Fat...but at least the morning sickness has passed. "Well that's good, you look great mom."

"Hey sis you ready? Or you going to gab all day? I thought Anthony was coming?" "He changed his mind. He had some things to take care of. Hopefully next time." "Hmm..alright then, we're off." Arriving at the rink they put on their skates.

"I don't know about this Gary, I haven't been on skates for years. What if I fall?" "You won't fall Donna, I won't let you." "Oh yeah...how are you going to watch me, and your daughter too?" "Very carefully, now stop worrying."

Pulling her up on her skates they began gliding across the ice.
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