CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Jerome Johnson had finally made it to New York. Thanks to his friends in prison he had Det.Gary Taylor's address. As he arrived at the home he noticed the "For Sale" sign.

"Excuse me...are the Realitor here?"

"I am. What can I do for you?"

"I was wondering if you know where I might find Gary Taylor now. I have news on his case."

The Realitor looked at Jerome strangely.

"Are you a Detective? Can I see your badge?"

*Sighing*..."why must so many people be nosy? Why can't they mind there own buisness?"

Pulling out his silencer, he shot her through the head. Taking her date book he found the address where Det.Taylor was staying.


Claire had the boys up and dressed for school. Checking outside the door she found another box. Inside were new coats, boots, shoes, clothes, and skates.

"Whoa...awesome mom. Who are these from. Look James..Nike"

Opening the note it read..."To keep the boys and you warm this Christmas...your secret Santa."

"Okay...this really has too stop. I think I'm going to have your Uncle anaylize these notes."

"Noooo...please mom. If you do that. Then Santa won't bring us anything else. Please mom."

Coming out of his apartment Anthony laughed.

"Holy Claire...can I have a secret Santa too."

"This isn't funny anymore. I need to find out who is doing this."

"Why Claire? Why can't you just accept it."

"I don't know. I guess I'm not that type of person. I need to know where things come from. It's my nature."

"Fine. How about we set up a vidoe camera in the hall. That way you will know who's sending the stuff."

"Are you serious? You have a video camera?"

"Of course I do. I'm an explorer...remember?"

"Oh...yeah. Let's do it."

After they had the camera set up, Claire and Anthony walked the boys to school.

Over at the Taylor's Gary had gotten Jessie up for the day.

"Morning dad...how's mom feeling?"

"Better...we have that appointment this afternoon with the OBGYN. So I need to borrow your car. Mine's not working."

"Sure dad. No problem."

Outside in the driveway Jerome had placed the bomb under the car. It had been easy for him to figure out which car was Gary's as he had his NYPD sticker on the dash. Checking to make sure no one was watching. He got out from under it, and took off.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Mac and Stella are still CSIs in this story, right? Can't remember for sure. :lol:

I'm surprised Claire hasn't gone to them or Gary to ask for help in finding the secret Santa. :lol:
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Mac and Stella are still CSIs in this story, right? Can't remember for sure. :lol:
In the Future....

Claire became a Professor of Forensic medicine and went on to marry a NY Detective. Living happily in their home with their two children and two dogs.

Gary grew up and became a NY Detective and part time world renound food critic. Which Mac and Stella thought was appropriate concidering half his younger days were spent throwing it. He also married a Chef and lived in their NY home with their two children.

As for Mac and Stella. . Now that they had retired, they were finally able to travel and do things they had only dreamed of. Leaving the life of NY detectives behind.

Arriving at the school yard with the boys Claire was stopped by one of the mothers.

"Hey Claire...are you coming to the annual Christmas party this year at NYPD?"

"Umm...no. I won't be there this year. Thanks for the offer though."

"You have to come Claire. I know it's hard not having Jimmy anymore. But you can't take that out on your kids."

"I'm not Pam. I'm just not ready to socialize this year. The boys just lost their father, and I lost my husband. I'm just not up to hearing Officers wives say how sorry they are."

"Aww...I'm sorry Claire. I see your point. That would be very hard. But we will see you next year, right?"

"We'll see Pam. Take care."

"Are you okay Claire?"

"I'm fine Anthony. Don't worry about it. Most of the mothers don't understand how I really felt about Jimmy."

Leaving the school yard quickly,Anthony chased after Claire.

When Claire and Anthony returned from taking the boys to school, claire noticed more boxes. These ones full of meats.

"Tell me I'm crazy...look at all this meat. This is getting scary. Sure the kids and I have mediocre money. But I can support them to eat good meals."

"Stop getting upset Claire...somneone is obviously having a great time giving things to you and boys, accept them. Maybe it's someone from Jimmy's family."

"Jimmy has no family. Not one living sister, brother, father, or mother."

"How about a rich Uncle, or Aunt?"

"No...and no."

"Alright then. Let's check that video footage."

Taking down the camera they took it into the apartment. Hooking it up to the TV, they pressed play. Watching the tape Anthony really tried not to laugh. For all you could see were feet holding a huge sign that read..."From your secret Santa."

"Oh classic...this is great. This guy is smart."

"You mean guys. Count the feet. There are eight of them. which makes four men."

"So Santa has some elves. Good for him. This is awesome. I really have to meet these guys if you ever find them. I can't believe they seen the VC. They must really be Santa and his elves."

Claire gave him a evil look.

"Only you would find humor in someone elses need to know. I am going to figure out who this is. You'll see."

Reaching over Anthony pulled her into his arms and kissed her hair.

"Of that I have no doubt Claire. I'm sure you will."
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

lol funny

come on get to the bomb part! (I know, I can't really say much lol)
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

:lol: I guess I'm getting stories confused again. haha.

:lol: this was a funny chapter. The secret santa sign. :guffaw: Its four guys? Hmm... I have some ideas, but I'm gonna keep them to myself. :lol:
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Sorry guys, don't know when the next update will be

As Mac and Stella headed to the car Gary yelled. "Dad...phone for you." Walking with his wife back into the house he took the call. "Hello." "hey Mac...I was wondering if we could meet up sometime today, I need to talk about Jess." "Of course we can. Is everything okay?" "Yeah...yeah it will be. I just really need some advice." "Okay...I have an appointment with Stella at the OBGYN, I can meet you after that."

Hanging up the phone they walked back to the car. Unlocking the driver side door Mac heard a distinct click. A click he had heard several times while he served in the Marines. "Mac...what is it?" "Get back into the house Stella. Tell Gary to call the bomb squad."

"Gary...Gary...call the Bombsquad. Your dad is out there with the car. Someone set a trigger bomb under the car near the driver side door. Hurry son, your dad can't move, this isn't good for his blood pressure. Hurry son." "Okay mom...relax. It's not good for the baby either. Just sit down."

By the time everyone arrived Mac could feel his legs about to give out. "Hold on Mac...just a few more mintues. As they disabled the bomb Mac sat on the ground. "Someone get the EMT"s over here, hurry." After checking Mac over they found his blood pressure slightly alleviated.

"Are you having any tingling or stiffiness in your arms, legs, or neck?" "No...I"m fine. Just help me up." Once they had Mac up off the ground, Stella helped him back into the house. "I'll cancel my appointment Mac." "No Stel..we need that appointment. Just let them know we'll be late."

"Dad...I'm going to take the car into the lab. As soon as we find out anything, I'll let you know." "Alright son. Be careful. That target was meant for you...not for me." "I know dad. Now all I need is to figure out who sent it. I'll be back soon."

Donna can you stay and watch Jessie while I go with Stella to our appointment?" "Of course I can. We'll be fine." "Good...just keep the door locked, and do not...do not let anyone in. Promise me Donna. Gary doesn't need to lose another child." "I know Mac. I promise." Kissing Donna then his granddaughter they left.

When they arrived at the Hospital they were taken right in. After checking Stella's weight, height, blood pressure, urine and blood, they waited for the OBGYN. "Hello...I'm Dr.Cleary, and you must be the Taylor's?" "We are...it's wonderful to meet you. Our daughter said you were amazing with her boys."

"Aaahh...Jimmy and James. How is Claire doing since her husbands death?" "She's doing alright. She has her whole family to help her through." "Aww...that's wonderful. Alright then...let's get to you Stella...first and for most with your age category for pregnancy you are likely to develop certain medical conditions such as diabeties, high blood pressure, and placenta praevia. Due to these conditions you will require close monitoring.

"I understand that. But what about other risks. Are there more involved then the bllod pressure, and diabeties?" "There is...another problem is having a baby with a genetic defect. These tend to increase as you get older. So I strongly consider we do some genetic testing. Just to be sure the baby is growing normally."

"Are there any signs we should watch for? Or any do's and don'ts?" "Well...for signs the most important one would be spotting. If you happen to spot, or start to get carmps call my office right away. As for do's and don't. You are very healthy women Stella. Just keep doing what you've been doing, but in shorter amounts of time. Remember...it's okay to exercise, just don't overdo."

"Okay...how often do I need to see you throughout my pregnancy?" "I'd like to see you every four weeks. This way we can keep a good eye on your progress, prevention is the best thing Stella. The more you see me, the better it is for your health and the baby. I'm also going to start you on pre-natal vitamins with extra calcium and vitamin D."

After giving Stella the script she looked over at Mac. "You must be flying very high right now Mr.Taylor. Fifty three years old and still you have it. I can just imagine how many men would hate you right now if they knew. You should be very proud." Grinning widely, Mac couldn't agree more.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When Gary arrived back home from the lab, he found his daughter finger painting. "Hey doll face...what are you doing there?" "Dada...aint..I aint." "I can see that, you've turned your hands blue. Where's mama?" Pointing to the kitchen Gary left Jessie to her painting.

"Donna...are mom and dad home yet?" "No...umm... I need to get back into Jessie, she's painting." "I know that Donna, what's your rush." "whoa...you left her alone with the fingerpaint?" "Yeah...so did you, you're in here." But I had the paint on the little table. Where was it when you came in?"

"Oh crap....running out they seen Jessie painting the house. She had the walls covered in blue, green, and red. "Jessie Taylor...no, no." Looking up at her daddy with a huge grin..."aint dada, aint." "Hey kids were....what the..." "I know dad, I'm sorry Jessie got carried away with her paint. Donna wasn't watching her."

"Me?? I had the paint on the table mister. I believe you seen her when you came in. I believe you're the one that left her with it." "Oh come on Donna...don't play that blame game with me." Mac and Stella watched. Oh the memories that had long been forgotten with these two kids. Always they would blame each other, till they were both sent to their corners.

"I swear dad...it's all Donna's fault." "Aahh...that's it Gary...you've had it." Attacking Gary with full force she knocked him back on the couch as Stella snatched up her grandbaby. "Ook mama...ook dada...unny." "yes they are...let's watch and see what happens."

"What are you thinking love?" "I'm thinking this is going to end one of two ways. Either our son on top of Donna, or Donna on top of our son, sealing their flight with a kiss." "I have ten on my boy." "Good... Jessie and I will take Donna."

Watching as the kids rolled and faught Gary gripped her hands above her head, stared intently into her eyes, as she now lay quietly in his arms. Feeling each others breath, Gary lowered his lips and passionately kissed Donna, leaving them both rekindling what had long been lost.

"That will be ten dollars girls." "Hmm...what do you think Jessie? Do think your mommy and daddy's show is worth ten dollars?" Clapping her hands she couldn't agree more. "Alright Mac...you win. Now break them up before it turns into an adult movie."

"Gary...Donna enough. Now be good little kids and get this mess cleaned up." Laughing Gary pulled Donna up and held her against him. "Now...did you find anything out about the bomb?" "I did dad. We got a print from the dried glue. His name is Jerome Johnson. He was released from Woodman State Jail ,in Gatesville. Seems he is the only kin to Jeffery Johnson."

"Oh son...I'm so sorry. Have you caught him yet?" "Not yet mom, he's still running the streets. But we everyone on him, so hopefully we will capture him before Christmas." "You know you, Donna, and Jessie are going to have to be extra careful." "I know dad. Which is why I think it would be safer for Donna and Jessie to stay here with us."

"I have to agree with son. Donna...are you okay with this?" "I am Mac, I have no problem with it." "Okay then. I have to meet your dad, so I'll let him know." "Mac...you didn't tell me you were meeting Don?" "Sorry love...it slipped my mind. Yeah...he needs to talk to me. I'll be back soon."

Once Mac left, Donna started lunch with Stella, while Gary put his daughter down for a nap. "Gary...I think we need to talk." "Hmm...what about?" "Umm...what we shared in the living room." Walking up beside her he wrapped her into his arms. "There's nothing to talk about Donna. Let's just see what happens. We'll take this one day at a time." Snuggling in closer they watched their little doll face as she slept.

At the little cafe Mac met Don. "Okay Don...what is it?" "It's Jess. She wants to have another baby, but we're not having any luck. I was hoping....I mean...I...hmm..." Mac knew what he was trying to ask. "You want to know if I have tricks or ideas that could help you conceive."

"Umm..yeah. That's sums it up." "Listen Don...Stella and I were never trying. The only thing I can suggest is take a break from having sex to have a baby. Just enjoy each other. Most unexpected things happen, when we least expect them. Also...if it is meant to happen, it will."

"Yeah...I guess your right." Leaving the little Cafe Don noticed Jerome across the street. "What is it Don?" "Across the street. Jerome, we've been looking for him." "Let's get him, what are you waiting for?" "I need to call for back-up." "You've got back-up Don. Now let's go."

"Are you insane Mac...if anything happens to you, Stella will kill me." "Then let's not let me get hurt. Now move." Walking across the street Mac had one side near the vendor, while Don had the other. "Jerome Johnson...Det.Don Flack. Don't move. Hands against the wall."

"What the hell man. What for? I didn't do anything?" Cuffing him, Don read him his rights as he lead him to the car. "I'll call Gary to meet you at the Station." "Thanks Mac." When Don had him at the Station he placed him in the Interrogation room. "Hey man...I know my rights. I want a Lawyer."

"Fine...I'll get you one." Slamming the door Don ran into Gary.
"Calm down Gary. You can't go in there like that. He's already lawyered up." "I don't care what he's done. I'm going to question him right now." "I'm telling Gary don't. Wait for his representation to arrive. The last thing we need is him being released on a technicality."

Once Jerome confessed he got five years. "You know what this means don't you Gary?" "Of course I do. He'll be out in two, and I'll be waiting. Only this time there will be no hearing, Lawyer or Courtroom." Walking away Don knew exactly what Gary meant by that comment.

Walking into the breakroom Gary noticed a bunch of gifts, including two black mountain bikes with helmets, and pads. "Whoa...someone is getting lucky this Christmas. Who are these for Johnson?" "Umm...they're for Phillip's boys. He hasn't had the chance to get them home yet."

"Hmm...I can take them on my way." "No...no...umm...it's okay we already made arrangements for them. "Okay...calm down. I'll see you guys later." Leaving the Station Gary headed back with Don to pick up some of Donna's clothes. "Remind me again why Donna needs to stay with you?" "Umm...just incase Jerome escapes...I think it's a good idea."

Don wasn't stupid, he knew Gary like an open book. But he was also smart enough not to say anything.

Meanwhile Claire, Anthony and the boys left to go tobogganing. While they were gone Santa and his helpers left two final gifts. "Oh God...not again. "Whoa...mountain bikes mom. Whoa...these are awesome." Snatching the card she read..."Santa hopes you and your boys have a very Merry Christmas. Love your Secret Santa and his elves."

Anthony howled in laughter and tears. "So Claire...I guess you'll never find
out now. Santa has gone back to the North Pole." "Oh you are just to funny Anthony. I should slap you a good one." "Right here Claire...right here." Leaning in with her fists towards his face, she grabbed his jacket and kissed him. Really kissed him, leaving the boys to yuk...gross...and gag from the show.
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