CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

:shifty:Heavy Angst alert in the next few chapters:shifty:

Just when you think life is wonderful. Something happens to tear that apart again.

He was finally free. Five long years in prison for a crime he didn't commit. All because Detective Gary Taylor said he pulled the trigger on the Hazelwood case.

Sure he was there with his small gang of friends. But he wasn't the one that pulled the trigger. His friends did. Even still five years in prison for something you didn't commit was bullshit.

He had told his friends he'd back in prison with them in a few days..and that they were to keep his cell warm. Heading over to the place where he had hidden the semi automatic before he was arrested, he checked it for bullets, then headed over to see Detective Taylor for his revenge.

"Bye hon....I'll see you tonight. Take of our boys and our new addition."

"I will Gary....love you."

"I love you too Janice. See you tonight."

Pulling out of the driveway he headed off down the street. Stopping at his little Cafe he ordered his usual coffee and blueberry muffin. Then he heard the call over the radio.

"Attention all units we have shots fired at 1429 East 77th street. All units respond."

Dropping his coffee and muffin Gary knew that was his home. Racing over he found Danny, Don, and all the other Officers standing outside. As he ran into the house, Danny pulled him back.

"Don't go in there Gary. Stay here. Please Gary."

Breaking out of their arms he ran in and collapsed. There on the floor was his family...all of them shot through the chest and head. Gary couldn't breathe, he could focus, he was numb with anger and hate.

The he seen him....sitting in cuff's in the unit. With the front window rolled down he yelled....

"You should have been home Detective...you missed one hell of kill."

Running towards the car with his gun pulled from his holster, Don tackled him to the ground.

"Get him out of here...now Jones."

"Move.....out of the way."

Seeing the EMT run out with the baby Gary got up and ran over.

"Please....let me see. Is that my son? Please tell me he's alive?"

"I'm sorry Detective. None of your family made it except for your new born. She came sliding out when we lifted your wife onto the stretcher.

"Is she okay? Will she make it?"

"We're not sure yet Detective...we need to go."

"I'm coming."

Getting into the Ambulance with his daughter, they sped away.

"Donnie....who's going to give who the news?"

"I'll tell Mac and Stella. You head over to Claire's and Anthony. They live in the same building."

Danny nor Don were looking forward to giving them the news. It had already been one hell of a month for the Taylor's. And now they would have too deal with one more.

At the Hospital Gary watched from the glass. He could see them hooking his tiny daughter up to machines and tubes. Watching as they all ran around, he noticed they all stopped dead in their tracks.

Turning around the Trauma doctor came out of the room.

"I'm sorry Mr.Taylor. Your daughter didn't make it."

Falling to his knees he held his stomach. God...he had lost everything. Everything...there was nothing left for him. His whole world had disappeared. All in a matter of moments. No one with him....no one to hold him while he cried on the Hospital floor.

Turning to leave, walking down the hall, not being able to take the torturous cries.....the doctor didn't know what to say as the tears flowed from her eyes.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

:eek: I expected Janice to be killed cause of the comment Don made to Donna about her and Gary's past relationship. But, I honestly didn't expect all of his kids to die too. That's so sad. :sniff: Poor Gary.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

I agrre^^^ I thought 'If only...' and then that happens, sad but it'll have some good consequences by the sound of it....Loved the warning btw :D
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

After Danny informed Claire and Anthony, she took off out the door leaving Danny with the kids. Running into the ER she seen her brother sitting on a chair with his hands over his face.

"Gary....Gary...oh Gary. I'm here. It's going to be okay."

Looking up at his sister his eyes were red but dry.

"I need to go sis. I need to make arrangements for my wife and children. I could use help getting my place cleaned up too. We can't sell it looking like that."

Claire knew her brother wasn't willing to face the fact that he had lost his family. She knew that his heart, soul, and mind had blocked out all the pain of his loss, leaving him cold, distant, and unwilling to share.

"Gary....please don't do this? Talk to me. You have to let someone know how you feel. Please..."

"I'm fine sis. Don't worry. I understand life has to move forward. So if you want to help me, let's get everything done."

"Gary...they're not going to let you into your home. It's still a crime scene. Come home with me...you stay at my place."

"No....only if you promise to help me make arrangements for their memorials."

Claire was in tears. She knew there would be no dealing with her brother when he was this messed up.

"Okay...you win. Come home with me, and we'll make the arrangements. I promise."

Getting up he smiled and kissed his sisters head. Then taking her hand they headed home.

Back at Claire's place Danny was comforting Anthony. He was a mess. Not only had he lost his only sister, but his nephews too.

"I don't understand it. How could he not protect her. Always I heard her say she felt so loved and protected. Then why the hell did he leave her alone. He should have been there. He should be the one that's dead. Not my sister and her children."

"Hey...you can't blame Gary for this. He had no idea that Delvicious was running the streets again. No one told him he was released."

"It's still his fault. He put him away. He sealed his fate. But of course family protects family, so you would side with him."

"I want you to listen to me...there is no sides here. Everyone loses in these situations. Yes you lost your sister, and her children. But Gary lost his wife, and his kids. So you have no right...no right at all to judge him for what took place."

Bowing his head he knew Danny was right. No one was to blame for what had happened...except for the bastard that pulled the damn trigger.

Over at Mac and Stella's Don walked in and found them already in tears.

"You know..don't you?"

"We just heard on the news. Where's are son?"

"He went to the Hospital with his new daughter. I'm not sure how that went."

Looking at Don they shook their head no.

"Aww...you're kiddin...all of them?"

"Mhmm...all my grandbabies gone. All of them in Heaven with their mother."

"Shh...come on Stella...try and calm down. Upsetting yourself isn't helping Mac. This stress is going to be taking its toll on him as it is."

"I'm going to be sick....."

Running into the washroom, Stella threw up. She could no longer hold in the sick feelings of pain, hurt, and unknown pregnancy.

"I need to check on my wife Don. Thanks for stopping by."

Don knew Mac and Stella needed time. He knew the family would need their own space to deal before they allowed others in to help.

"I'll give you a call later Mac."

Walking out Don knew the next few weeks were going to be one heartbreak after another until all the Taylor's accepted the cruel hand fate had dealt them once again.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When Claire and Gary walked in she seen Anthony sitting on her couch.

"What are you still doing here Indiana."

Gary smacked his sisters arm.

"Have some respect for Anthony Claire. He's your brother-in-law. How you doing Anthony? I was hoping to find you here. I'd like to discuss arrangements for my wife and children."

Danny looked confused. What the hell was Gary talking about? Less then four hours into their deaths and he's talking memorial already. Anthony had the same look.

"What!!! Are you insane Gary....my sister and her children just died and you aren't even mourning them. What the hell is that?"

"That's it Indiana...."

Pulling him up Claire pulled him into her bedroom

"You God damn idiot. This is how my brother deals. He shuts everyone and everything out. He's not being cold. He's just not accepting it. I'm sure where you come from denial isn't unheard of."

Anthony was getting pissed with Claire constantly pushing his buttons. But more then that he was begining to hate the word Indiana.

"Number one...stop pushing me all the damn time. I know nothing about your family, or how you all deal. My sister married your brother a little over a year ago while I was away. I had no damn say in anything. She was the only family I had left."

Claire felt awful. She wasn't aware Janice didn't have parents. She had no idea as she never spent much time with any of her family. Feeling his pain...she released him.

"I'm sorry too. I didn't know. I've been kind of the black sheep of my family for the last few years."

"Why?? Your family seems so loving...why would they or you turn away from that?"

"It's just the way my family works. We love each other so much, that when we make mistakes we let each other go. Never by the heart though. The heart always stays within."

"Then you're lucky Claire. You have no idea what it's like not to have that. My sister and I had no one. Even when our parents were alive...they gave us nothing but pain. We had no love...ever."

"I'm sorry...so sorry. But you have my family now. They won't abandon you...whether your sister is gone or not. You are part of the family."

"I hope you are right Claire....because as of this moment, I feel I have no one."

Walking back out, he sat down beside Gary and wrapped his arm around him.

"I'm sorry Gary....I never meant to hurt you."

"I know bro...I know."

When Don got home Jess ran into his arms.

"Ohhhh Donnie...we just heard. How could this have happened. How's Mac, Stella, and the kids handling it?"

"Stella's made herself sick, Mac's trying to keep his illness in check, Gary's not dealing, Claire's confused, Anthony is terrified of being alone. How's that for a package deal."

"I'm sorry I asked. I'm hurting to you know. There is no need to be so damn cold towards me."

"Christ Jess...I'm sorry. You are so right. It's just so heartbreaking. If you only seen...if....you would understand."

Embracing her tightly Don just couldn't get the images out of his head.

"I know it's going to take time to forget what you seen today. But I'm here for you Donnie...just don't push me away."

Kissing her hair, he embraced her all the tighter.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Aww... that's so sad. But, I'm glad the family is banding together to help each other through the tragedy.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Flack rounded everyones feelings and situations up perfectly there. Loved the Tony and Claire moment
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Indiana Jones is the name she gave Janice's brother. he don't like it.

When Claire's boys got home from school they found their Uncle Gary on the phone.

"Uncle Gary....what are you doing here?"

"Shh...Uncle Gary is on the phone."

"Sorry mommy...who's this?"

"Hey...I know you...you were that guy downstairs yesterday. Why are you crying?"

"Listen boys I need you to sit down and listen to me for a minute. Okay?"

"Sure mommy. What is it?"

"Your Auntie Janice, Kevin and Keith died today. They went to Heaven with daddy to become Angels."

"Why?? I don't understand mommy. They are just little. God is mean mommy. Why does he keep taking everyone. Can't he find his own Angels?"

Claire held back her tears. Leave it to Jimmy J to ask the most difficult questions.

"Let me try please Claire."

Nodding her agreement she allowed Anthony to talk to the boys, while she checked on her brother.

"Yes...that's right. Tomorrow morning at nine is perfect....no just two of us will be there. Myself, and her brother. That's right...thank you."

Hanging up the phone he turned and seen his sister.

"Who was that Gary?"

"It was the Morturary. Janice and the kids are being cremated in the morning. I don't want a funeral...I've changed my mind."

"Gary....you can't do that. You have to give everyone a chance to say good bye to them."

"They can Claire. They can visit the Funeral Home tonight from six in the evening till nine."

"Damn you Gary....this isn't right. You're not thinking straight. Don't do it like this...you will regret it later."

"No Claire...no I won't. Don't you understand. This is the way I have to say good bye. What happened should have never happened. The last thing I need right now....is a bunch of family and friends telling me how sorry they are for my loss."

Storming out of the kitchen, Gary sat down and discussed his arangements with Anthony. Watching them talk...Claire could tell they were in full agreement. Turning towards the phone she called her mom and dad.


"Mom...you sound awful...are you okay?"

"I'm not feeling well Claire. What is it love?"

"Gary's not having a funeral for Janice and the kids. He's having a closed visit only for tonight. He said if we want to say good bye we can do it between six and nine tonight."

Stella wasn't surprised. She knew this was her sons way of dealing with the pain and hurt his wife and children had suffered. They also understood from the details that open caskets would not be possible for Janice and Keith.

"Okay Claire bear...your dad and I will let the rest of the family know."

"That's it...you're not going to stop him?"

"No Claire...this is your brothers decision, and Anthony's too. You have to respect that. As for your brother breaking down for his loss...you'll see that happen within the next few days. He's like your father, he holds it in till everything is done. Once his family is laid to rest....that's when he'll need us."

"Okay mom. I'll see you later tonight, bye."
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