CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When Gary finished explaining everything to Anthony he left. As Claire watched from the kitchen she listened to Anthony talk to her boys.

"So tell us then Antony....why did they go to Heaven?"

"Well Jimmy...in our world we live in we have all kinds of people. We have good people, sad people, mad people, and bad people."

"I know what those are. They are the ones that hurt others right?"

"That's right. What happened to your Aunt Janice and your cousins was done by a bad person. Someone who didn't care about anyone but himself."

"What did he do to them?"

"Well James...he shot them son....really bad. So bad that God had to take them to Heaven."

"You mean with a gun like my daddy use to have?

"That's right son."

Anthony believed that children needed to hear the truth. They needed to know that life isn't perfect. That evil, violence and hurt does exsist with love. That this is how life balances itself out. That there isn't only rainbows, and faeries. There is also death and harm caused naturally and by others.

"I hate guns...my daddy always brought his home and it scared me. I wouldn't come near my daddy when he had his gun. He was mean, daddy was always mean especially to mommy, he would never let her see my papa and nana, even when he got sick."

Anthony wasn't sure how the subject got changed. But you could bet he was listening to every word these boys said...and Claire new it.

"So then they are never coming home right?"

"No James. They will stay in Heaven now."

"Ooohhh..can we go to Heaven too?"

"No. The Angels aren't ready for you yet. They need you to stay here and take care of your mommy and family with your hugs and love."

"Ohh..so we are living Angels?"

Anthony laughed...Jimmy had to be one of the sweetest kids he had ever talked too."

"That's right Jimmy. You and your brother are living Angels."

Getting up off the couch Jimmy hugged Anthony quickly, then ran to his mommy.

"Can we eat now mommy. I'm hungry."

"Of course we can. Anthony....would you like to stay?"

Smiling cautiously he said...."sure..that would be nice."

After dinner Anthony played a few video games with the boys. Then getting up he headed over to his apartment to change. He knew in order to get through the next three hours he would need all his strength he possessed.

"Mommy....is Anthony coming with us?"

"Mmhmm...your Auntie was his sister, but he's alread there with Uncle Gary."

"Does that make him our Uncle?"

"No Jimmy. He's not related to us in that way. He's from Janice's side of the family."

"Oh...will we be able to see him after tonight?"

"Of course. He lives right next door to us."

"But he told Uncle Gary he was leaving once everything was worked out with Auntie."

"What??? Are you sure Jimmy? You couldn't have heard him wrong...could you?"

"No mommy. He told Uncle Gary that there was nothing left here for him. So he was going to be moving on."

Claire wasn't sure why it bothered her that Anthony would be leaving. But it did. Placing on the boys jackets, they headed out the door.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Aww at the living angels comment. Tony sure was good with those boys. :)

Loved Claire's reaction to finding out Tony was leaving after the funeral.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Mac was getting dressed when Stella came out of the washroom.

"Maybe you should stay home love. You look very ill."

"I'll be fine Mac. I'm more worried about you. Did you take your medication?"

"I did love. And I checked my blood pressure. Everything is fine. Try not to worry."

"I'll always worry. I love you."

"I love you to sweetheart."

Kissing her passionately he wrapped her warmly in his arms.

"You ready to say good bye?"

*Sigh*...."Is anyone ever ready to say good bye?"

Taking her hand they headed out the door.

When Don, Jess, Donna and Jessica came through the door Gary stood in shock, anger and fustration. For what right did Donna have to be there. She was never friends with Janice. In fact the two of them hated each other with a passion.

Not wanting to admit to feeling that he thought were long forgotten, he tried to smile at his Uncle and Aunt.

"How you doing Gary? Are you holding up okay?"

"I'm fine Aunt Jess...don't worry. Hi Uncle Don...I'm glad you could make it."

"I wouldn't miss it Gary..you know that."

Nodding that he understood he introduced Anthony.

"Aunt Jess....this is Anthony, Janice's brother."

Embracing him in his arms, shocked him. He wasn't use to feeling love from others. It was foreign to him.

"It's wonderful to finally meet you. I just wish it was under better circumstances."

As they walked away Gary placed his arm on Anthony's shoulder.

"You'll get to use it. We are a very affectionate family."

Anthony wasn't sure he'd ever get use to it. All of this was so wrong. He was supposed to meet all these people at Christmas...a happy time. Not at a closed viewing.

Watching the next couple walk in. Anthony knew right away it was Gary's parents. The looks were unique on their children.

"Son....how you holding up?"

Embracing his father tightly he whispered....

"I'm doing okay dad. But don't go far.....cause I know once this is over I'm going to need you and mom to hold and help me through."

Mac could hear his sons voice crack. He could hear the pain and ache in his heart.

"Shh...stay strong son. I'm right here with you. I promise I won't leave."

Letting his son go Mac noticed right away the guy beside his son was Janice's brother. Not saying a word, Mac grabbed him in his arms and held him tight. Leaning in he whispered....

"If you need to talk. If you need someone just to hold you, and help you cope. We are here for you. Promise us son, that you will accept our help to help you through."

That did it...Anthony's heart broke. He now understood why his sister had loved this family so much. Crying on Mac's shoulder, he held him all the tighter until silence could be heard.

Watching from the door Claire's heart broke. Never in her life had she seen such a man who had felt he was so undeserving of love. Now knowing that she would have to do everything in her heart and power to get him to stay. Not for her...oh no. For her boys and for him. For no one deserved to be alone at Christmas.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Aww...sorry for the tears.:( hugs her readers once more:(

While the family gathered and talked Gary walked over to his wife's coffin. Seeing it closed...he caressed his fingertip across it, letting her know he was there with her.

Needing to see her one last time he went to open it. Feeling the hand touch his shoulder he heard in a whisper....

"Don't do it son...please don't do it."

"I have to dad. I have to say good bye. Please dad...I know what she looked like. I seen her at the house."

"Then think about it. Do you really want to see her like that again. God son...remember her the way she was. Remember her smile...her warmth, her love."

"I can't do this anymore dad. I can't be strong any longer. I'm tired dad...I'm tired of having to fight the pain."

"Then let go son. Just let go. No one is going to judge you for being human."

Not listen, not wanting to accept...he moved along caressing his fingers, as he came to his first son, then his second son. Until he reached his daughter.

God her coffin was so tiny. Such innocence that never had a chance to make a difference in the world. That would never know what love, understanding, and nurturing was.

Mac watched....

He could see his son was on the edge of finally releasing his pain. Looking towards his wife, she knew what was coming. Walking over she stood on one side, while Mac was on the other.

As the others watched they knew Gary was ready.

"What are they doing Claire?"


"What do you mean...they're not even touching him."

"Watch...you'll see."

Danny walked up beside Claire...."you ready kiddo?"

"Nooo...I'm never ready for this part Uncle Danno."

Taking her Uncles hand, she heard her brothers scream...the heart wretching scream of loss...loss of warmth, loss of innocence...loss of everything that was his life.

As the kids blocked their ears, Anthony picked them up and held them. One on each shoulder as they tried to block out the heart breaking cries of their Uncle. Then in the barest of whispers Anthony heard Jimmy say....

"Uncle needs an Angel...."

Choking back tears....Anthony whispered back....

"He already has two son. They are holding him right now."
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Poor Gary. I'm glad he's got his family there to take care of him. Loved the last two lines.
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