CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

With the closed veiwing at its end Mac and Stella took their son home with them. While Claire, Anthony, and her boys went back to their apartments.

On the ride home Don noticed his daughter was very quiet.

"Donna...you okay?"

"I don't know dad. Maybe it was a mistake going tonight. Gary wasn't impressed I was there. I still know his thoughts, and he's right. I had no right there Janice and I were never friends."

"Listen sweetheart...you were there to pay respects. You are family, and have as much right as anyone else. So stop that thinking right now young lady. It's going to take Gary time to heal. More in likely having you show up forced him to remember pain from the relationship that was long forgotten. You two shared a past...like it or not, it can't be changed."


All the way home Stella still had her nauseating headache. Of course it didn't help listening to her son yell about Donna showing up. Unlocking the door Stella kissed her son, then her husband and went to bed.

"Don't forget to check your blood pressure Mac."

"I'll do that right now love. Get some rest."

"What's the matter with mom dad?"

"She hasn't been feeling well."

"Oh...I just don't understand it dad. Donna had no right to be there tonight. No right at all."

"Yes she did son. She's Don's daughter, she's family... has been for years. I'm sorry that you two share a past."

"A past....if you could call it that dad. She left me remember....took off with that no good bastard to Canada. Not even having the guts to say good bye, getting her dad to do it."

"I understand that son. Like I said you have every right to angry. You both do. It's been less then two years, you both married others out of spite, and had children. Which your Uncle or I could never figure out. We both thought you two would be together forever. Your Uncle and I still think either you... or Donna are hiding something that made her run. We just haven't been able to figure out what."

"Well... when you do dad, let me know. Even though I may not have truely loved Janice.... in some ways I did. I did loved my children though and now they are gone."

"Get some rest son. Tomorrow you lay them to rest."

Walking into his old room Gary looked back as he watched his father take his blood pressure. Seeing him shake his head he knew it wasn't good.


"Yeah son??"

"Don't ever leave us okay? Don't ever leave us behind."

Closing the door he left his father to his thoughts.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

I wonder whats going on with Donna and Gary, but i guess you'll tell us in your own time hehe
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Walking into his room Mac found his beautiful wife sound alseep on her tummy. God he could never tire of looking at her. They had spent so many happy years together..so much happiness, joy, pain, and hurt. Always it left them stronger, allowing their already passionate love to comtinue to grow.

So many nights he would just watch her sleep. Watch as her chest woul rise and fall, praying to God that he allowed him to remain healthy, able to spend several more years together as husband and wife.

Sitting on the edge of the bed he softly brushed the beautiful curls from her lovely face, watching as she caressed her head against the pillow..letting him know that even though she was asleep, she still felt his caress.

Removing his clothes he pulled back the sheets and climbed in beside her. Reaching his arm across as he pulled her towards him, while he buried his face in her hair.

"Mmmac....I love you so much."

"Shh..go back to sleep love. I love you too."


Jess woke to her grandbaby's cries. Walking into the room she found her soaking wet.

"Aww...hey little sweet angel...you need your sleepers changed? Is all wet and cold?"

Watching her nana take off her sleepers Jessica stared at her with wide eyes. Removing the wet sleeper Jess noticed an odd shaped birthmark on her leg. Right up under her calf.

"Hmm..where have I seen that before?"

Thinking....she couldn't remember.

"I'll tell you what Jessie...let's go see your papa. he remembers more then I do."

Taking Jessica into their room...she woke Don.

"Hon...honey...wake up."

"Hmm..what is it Jess? Is something wrong with Jessica?"

"No...no..everything is fine. I noticed this when I changed her. I've seen it before...I know I have. I just can't remember where."

As Don looked at it, he knew right away who wore that same mark. He also now knew why his daughter took off almost two years go.

"What is it Don? You look shocked?"

"Wake Donna...get her in here now."

Jess had seen that look on Don's face before. The day Donna left New York. Scrambling from the bed, she ran into her daughters room.

Over at Claire's apartment she was having trouble getting the boys to settle down. All she wanted was some sleep.

"Jimmy, James...bed now. Let's go."

"Nooooooooooo....please mommy....I want to play games."

"I said bed....you have school in the morning."

Looking at the clock she seen it now read twelve thirty am. Walking over to the TV, she unplugged it.

"Auuuuuuuuuuuugh....I hate you mommy....you lost my game."

Hearing the pounding on the door, she knew it was the building manager.

"What is it now?"

"I've told you before Claire...get those damn kids under control before I do it myself. Or you will find your ass on the damn street."

Getting right into his face, he backed up as she brought up her fist. Grabbing her from behind Anthony held her around the waist.

"Don't do it Claire...think of the boys and Christmas."

Bringing her fist down, she allowed her self to lean back against Anthony.

"That's it Claire...you will have your notice in the morning. You and your boys are out on the street."

Releasing Claire, Anthony gripped the building manager.

"Now you listen to me. I know what goes on here. I know what goes on in your apartment throughout the day. So I think we can make a deal here. You let Claire and her boys stay till they find another place, and I won't tell...yet..."

Watching the emotions across Anthony's face...he knew he was someone who wouldn't hesitate.

"Fine...but you better find something soon Claire. Really soon."

Storming down the stairs Anthony walked back into Claire's apartment. Looking at the boys he said....

"You both have five minutes to get into bed for your mom. If you don't...then you are both grounded."

Running to their rooms, they giggled and shut their doors.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Rushing into her daughters room she woke her.

"Donna...Donna...wake up."

"What is it mom."

"You're dad wants to see you now."

"Can't it wait till morning?"

"Umm...no. If I was you...I'd hurry. His temper is already high."

"Why?? What did I do?"

"I don't know Donna...but it has to do with Jessica."

Donna tried to catch her breath...could her father know who the father was.

"Alright mom. I'll be right there."

Slipping on her housecoat Donna could feel herself tremble. As she neared her parents room she could hear her dad.

"How could she have done this to him. Where did we go wrong in raising her Jess? Was I not a good father....did I not listen enough...or love her enough, or teach her enough values."

"Shh...come on Donnie. Please don't get upset. Let's hear what she has to say first. I'm sure she had her reasons for running."

"I just can't believe I didn't see it earlier. I mean look at her. Those damn piercing eyes, and that pout."

"Shh....we never looked for it before Don. We had no reason too. Please stop upsetting yourself."

"Stop upsetting myself. Sure Jess...sure. I'll do that as soon as I have my daughters explanation."

Raising his grandaughter up to his level he got her to laugh.


They both teared up. Never had they seen anything so imaged as Jessica was to her father.


With the boys quietly tucked away Claire asked Anthony to stay for coffee.

"Umm..Anthony....can I ask you why you're leaving New York?"

"How'd did you hear about that?"

"Jimmy overheard you talking to my brother."

"Then you know why I'm leaving. I have nothing here for me Claire. No family, no friends. No relations at all."

"But you do have family. You have Gary...my father, mother, me and my kids."

"That's nice Claire...but I'm really not any relation to any of you."

"Fine...you're right. How about we look at it differently. Stay till after Christmas. Have dinner with us. Then you can leave. I know the boys would love it. They love having you around."

As he wondered...he thought to himself if Claire would ever want to keep him around too. She was beautiful...strong willed, passionate in her values and family. Funny now he thought about it...two days ago he wanted to kill her. Now...now he wanted something more...he wanted her and a family.

"You win....I'll stay. But just till Christmas, then I leave."

"Deal...now...where's that damn paper. Looks like I have to move again."

Finishing up their coffee. Anthony helped her search for a new place.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

:lol: I'm such a doof. I read the word "birthmark" as "bitemark" and thought "the baby's father bit her?" I'm glad I read that over again cause now it makes more sense to me. Cause I thought at first it would make sense that she'd leave/divorce her husband if he not only cheated but also harmed the baby. So, I couldn't understand why Don was so upset with why she left. But, after re-reading it, I get it now. :lol:

Loved Anthony with the boys and the super.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Knocking quietly on the door Don told her to come in.

"Daddy?? What is it?"

"Come sit Donna. I want to talk about two things. One...why you left so quickly almost two years ago. And why our grandchild looks like Gary."

Donna bowed her head and sobbed.

"I'm sorry daddy. Yes..Jessica does belong to Gary. It's his daughter."

"That's why your husband left you....isn't it. He found out Jessie wasn't his."

"Yes daddy...yes he did. I'm so sorry I lied to you, and to mom. I didn't do it to hurt you. I was so confused. Everything that happened that one night, changed our lives forever.

On the night of Gary's bachelor party he got pretty drunk. It must have been three in the morning when he called me...telling me he needed me, he needed to talk about us.

The only thing that went through my mind was that he wanted me back. So I went over there. I still remember that moment as if it was my last. We looked into each others eyes, he grabbed at my coat, while I grabbed at him.

So out of control we were daddy. So much love that we both thought had died. It was that night I concieved Jessica. I remember going to the doctor, and her telling me that I was four weeks pregnant. I know I could have terminated her, but I couldn't do it.

That's when I met Laurence. He was so sweet daddy, so warm and caring. I paniced...he had to go back to Canada so I asked him to take me. I told him I was pregnant with his child."

Don's eyes were misty, as were her moms. They now understood why Laurence was so cold and angry all the time. It was because he had found out about Gary being Jessica's father.

"Please say something daddy. Anything."

"Get dressed."

"Don...you can't be serious. Not now when Gary just lost his children and wife."

Looking at Jess with anger he hissed....

"There have been enough God damn lies this last two years. It's time for being honest. For it will be a cold day in hell before I allow this lie to ruin Christmas for all of us.

As for you young lady...I want the truth. Do you love Gary?"

"Yes daddy....I've never stopped loving him."

"You better pray he still feels some of what you feel...and that he is willing to forgive you for this lie. As for him taking you back...I wouldn't count on that ever happening. Now get dressed."

While Donna changed Don called Mac and Stella....


"Stella...sorry to wake you."

"That's okay Don...I wasn't sleeping yet...what is it?"

"I need to see you, Mac and Gary. Jess, Donna, Jessica and I are on are way over."

"Umm...okay. See you soon Don."

" I'm sorry about this Stella, but it can't wait. I won't allow it to wait."

"Okay....I'll see you all soon."

Stella looked over at the bed and noticed Mac wasn't there. Getting up she walked into the living room and found him sleeping in the chair.

"Mac....Mac..wake up."

"Hmmm....oh sorry Stel. I must have dosed off."

" I need to wake Gary. Don, Jess, and Donna are on their way over, they say it can't wait till morning."

"What can't love?"

"I don't know....he didn't say."

Heading into Gary's room Stella found him looking out the window over New York.

"I heard mom."

"Are you going to be okay with her coming over here son?"

"Why wouldn't I be....I can't avoid her forever, right?"

Walking back out, she headed to the kitchen and put on the coffee.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Oh, this is gonna be good! Can't wait to see their reactions to Donna's belated news.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When they pulled into the Taylor driveway Donna teared up.

"You can cry all you want young lady. It's not going to change my mind."

"I can't believe you are doing this right now Don. After everything the Taylor's have been through. Or are you trying to give your best friend another stroke."

"Don't pull that with me Jess. It won't work. Do you think it's fair that our daughter kept her child away from his natural father. Did she ever once concider that Gary would have loved to have his daughter in his life. That Mac and Stella would have been so happy....now get out of the car Donna."

Opening the car doors Don picked up Jessica who was now wide awake. Walking up to the door Stella greeted them.

"Hey guys...come on in."

Taking off their coats Don removed Jessica's. Then walking into the living room he sat down facing Jessie towards Mac and Gary. Wiggling to get out of her papa's arms, he sat her on the floor as she crawled towards Gary. Looking up at him she smiled and said dada..."

Gary just stared...he looked, looked, and looked again at this little angel who was stretching her arms up to him. Then he seen it...God how could he have missed it.

"Gary...son...what's wrong?"

Not saying anything to his dad he picked up the little girl, sat her on his lap and cried. Then looking up at Donna he whispered....


Donna lowered her head and cried.

Watching her daddy, she turned her attention to Mac, and as she giggled he seen it too. The smile...the eyes...

"Oh my God....Stel...."

"What is it Mac?"

Don, Jess, and Donna just watched. Somehow Don knew that he wouldn't have to tell them this was their child and grandchild.

"Ooooohhhh...ooohhh..it can't be. It can't. Donna? What is going on?"

"I said why Donna? I want a God damn answer?

"I'm sorry Gary....I'm so sorry. I never meant for you to get hurt."

Gary could feel his temper boil. He could feel himself wanting to yell. Looking at his daughter he said to his mom...."take my daughter from this room mom."

Picking her granddaughter up in her arms they all walked with her into Mac and Stella's room.

"Don't move Donna. You stay where you are."


Looking at his daughter with tears, he walked out of the room.

"You're sorry....that's all you have to say. You were pregnant with my child. My child....and you didn't tell me? You married another man, you allowed him to be the father of my child? My flesh and blood."

"I'm sorry Gary....I didn't do it to hurt you...I was confused. I knew you were geting married to Janice...I didn't want our baby to change your mind. It was a one night stand. A heat of the moment...but most of all.... I didn't think you would accept us."

"What??? What???

Do you hear yourself Donna? If that's what you think , then you're right. You never knew me at all. Never....cause I would have have cancelled my wedding.. I would have said no at the alter. Do you know why? Do you?"

"No...no I don't?"

"God damn it Donna....because I loved you, I never stopped loving you. And yes I loved Janice...yes I built a life with her and my children. But it was different then the love we shared. What we shared is what my mom and dad share. It's what your mom and dad share....a unique true love. Love that comes by once in a lifetime. A love you ruined the day you left pregnant with my daughter.

But I'll tell you this much. Now that I know about Jessica....I'll be spending every God damn minute making it up to her. You robbed us of a year...and I'll be damned if you'll rob us of anymore."

Sitting down in the chair he rubbed his face. Then getting up he walked into the room and took his daughter into his arms...and as she looked up at him he whispered....

"Hello Jessica...I'm your daddy, and I love you."

Smiling with her tiny white teeth, she laid her head down on his shoulder, closing her beautiful eyes, falling into sleep.

While Jess went out to check on her daughter Don apologized.

"I'm really sorry Gary...but please...please don't hate my daughter."

Walking out he grabbed their coats and left.

"Don and Jess are leaving Jessica with you for the night. They feel guilty as hell for what Donna did."

"I know mom. I don't blame them. I don't. God....I can't even hate Donna. As much as I want to I can't. She's my true love. Always has been. The only thing that matters now is my daughter. She's the important one. She's the one I have a years worth of love to make up for. Which will start right now and continue first thing in the morning after I lay my wife and children to rest."
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

I love that no one had to tell Gary cause the baby did it herself. That was so cute.

"Hello Jessica...I'm your daddy, and I love you."

That was so sweet! Loved it.

I love how Don was so adamant that Donna tell them the truth.

So, baby Jessie is a year old? How old were Gary's sons again? Just a little younger than Jessie? They were twins, right?
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