CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Aww Mac and Claire were so sweet. :lol: at Mac telling the nurse to never yell at his wife.

:lol: at Mac and Gary's talk.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

With Mac settled in bed Stella tried to leave the room.

"Sweetheart...can you fix my pillow before you go."


Bending over her husband he enjoyed her beautiful view.

"Is that better?"


Bringing up his hands he pulled her down onto his chest.

"Stella my love....let me love you...I need to feel you. It's been so long."

"Mac...it's only been three weeks...I don't want you pushing yourself."

Looking at her with hurtful eyes she knew he was going to win. Always they needed each othters touch, caress, or whispers. It had become their daily routine to give each other all the passion and love they had.

Showing each other that over their years of marriage nothing exsited stronger then what they had with each other. Leaning in she lowered herself to his lips...just a whisper away as they felt their warm breath caress within each other.

Whispering now...she could hear his passionate plea....

"Kiss me Stella...take me back to yesterday."

Softly touching their lips they could feel their souls merge...they could feel the shivers...the fever begin and as she felt his finger dance along her flesh...she cried out in the purest of desire..."Maaaaaaaaaac...."

Losing control Mac carefully flipped her under him. With fingertip caresses he seductively removed her blouse...brushing her skin into endless shivers of love. Building her soul to begin their lovers dance once more.

Over at Gary's his wife had just recieved a call from her brother Anthony who was coming in for Christmas to see the boys. Such excitment as Gary walked through the door into her waiting arms.

"Gary....guess who's coming for Christmas?"

"Hmm...let me see...your mom and dad?"

"No...guess again?"

Gary had never seen his wife so alive wth excitement.

"I don't know love...but your excitement is encouraging that it's someone good."

"My brother...Anthony....he's coming for Christmas...isn't this wonderful. It's been five years since I've seen him. He's back from his expedition and is dying to see his nephews."

Gary had never met her brother. When they got married he was on his expedition.

"Well...this is wonderful...when is he coming?"

"Tomorrow...he'll have to stay at a Hotel. But he's use to that. God I can't wait."

Embracing her husband tighter...Gary couldn't help but feel his child kick.

"Whoa...you feel that love?"

"I did. You see....even our unborn child is excited."

Gary laughed...he understood his wife's happiness. But he really wished she'd calm down. Especially with being due any day now.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Once Claire had the boys off to school she headed over to her mom and dads.

"Mom....dad...I'm here."

Not getting no answer. She walked down the hall and heard the giggling coming from the room.

"Mom?? Dad....are you two decent in there?"

"Claire bear....ahhh...hmmm...just a minute love."

Scrambling off the bed Stella helped Mac into his pajama bottoms and robe. Then straightening her hair she opened their door.

"Hi sweetheart. How's my Claire bear?"

"Hi mom...dad....I know what you two have been up too. I remember daddy's grin all to well. I thought the doctor said no stress daddy?"

"I wasn't stressing myself Claire bear...honest. Your mom was just giving me my massage.'


"Never mind that...come give your daddy a hug. I've missed you love."

Running to her fathers side she laid down beside him and snuggled into his good side.

"Daddy?? How are you truely feeling? Are you still numb?"

"Just a little love. But it's getting better everyday. I don't want you to worry. How are the boys?"

"They're good. Uncle Don comes by all the time to check on me...and Uncle Danno uses the excuse that he was in the area."

Mac smiled...leave it to his boys to take good care of his little Claire bear.

"Daddy....I'm still really sorry, I never meant to hurt you or mom...honest. I know I was wrong to run off with Jimmy. I should have listened to everyone....but no..I had to be stubborn and instead destroy our family."

"Shh...come on sweetheart....I want you to stop this now. It's in the past. All we have to look forward to now is our future together. Rebuilding the strength, warmth and love around us. All I know is that my baby is home.... and anything else just doesn't matter."

Snuggling his little girl in closer he kissed her hair, inhaled her scent that had long been forgotten in his heart.


Don and Jess were waiting the arrival of Donna and their grandbaby Jessica. She was supposed to be coming home today for Christmas. As they waited Jess held her picture close to her heart. It had been a long year since they seen their little grandbaby. Too long...as far as their hearts were concerned.

Hearing the arrival of the plane, they looked towards the tunnel hoping to see her coming.

"Where is she Donnie...she should be here by now."

While they continued to watch Donna snuck up behind them with Jessica..."Booooo..."

"Donna.....oh....look at you...look at my grandbaby....she's gotten so big. Aww...let me see her."

Picking her up in her arms she cooed and cuddled her. While Don embraced his daughter.

"Give her a minute honey....she's just missed Jessie."

"I know daddy. I would have been here sooner but Laurence had to stay behind for the holidays. Though he sends his love."

"Aww...welcome home Donna Dee...I've missed you so much."

"Me too mom. But I'm starving....can we eat? And before I forget...how's Uncle Mac...I heard he had another stroke."

"A very mild one honey. He's home now. They've adjusted his meds."

"Good....I'm so happy. I can't wait for our huge Christmas dinner with the family. I've missed everyone."

"They've missed you too honey. Let's get you and our little Angel home."

"Home....that sound so wonderful mom."

Wrapping his arm around his daughter they headed home.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

:thumbsup: the arrive of Claire when his parents are in your bedroom, and she said
"Mom?? Dad....are you two decent in there?"

and is so cute the flack family moments :thumbsup:
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

After Claire spent the rest of the morning with her mom and dad, she headed over to her brothers to see her nephews. As she walked up the driveway some idiot almost smacked into her.

"You stupid jerk...what the hell you doing?"

"Me...how bout you....who the hell walks on a driveway?"

"I do...you should be more careful. You give alcholics a good name."

"Huh...you're one of those God damn New Yorkers...think the road is a sidewalk."

Gary and Janice could hear the arguing outside. Opening their door they seen their brother and sister arguing.

"Hey!!!! That's enough of that. What's going on sis?"

"Mr Indian Jones thought he was still riding on the damn horses. He almost killed me."

"What!! Indian Jones?? You need to talk Miss.dirty mouth."

"That's Mrs. to you."

Grabbing his sister around her waist. He held her from flailing her fists.

"Janice take your brother inside. I'll be in shortly."

When they got inside Janice tried not to laugh. Never had she seen such sparks fly between two people.

"God that girl boarders beyond rude. Damn New Yorkers and their dirty mouths."

"Hey!!! You were a New Yorker too."

"Were being the operative word. Who the hell is she anyways?"

"That is Gary's sister Claire. The man you walked by outside was my husband."

"Good God sis....he's built like a damn tank. Those damn eyes look right through you. Like he knows your every thought."

"Aww...if you were a female you'd love them. They're so hypnotic. You should see his fathers. Damn....he makes me lose my every thought. They are a very handsom family."

"As long as he treats you good. That's all that matters. Now where are my nephews?"

"In the Nursery sleeping. Come have coffee....we'll catch up."

Back outside Gary finally had Claire calmed down.

"Better now sis?"

"Yes....who the hell was that. God he looks like a bad impression of Indiana Jones."

"That was Janice's brother. He just got back from his five year expedition."

"Yeah....he needs to take five more years. Maybe then he'll pick up some damn manners."

"Him....what about you. Your mouth is like a sewer. You need to curb that temper of yours too. Now how is dad?"

"Same as always. Hot for mom. I swear those two never grew up. I'm surprised they didn't have more kids then us. They're still like rabbits. Sterile...but rabbits all the same."

"Claire...what makes you think they're sterile."

"Come on bro...dad's fifty three and mom....well...we won't say. So they just have to be."

Gary hugged his sister. He was so happy she was back to herself. He had missed her and her spunk.

"You going to come in and see the boys?"

"Maybe tomorrow. I don't think I can handle another confrontation with Indian Jones. I love you bro."

"I love you too sis."

Walking back into the house Gary introduced himself to Anthony. He could see he intimidated him. Which he found funny cause his sister was twice as strong as him. Tiny or not...her punches packed iron.

"Hello...I'm Gary...Janice's husband."

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Anthony."

Anthony looked around to see if his sister was with him.

"She's gone home. She don't like you." he smirked.

"Well then that's perfect. For she's very rude. How does her husband handle her?"

"She's a widow. Her husband was a Detective. He died in the line of duty."

"Oh....I'm sorry. Does she have children?"

"Two boys. Twins...James and Jimmmy. They're almost six. Anyways....I'll let you two get reaquainted."

Kissing his wife on the lips, he left the room.

"Why did he leave??"

"Cause you insulted his sister. The Taylor's are a very close nit family. They protect each other, love each other, and never turn their backs on each other. Once you get to know them better you'll understand. They are very passionate, giving, and understanding. But if you hurt one of theirs they will be on your backside without a second thought."

"So I don't have to worry about you?"

"No Tony you don't. I'm very happy, very healthy, and very loved."

"I'm happy for you sis...and I can't wait to meet the rest of the family."

"Aww...I'm so happy you're home. I've missed you."

"I've missed you too Janice. Now introduce me to those handsom boys."
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Sterile bunnies. :guffaw: That just cracked me up.

Sparks were flying between Tony and Claire. :lol:

:lol: at Indiana Jones.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

After meeting his nephews Anthony decided to find an apartment instead of living at a Motel for the two months he was in New York. Question was...who the hell rented apartments without a lease.

Crossing the street he seen Gary's sister with two boys. Guessing they must have been hers he smiled...they both looked like her. Now what the hell was her name again?

Not wanting to look like an idiot in front of her he turned the corner and waited for her to disappear. As he watched her he seen her enter the apartment. Walking over he noticed the sign...Apartment for rent...no leasing required.

"Hmm..bonus." Walking in he knocked on the Supers door.

"Yeah...what is it?"

"I'm interested in the apartment you have for rent."

"It's a one bedroom. Unfurnished...pay your own heat and hydro. Eight hundred a month. First two months up front."

"Perfect...I'll take it."

"Come in then...let's get the reciepts in order."

Anthony was happy. This was perfect. He was in town for two months. He had found an apartment for two months without a lease. Life couldn't be better. Or so he thought.


Jimmy decided to sneak out and play across the street with his friends. Oh he knew he wasn't allowed out without someone with him. But he didn't care. He just wanted to play.

Opening the door he ran out, down the stairs and smacked right into Anthony.

"Ouff....hey....watch were ya goin mister."

Anthony raised an eyebrow. He knew right away it was Gary's nephew. But by God his accent was unique.

"Well....I'm sorry young man. So...do you live here?"

"Listen mister I can'ts talk..I gotta go. See ya."

Opening the front door he ran right into his Uncle Danny.

"Whoa....hold it kiddo....does mom know you're runnin the streets?"

"Damn Uncle Danno....don't tell man. Mom will freak."

Anthony laughed. he found this child adorable. Danny looked at him with a what are you looking at look.

"Sorry...I'm Anthony....I'm Janice's brother."

"Huh....ya she mentioned ya. So what are you doin here?"

"I just rented an apartment for the two months I'm here."

"Hmm...have you met Claire yet?"

"Claire...that was her name." he whispered to himself.

"Briefly...at my sisters place. We kind of bumped heads."

Danny laughed...."If you bumped heads with our Claire...you wouldn't be standing."

"I almost wasn't. But her brother showed me some mercy, and held her down."

"Lucky you...did you see his eye?"

"I did....oh no way. His sister did that?"

"She did...you should see her other Uncle....he's all bruised up too. She's a tough one our Claire."

"Thanks for the warning."

Claire noticed Jimmy was missing and the door was ajar.

"Jimmy J...get yourself in here now."

Looking out her door she seen Anthony.

"You have got to be kiddin me. What the hell are you doin here?"

"That's my cue to leave. Nice to meet you Danny."

"Yeah man. You too. See ya."

Bringing Jimmy J up the stairs with him, he hid behind his Uncle.

"Get out from behind your Uncle and into your room. You're grounded."

"Aww...come on mom. I'm sorry."

"Bed now!!!"

Walking to his room he kicked the chair.
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