CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

"Did you want coffee Uncle danno?"

"Sure brat. So...I understand you...."

"I don't want to talk about Mr.Indiana Jones wanna be."

Danny smirked. "That's good brat....I like that."

"The guy is an idiot...he almost ran me over this afternoon. Then he called me one of those God damn New Yorkers....oh...and a dirty mouth."

Danny was listening very closely. What sounded like anger to Claire...sounded more like an interesting development to him.

"So did you knock some sense into him?"

"I tried Uncle Danno...but Gary wouldn't let me."

Now Danny knew there was something there. For Claire could take down two men, maybe even three. So if she really wanted to sock one on Anthony..she would've.

"Hmm...well...you may still get the chance."

"How's that...."

"He's moving into your building for the two months he's here."

"What....like bloody hell. I don't want him here."

Oh yeah....there was something here alright. Danny could see the sparkle in his brat's eyes.

"Mooooooommy....I come out now...I'm really sorry."

"Yeah....go play with your brother in the other room."

"Thanks mommy."

"You're a great mom Claire. No matter what that bastard did to you. You never let him turn you against your boys."

"I try Uncle Danno...though it's hard sometimes. Especially with Jimmy J. He's so much like Jimmy. It's getting harder to keep him down."

"You'll get through it brat. I have faith in you."


Stella was setting up dinner when Mac walked into the kitchen.

"Hey handsom...look at you...almost all moblie on that left side. How are feeling?"

"I'm great love. Really great."

Stella could tell he still looked tired...but healthy. She knew it would be a while before he was fully back to being himself. Reaching in the fridge he took out some orange juice. Opening it...he couldn't get the lid to turn.

"Here Mac...let me help."

Opening the lid she poured him a glass. As she smelled the orange it made her a little queazy.

"You okay love?"

"I'm fine Mac. Though I may be coming down with the flu. I've been awful tired since this morning, and nauseated."

"Sit down and rest then love. You've been on the move since our Claire bear left this morning."

Grabbing her water, she sat at the table and tried to think of something to take her mind off her nausea.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

:lol: at Claire- me thinks the lady doth protest too much. haha.

Stella... I wonder what's wrong with her. hmm...
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

After Danny left Claire got the boys ready for bed.

"Let's go guys. Bath time. School in the morning."

"Aww...come on mom. Just five more minutes...please?"

"Five minutes. Then bath...promise?"

"We promise mommy. Thank you."

Walking out into the kitchen Claire heard the banging up the steps. Opening the door she seen Anthony dragging up a huge trunk.

"Must you make so much God damn noise? Why don't you have someone helping you?"

"Cause I don't know no one in New York Mrs."

"Oh for crying out loud. Move...."

Getting in behind the trunk she pushed as he pulled.

"Holy Jesus...slow down...who are you Hercules?"

God the woman was strong. She was pushing it like it was nothing.

"No...I'm Claire. Now shut up and push."

"Claire....knock of the mouth..."

"Ahhh...bite me Mr.Slate. Go back to your porn."

Slamming his door, the Super swore one of these days he was going to kick her ass to the street.

"Do you always mouth off everyone? Or just those that piss you off?"

That did it. With one last full angry forceful push...Claire sent him flying backwards.

"Goodnight Indiana..."

Slamming her door she left him on his ass.

"God damn girl gives new meaning to the word annoying. Oww...my butt."

Over at Don's Jess and Donna were getting dinner ready. When Don came in overhearing...

"Hey mom...have you and dad thought about having another baby?"

"Are you crazy? We're to old. It's unheard of?"

"No it's not. My friend's mother is 51 and her husband is 54...they just gave birth to a healthy baby boy. So if they can do it....you and dad can do it. You aren't even in your fifty's."

"Forget it....and don't go giving your father any ideas."

Don smiled....he had never really thought of another child. Always thought he and Jess were to old. Boy was he wrong. Wiping the grin off his face he walked into the kitchen.

"There's my girls...now where's my grandchild."

"Snoozing it dad. Oh dad....mom wants to have another baby."


"Sorry mom...you only tell on the ones you love."

"Say goodnight Jess."

Dragging his wife by the hand, he took her into their room and slammed their door.

"Go get em daddy."
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

:lol: the "ow my butt" part cracked me up.

Don and Donna were hilarious. Loved the "you only tell on the ones you love" comment. hehe.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

With her mom and dad playing in the bedroom Donna finished up supper and slipped it into the oven to keep it warm. Then picking up her daughter she snuggled her.

"It's so good to be home sweetpea. I just wish I knew how to tell daddy we got a divorce. How am I supposed to tell him that Laurence cheated on us, left us behind, and I plan on staying in New York?"

Snuggling her daughter close in her arms, she cried.

Several hours later Don came out of their room with a more then satisfied smile on his face.

"Hey daddy...that good huh? Where's mom?

Smirking at his little girl he sat down beside her.

"Let me see that little angel. Come here love...come to papa."

As Don reached for her, placing his granddaughter over his shoulder he kissed her little fingers while noticing her daughters tears.

"Donna...are you okay? Why are you crying sweetheart?"

"I'm fine daddy....just happy to be home."

"God Donna...she's so sweet and beautiful. I've missed you both so much."

Snuggling into her daddy's arms she closed her eyes, and held back tears.

"We've missed you too daddy. So is Uncle Danny coming to see Jessica and I tomorrow?"

"Yeah...he said he'd be here about ten. Then I think your mom is taking you and Jess over to see your Uncle and Aunt."

"Dad...how is Uncle Mac? Is he disaibled...or is he umm..."

Don knew his daughter had trouble seeing others in pain. She was alot like her mom. Very sensitive when it came to those she loved.

"He's almost back to himself sweetheart...he still moves a little slow, but he's got all his functions. Trust me Donna...it's going to be fine."

"I know daddy....I just love Uncle Mac and Auntie so much. Seeing them in pain is very hard on me..cause I know I can't help them."

"Donna...just by being there with them is enough. They have been looking so forward to seeing you and Jessica again.

Snuggling in closer to her dad, she whispered for the second time that day....

"It's so nice to be home daddy."

Kissing his daughter sweetly on the mouth, then his grandaughter he just couldn't agree more. But deep in his heart...he knew something was wrong.

"Mmm...I'm starving....is diner ready sweetheart?"

"It is mom...my you look like a contented cat. Daddy must have made you purr good?"

Laughing Jess walked into the kitchen and dished out dinner.

With the boys finally in bed Claire had time to herself. Making a coffee she curled up on the couch and watched the news.


"Who is it?"

"It's Indiana...."

Claire tried not to giggle.

"What is it?"

"I don't mean to pester you....but could I possibly borrow some coffee till tomorrow. I haven't had time to do shopping."

Hearing the lock click....and the chain being removed she opened the door. Trying to catch her senses she stared. He looked damn different without his hat. Plus he had the bluest eyes she had ever seen.

"Umm...the coffee?"

"Huh....oh...yeah...come in for a minute."

Going into the kitchen she brought out a container with some coffee, and a mug already made up.


Practically pushing him back out the door, he sighed.

"God...why did you make women so difficult?"
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

:lol: at the purring comment... and Tony saying "it's Indiana". And then asking God why he made women so difficult. :lol:
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Please make note of above change. I mixed up my fics. Donna's baby Jess is a one and a half year old.

Don and Jess were waiting the arrival of Donna and their grandbaby Jessica. She was supposed to be coming home today for Christmas. As they waited Jess held her picture close to her heart. It had been a long year since they seen their little grandbaby. Too long...as far as their hearts were concerned.

sorry...really must stop writing so much...:lol::lol: Good thing you guys are understanding.:cool:


As Don, Jess, Claire and Jessie sat down to dinner. Jess had fun feeding her granddaughter little chunks of chicken.

"Is that good Jessie? You like nana's chicken?"

Givng a wide grin Jessie said..."nana."

"That's right sweetpea...I'm nana...and who is that? Who is that Jessie?"

"Papa"...she giggled.

"God Donna she's so beautiful. You and Laurance must be so happy?"

*Crying*...No....we're not mom. We're not happy at all. We're divorced. Have been for the last three months."

"Aww...sweetheart. Why didn't you tell us?"

"I don't know mom. I was embarassed. I mean he cheated on me. To make it worse he left Jessie and I behind with nothing. That's why I came home...because home is the only place you are truely loved."

Don could feel his temper boiling. There was something about Laurance that always bothered him. He knew he was a player.

"Where is he now Donna? Where is the bastard hiding?"

"Please daddy. Don't worry about it, I'm home now. That's all that matters."

"Fine Donna....I'll let it drop for now. But if he ever shows his face in New York...he won't be leaving with it the same way."

"I know daddy. Let's change the conversation. How's Gary doing? I haven't seen him since he married Janice. I believe they had twins that are the same age as Jessie?"

"He does sweetheart. They also have another on the way...and he's still a Detective."

"Wow....some things never change."

"Like your love for him Donna?"


"Why not Donna. If you hadn't of left Gary for that two timing loser, you'd be happy right now."

"That's in the past daddy. What Gary and I had is over."

"You listen to me sweetpea. Love like you two had doesn't go away. It builds over the years. You were together all the way through high school. This is one time I wish I could turn back the clock."

She knew her dad was right. She had always loved Gary. Just as Gary had always loved her. But it was after she left he had married Janice, always leading her dad to believe he did it out of anger for losing Donna.

Getting up from the table Donna cleared the dishes. She needed something to take her mind off of all her mistakes. Watching her dauhgters shoulders shake, he got up and wrapped her in his arms.

"I'm sorry sweetpea....I didn't mean to upset you. I love you so much. It just hurts to see you so sad."

"I know daddy. I know I've made mistakes. But I'm trying to move past them."

"And you will sweetpea. With your mom and myself to help you. You and our grandbaby will find happiness again.
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