CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Over at Uncle Danny's the boys were testing his patients.

"Alright...now I know to thank God for not giving me rugrats."

"What did you say Uncle Danny?? What's a rugrat?"

"That's what you two are....little rats that get under my feet."

"You're funny Uncle Danny...can we play pool again?"

"Are you insane??? You already scratched the green. No way bud. Now eat...then we'll get you home."

"Aww...why?? We love it here Uncle Danny....don't you love us?"

Looking at their little faces. Danny thanked God that they had Claire's looks and not their fathers. God... it made him wonder why these boys weren't screwed up. Must have been a blessing that Jimmy worked alot. For it left him little time to brainwash the boys..like he had Claire.

"Of course I love ya's...now eat."

Watching the boys eat....Danny wondered how the hell Don and Gary were doing with Claire.

Back at Claire's...

When her cries became quiet they heard in the barest of whispers...

"Gar....I want to see daddy. I need to tell him I'm sorry. Please Gar...I want daddy."

Gary looked at Don..Don shook his head no.

"I'll tell you what sis...I'll take you to see Dad tomorrow. Right now we need to get you cleaned up before J&J get home."

"I want to go now Gary...please...I've hurt daddy so much...I need to tell him..I need to tell him how much I love him. He needs to know."

"Claire it's just not a good idea right now. Dad suffered another stroke this afternoon. He's back in the Hospital. If he sees you...he could become aggitated...causing another one."

"So you're telling me it's my fault daddy had a stroke...that I caused them?"

"No Claire...you didn't cause them. I just meant that dad hasn't seen you in months. Jimmy made it quite clear to dad that he was to stay away from your home and your boys. Dad listen to him only because mom told him by fighting with Jimmy could cause him to relapse."

"So daddy never hated me...daddy didn't say he never wanted to see me again or my boys?"

"No Claire...why would he...dad loves you so much....you have no idea how hard it was for mom to keep him relaxed. Why would you think he hated you?"

"When Jimmy came home that day...he said he talked with daddy. He said daddy told him that he had disowned the boys and I. That we weren't worth wasting his breath on anymore."

"Claire...why didn't you ever tell us that? Why didn't you ever talk to us about it?"

"Cause I figured if daddy disowned me...you all did too. Not one of you came to see me...or the boys when Jimmy was alive. What was I supposed to think?"

"Claire...you were the one that told us all to stay away. In fact you screamed it loud enough for all of New York to hear."

"So that's what Uncle Danny meant this mornng when he said...there was no escape. He meant that no matter what was said...you all never gave up on me."

"That's right Claire...we never stopped loving you...or the boys. We just gave you what you asked for. For that's what family who really love you do. They let you go...but never by the heart. The heart always remains."

Turning her head towards her Uncle Don....the Uncle who had been her second father all through her tiny years she whispered....

"I'm so sorry Uncle Donnie....I love you ....I love you so much...please don't hate me."

With tears streaming down their cheeks. He wrapped his Claire tightly in his arms.

"Never Claire....never could I hate you....you are my little girl."

Sighing deep...Don and Gary knew that their Claire had returned home to them. They knew that over the weeks she would now heal...returning to the little Claire bear her daddy loved.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Awww that was so sat but but made me smile at the end. I dont like that Jimmy even more now! Good Job Lind :D
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When Danny brought the boys home he wasn't sure what to expect.

"Moooooooooommy....we're home.

Running down the hall the boys ran into their Uncle Gary.

"Uncle Gaaary....you are here. We missed you Uncle Gary. You never come here anymore to let us play with our cousins."

"Well...you know what James?"

"What Uncle Gary?"

"That's all going to change. You will be seeing your cousins alot more. All the time even."

"Yeah....yeah...you hear that Jimmy. We get to see our cousins again."

When Danny see Don, he wondered where Claire was. Then looking down the hall he seen the tears in her eyes as she stood there not sure whether to move..and as Danny held open his arms she ran into them sobbing.

"I'm sorry Uncle Danny. I'm so sorry for hurting you. I love you...I love you so much."

"Now that's my brat....welcome home...I've missed you too."

After their tearful reunion. Danny and Gary headed home while Don stayed behind to help Claire with the boys.

"Mommy...we seen papa today. Then he got really sick...so nana had to take him to the Hospital."

"I know Jimmy J. Uncle Gary told me. But he also told me grandpa is doing a little tiny bit better."

"Can we see papa...mommy?"

"Not today guys...okay. Papa needs time to feel better before he has company. Uncle Don you should head home...I'm sure Aunt Jess is waiting for you."

"Don't worry about your Aunt Jess...she's fine. I think after dinner we should help your mom get your rooms in order...right?"

"Yes Uncle Don...we know."

Back at the Hospital Gary stopped in to see his dad.

"Hey mom...how is he?"

"About the same son. How's Claire?"

"She's Claire again. It took alot...be we got her back."

"Oh...look at your eye and lip."

"If you think I look bad from Claire's flying fists. You should see poor Uncle Don...he's got a lovely bruise right across his cheek bone...and an aweful sore set of...."

"Gary...don't you dare..." she smiled.

Walking up to the bed he bent down and brushed his dads hair with his hand.

"Hi dad...it's Gary...I came to see how you're doing."

Opening his eyes he looked up at his son.

"I swear dad...you keep yourself here because you like to see those Nurses in those tight outfits."

Mac tried to smirk...closing his eyes again...he fell back into sleep. Watching his dad caused Gary to tear up. He looked so far away...almost like he was lost somewhere else.

"What did the doctors say mom?"

"They said it was another ischemic clot. Very small...but just as dangerous to your dads health."

"So what now mom."

"If he improves over the next twenty-four hours he'll be started back on low doses of asprine. They've also discussed changing his meds."

"But he's going to be coming home right?"

"Yes Gary...try not to worry son. You know your dad. Hospital's are not an option for him. So you have Don bring Claire up tomorrow. I think if Mac sees his baby girl is back....it may help him fight harder."

Nodding his agreement...he kissed his mom and headed home to his family.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Awww. I'm so glad she's back to normal now. Jimmy was so mean isolating her from her family like that.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

The following morning Don showed up to take Claire to the Hospital.

"You ready kiddo?"

Don could see her shaking...he could see the fear in her eyes that her dad may not accept her for all she's done.

"It's going to be okay Claire. Honest...let's go."

When they arrived at the Hospital Claire stood outside her dad's door.

"Uncle Donnie...can we wait a minute? I can't stop my tears. I don't want to upset daddy more."

Sitting down Claire placed her head between her knees as her mom walked out.

"Ooohhh...Claire bear...Claire bear is that you??"

"Hi mom...I'm sorry...I'm sorry I hurt you and daddy. I"m sorry....please say you still love me...please mommy."

Stella couldn't catch her breath. She couldn't see through the tears that were blinding her. Could it be true...had her little girl come home to them.

"Shh...oh Claire bear....you have nothing to be sorry for...nothing. Oh I've missed you so much. Just let me hold you for a few minutes. God you feel so good Claire bear. So good."

Squeezing her mom tight...they sat together in a chair...neither wanting to let the other go."

"I'm going to see Mac Stel. I'll be back out."

Nodding yes...she continued to hold her little girl.

"Hey Mac....you awake?"

Leaning over the bed Don seen they had turned him on his side with mounds of pillows behind his back.

"So... when they springing you from here?"


"Alright...what's the matter Mac? This isn't like you. You're a fighter...what are you doing? Giving up?"

Closing his eyes he pretended to sleep.

"Okay...I'll see you later Mac. Though before I leave I've brought you a visitor."

Walking back out he took Claire's hand and led her into the room. Nearing her daddy's bedside she cautiously touched his cheek.

"Daddy.....daddy it's your Claire bear. Please daddy...it's Claire bear."

Opening his eyes he thought he was dreaming. It couldn't be his baby girl. His baby girl was angry with him...with all of them. But why did her hand feel so warm...so real.

Seeing her tears fall onto his cheek where her hand had been he tried to speak...only nothing came out but slurred words that couldn't be understood.

"Is he okay?? I thought you said he was okay Uncle Don...get a nurse...there's something wrong."

"Shh....listen Claire...there's nothing wrong. Your dad is fine."

"No...no he's not. Please daddy....I'm sorry...I'm sorry I hurt you...I love you daddy. I never stopped loving you. I didn't daddy. Oh please daddy...daddy say you forgive me."

The more upset Claire became...the more Mac became aggitated. Making his speech all the harder to understand.

"Mac....focus....I need you to focus Mac. Breathe...just focus and breathe. That's it...breathe."

Focusing on his wife...he began to relax.

"That's it Mac...deep even breath's. There we go."

As the nurse came running into the room she asked them all to leave. Sitting out in the hall Claire cried against her moms knee.

"I'm sorry mom...look what I've done to daddy. Look what I've done to our family. I destroyed us all."

Shaking her daughter she cried with her.

"You listen to me young lady. You did nothing wrong. Nothing. It was that bastard husband of yours. Understand that Claire...know the difference else this family will never heal. Now sayit...say it young lady now."

"It's not my fault...it's not. It was Jimmy...I'm sorry I let him destroy us. I'm so sorry."

Running from her moms arms she took off out of the Hospital.

"I'll get her Stel. You stay with Mac."

"I'm sorry Don. I just don't want her blaming herself. God I hate that bastard. God forgive me...but I'm glad he's dead."

When Don got outside he found Claire sitting on her knees, on the snowy grass. Sitting beside her he stroked her long hair.

"Hey kiddo...I know it's tough to see your dad like that. But you need to remember something Claire...your dad suffered another stroke. I seen his eyes...he was trying to tell you not to cry...he was trying to tell you that he loved you too. All you had to was listen carefully."

"I'm sorry Uncle Don....I know I paniced. I couldn't help it. He looks like he's in so much agony. I'm sorry I got so confused. I seem to saying sorry alot now...and I'm sorry...but I can't seem to stop."

"That's okay Claire. Let's just take a few minutes to gather yourself. Then we'll go back up and see your dad again."

Snuggling into her Uncle's warm neck. She closed her eyes and prayed for God to help her be strong this time.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

so sweet! I can't imagine how hard it was for Claire to see her dad like that.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

I love how you are writing the parts where they talkabout having their daughter back, i just hope it helpd Mac :)
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Once the nurse had Mac settled down Stella went back into the room.

"Mrs.Taylor...I don't think I need to tell you again. Please do not allow your husband to get upset. It's not good for him."

Stella teared up. Normally she would give the nurse a piece of her mind. But with all the stress of their family she wasn't thinking straight. As the Nurse tucked in the last sheet Mac gripped her hand with his right one.

Looking into the Nurses eyes he slurred out....

"Oooooon't eeeeeeever eeeeeell mmmmy iiiiife."

Releasing her hand the Nurse looked at Stella and said....

"I'm sorry Mrs.Taylor. I didn't mean any disrespect."

Leaving the room Stella sat on her husbands bed..leaned down and stroked her fingers across his cheek.

"I love you Mac....so much..."

Sliding her whispered lips to his...she softly kissed him...just holding her lips to his...letting him know that his touch still had the sensual warmth to set her soul on fire.

Mac could feel her warm breath...he could feel the passion building where it mattered....letting him know that not all his nerves had been affected by this stroke.

"Uhh...hmmm...she whispered against his half smile that slowly curved up...Mac Taylor...you devil."

Looking up into his eyes she could see the heated glare of his hypnotic stare come to life.

"Stop that Mac....behave. Your daughter will be back up in a minute with Don."

Making a writing motion Stella understood he wanted a pen and paper. Placing the pen in his right hand he seen his daughter come back into the room.

"Hi daddy....I'm sorry..."

Placing the pen on the paper he began to write

My little Claire bear....You have nothing to be sorry for. Nothing....I don't want you to blame yourself for the suffering you were forced to live with.

Showing his daughter she said....

"Yes I do daddy please...."

Not letting her explain he wrote again as she watched...

I need you to know I have never stopped loving you...caring for you...worrying about you or my grandbabies. Please don't cry anymore my little Claire bear...for when you cry it makes me cry too.

Tearing up Claire tried to say something else but her dad slurred out no, as he continued writing...

I know you are in alot of emotional pain right now...I understand that. But you need to understand that my love or your mothers love is unconditional...and no matter what happened in the past we will all forget and begin to heal together as a family.

"Okay daddy....I'm still so sorry...I love you so much...never stopped daddy. I never stopped."

Writing again....

Just know that I know you love me....I know you love me so much...as much as I love you and more.

Seeing the teardrop fall from her daddy's right eye she leaned down and carefully nestled into his neck like she did when she was little. And as Stella and Don watched...Mac closed his eyes... brought up his right hand slowly... laying it to rest on his daughters hair as she cried.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Aww...thank for the reviews guys...they make me smile:)

Two weeks later....Going Home

As Mac took one last look in the drawers to make sure he had everything, his son walked in.

"Hey dad...look at you. You have almost all your control back in your left side. This is great. How do you feel?"

"Better....I'm begining to think it was the medication. Sinice I've started the new dose I feel so much more alert...stronger."

"You know dad. Just because you feel stronger...doesn't mean you can run marathon's....that includes in the bedroom." He winked.

"Been talking to your mom...haven't you son?"

"Well...let's just say if I have your stamina when I hit fifty three...I'll know who to thank."

"Smarty pants. How's your sister doing? Have you seen at all?"

"Almost everyday dad. She's doing much better. Though she sold the home. Her and the boys have an apartment now. It's right beside the kids school."

"That sounds great. What's been happening at work?"

"Don't worry about it dad. Enjoy your retirement. The lab and team are doing great."

"How about Janice...she must be ready to give birth soon?"

"I hope so dad. If she gets any bigger we won't be able to get her through the door."


"Let's go son. I'm looking forward to my own bed....and your mothers lovin."

Once they arrived at home Gary helped his dad with his bag.

"Mom...we're here."

"Hello son...ouch....that eye still looks sore."

"It's fine mom. Don't worry. Anyways...I should leave you two alone. I believe dad said he had plans for you."

"Did he now. We shall see. Let's go Mac Taylor...bed."

Embracing his son he whispered....

"I told you she'd give in son. No woman can resist a Taylor."

"Good bye dad. See you Sunday mom."

"Okay son. Say hello to Janice and the grandbabies."

With Gary gone..and the house quiet Mac gave his wife one of his sensual looks.

"Forget it Taylor....bed."

Raising his eyebrows....his smile turned completely sinister.

Over at Claire's new apartment her and the boys were putting things away when she heard the buzzer.


"Hey brat...let me up."

"Uncle Danny...hold on."

Buzzing him in he headed upstairs. Opening the door the boys attacked him.

"Uncle Danny....Uncle Danny...."

"Ouff...easy boys...your Uncle is old."


"Come and play a video game. Mommy bought us a Wii. We have Animals crossings."

"You do....that is one cool vid game. How bout you boys go play. While I visit with mom."

"K Uncle Danny."

"Where's the coffee brat?"

"In the kitchen...help yourself. So are you here to check up on me for Uncle Donnie?"

"No....I'm here on my own. Can't I miss my little brat?"

"Of course you can. How's daddy? I haven't had a chance to see him. But Gary said he's doing great."

"Then you should go see him."

"I plan to Uncle Danno....tomorrow when the boys are in school."

"Good...I don't want to have to chase you down and spank you for not going."

Smacking a kiss on her Uncle....he sat down to his coffee.
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