CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Ouch poor all of them.

I wonder what Mac would do if he had a stroke and got paralyzed...maybe it's fic fodder lol. Of course nothing permenant, but while he's incapacicated, Stella can sponge bath him :devil:
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When the daylight shone through the window Claire felt her boys jump up on her bed with the dogs.

"Morning mommy...we are hungry. Can we have beakfast?"

"Ooooh..okay JimmyJr give mom a minute."

Getting out of the bed she could feel her headache begin as she whispered....

"Another day of hell Claire...get your ass up."

Once she was showered and dressed..she heard the door.

"Jimmy Jr get the door please."

"K mommy. Uncle Danny..cool..what are you doing here?"

"I came to take you guys out for the day. I thought maybe the Zoo...to see the monkeys."

"Cooooooool....James...Uncle Danny is going to take us to the Zoo."

Coming down the stairs Clare sighed.

"Great...what is this...round three?"

"Ouch...such attitude. I'm not here for you. I'm here for your kids. I'm taking them out for the day."

"You're taking them?? Don't you think you should ask?"

Seeing the boys watching Danny said....hey guys...run upstairs and grab your jackets. Once they were out of the room Danny laid into her. Gripping her arms he pinned her to the wall with mild force and hissed.....

"You listen to me young lady. You can pull all the God damn attitude you want...you can have all the tempers you want...but no matter how much you throw at me...your brother...or your Uncle Don...we will still love you. Understand Claire...there's no escape."

"Okay Uncle Danny...we are ready."

"Alright then....let's go boys. Bye Claire."

Slamming the door Danny left his niece to her tears.

As Mac dressed for the day he thought about going to visit his daughter.

"Sweetheart....I'm going to see Claire today. I'd like to know how she's doing."

"Umm...not today Mac...Danny is coming with Jimmy and James. They are taking you to the Zoo."

"The Zoo...but I wanted to see my daughter?"

"You can see her later. For now your nephews need to see their papa."

Hearing the knock on the door, Stella let them in. As the boys ran passed their nana into their papa's room.

"Papa....we missed you. Are you coming to the Zoo?"

Laughing at their excitement..how could he say no.

"I am...just let papa have a quick drink of juice and we'll go."

"K papa...but hurry."

Running back out nana had cookies on the table.

"Thank you nana."

"You are welcome my boys. Danny...how is she?"

"Not good. Her attitude is really bad. We need to keep Mac away from her until Don and Gary get through to her."

"What if they don't?"

"Man...you know what Stel....if they can't...then I don't know who can."
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

I feel sorry almost more for Don and Gary, because they are going to have to confront Clear :eek: And this is not easy
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

At the Zoo the boys held their papa and Uncle's hands.

"Look papa...see the Lions? We are doing a project on them at school."

"You are...wow that's exciting...isn't it?"

"It is...you know what else papa?"

"What James?"

"Mommy said daddy isn't coming home. That he's an Angel. Howcome he had to become one?"

"Well son. It was your daddy's time to go. When we all pass on...It's our belief that we go to Heaven to become Angels. This way...we help someone on earth who needs an extra step in the right choices they make. Or they need extra help to get through hard or saddened times."

"But whose going to help us now papa? If daddy's in heaven...who's going to watch over us?"

Mac was becoming tired. For the last couple days he hadn't been feeling all that well.

"Well James...each one of us are asigned our own Angel. This special Angel watches over us."

"I don't get it papa...then why wasn't there an Angel watching daddy?

"Mac...you okay? You look pale."

"I'm fine Danny. Just a little tired today."

"Answer me papa...how come no one watched over daddy?"

"Hey...listen guys....why don't we go grab some hotdogs. How would that be?"


"Why don't you stay here Mac. I'll be right back."

Danny was concerned. Mac was aweful pale. Flipping up his phone he called Stella.


"Hey Stel...it's Danny. I think something may be wrong with Mac. He's very tired and pale. I think it might be a good idea to pick him up."

"Okay Danny....I'll be right there. Can you keep the boys with you?"

"Of course. I'll take them over to my place. We'll play some video games."

"Thanks Danny. I'm on my way."

Grabbing up all Mac's med's. She headed out to pick him up and take him to the Hospital.

Over at Claire's she was cleaning out Jimmy's things when the doorbell rang.

"God damn it...who is it???"

"It's us Claire...let us in."

"For Christ sakes...what now?"

Opening the door she seen her brother and Uncle.

"Ahh...come on you two. Not again today. Is this why Danny took my boys? So that we could have another screwed up chat...where I end up kicking you out...maybe this time for good. Maybe disowing you both? Oh hell let's go all the way...I'll disown you all."

Turning to walk away from them...she heard the click of the lock. Shutting her eyes...she knew there would now be no place to run from her pain.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Poor Mac I wanna know whats happening but I have a feeling the convo with Claire is going to get pretty heated....
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When Stella arrived at the Hospital with Mac. They took his information and blood pressure.

"Okay Mr.Taylor...we need to get you into a room. Follow me."

Peeking over at the BP machine Stella seen it read 220/120. Catching up with them she knew Mac was sliding back down to where he was two years ago.

"I need you to get undressed and slip into the gown. Then I'm going to hook you up to a monitor."

Once the Nurse had Mac settled she started an IV of Saline Solution. Then adding his dose of medication she left the room to contact his doctor.

"Stttel...Iii'm fffine..."

Trying to stay strong as he began slurring his words she caressed his hair.

"I know Mac...they just need to sure. Then we can go home."


"Okay...we can go see Claire. Just try and rest Mac."

"Hello Mac...how you feeling?"


"That's good. I'd like to send you for a quick CT scan. We just want to make sure everything is fine. Can you tell me when you started feeling tired again?"

Trying to say something they could see his mouth curve downwards as the saliva came slowly from the left side of his mouth.

"It's okay Mac. Try not to talk. Just rest. I'm going to put an airmask on you to help you breathe. If you feel yourself not being able to feel relief let me know okay?"

While they took Mac down for the scan Stella waited patiently for his return.

"Excuse me Mrs.Taylor. Your husband is on his way to room 403..the Cardi...."

"I know where that is...thank you."

Heading upstairs she entered Mac's room and found him half in and half out of conciousness.

"Okay Mrs.Tayor...I have some Intravenous Thrombolytics to administer to your husband. He has suffered another stroke. This one is ischemic like before, but we caught it in time."

"Thank God. He's going to be okay though...right?"

"We hope so...if he starts to improve over the next fourty-eight hours we will start him back on low doses of Asprine. Then we will discuss changing his medication."

"Okay...thank you for everything."

"You're welcome Mrs.Taylor. Try not to worry to much. Your husband is very strong."

Stella knew the doctor was trying to reassure her. Problem was....it wasn't working. Leaving the room Stella called Danny and informed him of Mac's situation.

"Okay Stel...I'll get in touch with Don and let him know. Try and relax Stella."

"Thanks Danny. I'll talk to you soon."

Walking back into the room Stella sat down beside Mac's bed and took his hand. Feeling his gentle squeeze she let her tears flow.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

You are an amazing writer and I love this story, but please let Mac be okay!
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Aww..thanks. I could never hurt Mac I admire him to much.:)

Back at Claires home Don yelled...

"Sit...now young lady...and don't God damn move."

Hearing his cell vibrate. He flipped the top.


"Donnie...it's Danny. I just heard from Stella...it seems Mac suffered another stroke. They have him in Cardiac Unit again."

"Okay...thanks Danno...how are the boys?"

"They're fine. I have them at my place. I'll give you a call when I hear more."

Flipping down the phone Gary knew right away.

"Aww...come on...how bad Uncle Don."

"Another mild one. But they caught it in time. He's back in the Cardiac Unit."

"Who....dad??? What's going on? Talk to me...he's my dad too."

"Is he Claire...cause I could have swore not more then five minutes ago you disowned us all."

Gary hated hurting his sister like this. But what could he do. They needed her to break...they needed her to feel again. God if Jimmy wasn't already dead...Gary would have killed him himself. He had damaged his sister inside and out. Tearing her away from her family..her values...and love she had been brought up with.

"No I didn't....this is mean...really mean. What is wrong with daddy?"

"What is wrong with you Claire?? You sit all high and mighty pushing all those away who truely love you. And for what??? For what?? That bastard husband of yours who hated the ground us Taylor's walked upon. Always telling you that as long as you live under his roof...you will obey his rules. Rules which tore our family apart. Rules that broke daddy's heart...cause he lost his little girl"

"That's...not..fair Gary. he didn't mean those things he said...he just didn't understand love till I taught him what it was."

"Taught him...taught him what?? He was a cold hearted bastard with the blackest soul. I can honestly tell you Claire...I'm glad he's dead...I'm glad he's gone.."

Don could see her fists clench...he could see the Taylor glare of anger appear in her now sad eyes. Then without warning she attacked her brother full force...punching...kicking...screaming...as he and Don held her down. God she was strong as the hate began pouring out of her. They could feel each kick..each punch that she managed to get in.

Then they heard the scream....the hurtful...truthful scream of pain..agony and loss.

"Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddy.....daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddy...." she cried.

feeling her arms grip his neck, he felt her warm tears pour down it.

"Shh....that's it sis. Let it all out. Sh...come on Claire...just let it flow. I'm right here with you. Uncle Don and I are right here...we got you Claire."

Pulling her up into their arms...they sandwiched her between them. Comforting her....kissing her...helping her return to the little girl she was supposed to be.
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