CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

I don't know how long I'm going to keep this one going. I need to keep really busy right now. So expect lots of updates.:lol: If it becomes confusing for you all who read my fics let me know and as I go along I'll try and keep names and dates organized for you.:)
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

*coughs*... yehh Could we do that name recheck now? I have a feeling i'll get confused soon :lol:
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Update on Fic....

Mac and Stella have two full grown children

Claire and Gary.

Claire has two children....Jimmy and James.

Gary has two children....Kevin and Keith

Flack and Angell have one child....Donna Daniella Flack

Donna has one child....Jessica

Danny...Adam...Sheldon...still single:lol:
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Thanks :D *trys to focus on the names*...at least the list is a 1/4 of the size than the Generation fic :p
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Gary had just finished up his case and was headed back in when Danny caught up with him.

"Gary...you need to go see your sister."

"Why...what's going on?"

"Jimmy was killed this afternoon. Your sister had to take him off life support. We tried calling you."

"I was working that Undercover case. I'll head over there now Danny. Thanks."

Gary couldn't believe it. It was just last night he had beers with Jimmy at the bar. Arriving at his sisters place he walked in and found her sitting on the couch with the boys sound alseep beside her.

"Hey sis..."

Looking up she seen her brother.

"Hey...what brings you here?"

"Uncle Danny. He told me about Jimmy."

"Yeah...life happens. Then it ends...but don't worry about me bro. Go home to your family."

Gary had never seen his sister act this way. Oh he knew she was very strong like their parents. But never had she sounded this cold. Knowing her temper he turned around and walked towards the door.

"You know sis...one of these days you are going to push everyone away from you. I'm sorry for your loss. If you decided you need me call."

Slamming the door on the way out he woke the boys.

"Mommy...what was that?"

"Just the wind Jimmy Jr. Go back to sleep."

Laying her head against the couch she felt the tears hit again. Closing them off...she focused back on the television.

Getting back into his car he called his dad.


"Hey dad....I just found out about Jimmy. So I stopped by to see Claire and she chewed my head off. What is wrong with her. She should be upset. Instead she's damn angry."

"I know Gary. She was the same with us. It's her way of dealing son. Your sister has always been like that. Once it all hits her full force she'll break. That's when we'll need to be there."

"I hope so dad. For she's always pushing us away."

"I know son. Whether we like it or not life has changed her. But I promise you...we will get her back to who she was."

Hanging up the phone Gary headed home to his family.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

more more, I want to see what's next with her.

aw darn now you're really gonna confuse me lol three stories!
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When Gary got home his boys were waiting for him. God he loved the toddler years. They had just turned a year. Funny now he thought back that he and his sister had twins. Both sets..boys.

Opening the door he seen them cautiously walk towards him.

"Aww...there's daddy's boys. Look at you go son. Come here...that its."

Watching them fall on their bums he picked them up and hugged them.

"Where's mommy? Where's mommy Kevin?"

Pointing to the kitchen Gary walked over and kissed his beautiful wife on the lips. Then lowering his head he kissed her tummy where their third child laid nestled.

"Hi honey....how was your day?"

"It was alright Janice. I stopped by to see Claire...she lost her husband today."

"Oh no....what happened?"

"Jimmy was shot in the line of duty. They rushed him to the Hospital but couldn't save him. Claire had to take him off the support."

"Aww...I'm sorry. How's she handling it?"

"Same as always...not good. She's pushing everyone away again."

"She'll come around Gary. Try not to worry. Mr. Sheever called today. He needs you to critic a new Chef tomorrow."

"Not again...I swear he goes through Chef's like I go through boxers...everyday."

"I know. But he loves your pallet. Just go...it will give you a break from detective work."

"Yeah...I guess you're right. So what's for dinner?"

"Chicken Cattchatori, scallaps and veggies."

"Mm..I'm going to get cleaned up. I'll be back down shortly."

Back at Claire's she had the boys bathed and in bed. Covering them up...she kissed them goodnight and left the room. Heading back downstairs she heard the knock on the door.

"Hey Claire....I came to see if you were okay?"

"I'm fine Don...and I'm not up for company. But thanks for stopping by."

Trying to close the door Don stuck his foot in it.

"Do you mind??"

"Do you Claire. As I see it you have two choices. One...you let me in. Or two...we stand here like this all night."

"God I hate you...why do you always do this to me?"

"Cause I know you squirt. I know you are in pain... I know you push those you love away.... Well not this time...this time we are going to talk. Now let me in."

Backing away from the door she let him through.

"How about some coffee?"

"How about you make it yourself. I'm going to bed. Don't let the door hit you on your way out. Oh....and make sure you lock it."

That did it...Don had had enough of her attitude. He knew she needed to let go...and he was damn well going to help her.

Grabbing her arms he shook her.

"Stop this...stop it now Claire....you're not going to hurt those around you anymore...understand."

"Let me go....let go you son of a bitch. I hate you...I hate you...God I hate you....I hate it...I hate that he died. I hate that he left me alone Uncle Don...How can I survive. I don't want to. I need him...God I needed him so bad. Pleeeeeease...give him back to me...just bring him back..."

Holding her tight...not letting her go...not allowing her to release...he rocked her tightly in his arms.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

As Don continued to rock her he could feel hear her sobs become silent. Looking down he found her eyes looking into his. Bringing up his hand he caressed it across her hair and whispered....

"Why must you always be so strong Claire? No one is going to think less of you if you cry in front of them."

Leaning closer into his touch she allowed him to continue rocking her.

"I don't know...it's just me....crying is a sign of giving in...or giving up..I'm just not ready to give in."

"I understand Claire...but you push those of us who love you far away. Leaving us feeling hurt...feeling that you don't trust in us to help you feel better."

With the silence still filling the home Don knew it was going to be a long night for him with Claire. Afterall he felt responsible for Jimmy's death...he had taken the bullets meant for him. So he deserved to give this back to Jimmy....that and the fact he loved his Claire.

Hearing her restful sighs....he knew she was asleep. Not wanting to wake her he leaned back against the couch and closed his eyes while still holding her protectively in his arms.

Back at Mac and Stella's they were getting ready for bed.

"I think we need discuss our daughter Mac. She's self distructing herself. I'm really worried about those boys. She's made them so strong just like her. I bet you they haven't even shed one tear yet. Or understand that their dad isn't coming home. Where did we go wrong Mac? How does someone come from such a loving..caring home turn into someone so cold and distant?"

"Sweetheart....alot of it has to with Jimmy. he always impounded it into her....you have to be strong Claire...you're a detectives wife...you shouldn't show fear...tears...or pain. It's a weakness. God love do you know how hard Don and I tried to get her away from him...but did she listen? Instead she gets pregnant putting her own future on hold for two years. All she ever talked about was becoming a Professor in Forensic...even when she finally got there did Jimmy lay off her? No...still the same Jimmy..."

"Shh...come on Mac...don't go upsetting yourself again. I know how hard it was for you to have your little girl defy you...I know what kind of pain you felt in your heart...for I felt it too. All we can do is continue to be there for her...and hopefully one day she'll become our little girl again."

Leaning in behind her husband she massaged his shoulders.

"Look at you Mac...you're all tense and tight...please try and relax...it's not at all good for you to be upsetting yourself."

Turning to face his lovely wife he brought up his hand and caressed her face...."I know love...leaning in he passionately kissed her...as his fingers curled into her thick beautiful hair. So hot as the sensual sighs and purrs could be heard from her heart....drivng Mac to plunge deeper into her mouth...stroking...dualing their tongues wildly.

carefully laying her down he slid her gown from her body...using fingertip caresses as she softly sobbed out his name..."Maaaaaaac...." Becoming out of control now they both took from each other in frenzied passion until all that remained were the cries of their love throughout their room.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Later that night Don woke to a chill. Opening his eyes he found Claire gone. heading upstairs to make sure she was okay he couldn't find her. Checking the boys room she wasn't there either.

Walking back downstairs he seen her coming through the front door.

"Claire...where have you been?"

"I just needed to a walk. I'm fine Don..don't worry about me."

"I'll always worry. It's my job...especially when you go off in the middle of the night without a thought to the boys."

"Oh stop being so self rightious...I knew you were here. That's why I went."

"So the attitude is back? Even after our chat?"

"No...I'm tired. You should head home...I'll see you tomorrow."

God he wanted to spank her. She needed it. her attitude and anger was beyond irrational.

"I don't know Claire....at times I swear...."

"What?? What Uncle Don? Just go."

Knowing there was no way to reason with her again...he gave her her way and left.

Shutting the door behind him he called Gary. He knew the two of them were going to have to join together and attack Claire full force. He couldn't ask Mac...especially with his doctors orders that another raise in his blood pressure could cause a massive stroke this time...and it would be a frozen day in hell before he'd let Claire do that to her father.

God over the years so much had changed. Especially with Mac's health. Never did any of them suspect he was a canditate for HBP. Then when he suffered his first mild stroke caused by a small clot in his brain it changed all their lives forever.


"Gary...it's Uncle Don...we need to talk."

"Sure...come on over. I'll put on the coffee."

When Don arrived Jancie let him in.

"Hi Don...how you doing? Come on in."

"Thanks Janice. Look at you..your just starting to show."

"I know. It seems like only yesterday I was carrying the twins."

"Hey Uncle Don....how is she?"

"How'd you know I was there?"

"That's easy Uncle Don....she was always your baby girl. Have a seat."

"She's not good. We talked for a while...she cried for a few minutes...fell asleep. Then when I woke up she was gone. I searched the house for her..then she comes walking in the door. BOOM...her attitude changed."

"Great...at least she talked to you...she booted me out."

"She tried...I stuck my foot in the door. Told her either she let me in...or we stand here all night. She opted for the second."

"I think the first thing we need to do..is remove the boys from the home for the day. Then we will attack her from both sides. She can't fight us both. I'm sure between the two of us we can get her to release her hate and anger. Cause I'll be damned if I'll put our father through her tempers again."

Nodding that he understood. Don drank his coffee while Gary called Danny to pick up the boys in the morning.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

I have a feeling that this is going to be emotional but im looking forward to see how you write it :)
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