CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Heading over to where the light was Don could feel things squishing under his shoes. Turning on the light, he looked down....

"What the he...... Oh mother of God."

Leaning over the sink Don threw up. He had seen alot of things in his life. But never nothing like this. Wiping his mouth he turned, he just needed to make sure what he was seeing was real.

"Don, where are you?"

"Down here Danno, cover your mouths and put on shoe covers."

Putting on masks and covers, Mac, Danny and Sheldon headed into the basement.

"What the fu...."

"Yeah. That's what I said before I tossed my lunch."

As Mac looked around, he could see all the cats and dogs slaughtered amongst the ground, the tables. Organs and insides tossed against the wall.

But nothing was more shocking then four cats with their arms and legs tied and spread across an iron board. God the stench was horrific. Seeing the blood all over the washer and dryer he opened the tops and found cats severly burned alive, while in the washer he found them drowned.

"How many so far Don?"

"I'm not sure Mac. ASPCA said they lost count after 400."

"Christ. That has to be half the city strays."

"Just not the strays Mac. We spoke with the neighbours. At least 75 of them said their animals have been disappearing since the last year."

"What the hell possesses kids to do these things?"

"I don't know Danny. I only wish I did. This goes deeper then mental disabilities."

Mac was sickened. Looking at all these animals brought him back to thoughts of what they could have done to his Claire. Sheldon could feel what Mac was thinking. Walking up to him he placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Try not to think about it Mac. I know it's easier said then done. How about we get this done, that way you can get back to the Hospital with Stella and Claire."

Once the ASPCA had gathered up the last if the animals and remains. They blocked off the house, and had exterminators fumigate and sanitize it from top to bottom.

"I don't know why they are bothering Mac. No one is even going to want to buy this house. They should just tear it down and be done with it."

"That's the City for you Danny. They only care about the buck. Anyways get this stuff back to the lab, I need to get back to the Hospital."

Don was confussed. He thought for sure Mac would want to take part in the questioning of these boys.

"Hey Mac?"

"What is it Don?"

"What about Kennith. Are you going to be there for the interrogation?"

"No!! I don't trust myself Don. You and Danny can handle it. The only thing I'm interested in right now is my daughter. To hell with anything else."

Walking away Mac headed home to get Claire's teddy bear. Arriving back at the Hospital he seen Adam still walking a sleeping Gary.

"Adam!! I thought you would have left for home by now."

"I know Mac. I couldn't leave. Stella has enough with Claire. I don't mind holding Gary. It's no trouble."

"It's getting late Adam, you must be hungry. How about I give you our key. You can take Gary home to our place. Help yourself to whatever you'd like to eat. Once Danny and Don get done with the innterrogation I'll have them come take over for you."

"Sure Mac. Sure. I can do that."

"Thanks Adam. It's great to have support from our family."

Adam smiled. He loved being concidered family.

"You're welcome Mac. Give Claire a kiss for me. I'll see you later."

Watching Adam leave with his son. Mac breathed deep and entered his daughter room.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Loved the ending with Mac and Adam but the scene sounded horrific, its amazing how these kids could have done it! *hides own cat*
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

its amazing how these kids could have done it! *hides own cat*
Hugs my readers. :)You guys are to good. And very observant. ;)How could they do it all? Let's find out.

Walking into the Interrogation room Don and Danny sat down.

"I'm Det.Flack, this is Det.Messer. We'd like to ask you some questions."

"Go easy on them Detective. They are minors."

Don nodded his agreement. Though to him they were animals.

"Kennith could you tell me why you would want to stab Claire Taylor?"

"Cause the little bit..."

"Kennith. What did we talk about?"

"Cause she got my brother in trouble. No one gets my brother in trouble. Even my pa told me that if anyone tries to hurt us we are to handle them our way."

"And your way is to stab someone. The girl was only six."

"Listen cop. If she's old enough to squawk like a bird, then she's old enough to play with the big boys."

"So you are not in any way sorry for stabbing her?"

"Why should I be. One less tramp in the world, as my father would say."

"Kennith. I don't want to tell you again."

"Oh shut up. You call yourself an attorney. I know all about yous. You all lie, you're only here for the money. Figure you can score big by pleading me insane. Well I won't go for it. I did it. I loved it, and I'd do it again."

Danny was floored. His expression was one of anger. He could not see one emotion on this kids face for what he had done.

"So you're telling us you are willing to be trialed and found guilty?"

"Damn right I am. Bring it on."

Closing her file. The Lawyer knew she could nothing. Sitting back she decided to listen to the rest of the tale.

"Okay then. Let's talk about the dead animals you tortured."

*Snickering* "Man are you stupid? I didn't kill those animals. I watched and helped hold them down. But I can't take the credit for the work. Wish I could, but I can't. Family don't take family's credit, understand?"

"Umm..right. Well if you didn't do it, who did?"

"Can't tell you that either man. What I can tell you is you will find out tomorrow night. Such a shame I got caught. Cause now I can't help."

Don thought to himself. "Tomorrow night? Tomorrow night is Halloween."

"Help with what??"

"Look man. I told you. I'll take my punishment for the little brat. But as for the rest, you'll have to catch my Uncle yourself."

"Shut up Kennith. You weren't supposed to tell."

"Listen Brat. I didn't tell anything. Now what's going to happen to my little brother?"

"Why should we tell you? You won't tell us about tomorrow night."

"I have a right to know man. That's my kin there."

"Sorry. You're a minor. The only one that has a right to know is your drunken father when he sobers up. Take him."

Once they were out of the room Danny asked...

"What the hell did he mean about tomorrow night?"

"I'm not sure Danny. Remember that guy we found in the park a few weeks ago. The one with his rib cage hanging from the tree. Then the second victim with the body parts found along the alley?"

"Yeah. How can I forget. What about it?"

"All those animals we found tortured with their insides hanging out. What if it was all practice. What if this Uncle they're talking about has more bodies to hang tomorrow night?"

"So you think the two cases are connected?"

"As Mac would say Danno. Everything is connected."

"Hmm..you're right. Let's go grab that file. I think we need to have another look at it."

Walking from the Interrogation room they headed to records.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

For a strange reason I actually cant wait to see what this guy (well you really) have planned thats if Mac doesnt stop him first.

*Will not get as impatient as melly*
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Back at the Hospital Mac made Stella eat.

"Come on Stella. You need to eat. Just go grab something from the Cafe downstairs. You need to keep up your strength."

"I don't want to leave her Mac. Not even for a minute."

"I understand that love. But if you become ill how are you going to be able to help her through this."

"Okay. I'll go."

After she left Mac lowered the side of Claire's bed. Sitting on the edge, he placed her little bear under her arm.

"Here you go Claire bear. I brought Mr.Snuggle for you. He said to tell you he misses you alot. He hopes you will back to us soon."

Mac knew he wouldn't get a response. He knew it was to soon after the surgery.

"Excuse me Detective Taylor."


"You have a phone call from Detective Messer."

"Thank you. I'll be right there."

Lifting the bar back up on the bed, Mac left his daughers room.

"What is it Danny?"

"We've found a connection with your case and the one we've been working on with the body parts Mac. After talking with Kennith he informed us that he had nothing to do with killing those animals. He said his Uncle did it all, and that it was nothing compared to what he had planned for Halloween tonight.

So Don and I got to thinking. Those body parts we found a few weeks ago, what if this guy was practicing for Halloween tonight. What if his intent is to terrorize the children in NY who are trick or treating. I'm telling you Mac this family is whacked."

"Okay. Have Don make sure his Officers are patroling the streets tonight. Make sure they keep their eyes open amongst the trees, bushes, pathways and anywhere else the body parts can be seen. I'll try and meet up with you later. I know you can do this Danny. You and Don both."

"Thanks Mac. Thanks. So how's our Claire doing?"

"She's the same. Adam is with Gary. Once you guys are done would you mind heading over to our place and watch Gary for us. I think Adam will be needing a break soon."

"Sure. We can do that Mac. You just focus on Claire. Don and I will handle the rest of this case."

"Thanks Danny. Call me if anything comes up."

"I will Mac. Bye."

"Mac...is everything okay?"

"It's fine love. I just spoke with Danny. He will be heading over to our place later with Don to watch Gary."

"Good. But I think one of us should go home at some point. Gary's going to be missing us."

"I know love. I'll go in a bit. Right now I'd like to get back to our daughter. Leaving her alone in the room isn't wise. Especially if she wakes up. She's going to be scared."

Taking his wife by the hand, they walked back into their daughters room.

With patrols out on the street, Don and Danny combed the neighbourhoods near where the boys lived. As they walked along the street they heard someone scream. Running towards the sound they seen a mother blocking her son from the view she was seeing.

"NYPD maam, is everything okay?"

"No!!! What the hell is that, it looks like a real torso."

Looking down Don could see the torso defrosting as the blood dripped from it.

"Okay maam. Just stay calm. Why don't you have a seat in that squad car there, and we'll get this cleaned up."

"Don!!! I got another one over here."

Calling it in Don organized his Officers to start searching the area for more body parts. While he and Danny searched farther up the street.

"He's got to be here somewhere Don. The trail ends here. Could he have backtracked?"

"I'm not sure Danny. I don't even know who we're looking for. He could be anyone of these parents. Especially if he's in costume."

"Flack, Flack. We've found more. Three blocks over, some kids are freaking out over the intestines that some guy tossed into their bags."

Running over to the area they spoke with the boys.

"Can you tell me which house you went too?"

"It wasn't a house, he cried. That man over there threw it in my bag, I want to go home."

Danny took off on foot.

"Messer, wait for back up. Danny!!!! Stay with him."

Leaving the boy with the Officer Don took off after Danny.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

As he chased him down the street, he threw body parts behind him. Trying to jump over them, Danny missed one and slipped on it.


Getting back up he wasn't sure what was on him. He didn't care. The only thing he cared about was catching this sicko. Continuing to run, he ran down the alley, pulled his gun and used caution.

"Messer. Next time wait for back up." Whispered Don.

"Sorry man. I don't want this sick bastard getting away. He's here somewhere."

"What the hell did you slip on?"

"Hell if I know. He threw all kind of body parts at me. Is anyone picking them up?"

"Yeah. The three officers that were running behind me. They called in for more back up."

"Christ they are earning their money tonight. This sicko has them running everywhere."

Searching more of the alley, Danny noticed the garbage bin slightly ajar. Pointing his finger, Don nodded as they each covered a side.

"On my count. He whispered. One, two, three."

Lifting up the bin it was empty. Continuing to walk along they came to the end.

"I don't get it Don. How could he just disappear?"

"He couldn't. We missed something. Let's backtrack."

Moving back towards the alley they noticed two doors that were opened.

"These weren't opened before Don. Now What? Do we seperate? Or do we stay together hoping we find the right one he went into?"

"We stay together Danno. Here comes Phillips and Keefer."

"Did you guys find him?"

"No. He's in one of these two buildings. So Danny and I will take this one. You and Phillips take the other. Remember be careful, he could be armed."

Officer Phillips laughed.

"Sorry Flack. I know. Not funny."

"No it's not. Let's remember we are doing this Mac's little girl. Understood?"

Nodding they headed into the building.


Stella and Mac were adjusting Claire's arms when her machines went off. Panicing as the doctors ran into the room, they asked what was wrong.

"Please. What's wrong with our daughter? Please. Tell us something?"

"It's okay Detective. She's trying to breathe on her own. Once we remove the tube she'll be able too. Try not to be upset. She's fine. She's going to be fine."

Pulling the tube up from Claire's throat, she gagged a few time. Then she gasped deep breaths.

"Grab me the air mask nurse."

Placing the mask on her face she started breathing normally.

"How come she won't open her eyes? If she's breathing on her own, that means she's awake right?"

"Give her time Stella. Her body has been through alot. Let's just wait and see."

As the doctor listened to her lungs, he then checked her eyes.

"Her pupils are responsive. That's an excellent sign."

Leaning up away from her. The doctor adjusted the pads on her chest and left the room. Sitting on the edge of her bed Mac softly called her name.

"Claire? Claire bear wake up love. Come on Claire look at daddy."

Slowly opening her eyes Mac could see her tears form.

"It's okay love. Try not to talk. Mommy and daddy are here."

Mac could tell she was scared. He could tell she wasn't sure where she was.

"You're in the Hospital sweetheart. You've had some surgery done. But you are going to be fine. Understand love? If you understand daddy nod your head."

Nodding her response, Mac bent down and hugged her gently followed by her mom.

"It's going to be okay Claire. Just rest love. Close your eyes and rest."

Watching her fall back into sleep they held each other thanking God for bringing their baby home.

Back in the Alley

Don and Danny carefully climbed the stairs. As they neared the first door, they cautiously opened it.

"You hear that Danno?"

"Yeah. Over to the right behind the boxes."

Running up to the boxes Danny jumped over them, landing on the guy.

"Don't move you sick bastard. Or I'll kill ya."

Flipping him over, the guy screamed.

"Auuuuuuuuuuuugh.... easy pig, that hurts."

"It's nothing compared to what did to all those victims. Get up you piece of garbage. You're not even worthy of a trial. I should just pop you right here and get it over with."

"Danny!!! Let him go. Come on Danno. Release him."

Pulling Danny off him, he picked him up and walked him out to the car. Shoving him in, they took him to the station. When they arrived they made sure he was taken to booking, and placed in a cell.

"I want my damn phone call."

"You'll get your phone call. Tomorrow. Our phones are overloaded on Halloween."

Slamming the door to the cell, they left him screaming alone.

"Good one Don. Though I don't think he bought it."

"You know what Danno. You're right. Now let's go give Mac and Stella the good news."

Heading out of the station, they could finally breathe a sigh of relief. Knowing that the Taylor's would finally be able to heal.

The End.


As the months progressed Claire fully healed from her wound. Returning to the life of a young girl with spirit and fun. They had started her in a new school, where she made new friends and new begingings.

In the Future....

Claire became a Professor of Forensic medicine and went on to marry a NY Detective. Living happily in their home with their two children and two dogs.

Gary grew up and became a NY Detective and part time world renound food critic. Which Mac and Stella thought was appropriate concidering half his younger days were spent throwing it. He also married a Chef and lived in their NY home with their two children.

As for Mac and Stella. . Now that they had retired, they were finally able to travel and do things they had only dreamed of. Leaving the life of NY detectives behind.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Had a bit to catch up! But I loved the new chapters and the fic...you did a really good job * wants more too *:thumbsup::bolian:
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Awww...thanks for the reviews. I wish I could give you more. But it was time for me to end it. ;):)
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Several Years Later...

She was giving a seminar when she got the call.

"Prof.Severn...we just recieved an emergency call...the EMT's are bringing in your husband with gunshot wounds to the head. He's been flatlined for the last five minutes."

"I'm on my way down Nancy...thanks."

Heading down to the ER she knew this was going to be a bad one. Two bullet wounds to the head...chances were very slim for her husbands survival.

"Where's my husband?"

"Trauma one...we have him on a ventilator."

When she walked in she froze on the spot....no..it couldn't be...she had just said good bye to him this morning.

"Jimmy....oh God...how did this happen?"

"I'm not sure Claire...I wish I knew more. Don was here..then he left again."

"It's not good..I can see that. He's not even alive. There is no signs of brain waves."

"We know Claire. We waited for you to give us the okay."

Walking up to her husbands bedside she leaned in and kissed his still warm lips..as her tears fell.

"Good bye my love...I'm going to put you to rest now. I'm going to give you peace. For I know you have already gone. Don't worry Jimmy...I'll be sure to keep you alive in our babies hearts."

There babies...they had two five year olds...twins. Full of mischief.

Watching from the door Mac and Stella waited for Claire to do the hardest part of good bye. Reaching down to turn off the machines she felt her dads touch on her shoulder.

"It's okay Claire bear...daddy's here."

Trying to be strong she heard the machines become quiet as Jimmy took his final breath. Turning in her dads arm she quietly sobbed.

"What happened daddy? What went wrong?"

"There was a hostage situation. Don and Jimmy were on the front lines. The kidnapper was shooting victims left and right. When Jimmy seen him aiming for a Don...he jumped in front and took the hits. That's when Danny and the others took him down."

She knew that was Jimmy. Always he had to be in the front lines. She knew that before she married him. That was one of things she loved about him. Turning from her fathers arms once more. She grabbed the sheet and carefully covered him.

"Take me home daddy...I need to talk to my babies."

Walking out...Stella wrapped her arm around her daughter with Mac and headed home. Opening the door she told the sitter she could leave. Finding her boys in the den she called them...


"Mommy....hi mommy."

"Hello...come here I want to talk to you two."

"Why mommy?"

"It'a about daddy. Mommy needs you to know that he won't be coming home."

"Why mommy...he's working far away?"

"No love...It was daddy's time to go to Heaven and become an Angel. God needed his help now."

"But if God has daddy...who do we have?"

"Well...you have mommy, papa, nana, Gary, Kelly and all your cousins."

"I don't get it mama. Don't we need a daddy too?"

"Aww darling...it's just going to be us now."

Claire knew how hard it was for them to understand...but she also knew being truthful with them now would save them heartache in years to come.

"Okay mommy...we go play now?"

"Sure guys...go ahead."

"Claire...why don't you and the kids come home with us for the night?"

"No thanks daddy. We're fine. I have alot to arrange before morning. I love you though...you too mom."

"We love you too sweetheart. If you need anything you call us okay?"

"I will mom. Bye."

Once she walked them to the door and closed it...she collapsed on the ground and cried.
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