CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Walking into the office they sat down.

"Now. If one of you could tell me what this is all about."

"Of course. But before we do that. I would just like to let you know to drop that patronizing voice. We are not one of your children. We are adults. Now shall we start again?"

Looking at Mac with distain, she smiled.

"Please tell me what I can help you with?"

"That's better. We have concerns for our daughter. It seems a certain child named Tommy has been giving her a hard time. He seems to find enjoyment by pulling on her hair and spitting eraser bits at her. So we took our concern to Mrs.Kelsy. She was very rude in her response. She also refused to listen to anything we had to say."

"Mr.Taylor. I understand children come home with all kinds of stories. But I have a hard time believing she wouldn't listen to your child."

"I don't care what you believe. Our daughter was told to sit in the hall yesterday during the math lesson because Tommy threw eraser pieces at her, causing her to tell him to piss off."

"Well that explains why the teacher sat her in the hall, doesn't it."

"No. If Mrs.Kelsy had of allowed our daughter to tell her what he was doing, she would have had the full story. This isn't the first time we've had problems with this child. He's a constant bother to our daughters education. He's very disruptive, which is stopping her from concentrating on her work."

"Did you explaiin this to Mrs.Kelsy?"

"We did. Would you like to know what she said?"

"Of course."

"Fine. When we informed her she called our daughter disruptive to the other students. Now our daughter has never had a problem with any other student, or her other teachers. Therefore your teacher was out of line. Now we want this situation with Tommy handled."

"I don't know how much we can do Mr.Taylor. Tommy has always been a trouble student. We've tried several times to stop his behavour with no success."

"Then why is he still here? You should have him in a special class."

"Mr.Taylor. Our special classes are full. Which is why we had to asign certain students to normal classrooms. If you like I can change your daughters class."

"That's not curing the problem, that's just applying a bandage to it. She still has to face this boy at recess time."

"I understand that. I can have the other teachers pay extra attention at lunch, and during recess."

"We can try that. But if our daughter comes home with another complaint against this child we will take this matter to the Board. We'd also like a written apology from Mrs.Kelsy for her tone she gave to my wife, and myself."

"It will be done Mr.Taylor. Now. If you will excuse me I'll deal with Tommy."

Getting up they exited the office.

"Mrs.Paige. Could you please take Claire Talyor to room 417. Inform Mr.Weaver that she's his newest student."

"Of course. Come along sweetheart. Let's get you settled."

Giving her mom and dad a kiss, she headed up to her new class.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

That's not curing the problem, that's just applying a bandage to it.

I loved this line! So true!

Well, at least this person was somewhat more understanding. And I'm sure it was good for them to hear that they've had problems with Tommy before, so that the school would know Claire wasn't making it up. And thankfully they placed Claire in another class so she doesn't have to deal with that biased teacher again.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Agreed, I love that line, and im glad they're getting somewhere but I cant wait to see what happens with Claire...
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

but I cant wait to see what happens with Claire...
Ouch!!! hugs Natty cause she's going to need it. :eek:

During lunch Claire was sitting with her friends. Opening her fruit cup, Tommy walked over and pushed it over onto her clothes.


"You have a big mouth Claire. I told my brother, he's twelve and he's gonna get you."

Ignoring Tommy's words Claire headed to the washroom to clean up. As she ran the water she heard the door open. Turning around she seen a boy standing there with a knife in his hand.

"You must be Claire. My brother told me about you. He says your dad and mom are pigs. But my brother didn't tell me how pretty you were. I don't know whether to stab you or touch you."

Claire was scared. She was to terrified to scream. She knew she would not getting out of the washroom. Trying not to cry she stood there waiting to see what he would do.

Running up he jabbed her in the chest with the knife. Taking off out of the washroom, he banged into the Principal.

"What are you doing in the girls washroom Kennith? Is that blood on your hands? What have you done?"


"Oh no. Let's go."

Opening the door, dragging Kennith in with her she seen Claire gasping for air.

"Oh my God. What have you done Kennith. Go get someone, now!!!"

Running out of the washroom he knew he was going to be in trouble. Leaving out the doors of the school he took off.

Mac was sitting in his office thinking back to the events of that morning. He couldn't let it rest. There was something not right with that school or those damn teachers.

Taking him from his train of thoughts the phone rang.

"Detective Taylor."

"Detective Taylor. This is Mrs.Feeny calling. We need to inform you that Claire has been rushed to the Hospital."

Silence could be heard.

"I'm sorry?"

"It seems one of our students stabbed her in the chest with a knife."

Hanging up the phone Mac took off out of his office. Finding Stella in the lab with Adam, he grabbed her hand and took off with her.

"Mac!!! Slow down Mac. What's going on?"

"Our daughters being rushed to the Hospital. She was stabbed with a knife."

"Oh my God. By who? By who Mac?"

"I don't know love. I didn't wait to find out. I've already sent Don over to the school to take statements."

Arriving at the Hospital Mac ran up to the desk.

"We are looking for our daughter. She was rushed in. Claire Taylor."

"You must be Detective Taylor. She's in surgery right now. The doctor will be out shortly to talk to you."

Stella clung to Mac. She was terrified. Their poor baby girl.

"Shh..come on love. Stay strong. It will be okay. She's strong."

"Mac!!! I've brought Gary for you."

"Thanks Danny."

Taking his son in his arms, he held him tight against them.

"Any news on who did this?"

"Yeah Mac. According to the Principal it was a young boy named Kennith OTello. He has a brother named Tommy. We talked to the girls who were sitting with Claire at lunch. They informed us that Tommy walked over and knocked over her fruit cup. He also threatened her that his older brother was going to get her for getting him in trouble. Flack has his men searching for him now. I mean how far can a twelve year old get on foot."

"That's not the point Danny. These children are trouble. This could have been prevented if handled properly. Now our daughter has to fight for her life all because the school decided the special classes were to full. Leaving them to put troubled students in with non troubled students."

Nodding that he understood Danny waited with the Taylor's for news on Claire.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

:eek: Poor Claire. Hope she's okay.

In the last chapter, I thought you meant that Tommy was just a problem child (mischievious, unruly, etc). But, obviously he and his brother are both suffering from some kind of psychological problems... especially the 12 yr old if he wanted to touch Claire and then stabbed her. I really didn't see that twist coming. I honestly thought Tommy just had a crush on Claire. Good twist. Tragic, but good. Poor Taylors. :hugs them all:
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

In the last chapter, I thought you meant that Tommy was just a problem child (mischievious, unruly, etc). But, obviously he and his brother are both suffering from some kind of psychological problems... especially the 12 yr old if he wanted to touch Claire and then stabbed her. I really didn't see that twist coming. I honestly thought Tommy just had a crush on Claire. Good twist. Tragic, but good. Poor Taylors. :hugs them all:
Either did the Taylor's. I'm about to talk about that in this chapter;) You are very observant. I like that.:)

As they waited Danny asked Mac....

"Mac, how long has this boy been a problem for Claire?"

"For the last few months. I honestly just thought it was a cute little crush. We had no idea the boy had mental problems till the teacher mentioned it today."

"Aww..you can't blame yourself Mac. You didn't know."

"I know that Danny. But I should have protected my little girl better. I should have done more this morning. I should have brought her home, or brought her to work till we dug deeper into this boys past."

Stella was pacing the floor with Gary. She couldn't sit still.

"Stella please stop pacing the floor. Come and sit."

"Come and sit? How can I sit. Did I not tell you last night Mac when we picked Claire up at school that that boy was trouble. But no. You laughed about it, thought it was so cute."

"I'm sorry love. I didn't know. I honestly thought it was all innocent."

Mac knew she was emotionally upset. He knew she wasn't thinking straight. But he also knew not to touch her. Not when she was this angry.

"Excuse me Detective Taylor?"

"Yes"....they said in unision.

"Your Daughter has been taken to ICU. She has a punctured left lung. I can honestly tell you a little more to the left and she wouldn't have survived."

"Is she awake?"

"No. We have her heavly sedated. I also need to let you know that she is on Life support. This is just an extra precaution so her lung can heal without added stress. Hopefully in a few days we will be able to remove the support from her."

"And if you can't? Then what?"

"How about we cross that bridge when we come to it. Your daughter has been through some major surgery. With time and care she should make a full recovery. The most important thing right now is that she knows you are here with her."

"Can we see her now?"

"Of course. I'll have the nurse come take you down."

"Thank you."

"Here Mac. I'll take Gary while you two go see Claire."

"Thanks Danny."

Watching Mac and Stella walk down the hall broke his heart. He could see not only the pain, but the guilt they were both feeling for what had happened.

As they neared the glass, they could see the machine breathing life into their daughter.

"I don't know if I can do this Mac. Look at her. She looks so tiny."

"I know love. We need to be strong. She's going to need us."

"Hello. You must be the Taylor's. I'm your daughters personal nurse. You may call me Fay. Do you have any questions before you see your daughter?"

She could see the pain in Stella's eyes. From one parent to another she knew exactly how the Taylor's were feeling. Nodding their head no. The nurse took them in.

Nearing the bed Stella gripped Mac's hand tightly as they welded up with tears. Taking his hand, Mac placed it in his daughters while caressing her fingers.

"Hi Claire bear. It's daddy. I'm right here beside you sweetheart. Can you hear daddy Claire. I'm right here with you."

Mac was hoping for some kind of response, even a little squeeze. But he got nothing. Trying to stay positive, he bent over the bed and kissed his daughters head.

"I love you Claire bear. You keep fighting to come home to us okay sweetheart. Daddy and mommy will be here when you wake up. We promise Claire. You just rest. Just rest love."

Switching places with his wife, she softly caressed her daughters hair.

"Hi Claire bear. It's mommy. I'm right here with you love. I know you can feel me Claire bear. You keep fighting to come home love. We will be here when you are ready to wake up. We promise Claire."

Wrapping his arms around his wife, they watched their daughter sleep. Praying that in the next few days she would find her way back to them.


Don was at the address of Kennith and Tommy's. Knocking on the door he got no response. Leaning over the window he seen someone laying on a couch. Banging harder on the window he still got no response.

"On my count. One, two, three...."

*Crash*...busting in the door, Don ran into the living room and found the guy passed out on the couch. He reeked of alcohol. Shaking the guy he tried to wake him.

"Hey...hey wake up. Get up now."

"Mmmmm...how many times have I told you fucking kids to leave me alone."

Raising his fist he tried to haul off and hit Flack. Backing up he missed.

"Take him. He can sober up at the station."

Picking him up the Officers dragged him to the car. As they neared the door Don seen the boy sticking his head out of his room.

"Hey!!! Come here."

Slamming the bedroom door on Don's face he tried to get out of the window.

"Oh no you don't."

Pulling him back in he asked....

"What's your name?"

"Tommy. I ain't done nothing. Let me go you pig."

"Where's your brother?"

"I ain't tellin you nothing. Now let me go."

"You're coming with us. You're a minor. Your father is in jail. Therefore you will be taken to Family Services and they can deal with you."

Taking him from the house, Don heard the noise coming from the basement.

"Wendle!! Take him. I think I know where Kennith is."

Taking the boy to the Squad car, Don and another Officer surrounded the door to the basement.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

So the father is a drunk and a mean one at that. No wonder the kids are screwed up. They are kind of victims too in a way, but that doesn't excuse what the older one did to poor little Claire. My heart was breaking for Mac and Stella as they spoke to their unconscious little girl. Aww... so sad. But a very good chapter. :)
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Opening the basement door, the first thing they smelled was the stench of death.

"Auuugh...Christ Flack. What the hell is that smell?"

"Decomp. Call it in. Then call Mac. We'll need the team."

Rushing outside into the clean air, the Officer took deep breaths.

"Dispatch. This is Myers. We need more Officers on site please. Also a Coroner."

"Ten four Myers, Officers have been dispatched. Informing CSI's now."

"Ten four."

Walking back in he seen Don looking for something to cover his mouth and nose with.

"Here Myers, put this on. Now let's go."

"Augh, come on Don. I don't think I can do this. The stench is turning my gut."

"To bad. Welcome to the messy side of Police work."

Myers could feel his stomach turn. God the stench was horrid. Nearing the bottom of the stairs, Flack seen the boy run by. Chasing him down, he grabbed his shirt and dropped him to the ground.

"Move and I won't hesitate to shoot. What's your name?"

"Kennith. Kennith, owwww let up you fuckin pig that hurts."

Leaning down Don whispered in his ear.

"Not as much as what you did to that six year old girl. So if I was you I wouldn't move."

Pulling him up, Don tossed him to Myers.

"Get him out of my sight now Myers."

Heading over to where the light was Don could feel things squishing under his shoes. Turning on the light, he looked down....

"What the he...... Oh mother of God."

Leaning over the sink Don threw up. He had seen alot of things in his life. But never nothing like this.

Back at the Hospital Danny was holding a sleeping Gary in his arms as he watched Mac and Stella through the glass. God Claire looked so tiny in that huge bed, covered with all the tubing that was keeping her alive.

Tearing up Danny leaned his face into Gary's little neck. Just rocking and cuddling him.

"Hey Danny. How's Mac and Stella doing?"

"Not good Adam. Look at their little Angel. God she looks so broken, so lost in her sleep."

Adam could see the pain, he could feel the heartache coming from Claire's room.


"Here Adam, can you take Gary?"

"Sure. No problem."

Passing Gary to Adam, he curled under his neck, and fell back into sleep.


"Danny this is Sandy from dispatch, we need to get in touch with Detective Taylor. Do you know where he is?"

"Is this an emergency Sandy?"

"It is. Don called. They've arrested Kennith, the father, and Tommy. But there's more. Flack found something really terrible at the home. He needs you, Mac and the rest of team now."

"Okay Sandy. I'll let Mac know. Tell Don we'll be there."

Hanging up the phone Danny knocked gently on the window. As Mac turned he motioned him to come with his finger.

"I'm sorry Mac. Sandy called from dispatch. Don's arrested Kennith. But Sandy said he found something in the basement. She wouldn't say what. But it can't be good."

Mac was so emotional right now. He didn't want to leave his daughter. He didn't want to deal with what was going on around him. All he wanted was to stay with his daughter. Sighing deep he walked over to Stella.

"I have to go love. I'm sorry. Don's arrested Kennith. It seems during the search Don found something. They need us all there. But I want you to stay with Claire. Danny, Sheldon and I will be fine."

"Oh Mac. Can't they handle it. Do you have to go?"

"I'm sorry sweetheart. I promise to be back the second we are done."

Leaning down Mac kissed his daughter.

"Daddy be back soon Claire bear. I'll bring your favorite teddy bear, okay?"

Knowing he wasn't going to get a response. He kissed his wife and left.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Like GNRF said its hard not to feel a little sorry for those boys until you think what they did, but Im curious to what the heck is in their basement!
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