CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Full apology to my readers. Yes, this story is dragging. I'm trying to not post the Halloween story till Halloween. So I've just been throwing in little epi's.

I will make it up to you all on Halloween.:);)

When they arrived at home Claire stomped up the stairs.

"I'll check on her, you take Gary. Give him a snack."

"Aww...come on Stel. I don't want to give him a snack. I'll be wearing it."

"Stop complaining Mac. Honestly I swear you are worse then the kids."

Walking into the kitchen Mac sat Gary in his highchair. Grabbing the cookie jar he took out two cookies and poured a cup of milk. Placing it on Gary's little table, he said...

"No throwing your cookies Gary. You eat them nice."

Looking at his daddy innocently, he reached for a cookie and stretched it out to his daddy.

"Ite daddy?"

"No thank you Gary. You eat it."

With Gary quietly eating his snack. Mac started the hamburg for the sloppy joes. He knew this was going to be a messy one. Which is why he couldn't understand why Stella insisted on things Gary could make a mess with.

Frying up the burger, Mac set it aside and placed the buns on low for toasting. Then mixing he sauce into the burger, he placed it all in the skillet on low.

"Remind me to change my shirt before we eat Gary. I wouldn' want you to toss anything on my suit."

Gary giggled. He thought his daddy was funny.

"Uppy daddy?"

Walking over Mac picked his son up in his arms.

"Let's go get you changed. Do you have to go potty?"

"No daddy. No potty, pleeeese."

Carrying his son upstairs to his room, he changed him and headed back down the stairs.


"What is it love?"

"She won't talk. She said she has nothing to talk about."

"She's most likely still upset with you for making her say sorry to Tommy. Why don't I talk to her."

"I guess. But don't force her to talk if she don't want to."

"I know that Stel. Don't worry, she'll be fine."

Knocking on her door, he got no response.

"Claire. May I come in?"

"Why daddy? I don't want to talk."

"Come on sweetheart. You'll feel better if you talk about your day. I promise not to ask you any questions. You can do all the talking. I'll just listen."

Hearing the click of the lock, the door slowly opened. Walking in, he found Claire sitting on the floor doing a huge puzzle.

"Hey Claire bear. May I help?"

"Sure daddy."

Sitting down on the floor beside her, he picked up a puzzle piece.

"So...how was your day at school? If I remember right wasn't today your first day of band?"

"It was daddy. The teacher was very surprised when I played the guitar. She said I had talent. So I told her my dad taught me everything I know."

Mac smiled. If their was anything he passed on to his children. It was a love for music.

"Well that sounds like a good start to the day. What happened after music?"

"I had math. The teacher made me sit in the hall though."

"She did? What for?"

"Cause Tommy threw pieces of eraser bits at me again. So I turned around and told him to piss off. Then the teacher sat me in the hall with a warning."

"Claire. Where did you hear that word?"

"The older kids daddy. They say it all the time. I didn't know it was bad till Mrs.Kelsy told me."

"Didn't you explain to her that Tommy was throwing things at you?"

"She didn't give me a chance daddy. She sent me right out to the hall. She said she didn't want to hear anything from me. That I was to sit quietly in the hall till lunch."

"Are you telling me she wouldn't you explain why?"

"Yes daddy. That's why I'm so mad. Tommy's been pushing me all day. I hate him daddy. I really wish he would stop bugging me."

Mac was a little concerned himself. He couldn't figure why the teacher wouldn't listen to both sides.

"I'll tell you what Claire. In the morning mommy and I will come to school with you and talk to your teacher."

"Honest daddy?"

"Mhmm..I promise. Do you know why?"

"Why daddy?"

"Well...I would like to know why she wouldn't listen to your complaint. I think it's very important we find out why. Don't you?"

Getting up she hugged her daddy tight.

"Thank you daddy. Thank you for believing me."

"Aww...always Claire bear. Always daddy will listen and believe you with anything you have to say. Now how about we go eat before Gary decides to throw our dinner on the floor."

Taking his daughter by the hand. They walked together downstairs.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Gary's a cutie. :lol:

Aww, poor Claire. The teacher was being mean to her. I bet Stella and Mac are gonna give her what for. :lol:
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

While they sat down to dinner, Mac helped Gary eat. This had to be the first meal they had gotten through without Gary throwing it. Finishing up, Stella brought out the dessert.

"Mommy did you know that Gary didn't throw his food?"

"I know Claire. Mommy is very proud of Gary."

Gary gave his mommy a wide grin. One that showed his fathers gorgeous looks. Reaching for his piece of chocolate cake, he picked it up with his hands.

"Gary!! Use your spoon. See. Just like daddy."

Picking up his spoon he scooped up some cake, placing it into his mouth. Or so they thought. Bringing the spoon back down he tossed the cake at his sister.

"Eww...come on Gary. That's not nice. You're rude."

"Auuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh...." he screamed.

"Okay. That's enough of that. Let's go. Bed."

"No daddy....peeeeeease daddy."

As Mac picked him up he clung to him. cuddling under his neck, softly sobbing. Sitting back down he just held him. allowing him to calm down.

"Claire. Would you like to help with the dishes?"

"Sure mommy. I'll dry."

Placing the dishes in the sink full of bubbles. Mac left the kitchen with Gary. Taking him to the den he sat down with him on the floor. Pulling out the wooden puzzles pieces. They did the puzzle together on the floor. How quiet Gary was now. Leaving Mac wondering why dinners were always so difficult with him.

With the girls done the dishes. Mac and Stella bathed and dressed the kids for bed.

"I'm a big girl mommy. I can bath myself. I'll call you when I'm done."

"Okay sweetheart. Don't forget to brush your teeth."

"I won't mommy."

Closing the door part way, Stella left her daughter to her bath. Walking into Gary's room she found Mac passed out with little Gary in his arms. Leaning against the door, she watched them sleep. How much Gary looked like his daddy. Leaving Stella knowing that one day Gary was going to make some lucky girl very happy. "If he stopped throwing food". Giggling to herself, she checked on Claire.

"All done sweetheart?"

"Yes mommy. Just finishing up my teeth. Can daddy put me to bed tonight?"

"Of course Claire. Mommy will go wake him for you."

"Wake him?? Is he sleeping mommy?"

"He is. With little Gary."

"Oh...never mind then mommy. You can put me to bed."

"You sure? It will only take me a minute to wake daddy."

"No. It's okay mom. You can do it."

Turning out the bathroom light, Claire jumped onto her bed.

"Snuggle in sweetheart. Did you want a story?"

"Not tonight mommy. You and daddy are coming to school with me in the morning, right?"

"Mhmm..we will both be there love."

Kissing her daughter goodnight, she left the room.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Walking back into Gary's room, Stella grabbed the blanket and covered up Gary and Mac. As she turned to leave he woke.

"Hold up sweetheart. Just let me climb out of bed."

Crawling out, he covered up his son and left the room.

"Look at you Mac. You're half asleep."

"Trust me love. I'm not that tired anymore."


Walking into their room Mac reached for her hand. As she turned, he pulled her in close. Inhaling her scented hair, he wrapped his fingers in her hair and pulled it away from her neck.

Bending his head, he traced his tongue along her neck, causing her to grip and grind against him. Such erotic caresses she was feeling. Every inch of her body was on the edge. Not one part of her flesh didn't crave for his touch, his kiss, his love.

Not releasing her he slid his hands down her hips, across her back, her chest, unclipping her buttons one by one, watching as her flesh shivered in ecstacy.

Letting the shirt fall to the ground, he reached for her pants. Tracing his fingertips around her waist, till he unclipped her button, allowing the jeans to follow the same path as her shirt.

Lost in the passion as he was. She slid her hands down his waist band of his track pants, with seduction and fingertips she had him throwing his head back as he hissed out her name....


So lost in each other as he lifted her in his arms to the bed. Not wanting to release her, he sat her upon his lap, as their flesh touched, and danced in fevered passion.

Lowering their mouths, they roughly kissed in their pleasure they were giving to each other. Needing to feel all of him, she took the lead. Dancing their bodies into the throws of endless ecstacy.

For all the years they were married, never had their love cooled or died. It forever grew in nights and days of endless passion. Linking their hands together, she continued to dance until they were both on the edge of their release.

Gripping each other tighter, she bit into his shoulder, as he bit into hers, then as their souls joined. As they released in their love, they both collapsed.

A short time later, Mac rolled with her onto the bed. Pulling back the covers he covered them.

"I love you Mac."

Pulling her closer, he leaned into her ear and whispered...

"Not as much as I love you my lady."

The following morning Mac dressed Gary while Stella started breakfast.


"Yes Claire bear?"

"I'm scared."

"Scared of what love?"

"Scared that my teacher won't like me no more after today. What if she gets mad cause I told on her?"

"Aww..come here Claire."

Sitting on her daddy's lap he just held her.

"I want you to listen to me carefully. Your teacher is not going to be upset with you. I promise you that. The most daddy and mommy want to do is make sure this problem is straightened out. Your teacher needs to know what really happened yesterday."

"But she won't listen daddy. She just don't like me."

"How could she not like my Claire bear. How about you let me and mommy judge for ourselves. How's that?"

"Okay daddy. But what if you don't like her?"

"Then we will see about having your classroom changed. That way you are away from Tommy."

"Thanks daddy. Thank you so much. I love you."

Wrapping his daughter tighter he hugged her close.

"I love you too my Claie bear."

"Owwwwwwwwwwwwwww.... Gary!!!!!"

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Arriving at the school, they took Claire into her classroom.

"Excuse me Mrs. Kelsy?"


"I'm Mac Taylor. This is my wife Stella. We were hoping we could talk to you about some concerns we have with our daughter and another student."

"I'm really pressed for time right now. You should have booked a meeting. But what seems to be the problem?"

Stella wasn't impressed. There was something about this teacher that spoke of little compassion or understanding. Mac felt it too.

"It seems our daughter is having a hard time with a boy named Tommy. He seems to keep throwing things at her, and pulling on her hair. We were also informed that she was made to sit in the hall yestrday during class."

"She was. She was put there for saying a word that should be used by someone so young. She also caused a scene with Tommy, she's very disruptive to the other students who are trying to learn."

"I'm sorry?? Disruptive. Now you listen to me. This young boy is constantly bothering her. He throws pieces of eraser bits at her, then pulls on her hair, but you dare to call my daughter disruptive?"

"Hmm..I can see the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I can see where she gets her temper."

Stella was getting pissed.

"Do you know what Mrs.Kelsy. I think we'll go see the Principal instead. Let's go Stel."

"You do that. You best have someone take your daughter in hand, before it becomes a real problem."

That did it. Passing Gary to Mac, Stella walked up to her and said...

"If I weren't a Detective. If I didn't have control. I'd haul off and...and.... You are rude, disrespectful, and biased. Let's go Claire before I change my mind."

Arriving at the Office Mac and Stella waited to be seen.

"I'm telling you Mac, I've never lost my temper like that. But that woman...damn, she makes me...."

"It's okay mommy. Please don't be angry. I'm sorry to cause so much trouble."

"You listen to me sweetheart. You are not causing us any trouble. Don't ever think that. You are a good and wonderful girl. Don't let one teachers opinion change that. Understand?"

"Yes mommy."

Waiting to be seen Tommy walked in. Heading over to the counter he gave Claire a little kick.


"Excuse me. Why did you just kick her?"

"Is there a problem here?"

"Yes. This young man just kicked our daughter. From what we understand this has been happening alot."

"You must be the Taylor's. I was informed by my Secretary that you were having a problem with one of the teachers. Please come in."

"What about this young man. Are you not going to repremand him for what he did? I do believe you have a no touch policy in effect?"

"We do. this situation will be handle. But for right now I'd like to hear about your concerns with Mrs.Kelsy."

Walking into the Office Mac was wondering just what kind of school they had sent their daughter too.
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