CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

He found one. It had taken patients and skill, but he caught one. Running with the child under the subway, he escaped without being seen.

"Troy?? Troy?? Where are you Troy? Oh my God, where's my son."

Security heard the mother yelling.

"What's the problem ma'am?"

"My son is gone. You have to help me. He's gone."

"Calm down ma'am, we'll find him."

Calling it in to the Police, they continued to search for the young boy.

Meanwhile Mac was sitting at the table with Claire.

"Daddy do you have to work today?"

"I do Claire, why?"

"Cause I wanted you to take me to school. I don't like the school bus."

"You don't? Why? I thought you said you liked it."

"I don't no more daddy. Can't you take me? Pleeeeeease."

"I'll tell you what. You tell me why you don't want to take the bus, and I'll drive you."

"Cause Tommy takes the bus daddy. Now will you take me?"

Mac smiled, Stella laughed quietly.

"Sure Claire bear. But you know that Tommy's going to be upset because you're not on the bus."

"That's okay daddy. I don't like him, he's yucky."

"Alright, grab your bag and let's go."

Leaving the table, Claire went in search of her bag.

"Sweetheart, I'll see you tonight. Try and have a fun filled day with Gary."

"Uhuh...I'm sure we will."

Kissing his lovely wife on the lips, he left.

When they arrived at school Mac seen Tommy getting off the bus.

"Is that Tommy Claire?"

"Yes daddy. Now you see why I don't like him."

"Umm..not really. He looks like a nice boy."

"Eww..gross daddy. I love you, bye."

"Bye Claire bear. Remember, be nice."

Smirking Mac drove away.

He was crying. God how he wanted nothing more then to shut him up.

"Listen kid. Shut up. I promise you won't feel a thing."

Standing behind the child he took his life quickly. Then laying him on the table, he began removing the parts he needed for Halloween night. Placing them carefully in the freezer with the rest, he washed everything up and left his home.


"Morning Mac. What brings you here?"

"I need to pick up a case file. What's wrong with you? You look upset."

"We had a four year old child go missing this morning in the Subway."

"Christ. How's the parents?"

"A mess. She's a single mother who is blaming herself. She said she turned her back to grab her coffee. Then when she turned back around he was gone."

"That's all it takes. No one seen anything?"

"A couple witnesses say they seen a young man running with a child down the Subway tunnel. So I have my guys taking statements, and looking for clues."

"I hope you find him Don."

"Thanks Mac. I do to. I'll see you later."

Parting ways, Mac headed to his office.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

As he was walking along the street. Stella noticed him. Eyeing him intently she called Mac.


"Hi Mac. Listen, I need you to send someone down to that little Cafe on 42nd. I see him again Mac. I swear it's him. Like I said his hair is different, and his eyes. But it's him."

"I believe you Stel. Just stay where you are."

Hanging up the phone, she watched as he sat in the Cafe.


"Danny?? He's across the street. See the guy with the orange hair."

"Are you sure Stel. Mac said the guy you seen had...."

"I know that Danny. But I'm positive it's him."

Walking across the street, Danny entered the Cafe and approached the suspect.

"Excuse me. I'm Det.Messer. I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions?"

"What about?"

"Were you talking with this woman yesterday? She may have had a small infant with her."

"Hmm..no I'm sorry. She doesn't look familuar at all."

"Are you absolutely sure?"

"I am. Why? Is she in trouble?"

"I can't tell you that sir. Thank you for your time."

Walking back across the street, Danny watched as he left the Cafe.

"Well??? Was it him?"

"He didn't recognize you Stel. Or Gary. He didn't even flinch when I showed him the picture."

"I'm telling you. That was him."

"I believe you Stel. But I just can't arrest the guy when we have no evidence at all."

"I know Danny. I just know it's him."

"Come on Stel. I'll take you and Gary to the lab."

As they walked away, he rounded back and seen them.

"That was close. Good thing you played it cool. Only eight more day till Halloween." He whispered to himself.

When they arrived at Mac's office he wasn't there.

"I'll go look for him Stel. You wait here."

As Stella seen the Adam walking down the hall, she stopped him.


"Hey Stella. Hi li'l Gary how are you?"

Gary giggled while he outstretched his arms.

"May I Stella?"

"Of course. Here."

Passing Gary over, he pulled on Adam's little beard and giggled.

"Adam did you have any luck with those pictures at all?"

"I'm sorry Stella. I wish I did. But everything was shadowed. I take it Danny and Sheldon didn't find anything?"

"No. Not so much as a print. I keep seeing this guy. But he's changed his hair color and eyes, but I know it's him. Though when Danny questioned him he swore he didn't me or Gary."

"Hmm...that's tuff. If only we had more to go on. Do you think he wants to hurt you?"

"I don't know. He was more interested in Gary then me."

Adam thought about the four year old that was kidnapped.

"Stella did you know we had a four year old boy abducted this morning at the Subway?"

"No!! Who told you this?"

"Don. He came in this morning with a description of the guy."

"Can I see it?"

Passing Stella the picture she looked at it.

"That's him. That's the guy that followed Gary and I. Only his hair was dark, and his eyes weren't blue."

"I think we should find Mac. He needs to know."

Taking Gary back into her arms, she went to page Mac.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Aww. that poor little boy. I hope they catch the bad guy. Gary was cute reaching out to Adam and then pulling on his beard and giggling. :lol:
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Taking his lunch break at home. Don walked in and found Jen nursing Donna.

"Hey Jen. How's are little lamb?"

"She's doing great. She's really latching on now."

"Good. God I missed her, and you. I hate being away from you both."

"Why don't you take some time off?"

"I couldn't right now. Not even if I wanted to. We are still searching for that missing child. We also have that suspect who's dropping body parts over NY."

"But I thought things had cooled down with him. Have you found new body parts?"

"No. Mac seems to think he's going to show himself again on Halloween. So we've upped patrols that night. Which means I'll be working late."

"Not again. I thought we could spend Halloween at my parents place. They've been waiting to see the baby."

"I'll tell you what. How about I drop you off there on Halloween, and pick you up when I'm done my shift."

"Yeah. I guess that would work."

"Come on Jen. Don't be upset. If we catch this guy before Halloween I'll be able to come with you."

Seeing that Donna was finished nursing. Don picked her up and held her against him. Inhaling her beautiful baby fresh scent, he hummed to her.

"My God Don. I haven't heard that song for years."

"I know. I've always loved it. Nothing like Oh Donna. Plus it suits our lamb to a tee."

Continuing to hum, Donna curled her little fist, and rested her head on her daddy's beating heart. Finishing the song, he laid her in the cradle, while Jen walked over and sat down beside him.

"I still can't believe it Jen. We made a baby. A beautful baby girl."

Looking up into his eyes, she could see the mist within them. Leaning in, she passionately kissed him. Not feeling satisfied, she pushed him down on the bed, and grinded herself against him while continuing to assault his senses.

"Jeeeeeeeeeeeen....you're killin me here. We need to....."

That did it. As soon as she made her touch known where he needed it, he couldn't breathe. Couldn't form a coharent thought. God her touch was like Heaven.

"My turn."

Nipping his teeth across her skin, he watched her shiver, as she was lost within the sheets. Gripping, tugging, tossing herself as he passionately loved her. Crushing his lips upon hers, leaving them both swirling in an aura of colors.

"Pleeeeeeeease Don."

Knowing she was on the edge. Knowing her passion matched his, he merged their souls, leaving them both wrapped in each others love.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When Mac recieved the page he headed back to his office.

"What's the matter Stel?"

"You know that suspect that abducted that young boy?"

"Yeah. What about him love?"

"It's the same guy I seen. I'm telling you Mac. You put him in chestnut color hair, and green eyes, you'll see it's him."

Walking with Adam they headed down. Running the picture through, Adam adjusted the coloring of the eyes, and hair.

"Look at that Mac. It's him. It seems your suspect, and my follower are one in the same. Question now is, what was he after?"

"Listen Mac. If this is the same suspect. That means he was after your son."

"Yeah but why? What possible need could he have for him?"

"Maybe it's had for him. Did you ever think that because he couldn't get your son, he went after that other child."

Mac looked to Adam. Leaving him wondering if maybe Adam was right.

"If you're right, and I have a feeling you are. What is the motive behind all this to begin with."

Shrugging his shoulders, that was one thing Adam didn't know.

"Oh look at the time. I need to pick up Claire."

"Hold on Stel. I'll drive you. Adam have Danny call me with that information when he gets back."

"I will Mac. No problem. By Stel. Take care."

"You too Adam. See you soon."

Stopping at the school Mac seen Tommy trying to pull on Claire's ponytail.

"Look Stel. Isn't that cute? Tommy's trying to get her attention."

"Mhmm..he's going to get something alright. See your daughters face. See that look in her eyes. Tell me? When have you seen that look before. Who does she remind you of?"

"She wouldn't dare. Would she?"

"I wouldn't put it past her Mac. She doesn't like this boy. Add that to your temper, and...."

Just before Stella could finish they seen Claire haul off and push him.

"Claire Marie Taylor?"

Turning she seen her mom walking towards her, while Mac was trying desperately not to laugh.

"Claire apologize to Tommy."

"But mom. He pulled my hair. He's always pulling my hair."

"I said apologize young lady."

"Sorry Tommy. Now let's go mom."

Pulling her mom by the hand they headed back to the car. As Stella opened the door, she whispered angerly...

"Wipe that smirk off your face Mac."

"Hi daddy. How was your day?"

"Hi my Claire bear. It was good. How was yours?"

"Bad daddy. Really bad."

Mac was laughing inside. His little Claire was acting so mature like.

"Would you like to talk about your day?"

"I'd really rather not daddy. Just take me home please."

Pulling out of the school driveway, Tommy stuck his tongue out at Claire.
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