CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

:lol: at the bad guy insulting himself. haha.

Good for Stella taking his picture. Hopefully Adam can clean it up and get a good pic of the bad guy.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

After dropping Sheldon back at the lab, Mac took his wife and child home. Pulling into their driveway he noticed Gary was sound asleep.

"I'll grab him love. You unlock the door."

Carefully lifting his son into his arms, he curled himself right under his daddy's neck. Laying him carefully in his crib, he covered him and headed back downstairs.

"Stel, can you remember anything about the guy approched you?"

"Yeah, but I don't think he was the one following me. He asked for directions to the Pharmacy. He walked in the opposite direction."

"Are you sure love?"

"I think so. It was a couple blocks later I noticed Gary and I were being followed."

"Give me this guys description anyway love. Please."

"Sure. He was five foot nine, approximately 180 to 200 pounds. Dark brown hair, green eyes, no scars or tattoos. His face was narrow, with deep cheek bones. His nose was kind of pointed. Kind of talked with a deep scratchy tone. Like he had something stuck in his throat. Blue Jeans, white t shirt, Nike runners, black with dark purple trim. Oh and a earring in his left ear. A tiny diamond."

"Okay love, I'm going to get back to the lab, I'll see you tonight."

"You're leaving me already? I thought we could do lunch."

Mac could tell she was in a playful mood. For it was showing in the spots he loved most.

"Stel. I'd really like to see if Adam got anything on those pictures, plus I'd like to run your description through our Data Base."

"You should be resting Mac. How about you get into bed and I'll bring you some nice Stella ala platter."

Mac smirked. "No!!!"

He loved his wife's playful side. But she always seemed to pick the wrong times to tease him. Kissing her smartly on the mouth, he took off out the door.

Back at the Lab...

"Hey Sheldon."

"Yeah? What is it Adam?"

"I can't get anything on Stella's phone except for shadows. I've tried everything, but nothing showed. He was hiding very well. Is it possible he knew she was taking them?"

"She mentioned he may have seen her."

"Adam!!! You get anything?"

"No. Sorry Mac. As I was telling Sheldon he may have known she was taking his photograph. He definitely stayed in the shadows. But if you look carefully, he was holding onto the side of the building. It may be possible he left some trace or a print."

"Okay. Sheldon grab Danny and head back out there. See if you can find anything. Adam, take this description Stella gave me, and build me a face."

"Sure Mac. I'll get right that."

"Thanks. I'm going to check over those reports again. If you need me I'll be in my office."


He was sure he hid himself well enough. But even so, he decided to buy a bottle of blonde hair dye and a set of blue contacts. He just knew he had to do all he could to stay focused till Halloween. Putting in the hair color, he knew it was going to come out redish orange. But that was okay. As long as the dark chestnut color was gone.

Placing the blue contacts in his eyes, he looked at himself.

"Wow. Not bad. The color of the hair really brings out my eyes."

Grabbing his coat, he headed out to grab a bite.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Looks like they're gonna have a tougher time catching this one. He's obviously not stupid. They've got their work cut out for them.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When Don arrived back at the Hospital Jen was dressed and ready to go.

"I take it you are ready to go home?"

"I am Don. Grab Donna and let's go. I miss being with you."

Leaning down, he softly kissed her sweet lips.

"I miss you too Jen. Everytime we're not together."

Picking up his daughter, he kissed her rosebud lips as she curled up her little nose. Placing her in the carseat, he then helped Jen into the car, and they headed home.


Mac walked into slience. Which was kind of unusual for him this time of the evening. Looking about his home, he couldn't find Stella or his children anywhere. Then he seen the note.

"Mac...Gone to Parent Teacher Interviews. Won't be long, dinner is in the oven. Love Stel."

Remembering the events of the day, he decided to walk over to Claire's school and meet them. Entering the front doors, he could hear Gary yelling. Trying not to laugh, Mac couldn't help it. He just couldn't figure out why Gary had such a temper.

According to the doctor, it was normal. He was going through stages. Even with all the tests, everything came back normal. He was just your healthy average two and a half year old terror. But to Mac and Stella he was highly testing their patients as parents. Walking over he leaned in and kissed the nape of her neck.

"Hi sweetheart. Why don't you give me Gary, I'll take him outside."

Passing Gary over, Mac walked outside with Claire in tow.

"Daddy..mommy said you wouldn't be coming. She said you have a big case."

"I know Claire bear. But I had some extra time so I thought I'd come. Maybe when we're done here, we can go for ice cream."

"Really daddy??"

"Mhmm..so how was school today?"

"It was good. But Tommy Peters kept throwing eraser bits at me."

"He did. Why?"

"I don't know daddy. He's always throwing things at me, or pulling my hair, or sometimes even poking me."

Mac smirked. It was obvious to him that Tommy had a crush on his daughter.

"Hmm..I don't know Claire. Boys sometimes do silly things."

"Did you do that when you were a boy daddy?"

"I did. Especially when I liked someone."

"Ewww...are you telling me Tommy likes me??"

"Could be Claire bear. Does he annoy anyone else?"

"No. Just me daddy. Even at lunchtime he bothers me. Eww..please tell me that's not true daddy. Boys are yucky."

"But I'm a boy."

"That's different. You're my daddy. So it's okay to love you."

Smirking widely he hugged his Claire bear.

"Alright, all done here. You guys ready to go?"

"We are. I thought we'd take the kids for ice cream."

"Sure. But did you eat your dinner Mac?" She laughed.

"Umm..of course. Now let's go get that ice cream."

"Why don't I believe you Taylor?"

"I don't know Mrs.Taylor. Why don't you?"

"Uhuh...let's go Mac."

Taking his wife by the hand, they walked across to the ice cream store. After they ordered, they sat down inside.


"What is it love?"

"That looks like the guy from this morning. But I could be wrong. His eyes and hair is different. But his nose, and that earring. I think that's the guy that asked about the Pharmacy."

Turning around Mac seen him outside the door. Getting up he tried to catch him. Heading outside, he looked down the street for him, but he had disappeared.

"Mommy?? What's daddy doing?"

"He's looking for someone sweetheart. Finish your ice cream."

"Who's he looking for mommy?"

"Just a man he needs to talk too."

"Oh..okay mommy."

Looking over at Gary, Stella seen the ice cream all over his face.

"Look at you Gary bear. You're covered in chocolate."

Lifting his spoon he put it towards his mommy's mouth.

"No thank you Gary bear. You eat it."

Stretching forward, he tried to put it into her mouth. Having no success, he got frusterated and threw it at her."

"Ewww...that's bad Gary."

Looking at his sister he screamed. Blocking her ears, Claire tried to shut him out. Walking back in Mac could hear his son screaming. Not wanting to cause anymore of a scene, he picked up his son and carried him outside.

"Stop this Gary. No more screaming."

Caressing his sons back, he continued yawning between screams, as he tucked his chocolately face under his daddy's neck and calmed down.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

^^^^ That guy whos looking for kids. Stella just said that as it was easier than explaining to Claire :)
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".


who's he want to talk to?

The guy that approached Stella this morning.

That guy who's looking for kids

He's just not looking for kids. He has all different victims in his freezer at home all chopped up:eek:, but he's missing a child, which is what he needs to find before Halloween.

:lol:Are you guys reading???:lol: :lol:Or just scanning what you like???:lol:


Decides whether to put up next chapter or not:p

Homework for Natty/Melly...Reread last few chapters:guffaw:
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Hey im reading :lol: But if he's missing a child and looking for a kid then I was right as he's got to look for kids in plural before he finds the kid:lol: ''Stella just said that as it was easier than explaining to Claire''.....I'll change that, I just said it so it was easier to explain to Melly hehe :lol:

Please put up next chapter!!! :lol:
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

:lol: at Claire saying "boys are yucky". Too cute. Gary trying to feed Stella the ice cream was funny. Stella's smart and very observant if she realized it was the same guy even with the hair and eye color changes. Go, Stella! :D
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When they arrived at home, Mac took Gary upstairs, changed him into his pj's, washed his face and hands, then carried him to his bed. Tucking him in he fell right back into sleep.

Heading back downstairs he heard Claire talking to mommy.

"Mommy, daddy says that when boys tease you it's because they like you. Is that right mommy?"

"Mhmm..most times, why?"

"Cause there's this boy at school who bothers me all the time. Did daddy bother you mommy?"

Mac smiled. Claire was being to cute for her own good.

"Umm..sort of. With grown ups it's a little different."

"How about when you were a girl mommy? Did any boys bug you?"

"A few. But I use to beat them up. Eventually they all left me alone."

"Cause you scared them?"

"I guess I did."

"Did you scare daddy?"

Trying not to laugh Mac walked into the room.

"She sure did Claire bear. Mommy was always chasing me down the hall at work. Or she would sit on my office desk and have me stare at her to get my attention. You know what else mommy did?"

"What daddy?"

"She dressed in these sexy dresses, just to get my attention."

"Oh..I bet you she was pretty. Wasn't she daddy?"

"She was Claire bear. Very beautiful."

"Is that why you married her?"


"Then why did you?"

"I married her because she was my best friend. She saved me from falling apart. She saved me from a life of loneliness. She taught me how to live again. That's why I fell in love with her. She was everything I came to realize I needed to live."

"Are we what you need to live daddy? Gary and me?"

"You know what Claire bear? Yeah, you and your brother are what your mother and I both need to live. You are both made from our most passionate love. You were made from a thousand Angels who came down and blessed our world with you and your brother."

"Oh daddy. That's beautiful. Look at mommy. She's crying. Don't cry mommy. Daddy loves you, so do Gary and I."

Climbing up on her mommy, she cuddled her close.

"It's okay mommy. Don't cry no more. We love you."

While Stella snuggled her daughter closer, Mac softly wiped his wife's tears.

As short time later, they both layed Claire down and covered her up.

"Good night Claire bear. Angels watch over you."

"You to mommy and daddy. Love yous."

"We love you too sweetheart."

Walking down the hall into their room, Mac wrapped his wife up in his arms.


"Yes my love?"

"What are you up too....? She said breathlessly.

"I'm up to showing my wife the Angels again. I'm up to taking my wife above the clouds, so we can hear the Angels sing again. Then when my wife is begging for release, I shall love her all over again, until she's as lost as I am in our love."

Laying her upon their bed, he did love her above the clouds. He did have her hear the Angels sing again. And when she was as lost as he, she whispered her confession of love to the Angels, to the clouds, but most of all to his heart.

Wrapping her tighter within him, still tangled within the sheets they fell into sleep.
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