CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Just as Mac returned from x-ray, Don recieved the call on his cell.


"Don....huff, huff....where the hell are you?? The damn baby is coming."

"What??? Tell me you're kidding Jen."

"Nooooooooooooooooooo....God damn it Don. Come get me now."

"Okay, okay, calm down, I'll be right there."

"What's going on Don?"

"Jen is in labour. I need to get home. I need to get her."

"Calm down man, I'll drive, let's go. These things take hours. Don't worry."

Stella laughed. Leave it to Danny to say something like that. But she knew better, she had a feeling Jen was going to give birth quickly.

"Where did everyone go love?"

"Danny drove Don home. Jen's in labour."

"You're kidding. Why didn't they call for an Ambulance?"

"Cause Danny told Don that most babies take hours to come."

Mac laughed.

"Oh those poor boys. I think we should wait around. I'd like to see Danny and Don's face when they arrive."

"Uhuh...I bet you would."

When the boys got to the house, Jen was on the couch huffing away.

"Okay love, take my hand, I'll help you to the car."

"Knock off the pet names. How dare you leave me alone to handle this demon you spawned in me."

"Christ Don. Where's Father Merrick when you need him."

"Shut up Danno. Not now."

"Auuuuuuuuuuuugh....oh.....my water just broke."

"Shit. Okay, I'll pick you up."

"Nooooooooooo....don't pick me up you idiot. Don't even touch me, I'll walk myself if it kills me."

Danny was pissing himself with laughter. Jen had turned into a version of Carrie mixed with the Exorcist. Finally getting her to the car, Flack helped her in the back seat.

"Come on Danny, let's go. You drive."

As they began driving, Jen was hit with a hard contraction. Reaching for Don's fingers, she squeezed as he screamed.

"Chriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiist...God damn it Jen, let up."

"Let up. Let up?? You listen to me Mister can't keep it in his pants, It's your child, which means it's your pain. So grin and bare it bucko."

Danny was in tears of laughter. He had never heard such language from any mother who was in labour. But by all that was Holy, Jen had taught him words from the English language he never knew existed.

Pulling into the Hospital ER, they were met by the Karen.

"Oh Danny. Are you okay? You're crying."

Danny really couldn't contain himself, especially when Don opened the back door, and Karen heard Linda Blair herself. God the look on her face was priceless.

"I swear to God Messer. When this is over, I'll hunt you down and torture you."

"Shh...it's okay Jen. Just let it out."

"Auuuuuuuuuuugh....it's coming. I can feel the head."

"Okay Jen. Just breathe. My name is Karen and I'm going to get up to Labour and Delivery."

"Just God damn hurry."

While Jen was wheeled up with Flack in tow, Danny went to hunt down Mac, and give him the details.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Danny getting tickled at them made me laugh. Them asking if he was okay cause it looked like he was crying. :lol: Jen was not happy with Don. Haha. Classic! Love it!
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When Danny found Mac and Stella they thought he was crying.

"Oh my God. What happened Danny. Is Jen okay?"

"Christ...hell yeah. If you call Carrie and Linda Blair okay. You should hear here ranting. Karen just took her upstairs."

As they neared Maternity they could hear her yelling.

"Get your dirty paws off me you son of a bitch."

"Calm down now Mrs. Flack, it's going to be alright."

"Shut up. Just shut the hell up, and get his spawn out of me."

"Please Jen. Keep your voice down."

"Keep my voice down. Like hell I will. Auuuuuuuuuuuuuugh...oh God I need to push."

"Det.Flack, give your wife your hand. It will help her through the contraction."

Don was freaking. He didn't want to give Jen what was left of his fingers.

"Det.Flack...did you hear me?"

Out in the hall Danny was collapsing on the floor in laughter, while Stella felt sorry for them. Walking into the room she took Jens hand and squeezed.

"Listen Jen. I want you to focus. Focus on that picture on the wall."

As Stella got her to focus, she began to calm down.

"I need her to push."

"Don, come here. Take your hand, place it on Jens tummy, just below her rib cage. Okay, now when Jen pushes, you press down."

The doctor had to admire Stella. For she was doing better at her job then she was.

"Okay Mrs.Flack, now you ready to push?"


"One, two, three....push...."

Baring down at the same time Flack pushed, the baby slid out.

"Waa, waaa, waaa."

"Oh....oh my...what is it?"

"Aww..congrats you two, it's a girl. A beautiful girl." Cried Stella.

As the nurse placed the baby in Jen's arms, Stella left the room so they could bond."

"Stel...what did they have love?"

"A girl. A beautiful baby girl. Bright blue eyes. So dainty."

"Aww..that's wonderful. How's Flack doing?"

"He's fine now. When I left the room they were bonding."

"Excuse me Mrs.Taylor. I'd like to thank you for your help. It was much appreciated."

"You're welcome. After two of my own I'm kind of a pro."

"I can see that. Beautiful children they are."


"I take it you must be Det.Messer?"

"I am. Why?"

Laughing...Jen said to give you a message."

"Oh really. What message?"

"She said when she's able to get up and walk around, you should concider a vacation."

"Haah...yeah. Thanks."

After the nurse left, Stella said...

"Hmm..just what did you do Messer?"

"Nothing. I swear, nothing. I couldn't help but laugh."

"I think you better find a way to make it up to her. Especially if Linda Blair is still lurking around." She laughed.

"You know Stel. I think you're right. I'll go find a nice giant teddy bear. That way if Jen tries to punch me, I'll have protection," he winked.

"Okay Taylor. Let's get you and our troop home. You need rest."

When they arrived at home, Stella helped Mac into bed.

"Aren't you coming to rest love?"

"I'll be there shortly. I need to make sure the kids are settled. Try and rest."

"I'll rest when you are where you should be. Beside me."

Bending down she kissed her husbands heated lips.

"You're warm Mac. Take your meds for your pain. I'll be back."

Once she had the kids nestled and asleep. She headed back to bed. Walking into the room she found Mac sound asleep on his tummy. Looking at the hole in his back, brought back the memories. Silently crying, she changed and looked out towards the street.

He was watching her, he could see her tears dancing within her eyes. Carefully getting up, he walked over and wrapped her tightly in his arms. Leaning into her neck he whispered....

"Shh..come on love. I hate seeing you cry."

Turning in his arms, she hid her face within his neck, allowing him to stroke her with passion, with care. He knew she needed to feel. Needed to feel that what they had experienced had ended safely.

Gripping her hair, he gently pulled her head up to face him.

"Sweetheart, I can feel your tears as you soak my chest. Each tear that is falling from your eye, burns through my heart. Leaving me in pain. The pain of knowing you are hurting. I understand you were scared Stel. Hell, I was just as scared of losing you and our son. But everything worked out fine love. You need to let go."

What she needed was her husbands touch, his stroke, his caress, his burning soul within hers. And he could see this, as the passion was written all over her face, her body, as it was quivering in his arms.

Releasing her hair, he picked her up and carried her to the bed. Sitting down with his back against the board, he spread his legs and sat her between them. Then slipping her gown from her, he leaned her back against him, while his hands worked their magic. Touching, caressing, stroking her in all the places he knew would drive her into ecstacy.

So much pleasure, so much desire, need and wounds that were begging to be healed. Laying her on her tummy, he climbed upon her, and as they were lost within each others souls, they fed. Fed until the everything that had happened, was buried in the deepest recesses of their mind. Leaving behind only their whispered words of love.

Back at the Hospital Danny walked in with a giant pink pig. He really tried for a teddy bear. But the Hospital only had piggy's left. Nearing the door, Danny slipped the snout of the pig around the corner, making sure it was safe.

"Oink, oink."

Jen couldn't help but laugh. Danny may be smart ass, but he was a sweetie.

"Come in Messer. You're safe. Come meet your new addition."

Walking in with the pig, he sat it on Jen's bed.

"Aww..look at her. What did you name her?"

"Donna Daniella Flack."

"Beautiful name. May I hold her?"

"Of course. Here you go."

Taking Donna into his arms, he cooed and awwed her. She was so dainty and tiny.

"Great job Jen. Beautiful job."

"Hey!!! I had a hand in this."

"Of course you did Don. But damn she's a beauty."

Smiling at each other, Don leaned down and gave her kiss. A kiss that said thank you for giving them the most precious gift. Their child.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

The following morning, Mac walked downstairs and heard Gary screaming. Opening the kitchen door, he didn't see the oatmeal and slipped.

"Damn it."

"Oh Mac, are you okay? I'm sorry. Here I'll help you. Don't pull your stitches."

Pulling him up, Mac turned and headed back upstairs to change.

"Gary please stop screaming."

"Mommy, why does he have to do that?"

"I don't know Claire. I guess he don't like oatmeal."

"Well I don't like it either, but I eat it."

"I know Claire, why don't you go wait for your bus."

"Okay mommy. I love you."

Bending down she gave her daughter a kiss, as Mac carefully walked back into the kitchen.

"Bye daddy, I love you."

"I love you to Claire bear. Have a good day."

"Did you want coffee Mac?"

"Please love. Gary, stop that screaming."

Sure enough he stopped. Then looking at his daddy with his big bright eyes, he raised his arms.

"Upppy dada."

Reaching over Mac took him into his arms.

"You and I really need to have a talk Gary."

"Mac you should still be in bed. You also shouldn't be lifting him."

"I'm fine love, don't worry."

"Don't worry? Leave it to you to look on the lighter side. Don't think you're going into work today either. Cause you're not."

"Come on Gary, let's go play."

"Mac Taylor. Don't think you can ignore me."

Laughing he left the kitchen.


Jen was nursing Donna when Don walked in.

"Morning Jen. How are you feeling?"

"Good. Are you off to work then?"

"I am. But I thought I'd stop by to see my beautiful wife and daughter."

Watching as Donna continued to feed. Don unwrapped her little fist, and placed his finger in her hand. Smiling as she curled her fingers around his.

"She's so beautiful Jen. I still can't believe we made her."

"Yeah. But we did. Now our little family is complete."

Kissing his wife passionately, he couldn't agree more.

When Don arrived at work he ran into Sheldon.

"Is Mac coming in this morning?"

"I don't know Don. I haven't heard. I do know he's not here."

"Good. That means Stella actually got him to stay still for once."

Looking down the hall, Sheldon laughed.

"Umm..try again."

Turning around Don seen him coming towards them.

"You should be at home Mac. What are you doing here?"

"I have cases that need to be signed off. Then I'll go home and rest."

They were so use to Mac's stubborness. Don also had an idea that Stella didn't know he had left the house.

"Hmm..I wonder. Does Stella know you're here?"

"Of course she does. Now stop worrying."

Walking into his office he shut the door.

"Ten bucks say that Stella doesn't know?"

"You're on Sheldon. Now who's going to call her?"

As they stared each other down, Mac opened his office door and said...

"I wouldn't bet on me if I were you. For you will both lose."

Sheldon laughed. "You call."

Picking up his cell. Don called Stella.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

"Well...come on Don. Anything?"

"She's not home, it's the machine."

"So that's what Mac meant by we'd both lose. Sneaky. Explains how he got out of the house."

Laughing they walked towards his office, and as they looked in they seen him point his finger and laugh. Opening the door Don yelled in....

"We'll see you later Mac. We're going to hunt down Stella."

Sheldon howled. Mac's face dropped.

"Hey...hold on Don. Come here. I need your help with this case file."

"Forget it Mac. I'll see you later."

Walking away they were still laughing.


He was so excited. He had almost all the bodies he needed. The only one missing was a small child. Walking along the 42nd street, he seen the dark curly haired mother, and the most beautiful child with sharp dark features. Walking up to her he said....

"Hello. Could you tell me where I could find the nearest Pharmacy?"

"Sure. Just two blocks down to your left."

"Thanks. What a sweet boy you have."

"Thank you. Good luck."

Watching her walk away with her child, he began to follow. As she rounded the corner, she could feel someone following. Her keen insincts told her so. Turning she seen no one except for a few people walking the opposite way.

Continuing to walk, she used her cell and called her husband.


"Mac?? What are you doing at work?"

"Oh..umm..just closing a few case files. Then I'll be right back home."

"Never mind that. I think Gary and I are being followed."

"Are you sure love. Where are you?"

"We just round the corner of 42nd. We're fine. But I think it might be a good idea to send an Officer."

"Stay where you are Stel. I'll be right there."

Hanging up the phone he seen Sheldon standing in the hall.

"Sheldon, where's Don?"

"He had to go on a call out. Why? What's up Mac?"

"Stella just called. She thinks she's being followed."

"What?? Then let's go."

While Stella waited, she crossed the street and stood in front of the Cafe. Looking back across the street, she seen him. Taking out her phone, she clicked a few pictures. She knew they were blurry. But she also knew Adam may be able to clear them up.

As he watched her, he seen her take his picture. Taking off in the opposite direction. He realized he was going to have to be more careful till Halloween night.

"Stel?? You okay?"

"Hey Mac. Hi Sheldon. Yeah, were fine."

"Where's the suspect?"

"He took off Mac. I think he realized I took his picture."

"Let's see your phone love."

As Mac looked at the pictures, he really couldn't see anything but the outline of a body.

"Let's get these back to Adam. He should be able to clean them up."

Getting into the car, he was watching.

*Thinking* "Christ..a cop. You idiot. Leave it to you."

Shaking his head in shame, he took off home.
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