CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

After dinner Stella and Mac bathed the kids and got them ready for bed.

"Okay who wants daddy tonight?"

"I do. It's my turn dad. You had Gary last night."

"Then let's go Claire bear."

Picking up his daughter he piggy backed her into her room, and tossed her on the bed.


"Okay...story, song, or a chat?"

"A story dad. Tell me the one about the Prince who met his Princess."

"Again?? Aren't you tired of that one yet?"

"No daddy. Please."

"Alright, down under the covers."

Snuggling under the covers, her dad started the story.

"Once upon a time there was a Princess named Stellarina. She was a very lonely Princess who longed for a Prince to rescue her from the wicked home she was forced to live in.

"Why was she in a home daddy?"

"Well...her parents died sweetheart. So she had no one to take care of her."

"That's so sad daddy. But in the end she's happy right? Cause she finds her Prince."

"Mhmm.. As the Princess grew, she was finally old enough to be on her own. Deciding to join the Police Acadamy, she left her foster home and concentrated on making a future for herself. For she wanted to be somebody special.

As she grew and passed the Acadamy. She went to work for the CSI's."

"Ohhhh...and this is where she meets her Prince, right daddy?"

"It is. But it wasn't easy at first."

Claire was all wide eyed. She loved the part that was coming.

"When she walked in, she noticed the Prince right away. My but he was handsome, he had dark hair, bluish green eyes, and a wonderful disposition."

Stella was listening at the door. She couldn't help but be amused. For she could remember all the arguements and head butting they did, before they realized they were always in love. She also knew Mac was going to sugar it for Claire.

"Walking into the Prince's office she introduced herself, and all it took was one look into his eyes and she realized he was her one true love."

"Did the Prince feel the same way daddy?"

"He sure did Claire bear."

"Oh hurry daddy. I wanna hear the best part."

"Hi, she said...I'm Stellarina your new CSI. Well the Prince just had to stare in awe. For she was so beautiful with her gorgeous dark curls, and bright green eyes. But it was her smile, and warm heart that drew the Prince in. For he knew as soon as he seen her. She was his forever after. Coming from around the table he took her hand and shook it."

When Mac looked up Claire was sound asleep. Covering her up, he kissed her on the forehead and whispered his love.

"Tell me the rest of the story daddy?"

Mac looked at his wife with heated passion. After all their years of marriage, she was still able to heat everything within him.

"I'll do better then that love. I'll show you."

Stella could feel her heart speed up. She could feel the fever begin, and he hadn't even touched her yet. Sweeping her up in his arms, he carried her to their room. Not wanting to release her, he sat her on his lap and just held her.

"Maaaac...you okay?"

"I am love. It's just everytime I hold you, I feel I can't slow down and take it slow. I want to feed you in passion, slow and sensual, but I can never keep control."

"Oh Mac. That's what I love about you. I don't always want it slow, or sensual. I already know you love me. I don't need candlelight, and roses. I just need your touch. Whether it's fast or slow, Makes no difference. For when we drive each other with our need, all the words, all the passion is said."

Looking into his wife's eyes, she could see the need pouring from his soul. She knew that there would be no gentleness. Wrapping his fingers in her hair, he pulled her towards him, and kissed her with so much passion that she felt it warm all the way to soul.

So wild now, so out of control, as they twisted within the sheets. Gripping them wildly, as her nails dug into his flesh, letting him know that she was feeling each stroke, each caress, each deep kiss.

Lost is what they were. Lost in the aura, lost in the passion, the desire. But most of all lost in their love.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

The following days had been quiet. There had been no sign of the killer who was leaving body parts over NY. Giving the team time to relax.

"Mac, do you still want the patrols left up Halloween?"

"I do. I think it's best. Call it intuition, but I have a feeling he will be joining us on Halloween."

"Okay Mac. I'm going to head out with Sheldon and Danny for lunch. Would you like to come?"

"No. I have plans with Stella and the kids."

"See ya."

As Don, Sheldon, and Danny arrived at the mall. They heard the shots.

"What the hell is that. Get down."

Squating beside the cars, Don called in for back up. While Danny called Mac.

When SWAT, and Mac arrived, they tried to figure out what was going down.

"What's going on Don?"

"I'm not sure Mac. We heard gunfire. Yet no one has come out of the mall. Not one person."

"You think it's a robbery gone bad?"

"Don't know. SWAT is sending in the camera's now."

"Flack...come in. It's James."

"go ahead James."

"It seems we have at least twelve suspects, blocking the exits. We can see at least two people dead, and several wounded. Also one of them are bleeding from the shoulder, has a Tat."

"What does it say?"


No one said anything. They just stared.

"I thought we put all those boys away?"

"So did I Mac. I guess Tony took some of the boys with him when he left. Along with the weapons. "You know what this means, don't you?"

"Yeah. It means that Tony is out for blood. Which means one of us won't be coming back alive."

"Mac, you can't do this. You have family."

"I have no choice Don."

Walking over to SWAT Mac grabbed the mic.

"Tony?? Tony it's Mac, answer me."

"What do you want Taylor?"

"It's not what I want, it's what you want."

'Bout time. You bring me Sonny, and we'll talk."

"Not until you release every hostage in there. All of them, then I'll have them bring Sonny."

"Do I look like an idiot Taylor? I release everyone, I have nothing to bargin with."

"You have my word. Release the hostages, and we will bring Sonny to you."

"I don't know Mac. I think I'll keep two. Two that may interest you. That may stop you from doing something stupid."

Mac was trying to figure out what the hell he meant. Then he seen them. His wife, and his son.

"You like that Taylor. That's right. It's your pretty wife, and son. I'll keep them, and the rest can go. See. Here they come. Now bring me Sonny."

"Release my son first. He's innocent in all this."

"No more deals Taylor. Bring me Sonny, or your son gets popped first."

"Easy Mac. Just stay calm. Danny's gone to get Sonny."

Mac could hear his son crying, God it was breaking his heart. Even though he would be to young to remember, Mac would never forget.

"I want to see my wife and child Tony. I need to make sure they are okay."

Watching as Tony brought them to the Mall door, he could see they were healthy, and safe for now.

"Okay Taylor. Now where is Sonny?"

"He's on his way, Danny's gone to get him."

Waiting patiently, Mac talked with SWAT.

"Look, is there anyway to get my family out of there?"

"We already have men on it Mac. It's just a matter of getting close enough to the doors. Tony has men all over the place."

"What are you saying? The only way to get them out is to swarm the place? Forget it. My wife and son are in there."

"I know that Mac. But do you really think Tony is going to let them live. Once he has Sonny, he'll take your wife and child with him, killing them later."

"I said no. We find another way. That's final."

Walking away, Mac turned to Flack and Sheldon.

"We find our own way in. Understood? If you want to back out, do it now. For I'm going to be playing my way."

Flack looked at Sheldon, as Sheldon looked at Don. Then both to Mac.

"We're with you all the way. What do you need us to do?"
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Just as they were about to find there own way in, Danny showed up with Sonny.

"Hah...Taylor. Looks like we meet again, eh??"

"Shut your mouth. If anything happens to my wife and child I'll kill you."

"Good luck Taylor. If I remember right, you are no longer calling the shots."

Taking the mic from the car, Mac called....

"Tony, I have sonny here. Now we are going to make a trade. My wife and child, for Sonny."

"How can I trust you Taylor. I could let them go, and you wouldn't release Sonny."

"We do it together. You meet me half way in the doors, we make the trade one on one, no tricks."

"Fine Taylor. But any funny moves, and your child gets it."

Moving towards the door with Sonny in front of him, he stopped when he seen Tony.

"Bring them forward to me, now."

Pulling Stella by her arm, Mac could see Gary wrapped tightly around her.

"This is it Taylor. They go together, on my count."

Mac knew this was going to be tricky. For as Stella walked by Sonny, chances were he could grab her again, and take her back. So many things Mac knew could go wrong.

"One, two, three."

As they started walking past each other, Sonny did grab her, leaving Mac no choice but to fight for his family.

"Let her go Sonny."

"You've got to be kidding me Taylor. I don't think so. Besides what are you going to do? The place is surrounded by my men. By the time you get in here, we'll all be gone. Except for the few that will die."

Taking a step closer, Sonny tightened his grip around Stella's neck.

"Come now Mac. You're making me hurt her."

Mac knew he was risking everything, he knew damn well this may just kill him. But he had no choice but to save his family. Running forward he knocked Sonny, Stella, and Gary to the ground, as he felt the shot hit him in his back, just before passing out to the sound of gunfire everywhere.

Mercy General

"Any news yet Stel?"

"Nothing yet Danny. He's still in surgery."

"He's going to be fine Stella. He's strong."

"I know he's strong, but how many more scars, must he suffer through his life. When is it time For Mac Taylor to have an end to it all?"

"I don't know Stel. But this is Mac. Mac's always been this way. His biggest fear was losing you and Gary, just like he lost Claire in 9/11. Only then he couldn't do anything to change it. But here, with you, and the kids. He knew he could do something to save you all."

"Excuse me Det.Taylor?"

"Yes. How's my husband?"

"He's going to be fine. The bullet passed through, missing all vital organs. He should heal quickly."

"Can we see him now?"

"He's very groggy, but sure. For a little while."

"You go ahead Stella. Take the kids. I'll call and let everyone know."

"Thanks Danny."

"Mommy? Is daddy okay?"

"He's fine Claire bear. See, there he is."

"Shhh....he's sleeping mommy."

"I know. Look Gary, there's daddy."

"Daaaaaaaaaaaaaada, daaaaaaaaaada."

Slowly opening his eyes, Mac seen his son stretching his arms forward towards him.


Sitting on the bed, Stella placed Gary carefully in Mac's arms. While Claire climbed up on his other side.

"You okay daddy? I love you."

"I love you too Claire bear. Daddy's fine."

Watching with tears, li'l Gary placed his thumb in his mouth and laid his head on his daddy's chest falling into sleep.

"Is he to heavy for you Mac?"

"No love, he's fine. Please don't cry Stel. Everything's okay. Come here."

Laying down on his opposite side, Mac wrapped her tightly in his arms. sunggled all together on the Hospital bed, Stella whispered...

"Don't ever leave me Mac. Don't ever leave us behind."

"I won't love. I promise."

Stroking her hair, they just layed in slience. Thinking back to the days events, and what could have been.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Aww. That last part was so sweet.

I got Sonny confused with Louie at first though. :lol: Yes, I'm laughing at myself. hehe.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Later that evening Stella didn't want to leave Mac.

"Listen love, you need to take the kids home. They need their beds."

"I don't want to go Mac. We'll be fine here. Don't worry."

"Hey Taylor. We came to visit. How ya feeling?"

Mac looked at Danny and Don smiling like loons.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothin man. We just thought you could use some company. But I can see you already have some. Haven't you been home yet Stel?"


"Ohh..well, the kids look hungry. Why don't Don and I take them for something to eat."

"Oh please mommy. Can we go with Uncle Fack and Danny?"

"Sure. Have fun. But no junk food."

"Don't worry Stel. It's all under control."

"Mhmm..I'm sure it is."

Once the kids left, Stella crawled back in beside Mac.

"Sweetheart? Tell me what's bothering you?"

"Nothing Mac. Everything is fine."

"Come on Stel. We've been married to long for you to be keeping things from me."

Taking his fingers, he raised her face to his and seen her tears.

"Aww...come on love. Talk to me."

"I'm sorry Mac. I know I'm strong, and capable of handling situations. But today I felt terrified. The only thought that went through my mind was that one of us would never see the other again. I keep playing it over in my mind. The things that could have went wrong. So many mistakes that could have left us widowed."

"Shh...come on Stella. I know how scared it was for you today. It was just as scary for me. I thought for sure I was going to lose both you and Gary. That's why I made the choice, to save you both. You two were all that mattered. I love you Stella. I love you so much, and our children that nothing else mattered at that moment but you two. I can't change that, and to be honest with you, if I had to do it again, I would without hesitation."

Quietly sobbing, he held her tighter against him. He knew she needed to feel him. She needed to know that he was still alive. He was still there with her inside her heart, her soul.

Rolling her over, Mac brushed his hands across her cheeks. Then wrapping his fingers in her hair, he lowered his head, just a breath away, whispering...

"I could never leave you Stella. I could never give up what we share without a fight, without passion, or love. You are everything. The children are everything. You are all my life, my world, and even though we have situations that scare us both to our souls, we get through it together. We help each other heal, through our love, compassion. Do you understand Stella? Never will we leave each other, even when we are gone. We will always be alive within in each other, within our children."

Not being able to breathe, not being able to catch her breath, Mac lowered his head and kissed her. A deep passionate kiss full of love, tenderness, but most of all forever. Wrapping her arms around him, she fell into his touch, his heat, his kiss. Blocking out the world as they took each soaring, healing the wounds, the pain, the day had caused in their lives.

A short time later, Danny and Don brought the kids back. Mac tried desperately not to laugh. Poor Danny was covered in what looked like macaroni sauce.

"Don't even say it Mac. Here. Take your little demon."

Passing Gary to Mac, he curled up under his daddy's neck.

"Oh sure. Suck up to daddy Gary. That's right."

"Oh suck it back Danno. It's just a little sauce."

"I take it Gary didn't care for his dinner?"

"Actually he did Stel. He loved the pudding, the french fries, but as soon as Danny tried him with the Mac and Cheese, that was it."

"Aww...thanks you guys. I really appriciate it."

"Sure, anytime. You need a ride home Stel?"

"No. I'll be fine. I have the car."

"Okay. So when do they release you Mac?"

"Tomorrow morning."

"Tomorrow morning? I mean it's nine now. Why don't you just have them release you tonight. It's only like eight hours early."

"I think they want to run another set of scans tomorrow before they release me."

"Hmm...let me see what we can do. I think Karen is on tonight. Maybe she can squeeze you in."

"Don. You're married now. You leave those nurses alone."

"Funny Stel. Don't ever lose that sense of humor."

Walking down the hall, Don came back with a wheelchair, and the nurse.

"Come along Det.Taylor. We can squeeze you into x-ray."

"Really. Wow. Thank you. That would be great."

"You're welcome. It's the least we can do for one of NY's finest."

Winking at Don, Stella laughed.

"Such a flirt Flack."

"Shh!!! Or I'll have him stay a week."

Not saying another word, Stella wrapped her arms around Don and whispered....

"Thank you."
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