CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When Mac got home, the only thing he wanted to do was sleep. Heading upstairs he checked on Claire. Feeling she was warm, but not overly hot, he kissed her head. Leaving her room, he checked on lil gary and found him awake talking to himself.

"Hey you little monkey. What are you still doing up?"

"Dada. Uppy."

Stretching out his arms, Mac picked him up and carried him to their room.

"Hi sweetheart."

"Hi. How you feeling?"

"Tired and drained. But not to bad now. I found Gary awake so I thought I'd bring him in with us for a while."

"Are you hungry Mac? I left you dinner."

"I could eat a little. I'll get it love. You finish your book."

"That's okay. I don't mind. You play with Gary for a bit. I'll be back with it."

Laying his son beside him on the bed, Gary pointed to his daddy's nose.


"That's right. Are you daddy's smart boy?"

Playing with his toes, he giggled.

"You are such a monkey."

Sitting himself up, he crawled onto his daddy's chest, laid his head down, and fell into sleep. God Mac loved when his children cuddled him. For he knew that he Stella had taught them well in showing emotion and love to others and each other.

"Aww...he's sleeping. Here, I'll take him back to bed so you can eat."

When Stella came back, she found Mac sound asleep. Making sure he had taken his antibiotic, she climbed in beside him. As soon as he felt her heat, he turned and wrapped her in his arms.

"I love you Stella."

"I love you too Mac."

The following morning, Mac awoke feeling close to himself again. Showering, and getting dressed, he headed downstairs.

"Morning daddy."

"Morning Claire bear. How are you feeling?"

"A little better daddy. Are you feeling better?"

"I am love. But do you know what will make me feel even more better?"

"What daddy?"

"Your kisses."

Climbing down from her chair, she walked over, climbed on her daddy's knee and kissed him.

"All better now daddy?"

"All better. Sweetheart, are you keeping her home today?"

"I think so. I don't want to send her back to soon. Why?"

"Just wondering love."

"Mac, is this about that case? Do you need my help?"

"I always need your help Stel. But that's okay. You stay home with the kids, we'll be fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. If it gets worse, I'll call you."

"Okay, that's fine. I'll be here. I can always see if Lori is able to sit with the kids."

"Oh yay. I like Lori. She's fun."

"I know she is. She loves spending time with you two too."

Clearing the table, Mac walked over and wrapped his wife in his arms.

"I'll see you tonight love. Try and have a good day."

"You too Mac. Love you."

"Love you too Stel."


He was carving his next victim. Enjoying the pleasure that it brought him. He always loved carving things, even when he was kid. He remembered finding that dead cat behind the alley, bringing it home and carving it up, until he had removed all the insides and bones.

He had gotten better over the years. Being able to carve his victims with precise care. Knowing he still had almost three weeks till Halloween, he decided to take a break. For the last thing he needed was to get caught. For if he did. Halloween would be a real downer in NY, and he couldn't disappoint the NYPD now. Could he."

Placing his victim back in the large freezer, he headed out to get something to eat.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Oh it's really getting interesting!
Loved Mac and his kids :adore:
great update :bolian:
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Don and Jen had finally gotten their wish. With Jen now pregnant with his child, Don was still floating on his cloud.

Getting ready to head into work, he heard Jen call him.

"Don. Hold up."

Watching her waddle towards the door, he smiled. She looked so beautiful with her added weight, and their child.

"What is it Jen?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to say good bye again."

Don knew if he went near her, he'd never get to work. Wrapping his arms around her, he kissed her as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Mmm...do you have to go in right now? Can't you wait a little longer." She purred.

Don laughed. Oh he knew what she wanted. But as much as he wanted to give it her, he knew he had to meet up with Mac.

"Listen Jen. If I don't show up to meet Mac, he won't be happy."

Caressing her hand down his chest, she tickled him, teasing him, taunting him to take her.


"Come on Don. Just a few more minutes."

"Damn you Jen."

Picking her up in his arms, he carried her to their room. Laying her on the sheets, he took of out of the room, down the stairs and out the door.

"I love you babe. See you tonight."

Laughing at his trick, Jen curled up with his pillow, falling back into sleep.

Arriving at work, Mac looked for Don.

"Danny have you seen Don this morning?"

"Not yet Mac."

Walking into his office, he sat down and thought about the case.

"Hey Mac. Sorry I'm late."

"That's okay. How's Jen feeling?"

"Fat. But beautiful."

"Yeah. I remember those days. Just something about knowing she's carrying your child."

"Yeah. There is that. So what did you need to see me about?"

"I think we need to set extra patrols Halloween night. I have a feeling we may be seeing our suspect running around. The more I thought about, the more I realize that he seems to decorating for Halloween."

"Hmm..makes sense. So you think he'll be on a killing spree."

"I'm not sure. But If I'm right, he most likely has his victims already prepared. Which means Halloween night we could be finding pieces of bodies all over NY."

"Great. What a sight for a kid to see. I'll talk to my guys, and make sure they're in place."

"Thanks don."

Once Don left, Mac called the Chief.


Jen showed up at Stella's.

"Hey Jen. Come on in. How you feeling?"


"Aww...that's the best part. Look at you. You are positively glowing."

"I know. Listen did you feel like going out for lunch today?"

"I would love too. But Claire's sick right now. But we can do lunch here if you want."

"Sure. Sounds good. You have jellybeans, right?"

"I think so. Why?"

"Just wondering."

"Augh, you're craving aren't you?"

"Yeah, I am. So do you?"

Laughing Stella walked to the kitchen with Jen, where she pulled out a tub of Jellybeans.

"God bless you Stella. Mmmmm."

Watching her wolf them down, Stella laughed.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

As he sat in the mall eating his lunch, a child dropped his toy by his feet.

"Well hello. Is this your Frankenstein?"


"You like scary stuff?"

"Uhuh. I gotta go, here comes my mommy."

Watching the child run towards his mother, he smiled at her.

"I'm sorry. He's a little hyper."

"Not a problem. He seems like a good kid."

"He is, but also a handful."

"All boys are. My dad told me all the time that I was a little terror."

"Oh...that's funny. I'm Francis by the way. This is my son Greg."

"Hello to you both. Would you like to sit?"

"No. We have to get going, but thanks."

"You're welcome. Tell me, is going out for Trick or treat?"

"Of course. He loves Halloween."

"So do I. It's going to be real nightmare this year. I'm looking so forward to it."

Francis looked at him.

"Yeah. Well...I got to go."

Taking her child by the hand, she left the mall. Following behind, he seen her get into her car. Getting into his own car, he folled them home. After writting down her address, he took off.


Jen, Stella and Claire were eating lunch.

"Auntie Jen? Does your baby move yet?"

"Mhmm..all the time. Would you like to feel him or her kick?"

"Yes please."

Walking over to her Aunties side, she placed her hand on her tummy.


*Giggle*....That's funny. Mommy? Why do babies kick?"

"Well sweetheart. Sometimes they get uncomfortable in one position, so they need to move around."

"Did I kick you alot mommy?"

"You did. As did Gary."

"But I kicked you more right?"

"Hmm..I don't really know. You both kicked quite a bit. I'd have to say it was a tie."


"Stel, we're home."


"Hey my Claire bear. How are you feeling?"

"Better daddy. Hi Uncle Fack."

"Hi sweetheart. Where's your Auntie?"

"She's in the kitchen eating more Jelly beans."

"She is?"

"Yup. I also felt your baby kick. Auntie let me."

Walking into the kitchen Don seen his lovely wife with a mouthful of Jelly Beans.

"Hi honey. Eating again?"

"Hmm..no. What makes you think that?"

"Open Jen."


Putting her head down she swallowed the Jelly beans, then opened her mouth.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh....see, nothing."

Bending down Don kissed her.

"Jen!! What have I told you about eating so much sugar."

"Yeah, yeah. The doctor said my sugar is high, and to avoid sugary stuff. But really, I only ate a couple."

"No you didn't silly Auntie. You ate almost all of them. Remember mommy said that if you didn't stop the baby would bounce right out of you."

Everyone laughed.

"Geez...thanks for that reminder Claire."

"You're welcome Auntie."

"All joking aside, are you having trouble Jen?"

"No. The doctor is just a little concerned with my levels. The last few times my glucose levels were high."

Putting the lid on the Jelly beans, Don picked her up.

"Let's go Jelly girl. I'll make dinner tonight."

"Ewww...come on Don. You always make veggy things. Save me Stella. Wouldn't you like us to stay for dinner?"

"Sure I would. If you like wearing it."

"Hmm...forgot about that. Okay. I'll eat your veggy thingy under one condition."

"No!!! No condition Jen. Now let's go."

Heading out the door, Mac and Stella tried not to laugh.
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