CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

good update :lol: at gary :lol: :bolian:
hope everything turns out out well :thumbsup:
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

A short time later, Claire walked into her daddy's room.

"Daddy is you awake?"

"Mmm...Claire bear? Get mommy."

Running down the stairs, Claire got mommy.

"Mommy daddy is moaning. He said he wants you."

Running up the stairs, Stella found him trying to breathe.

"Mac!!! Oh God."

Picking up the phone, she called 911. When they ambulance arrived, they put an air mask on Mac, and started an I.V.

"Is he okay?"

"His vitals are normal. By the sounds of him, it could be pneumonia. We'll be taking him to Mercy."


Just as they loaded Mac on the stretcher, Don and Angell arrived.

"Thanks you two. I'll call you from the Hospital."

"Okay Stel. Don't worry he'll be fine."

Arriving at the Hospital, the doctor did a blood panal, chest x-rays, and then put Mac into a cool air chamber. While Stella waited for results, she caressed Mac's hand.



"Hi I'm Dr.Menoir. We have your husbands results. Seems he has a good case of Pneumonia. We'll give him a shot of antibiotics, and a script. He should be fine in a few days."

"Oh thank you. So he's fine to take home now?"

"Yes. The nurse will be in to give him the shot, and then he can go."

"How are you feeling now Mac?"

"Like someone crushed my chest."

"Try not to talk."

When the nurse gave Mac his shot of antibiotics, Stella helped him to the car. Arriving at home, Don helped him upstairs.

"How were the kids Angell?"

"They were good. Claire got a kick out of the baby moving in my tummy."

"Aww...I miss that. Isn't it the most amazing feeling?"

"It is. I'm going to miss it once he/she comes out."

"Okay Stel. He's settled. We're going to get going. The kids are in bed. We read them stories."

"Thanks so much you two. Drive safely."

"We will Stel. Night."

Once she locked the door, she headed up with some ginger ale for Mac.


"Yeah. What's the matter Mac."

"Nothing love. Come lay with me."

Removing her clothes, she put on her nightie, and climbed in beside her husband. God he was hot.

"Mac you're still burning up."

"I know love. But I'm fine. Try not to worry. Just let me hold you."

Turning on her side, she allowed Mac to cuddle her in the spoon position. Kissing the nape of her neck, they fell into sleep.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Stella woke the following morning, and got Claire ready for school.

"Can I say bye to daddy mommy?"

"He's really sick love. I think it would be better to let him sleep."

"Please mommy. Daddy always says that kisses make you feel better."

"Okay, but hurry Claire. I don't want you to miss your bus."

Running up the stairs, she opened her daddy's door. snuck up to his bed, and kissed him on forehead.

"Love you daddy."

Opening his eyes, he whispered. I love you to Claire bear.

"Claire...your bus is here."

"Coming mommy. Get better daddy."

Running down the stairs she kissed Gary and mommy bye.

"See you after school mommy."

"Okay baby, have a good day."

Once Claire had left, and Gary was down for his nap. Stella checked on Mac.

"Mac...wake up. I have your meds here for you."

Sitting up, Mac could feel his chest sink.

"Are you feeling any better?"

"A little love. Thanks."

After taking his meds, he laid back down and fell into sleep.


Flack, Danny, and Sheldon were looking over the body.

"Damn. I've never seen anything like this."

"You and me both Messer."

The victim they had found, was lying in a fetal position with his spine ripped out.

"How long hs he been like this Sheldon?"

"I put TOD at four this morning. So he's been dead a good eight to ten hours."

"I guess you have no idea where his spine is at?"

"No I don't Don. Why should I?"

"No. I was just asking."

Danny and Sheldon gave him a look that said..."WTF"

It was at that moment one of the officers yelled...

"We found his spine."

Running over to where the officer was. They seen the victims spine hanging from the tree.

"Jesus...that's just sick."

Placing it in a evidence bag, Sheldon placed it with the body.

"Okay, you can take him now."

As the haulers took the body, Danny and Sheldon continued to search the area of the park for evidence, when Flack yelled out.

"Which one of you are calling Mac???"

Staring at each other, Danny said...

"We'll flip for it. Tails you call. Heads I call."

Flipping the coin, it turned up heads.

"Good luck Danny."

Sighing deep Danny dialed Mac's number.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

:eek: That case. Wow, they have a real sicko on their hands.

Uh-oh... poor Danny having to call Mac who is not going to be happy.

Good chapter.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

While Sheldon waited for Danny to call Mac. He and Flack made a bet.

"Ten bucks says that Stella doesn't give the phone to Mac."



"Stella, it's Danny. I need to talk to Mac. We've had homicide. Really nasty one."

"Danny he's really sick. Can't you handle it?"

"Listen Stel. Normally I would. But we found this guys spine hanging from a tree. I really think Mac would want to handle this."

"I'll tell you what. I'll be there in a bit. Just let me get Gary ready. I'll meet you back at the lab."

"Okay bye."

"Well....what did she say Danny?"

"You owe Sheldon ten bucks Don. Stella's coming in."

Sheldon smiled. "Told you, didn't I."

"Yeah, yeah. Take it."

Heading back to the lab, Sheldon bought them all coffee with Don's ten bucks. When they arrived they seen li'l Gary playing on the floor.

"Hey...there's my little man."

"Danny...I wouldn't do that if I were you." Said Don.

Bending down to Gary, he threw a block at Danny.


Giggling aloud, Gary threw another one.

"Jeez Stel. What have you been teaching him?"

Laughing...."Not a thing. It's just a stage he's going through."

"Huh...how's Mac?"

"Really sick. He's still having alot of trouble breathing."

"Does he know you are here?"

"I left him a note."

"A note??? If he finds out you are here, he's gonna be more then pissed."

"Trust me Danny, he's to sick to even get out of bed."

"I hope your right Stel."


Mac woke feeling almost 50% better. Getting up he stretched his legs, and felt the rush of dizziness.

"Easy Taylor. One step at a time."

Looking over at the table he seen the note.

"Mac, had to go and see the team. New case. Feel better, love and hugs Stel."

"Damn her. She never stays put."

Getting dressed he headed out the door as his cell rang.


"Good morning Mr.Taylor. It's Mrs.Brown calling, the principle of your daughters school."

"Yes. How can I help you?"

"We need to make you aware that your daughter is very ill this morning. We think it's best if she be taken home."

"Okay. I'll be right there."

When he picked up his daughter, he could tell she was fevered. Taking her home, he gave her some Tylenol and called Stella.


"Don't Taylor me. You should be at home. I just had to pick up Claire. She's sick."

"What!!! Okay, I'm on my way home."

Hanging up Stella knew the boys were just going to have to wait.

"Hey!!! Where are you going Stel?"

"Claire's sick. Mac had to pick her up. I'm heading home. Which ,means Mac will be here shortly."

"Aww...give her a kiss from me. Tell her to feel better."

"I will."

Placing Gary in the carseat, she said...."round two Gary. Whatever you do, don't get sick."

Giggling at his mommy, they headed home.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

:lol: at Sheldon buying coffee with Don's money. And the "damn her she never stays put" cracked me up. :lol: Good chapter.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When Stella got home, she placed gary in his crib for his nap.

"Mac!!! How is she?"

"She's sleeping love. Her fevers gone down a bit. I called the doctor he's calling in a script for her. Just incase she has what I had."

"Had!!! You're still sick Mac. You shouldn't be going anywhere."

"I know that. But I have no choice. Until I know where this case is going, I have to be there."

"Fine. But stay warm."

"I will love. I promise."

Reaching over to kiss her, she pulled back.

"No way Taylor. Forget it. Keep those germs to yourself."

"Aww...come on love. Just one kiss?"

Trying to leave the room. Mac grabbed her and smacked one on her.

"Mmm...thanks love. See you as soon as I can."

"Uhuh...and when I get sick, who's going to take care of you guys?"

"I will love. I'll pamper you, and love you. Till you're better, and even after."

"Get out Taylor. I love you."

"I love you too sweetheart."

Once Mac left, Stella checked on Claire.

"Mommy!!! I'm so sick. My chest hurts."

"I know love. The doctor is sending out some medicine for you. How about some nice flat ginger ale for your tummy?"

"Okay mommy."

With Claire settled, and Gary down for his nap, Stella finally had some time for herself.

Meanwhile Mac arrived to Sinclair.

"Christ sakes Sinclair, not now."

"You look like hell Mac. You should be at home in bed. I'm sure your team can handle this."

"I'm sure they can too. But when some victim is found with his spine torn out, it calls fresh input and eyes. I'd like to have a look at the evidence,
and see the victim myself."

Nodding that he understood. He left.

"Hey Mac. What did Sinclair want? Is he riding your ass again?"

"No. I need to see Sid. Then I'll back to see you and Sheldon."

"Sure Mac. take your time."

Just as Mac headed downstairs, he got the call.


"Mac. Grab your team. We've got another body. Same as the first, only this guy has no skull."


"I'm telling you Mac. He's missing his skull. I'm standing over him right now. With nothing but the skin on his face and his brain."

Sighing deep, Mac thought to himself....

"It's not even Halloween, and the nuts are already out."

"Alright, we'll be right there."

"What's going on Mac?"

"It seems we have another DB. This one has no skull."

Sheldon and Danny looked at each other. Arriving on the scene, Mac, Sheldon and Danny seen the victim.

"Eww...what the hell???"

Looking at the body Sheldon said....

"The victim wasn't killed here Mac. He's been dead for over twelve hours. There's also no blood, and he's well preserved."

"So someone dropped our victim off here. That means we still have a skull somewhere around NY."

"Maybe not Mac. We found the spine not more then six feet away from the body. What if the skull is somewhere around here. I mean we have tons of garbage bins, and even a couple trees."

Wondering if Sheldon could be right, they searched the trees first, and found the skull hanging on a branch.

"I've got it Mac."

Walking over Mac and Sheldon seen the skull.

"What the hell. Christ Mac, someone is playing a very sick game."

"Yeah. And we better find him soon before another victim show up."

Securing the scene with crime tape. The killer was watching from across the street.

"Just think NY City. It's only the begining. Just wait till Halloween night."

Laughing insanely, he walked away.
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