CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Tony's Hideout

When they arrived. The gang members looked at Joe.

"Who the hell is this Tony?"

"This is Joe. He's a doctor. Surgeon to be precise. He's going to be working for us. He'll be our in house physcian."

"What the hell for? We take care of our own."

"He is one of us. He was Taglewood boy with me. You will treat him with respect till I tell you not too, understood?"

Joe wondered what the hell Tony meant by that comment. But he let it slide.

"Mario, take Joe here, and show him to one of the rooms. I need to talk to Carlo's for a minute."

Once Joe was out of earshot, Tony said...

"I want you to listen to me carefully. Keep your eye on Joe, don't let him out of your sight. He's wanted for murder. But he's also a trader to our kind. He left the our gang. Something that isn't allowed."

"How the hell did he get out alive?"

"It wasn't easy. Alot of it had to do with Sonny going to jail. Just watch him. If at any time he tries to leave, call me. Understood?"

"Sure. No problem. Can we have some fun with him?"

"No. He's not to be touched. Once he's done doing what we have planned, then you may kill him, but not before."

Leaving his boy's with Joe, he headed back home to his wife and kids.


Mac and Stella were bathing the kids before bed.

"Gary, stop throwing water on Claire."


"Gary, daddy said stop."


Picking up some water, he tossed it on his daddy.


"What's going on Mac?"

"Gary. He's throwing water at Claire and I."

"Alright you little monkey enough."

Splashing his hands up and down, he giggled somemore.

"Let's go you. Come to mommy."

Lifting Gary from the tub, she wrapped him in a towel and passed him to Mac.

"Think you can handle putting him to bed?" Laughed Stella.

"As long as he doesn't throw his toys at me next."

Carrying his son to his room, he laid him on his bed, dried him, and put on his jammies.

"Oookie dada."

"Cookie? Why? So you can throw it?"

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooookie....."he screamed.

"Now what Mac?"

"I don't know love. He wants a cookie."

"No Gary, it's bed time. No cookie."

Picking up his bear, he threw it at his mommy.

"Gary, stop that now."


"How are we going to get him out of throwing things Stel. This is getting out of hand."

"He'll grow out of it."

"When? When we are all black and blue?"

Stella laughed. Mac was exaggerating again. It wasn't that bad at all. Beside that, the only reason Gary did it, was to get attention.

"Come on Gary bed, let's get you tucked in."

"Ooookie mama. Peeeeeeeeeeease."

"I'll tell you what. You go to sleep, and in the morning you can have two cookies. How's that?"

"K, mama. Love you."

"Love you too Gary bear."

Kissing her son goodnight, she left the room.

"Would you like daddy to read you a book?"

"Yes pease daddy."

Pulling out the Three bears, Mac began to read. As he got to the middle Gary was already sound asleep. Kissing his son on the head, he covered him up, and left the room, leaving on his nightlight, and door slightly ajar.

Walking into his daughter room, he found her reading with mommy.

"Can daddy have kiss sweetheart?"

"Sure daddy. I love you, night."

"Night my Claire bear, sweet dreams."

Heading downstairs, Mac collapsed on the couch, closing his eyes, he fell into sleep. Coming down the stairs, Stella found him out like a light. Deciding it was time fora payback, she dropped her nightie to the floor, walked over, and laid upon him.

Feeling a warm body, Mac wasn't long in waking up. Wrapping his arms around his wife, he realized she was bare.

"Christ Stel....you trying to kill me?"

"No...I'm going to seduce you."

Stella could feel her husbands body respond to her words, as his hands slid down her back, to her thighs.

"Mmmm....so soft love. Always you are so soft."

Passionately kissing her, they fell into their world of passion, of desire, of need and want. Never releasing till they were both satisfied in their love.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When the Taylor family woke the following morning, Mac had a hell of a headache. Dragging himself out of bed, he could hear li'l Gary screaming.

"Where is the damn Tylenol"....he whispered to himself.

After swallowing two tablets he showered, dressed, and headed downstairs.

"Oh Mac....you look aweful."

"Thanks love. I feel aweful."

"Morning daddy, I love you."

"I love you too Claire Bear."

Sitting at the table, Gary threw a piece of toast at his daddy.

"Gary...no. Stop that."

Giggling he threw some at Claire.

"Eww...stop it Gary. I have to go to school."


Picking up little Gary Stella walked him to the den. Taking out his blocks she left him to play, as he tossed one at her.

"Ouch...Gary stop throwing things, or you'll go to bed."

Showing his two front teeth, he giggled. A deep belly gurgle.

"You are getting out of hand, you little monkey."

"Sweetheart. I'm going to take Claire to school. So I'll see you tonight."

"You shouldn't be going anywhere Mac. Except back to bed."

"Believe me love. I'd like nothing more. But criminals don't rest, so either can I."

Kissing her passionately, he left out the door with Claire.

"Well Gary bear. Looks like it's just you and me."

Throwing another block he giggled.


After dropping Claire off at school, Mac headed over to see Tony. Sonny's old partner. As he arrived, he noticed Tony talking to someone in his front yard.

"Well....if it isn't Det.Mac Taylor. What the hell brings you here?"

"We need to talk Tony."

"Bout what? We have nothing to talk about."

"We do. I want to know where Joe is."

"How the hell should I know. Do you really think he'd be stupid enough to show up here? I'd hafta kill him."

"why don't I believe you. If I find out you're hiding him, I'll throw you in jail with Sonny."

"Whatever Taylor. Get the hell off my property."

"I'll be back Tony. Watch yourself. I'll have my men waiting for you to screw up."

Heading back to his car, Mac got in and headed to the station.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When Mac got to the lab, he felt the wave of nausea hit him. Heading to the bathroom he threw up, as Danny walked in.

"Christ Mac. You sick?"

"What the hell do you think Danny."

Washing his face and hands in the sink, he headed to office, grabbed the case files he needed, and headed home.

"Call me if you need me."

"Yeah. I will Mac. Get better."

Pulling out of the parking lot. Mac swore he seen Joe. Following him, Mac watched as he entered an old warehouse.


"Don, I need you to get some of your men over here. I think I found Joe. Better yet, send SWAT, I'm not sure how many we'll be dealing with."

While Mac waited. He tried his best not to throw up again. Christ he was sicker then a damn dog. As he seen Don and SWAT approach, they set up the teams around the warehouse. Then busting into the warehouse, Don yelled...


As all the gang tried to scatter, they were all captured.

"Where is Joe?"

"Get off me you pig. How the hell should I know."

"Mac...you better look at this."

As Mac walked over, he seen the crates that were full of weapons.

"So this is what Tony was up too. Take them all in Flack. Get SWAT to help with removing the weapons."

"What are you going to do Mac?"

"I'm going to find Joe. He's in here somewhere."

"Listen Mac, your sick. We'll look for him together."

Mac didn't care to argue at this point. The only thing he wanted was to capture Joe, pick up Tony, and get them all in jail.

As they made their way through the warehouse, Mac noticed a large crate that he thought for sure had moved. Pointing it out to Don, they surrounded it, and as Mac opened the crate, he seen Joe.

"Nice and easy Joe. Bring yourself out of the crate."

Mac didn't realize Joe had a gun hidden under his back, and as he stood and took aim, Don seen it, and shot him through the chest. As Joe went down, he died instantly.

"Now let's go get Tony."

When they arrived at Tony's Mac noticed the house was empty.

"He's gone Mac. Looks like he's taken off out of the city."

"That's okay Don. We'll catch him. Everyone eventually screws up. When he does, we'll be there."

"Yeah. Yeah we will Mac. Now go home. We can handle the rest."

Nodding his agreement, Mac headed home to bed.

"Mac? What are you doing home?"

"God Stel. I'm so sick. But we caught Joe. He's dead. Don shot him."

"Oh...that's great news. Now she can rest in peace."

Feeling her husbands head she noticed he was burning up.

"Get into bed Mac. before you fall down."

Climbing the stairs, he stripped himself of his clothes and got into bed.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Good chapter. Glad they got most of the gang and Joe. Too bad Mac didn't toss his cookies all over Joe though. :lol:

Poor Mac being sick. Stella will make him feel all better. :D
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

aww poor Mac :( Can she sponge bath him? :D
I wonder what's wrong, we know he's not pregnant lol
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