CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

He was more concerned about money than his own daughter? Wow... I didn't see that one coming. Good chapter! Poor girl and poor Stella.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

After Mac had his team looking for Dr. Stormwell, he took Stella home. When they arrived Mac opened the door and found Gary crawling towards him. Picking up his son, he held him very closely.

"There's daddy's boy. How are you son?"

Smiling all bright eyed, Mac kissed his little head.

"Daddy you are home. Hi mommy."

"Hi Claire bear, come here to mommy."

As she walked over Stella picked her up, and thanked her neighbour for watching the children.

"Mommy is you okay? You have teardrop in your eyes."

"Mommy's fine sweetheart. Did you and Gary have breakfast yet?"

"We did mommy. Karen gave us pancakes, and Gary bear threw his at her."

Stella tried not to laugh. Over the past few weeks Gary for some reason seemed to like too throw his food at people, including his parents.

"Well...I'm sure he will grow out of it love."

"Did I throw my food mommy?"

"No. You never threw your food, just your toys."

"I not throw my toys. When mommy?"

"You did throw your toys, alot. Especially when it was clean up time."

"But I cleans up now. all my toys are away."

"I know that Claire. But when you were younger you would thorw your toys across the room, cause you knew it was nap time, and you didn't like nap time."

"oooohhh...okay mommy. I get down now?"

"Sure sweetheart."

Placing her daughter back on the floor, Mac got out the blanket and layed Gary on it.

"Now you know he won't stay there long Mac before he crawls off it."

"I know love. But it's adorable to watch him crawl."

Sitting down on the sofa, he asked....

"Are you sure you are going to be okay love. I'm really sorry we couldn't save her."

"I know Mac. I just wish it had turned out differently."

Wrapping his wife closer, he kissed her beautiful curls.

"I love you Stel, you know that. I promise, we will catch him."

"I know Mac. Do you want some breakfast?"

"No. Maybe just a coffee."

As Stella left to make the coffee, Mac got down on the ground with his children.

"What are you making with those blocks Claire bear?"

"A castle daddy. See, there's the tower, and in here is where the Princess lives."

As Claire showed her daddy. Gary made his way over and smacked at the blocks.

"Noooooooo Gary. That not nice."

Trying not to laugh, Mac picked up his son as he giggled.

"You my son, are a little terror today."

Giggling at his daddy again, he wrapped his arms around him."


"Now I's have to start all over," said Claire.

"I'm sure Gary is sorry Claire bear. How about daddy help you rebuild it?"

"No, it's okay daddy. I can do it."

When Stella came back in with the coffee, she seen Mac enthrawled in his children. As she watched she cried. So much love she knew her children had, saddened her all the more for Gwen. To have to grow up with a father who hated you enough to kill you over money was just unjust.


"Yeah love."

"We need to make sure Gwen has a proper Memorial."

Laying his son back on the ground, he wrapped his wife in his arms again.

"I promise you Stella, she will."
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

As Dr.Stormwell reached the Airport, he seen all the Officers covering the entrance and exits. Knowing he couldn't get out by Airplane, he headed over to the Bus Station. When he arrived, he seen more Officers.

"Christ. How the hell am I going to get out of here?"

Knowing he had no means of escape. He knew he had no choice but to go back to his old roots. For he knew if anyone could get him out of NY, it would be the Tanglewood Gang.


Danny and Flack were combing the Hospital.

"Excuse me, you could tell us where Dr.Stromewells locker is?"

"Sure, it's this way. Follow me. I still can't believe this. Shame really, he was an excellent surgeon."

"I'm sure he was." Said Danny with sarcasm.

"That's his locker there. I need to get back to surgery."

"Thanks for your co-operation."

When the doctor left. Danny snapped the lock and opened the locker, while Flack searched the area.

"Danny. Look at this."

Walking over Danny seen Flack holding what looked like a will.

"Is that what I think it is?"

"Yeah. It seems Gwen was left a hefty policy when she turned twenty."

"I just don't get it Don. How does a father even think of killing his own daughter?"

"I don't know Danny. But we need to get this back to the lab. Danny!!!!"

"Yeah man?"

"You do know that Gwen's father was part of the Tanglewood gang, right?"

"What!!! No. Mac didn't tell me that. Why wouldn't he tell me?"

"Most likely cause he knew you'd be upset. Look at you Messer. Just by the mention of them, your whole manner changed. You can't lose it Danny, not now."

"I know. I know. But how can I not. Especially after what they did to my brother."

"I know that Danny. But now we are dealing with a whole new gang. New members, and new possibilities. Let's just take it one step at a time."

Leaving the Hospital Flack called Mac to update them on what they had found.

When Dr.Stormewell arrived at Tony's home, he knew he wouldn't be very welcome. For when he had made his decission to leave Tanglewood after Sonny was put in jail, they had disowned him. But he went out on his own, and became a surgeon.

Knocking on the door, it was answered by a young girl.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes. I'm looking for Tony. Is he available?"

"Sure. Just a minute. Dad!!! Someone here to see you."

Coming to the door, Tony knew right away who it was.

"Camilla, go see your mother."

"Yes dad."

Once his daughter was out of view, Tony threw Joe up against the wall.

"I should kill you man. You were warned never to return here."

"I know Tony. I know. But I need your help."

"My help? You have got to be kidding me, you are lucky I'm not putting a bullet through you right now."

"I know that too. But please. I have no one else to turn too. I need your help to get out of the city."

"Oh!!!! What. Big time doctor got himself in some trouble?"

"Yeah, alot. Now please say you'll help me. I can pay you. Whatever you want."

"Do I look like I need your money man?"


"Okay. You want my help. You can have it under one condition."

"What condition is that?"

"That you return to us. That you help me run the gang we've set up here."

"How the hell am I supposed to that? I'm a wanted man for christ sakes."

"My way, or no way. Your choice."

"Fine. But you better be able to disguise me, otherwise I'll be no good to you at all."

"Don't worry Joe. My boy's are the best. By the way. Welcome back to hell."

Bowing his head, he knew he had just made a pack with the devil himself.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

I forgot to say before that I love how you write the criminals. You write them very well (as well as the main characters). Criminals for me are hard to write, but you do a really good job with it. :)
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Gwen's Grave

Stella looked down where they had buried her,with a tear in her eye. Placing two red roses at her headstone, Mac wrapped her in his arms and walked her back to the car.

"You going to be okay sweetheart?"

"Yeah. I'll be fine Mac. I just needed to be sure she was being properly buried."

Driving back to he house. Stella asked....

"Still no idea where Dr.Stormwell is hiding?"

"Not yet love. Flack and I think the Taglewood boys may be hiding him."

"How's Danny taking the case?"

"Fine. Cause he's not on it. I have him working with Sheldon on anther case."


"Don informed me Danny kind of lost it, when he found out the Tanglewood boys were involved."

"That's understandable. Especially after what happened to Lewie."

Pulling into the driveway, Mac seen Gary and Claire playing with Don.

"Hey Don. How were they?"

"They were great Stel. If you ever want to give them up. You can give them to me."

Stella laughed.

"I see you gave them lunch."

"How'd you know that?"

"Cause Gary threw his food at you. It's all over your shirt."

"Damn. How did I miss that."

Still laughing, Stella picked up Gary.

"Come on you little terror, nap time."

"Mommy. I don't need a nap right?"

"No sweetheart. But you need to be quiet while Gary sleeps."

"I will mommy. Uncle Fack, wanna play house?"

"I have to go Claire bear. But you know what."


"When I come back again, we'll play house. I promise okay?"

"Okay. I love you Uncle Fack."

"I love you too baby girl."

Flack tried not to laugh. Ever since Claire began talking she could never say Flack. It was always Fack.

"Think she'll ever get my name right Mac?"

"She will Don. Give her time. Have you heard back from your source yet?"

"Not yet. I'm hoping to hear from him this afternoon. I'll call you when I do."

"Okay. Thanks again Don. See you later."

Heading into the house, Mac could hear Gary screaming. Walking into his room, he picked him up and sat with him in the rocker.

"What's the matter Gary bear? You want daddy sing to you?"

Laying him across his shoulder, Mac began singing Baby mine.

"Baby mine, don't you cry
Baby mine, dry your eyes
Rest your head close to my heart
Never to part, baby of mine.

Little one when you play
Don't you mind what you say
Let those eyes sparkle and shine
Never a tear, baby of mine."

Looking down he noticed Gary was sound asleep. Placing him in the crib, Mac kissed him and left his room.

"He's sleeping?"

"He is love. He just wanted to be sang to. Where's Claire?"

"She's doing a puzzle downstairs, and eating cookies."

"Cookies? Your homemade ones, with the big chocolate chips and raisins?"

"Those are the ones."

Running down the stairs like a little kid. Stella laughed.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

:lol: at "Uncle Fack". teehee. Mac running to get cookies, heehee. Aww him singing to the baby. So sweet. Love that song.

Good chapter. :)
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Good chapter! :thumbsup:*lol* at Mac running for the cookies and at uncle Flack! :bolian:
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

By the time Mac got downstairs, there was one cookie left. Reaching for it, Claire picked it up first.

"Claire bear that's daddy's cookie."

"No daddy. Mommy gave them to me."

"Can daddy have a bite?"

"I don't know daddy. It's my only cookie left."

Stella was smiling as she watched Mac try to con Claire out of cookie.

"Please Claire bear. Just a little bite."

"But daddy...."

Mac pouted. Stel she won't share."

Laughing....Mac there is more in the kitchen in the jar. Go get one."

Grabbing a couple cookies from the jar, Mac sat down with Claire.

"Would you like daddy to help you?"

"Okay daddy. For a bite of your cookie."

"No way Claire bear. You wouldn't share with daddy."

Now Claire was smart. She knew her way around her daddy's heart. Getting off the chair, she sat on her daddy's knee and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Pleeeeeease daddy. I give you kisses."

Placing little daughter kisses all over her daddy's face. Mac gave in.

"Thank you daddy. I love you."

Climbing off her daddy's knee, she sat back in her chair.

"S U C K E R...."Stella laughed as she spelled it out.

"No I'm not."

Walking over to his wife, he wrapped her in his arms, and kissed her passionately on the mouth.

"Ewww...yuk. I'm never going to kiss a boy."

"Why not sweetheart?" Asked her mommy.

"Cause daddy told me if any boy tries to kiss me, he'd be wearing his nine mil."

"Mac Taylor!!!!"

Shrugging his shoulders he smiled.

"You are so bad."

"Mommy...can I go watch cartoons?"

"Sure sweetheart. For a little while."

"Thanks mommy. Bye daddy."

"Bye Claire bear."

When Claire was out of ear shot Stella said.....

"Just what do you think is going to happen, when some boy hits on her? I'll tell you. She's going to tell them if you touch me, my daddy will shoot you. Then we are going to be getting calls from the parents."

Mac was getting tired of watching her tell him what if's. So he walked up and kissed her deeply. Distracting her from thoughts. Problem was, he was now getting hot. Leaning her on the table, he stood between her legs.


"Shhh!!! Quiet Stel. I only want to mess you up a little." He winked.

"You are so bad. Behave Mac."

Raining kisses down her neck. Stella was quickly losing her battle and her wits, and Mac knew it. Just as he was about to caress his hands down her thighs, Claire called out...

"Mommy....I can't get the TV to turn on."

Smiling wickedly. Stella said...

"That's my girl."

Unwrapping herself from her husband. She left him standing alone in the kitchen to his thought.

"Why is it these kids have perfect timing? Why?"
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

"Ewww...yuk. I'm never going to kiss a boy."

"Why not sweetheart?" Asked her mommy.

"Cause daddy told me if any boy tries to kiss me, he'd be wearing his nine mil."

ROTFLMAO! :guffaw: I can just picture Mac saying that too! :lol:
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