CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Just as Angell and Mac were heading back to the lab, Mac's phone rang.


"Mac, it's Danny. We need you in Central Park, we think we may have found the young girl."

"Okay Danny, we're on our way."

"What's going on Mac?"

"It seems Danny may have found the female victim."

"Oh no, she's dead."

"I think so, we'll know more when we get there."

When they arrived Mac turned her over, and noticed she was sliced and restitched, from her chest to her stomach.

"What the hell is that? And where the hell are her hands?"

As Danny looked closer, he noticed the stitching.

"I'm not sure Mac. It looks like someone sewed her up."

"Okay, Danny get her back to the moruge, I want Sid on this. Let me know immediately if you find anything."

"I will Mac."

"Angell and I will search the area, we need to find her hands."

Back at the morgue, Sid carefully opened the young girls chest, and stood in shock as Mac walked in.

"Sid!! You okay?"

Walking over, Mac noticed the youngs girls hands were gripping her heart.

"Is that......"

"It is Mac. It looks like her killer cut off her hands and wrapped them around her own heart. I've never seen anything like this. Looks like you have real sick one on your hands."

As they examed the young girl further, Sid noticed the stitching was done with precise care.

"Why am I begining to think whoever killed this young girl had experience in the medical field."

"Hey Mac!!! We got an ID on the young girl. Melisa Van Doughell."

Mac looked at Sid, as Sid looked at Mac.

"Did you say Melisa?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, when Stella recieved the call. She said the young girl was calling her Melisa."


The young girl had escaped again. Running down the street she stopped at another phone booth. Bleeding from the head, she wiped the blood from her eyes and picked up the phone.

Stella was finished watching the news. Turning off the TV she noticed the time was 1am. Heading upstairs she got ready for bed.

*Phone rings*


"Help me, please help me Melisa. They want to kill me!!!"

Hearing the click of the phone, Stella called Mac.


"Mac....she just called again, but someone hung up the phone. She keeps crying for Melisa. She said they were trying to kill her."

Stella heard the silence.

"Mac!!! Did you hear me Mac."

"I heard you Stella. But I'm afraid she's not going to be able to help her."

"What? Why?"

"We have Melisa here Stella, in the morgue, she's dead."

"Mac what is going on?"

"I'm not sure Stella, but we need to figure it out fast. I'll be home shortly. If she calls again, call me back."

"I will Mac. Bye."

Hanging up the phone, Stella couldn't help but feel the cold shiver, as she worried if they would find the young unknown girl alive.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When Mac returned home, he found Stella sound asleep on the couch. As he watched her sleep, it never ceased to amaze him how lucky he was. He had two beautiful children, a loving, caring wife, who he more then adored. To Mac, he was the luckiest man in this world.

Walking towards his wife, he realized her sleeping on the couch was becoming a habit. Oh he knew it was because she was missing his love and warmth at night. He also knew he had been working to damn hard. Leaning down, he stroked the hair away from her neck, and softly whispered....

"Stel....sweetheart, I'm home. Let's go to bed love."

"Mmm...did you find her Mac?"

"No. We still haven't gotten a location on her. Come on now, bedtime."

"Are you coming?"

"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I?"

"Hmm...oh, I thought you might have back in."

"Not right now. We've done what we can. All we can do is hope she calls again."

Watching his wife drift back into sleep, Mac carried her upstairs.

"Am I going to have to undress you again love? This is getting to be a pleasure I enjoy." He smiled.

"As Stella smiled back, Mac whispered....

"It's been to long love. I've missed your beautiful skin, your soft lips, your sweet caress."

"Such a romantic. Take me Romeo, I'm yours."

Lifting off her shirt, Mac erotically caressed her back with his fingertips, and as he seen the passion flare in her eyes, he kissed her. A deep, sensual kiss, one that caused her to grip her husband and hold on for dear life.

Sitting with her in his lap, he turned her to face him, as she began raining little kisses down his chest, causing him to hold his breath.

"Steeeel," he moaned out.

Oh yes, it had been to long, to long for the both of them, as they attacked each other with a lovers passion that could melt the Universe.

"I love you Stella."

"I love you too Mac."

That was the last words that were spoken, as they took each other into their world of eternal love.

Meanwhile, they had her again.

"For Christ sakes you God damn moron, can't you even watch one girl without having her escape?"

"I'm sorry boss, her father is going to be pissed. I hit her pretty damn hard this time, she hasn't waken yet."

"Shit. You better not have killed her."

As he walked over, he checked for a pulse.

"Is she alive?"

"Yeah. Next time be more careful. Her father should be here any minute, go get a cloth and clean her up a bit. I'm going to watch for him."

When the kidnapper left the room, his partner headed towards the bathroom. Hearing the water running, she knew this would be her last chance to escape. For if she didn't make it, she'd be dead by morning at her fathers hands.

Carefully opening the window, she climbed down the fire escape and took off running into the streets of NY.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

As she ran around the corner, she rammed right into Danny.

"Ouff. Hey there, slow down."

"Help me, please help me. They're going to kill me."

"Calm down, it's okay. No one will hurt you. Tell me your name."

"Gwen, Gwen Stormwell. We need to get out of here now. They'll be coming."

"Hey...get back here. Right now."

As Danny seen the two guys coming towards them, he grabbed the girl by the arm and took off with her.

"You're the one we've been looking for, aren't you?"

"Please, I need to find Melisa, she's in danger."

Danny wasn't sure if this was the right time to tell her about her friend.

"Just keep running Gwen."

Dialing his cell, he contacted NYPD. Before the squad cars arrived, the two suspects fired, shooting Danny in the neck. As the girl watched him bleed and try to breathe, she knew she had no choice but to leave him.

When the Officers arrived with Flack. He noticed right away it was Danny.

"Danny. Christ Danny hold on. Keep breathing pal, don't give up on me."

As Danny tried to struggle out the words, he passed out from loss of blood. When the Ambulance and Paramedics arrived, they assesed Danny, put him on the gurning, and took off for the Hospital with Flack leading the way.

Picking up his cell phone, Flack called Mac.

"Mac, Danny's been shot. We are on route to the Hospital. It's not good."

"Okay Don, I'll be right there."

"Mac. Is everything okay?"

"No. Danny's been shot. I have to go."

"Oh God, keep me informed."

"I will love."

Just as Mac left the house the phone rang.


"Melisa...help me Melisa, I need you. Hurry, help me."

"Listen, where are you?"

"Who is this? Where's Melisa?"

"You've been calling my home all night. I'm your only help right now. Where are you?"

"I'm at the phone booth on 42nd, they are trying to kill me. But I didn't shot the cop. I swear, they did it."

"Okay. Stay where you are. Is there anywhere you can hide?"

"I think so. There's a bin behind the store, please hurry I can hear them coming."

Hanging up the phone, Stella called her neighbour to watch the kids. When she arrived at the corner, she seen the store, and two big guys searching the area. Knowing she wasn't going to able to get near the girl right now, she decided to watch from across the street.

"Christ man, she gave us the slip. Her father is going to kill us."

"Shut your mouth. This is all your fault. I told you to watch her."

"I'm sorry boss, but I have other problems. That guy you shot was a Detective. I've got to get out of town before he comes through."

"What do you mean he's a Detective. How the hell do you know that?"

"His name is Det.Danny Messer. His brother use too run with my cousins gang."

"That doesn't mean he recognized you. So just calm down. No way in hell are you leaving me to take the blame from Gwen's father."

"Christ man, let's just cut our losses and leave the City. We have nothing left here."

"I don't know man. If her father finds us, he'll kill us for sure. He has alot of contacts."

"Contacts or not, I'm leaving. You can come or you can stay. See ya man."

Taking off down the street, the other suspect realized his partner was right. Her father would kill them for losing his daughter. Running after his friend, they headed towards the Bus Station.

Meanwhile Gwen's father was at the Motel where his daughter was supposed to be. As he opened the door, he realized the room was empty.

"For Christ sakes, where the hell are they."

"Excuse me sir, can I help you."

"Yeah. 500 bucks if you can tell me where the guys went in this room."

"I'm not sure where they went, but they took off really quick, I heard one of them yelling catch the girl."

Knowing he couldn't leave any witness, Gwen's father shot the guy with his silencer and took off into the street.

"When I find those two, I'll do more then kill them, I'll bury them alive."

Getting into his car, he took off down 42nd hoping to run into them.

With the suspects gone, Stella parked her car behind the store.

"Hello? Hello, are you here?"

Seeing the movement behind the bin, Stella drew her gun.

"Don't shoot me. Please, don't shoot me."

"Are you the young lady who's been calling my home?"

"I am. My name is Gwen, and my father is trying to kill me."

Pushing Gwen towards the car, she had her get in. Shutting the door, Stella got in the drivers side and took off, not realizing Gwen's father was following them.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Come on, don't stop there!

Patients Melly:lol:

Stella realized it was best not to take her to her home. For she knew she would be putting her children in danger.

"I'm going to take you to the Hospital. My husband is there. His name is Det.Mac Taylor, he'll help you."

"What!! No, no Hospital, my dad will find me there. People know me there."

"What do you mean people know you there?"

"My dad is a world renouned surgeon. They'll call him. Please, I'm not safe there."

"Listen Gwen. You need to trust me. I'm a Detective also. My husband and other Officers will be there. You will be well protected."

Looking out her mirror, Stella realized she was being followed.

"Great!! Listen to me Gwen. We are being followed. Our best bet is the Hospital, trust me please. Otherwise we will both be killed."

"Fine. But what is your name?"

"Stella, you can call me Stella."

When they pulled into the Hospital, Stella seen the car parked behind them. Picking up her cell, she called Mac.


"Mac. We need your help. I have the young girl with me. We are outside in the hospital parking area. I need you, and Flack to come meet us. We've been followed.

"Okay Stel. Stay right there love, and don't move. Do you have your weapon?"

"No. I was in a hurry and left it at home. Plus I was thinking about Danny.

"Okay. Just stay in the car, we are on our way."

When Stella hung up the phone Gwen paniced.

"Umm....did you say Danny?"

"Yes. Det.Danny Messer. Why you know him?"

"No. But I heard one of the guys say that they needed to get out of town. He said that he knew Danny. That his brother was in their cousins gang or something."

"Tanglewood!!!! Listen Gwen. Did you happen to see a tattoo?"

"Yeah. The guy had one on his shoulder, kind of looked like my dads. I found it really weird."

Watching the car, Stella noticed the guy was no longer in it.

"Come on Mac, where are you?"

Coming off the elevator, Mac and his team took off into the parking grounds.

"Do you see them Flack?"

"No. You see them Danny?"

"No. Where the hell are they."


Running to the direction of the sound, Mac knew they may be to late.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

I know:lol:Which is why I make you wait:p:lol:

When they arrived at the area the scream came from, Mac seen Stella laying on the ground.

"Stel!!! Stella, come on sweetheart, answer me."

"Mm...Maaac, help her, he has her."

As Mac stood up he seen the car pulling out of the lot. As he aimed and fired, the bullet hit the wheel, and the car turned over twice, before landing upside down.

"FLACK!!! Get the medical teams out here now!!"

While Flack ran in for help, Mac dragged the young girl from the car.

"She's not breathing."

Starting CPR, Mac pumped on her chest, all the while telling her to "come on, breathe."

As the doctors ran over, they moved Mac out of the way and continued with CPR.

"I'll check on the father."

Checking the drivers side, Mac felt for a pulse.

"Is he alive Mac?"

"No. He's dead Don. Let's just hope the girl survives. I have a feeling there is more to this case then we think."

"We have a pulse, let's move her."

While Mac and Don waited for the Coroner to show, he checked on Stella.

"You okay sweetheart?" As he wrapped her in his arms and kissed her hair.

"I'm fine Mac. Don't worry, I'm more worried about Gwen and Danny."

"Danny's going to be fine. The bullet grazed his neck. Sweetheart, did Gwen happen to tell you anything? Anything that might help?"

"Umm...she did. She informed me that the suspect who shot Danny apparently knew him. She said his cousin was in the same gang as Danny's brother. Also, she said her father had a tattoo on his shoulder, just like the suspect."

Realesing his wife. Mac walked over, put on his gloves, and checked the back of Dr.Stormwells shoulder.

"There no tattoo. Which means this is not her father that was following you."

"But she screamed. She yelled "no daddy."

"Something isn't right here. This case is turning into a puzzle."

"Where do you want me to start Mac?"

"Oh!!! I almost forgot. Gwen said that the suspects were headed to the Bus Station."

"Thanks sweetheart. I want you to go home to the kids, I'll be there as soon as I can. Let's go Flack."

"Mac!!! I want to stay Gwen. She's all alone right now. And if that wasn't her father, then she's still in danger."

"Okay Stel. But then I want you home with our children. I need to know you are all safe."

"I promise Mac. Good luck finding the kidnappers, and Dannys shooter."

Heading back into the Hospital Stella asked the nurse....

"Excuse me, can you tell me how Gwen Stormwell is doing. I'm with the NYPD."

"Umm...I'm sorry to inform you she died 5minutes ago. They couldn't stop the bleeding. She died on the table."

"What!!! She wasn't bleeding. Where is she? What Trauma room is she in?"

"Trauma one, but you can't go in there. Hey...stop. Security."

As Stella stormed through the Trauma room, she found it empty.

"Where's the young girl that was in here?"

"She was taken down to the Morgue. They declaired her dead five minutes ago."

"Who declaired her dead?"

"Umm...a Dr.Smith."

"SMITH!!! Smith!!! Check again. Just what kind of Hospital are you running here. You just let some doctor come in and work on a patient without even so much as a medical ID."

"I'm sorry Detective. In situations like these, we have no time to ask questions. I'm sorry."

"Don't be damn sorry. Just go find her."

As the nurse ran out to check, Stella called Mac as Sheldon and Danny walked in.

"Stel!!! Is everything okay?"

"No. We need to check the morgue, we are looking for Gwen, the young girl. I think she may have been kidnapped from the Trauma room. We need to hurry on this, times wasting."


"Mac!!! They've got her. Danny, Sheldon and I are checking the Morgue. The nurse said a Dr.Smith declaired her dead, and had two orderly's remove her body."

"Okay Stella. Keep me informed. Are you sure Danny is okay to help?"

"He seems fine Mac. I need to go. I'll call you if we find anything."
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

After Mac and Angell found and dropped off the two suspects at the station, they arrived at the lab, where they met Adam.

"Mac. I have some information for you. It seems that your male victim, the one you thought was the father. Turns out it's her Uncle. We matched the samples to that of the ones the Hospital sent over from Gwen. They all came back with 7 out of 13 common alleles. So I did a little check with records. Turns out Dr.Stormwell, and Peter Stormwell are identical twins.

"So what you are telling me is that the Gwen didn't know she had Uncle?"

"She must not have Mac. You said yourself that she thought he was her dad."

"Okay. Anything else Adam?"

"Not at the moment, I'm still running a few more tests. I'll get back to you."

"Okay, thanks Adam. Angell let's go meet up with the others."


Stella, Danny and Flack were searching the Morgue, when Stella seen two suspects rolling out a gurney.

"Hey!! Freeze."

As the two guys seen her, they threw the body bag into the back of the van, and took off.

"Danny, Flack, let's go."

While they raced to their car. Stella informed Mac that the Coroner van was heading out Mercy General.

As the chase began, the van turned the corner and disappeared.

"Where the hell did they go? They just disappeared."

"I don't know Flack. This doesn't make sense. Let's check the Warehouses."

"Whoa...hold on. Here comes Mac and Angell."

"Did you find them?"

"No Mac. It seems we lost them. But they can't be far. We were just getting ready to check the Warehouses, she has to be in one of them."

"Okay Danny. I want you,Flack and Sheldon to check the left side, Stella, Angell and myself will check the right. Remember, the girl is injured, so be careful in your pursuit, understood?"

"Yeah Mac. We understand."

*In the South Side Watrehouse*

"Did you find her?"

"Yeah man, we have her right here. But it got pretty heated. We didn't have the time to take care with her."

"She better still be alive."

Opening the back door of the Coroner van, the father looked at the body bag.

"You sealed her in a body bag? Where's the damn air hole? How the hell can she breathe in there?"

"We're sorry boss. Like I said we had to be quick. Detectives were chasing us."

"I don't care who the hell was chasing you. You should have made an air pocket for her."

As Gwens father opened the bag, he seen his daughter laying lifeless in the bag. Feeling for a pulse, he realized she was dead.

"You idiots, you've killed her. Now because of you two I get nothing. I needed her alive for two more days. I told the four of you, on her 20th birthday is when you get your payout. But now you get nothing excpet my bullets through you both."

Firing a double shot the two suspects went down.

"Did you hear that Mac?"

"I did Stel. It came from the South side, let's go."

When they arrived at the Warehouse, they found Gwen along with the two suspects.

"Mac we're too late. She's gone."

"Flack call it in."

As Mac walked over to his wife, he took her into his arms.

"I'm sorry sweetheart. Shhh...it's going to be okay."

"Mac we still have a problem."

"I know that Angell. We need to find the father, fast."

Mac knew time was wasting. For Dr. Stormwell had a head start on them.

*On route back to the Hospital*

"God what a mess this has turned into. My daughter is dead, I get no money, and I have no escape. Where the hell am I going to go?" He said to himself.

Arriving at the Hospital, he knew there would be Officers around the building. so pulling in underground, he parked his car, entered the elevator, and headed to the OR. Grabbing a set of greens, and a mask he walked back down towards his locker.

Taking out his fathers will, he knew it was useless now. For no matter what excuse, or loop hole he could find, it was worth nothing.

"Damn you dad. Damn you for leaving all your money to my daughter. But damn you even more for making her wait till her 20th birthday."

Slamming his locker door, he took off out of the Hospital, and headed into the street on foot. For he knew this was the safest means for escape.
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