CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Aww ... loved the Sheldon/Sid/Mac thing. And aww at Flack and Angell. Man, he's a talented guy. How the heck did he get a ring in a strawberry without her seeing it before she took a bite of it? :lol: That was cool. :)
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

As Mac sat down, he whispered to Sheldon....

"Sheldon, what is keeping you from coming home to us?"

As Sheldon walked through the beauty of the land he was on, he smiled to himself.

"So much warmth here, so much peace."

Walking a little further he seen a beautiful vision walk towards him.

"Hello Sheldon."

Turning his head to the side a bit, he felt he knew her, of her. Something about her seemed familuar.


Smiling beautiful, she whispered....

"Walk with me a while Sheldon."

Outstretching her hand, Sheldon took it, as she turned taking him back the other way.

"Why are we going back? It's so peaceful here."

"I know Sheldon. That is why we call this Heaven. Such peace and tranquility. But you cannot enter here yet, your time on the earth is not done. There are people who need you, love you, and miss you."

"I can feel them you know. I can hear them call me, talk to me, telling me to come back."

"Then why don't you go Sheldon. Why would you want to be lost in between two worlds?"

"I don't. I want to go with you. I want to go back to the warmth."

"I'm sorry Sheldon. They will not allow you entrance. It's just the way it's always been. Heaven is for those who have completed their tasks in life. Who are finished with what the Lord had planned for them."

Feeling himself nearing the edge, he could see Mac watching him, talking to him, as he seen Sid walk back in.

"Mac, I'm back. Has there been any change at all?"

"No Sid. I'm sorry, I wish there had."

As Sheldon listened, he felt the beautiful Angel lead him further towards his body.

"Go Sheldon, go back to those that still need and love you. And do me a favour when you get back."

"Sure, what favour?"

"Tell Mac and the team that I love them. Tell them I've always loved them, and to take care for me."

Kissing Sheldon on the cheek, he felt her tear slip onto his. Then opening his eyes, he seen her disappear into the mist.


As Mac and Sid looked at Sheldon, they seen he was still sleeping, but talking, as his eye slipped out a tear.


"I know, I heard him."

With a look of confusion, Mac wondered why Sheldon would be speaking Aiden's name. Moving in closer, they seen his eyes open.

"Sheldon? Sheldon, oh God, he's awake Mac."

"I'll get the doctor."

"Sheldon, you're back."

Bending down, Sid hugged him tightly.

"Sid....let up a little, I can't....."


Entering the room with the doctor, Mac waited patiently to find out why Sheldon called Aiden's name.

"Sheldon can you look up for me?"

As Sheldon looked up towards the ceiling, Mac seen him smiling.

"How do you feel Sheldon?"

"Tired...he whispered. Thirsty too."

"Okay, we are going to send you to X-Ray and do another set of scans, just to make sure you are okay."

Nodding that he understood. The doctor left the room. Then looking at Mac, Sheldon said......

"Aiden says hello."


Stella was feeding Claire and Gary, when the phone rang.


"Hi Stella."

"Hey Jennifer, how you feeling?"

"Better. Much better, I have some news for you."

"You do, what news?"

"Don and I are getting married. He asked me this morning."

"Oh my God, I'm so happy for you two. We'll have to set up a little celebration party as soon as Sheldon wakes up."

"Still no change?"

"Not that I know of. Mac hasn't called yet."

"Okay, let me know when he does?"

"I will, don't worry. I'll talk to you later."

"Bye Stella."

"Bye Jennifer."
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

He's awake! Woo-hoo!

Loved the talk with him and Aiden.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Yay! Finally he's awake:thumbsup:. Loved the part with Sheldon and Aiden!!!:bolian:
Good update!!!:)
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Why doesn't someone tell her there has been a change? lol
love the chapter :)
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Back at the Hospital, Mac was still staring at Sheldon.

"I'm sorry. What did you say?"

"I said....Aiden said hello."

Nodding his head at Sheldon that he understood, he said....

"I'm glad you're back Sheldon, I thought for sure we lost you."

"Thanks Mac. I know, I felt lost myself, but it was so warm there."

Sid piped up and said....

"That's why they call it Heaven Sheldon."

Embracing him again in his arms, the Orderly came in.

"Nice to have you finally awake Sheldon. Are you ready to go to X-Ray?"

"I am. Actually, I'm ready to go home," he laughed.

Mac and Sid laughed.

"I'm going to call Stella, then the team, and give the news."

While Sheldon had gone to X-Ray, Sid fixed up his room, and straightened the bed.

"Are you doing my job now?"

Looking at the older lady, he smiled.

"Sorry. I'm just so happy my Sheldon is awake."

Smiling the lady began changing the sheets.

Meanwhile, Stella had placed little Gary on the floor with Claire.

"You play nice with your brother, and share the blocks."

"I will mama. I love my brother."

*ring, ring*


"Hi sweetheart. I have some news for you. Sheldon's awake."

"Oh...thank God. Thank you God, thank you, thank you, thank you."

"I'll be home shortly love, I'm going to call the rest of the team."

"Okay Mac. Make sure Flack shares his news with you."

"What news?"

"You'll see. I'll see you when you get home, love you."

"I love you to Stel."

Hanging up the phone, he called Danny next.


"Hey Danny, it's Mac. I thought you'd like to know Sheldon's awake."

"He is? Oh thank Christ. I'll be there shortly. Did Flack tell you his news yet?"

"What news? Stella said the same thing."

"You'll see, just call Flack and Angell."

Hanging up again, Mac was getting annoyed.


"Don, it's Mac. Sheldon's awake."

"He is, thank God Mac. Jen and I will be there shortly."

"Hold on Don. Stel said you have some news for me."

"Oh...we do. We'll tell you when you get here."

Hearing the click, Mac swore to himself.

"Shit. What the hell is going on around here."

Entering Sheldon's room, Mac seen Sid waiting patiently for Sheldon to return.

"I hope this means you are going to sleep at home tonight Sid." Smiled Mac.

"I will be, don't worry Mac."

"I always worry about my team. That includes the Coroner I concider a friend."

"That's nice Mac. I appriciate you too."

Smiling away, Sid and Mac both waited for Sheldon to return.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

:lol: at Mac's frustration over not knowing Flack's news. Good chapter. Loved Sid saying "my sheldon". :lol: That was cute. :) And aww at Claire.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When Flack and Angell arrived at the Hospital they were greeted by Mac.

"Flack, Angell, about time. Now can you tell me your news?"

"Sure. Angell and I are getting married."

Holding up her finger to show the ring, Mac smiled and said....

"Took you two long enough, I knew it would happen. So when is the big day?"

"We've decided on a small ceremony in my fathers back yard."

"That sounds great Don. Let Stel know if you need any help, I'm sure she'd be more then happy too."

"Thanks Mac, I might just take you up on that."

"You're welcome Jennifer."

"So where's Sheldon?"

"He's down at X-Ray, having a few tests."

"But he's feeling okay?"

"Yeah. He's great Don. So tell me. Are their children in the future for you two, li'l Gary needs some playmates."

As they all laughed, Sheldon was being wheeled back to his room.

"Flack and Angell, how's it going?"

"We should be asking you that. Don't ever scare us like that again."

"Sorry, I'll try not too."

"Did you get your results Sheldon?"

"I did Mac. I can be released at the end of the week. all tests were normal."

"Normal, then there must be some mistake," smirked Flack.

As they stared at him, he said....

"What!!! Show me a CSI that is normal."

As they all laughed, Mac helped Sheldon back into bed.


Stella was getting lunch ready for the kids when the phone rang.


"Melisa...Melisa? Help me, he's coming, he's going to kill me. Help me Melisa."

"Hello, can you tell me where you are?"

Stella was confused, she knew this young girl was obviously in some serious trouble.


"Hello? Hello? Are you still there?"

Not wanting to lose the connection. Stella picked up her cell and called Mac.


"Mac. I need your help. I think a unknown female may be in trouble."

"Calm down Stella. Start at the begining."

"I recieved a call from a young girl. She was screaming that he was coming for her, that he was going to kill her. She kept saying "Melisa help me." Then I heard her scream. I still have the phone off the hook, so we don't lose the connection."

"Okay love. I want you to stay by the phone incase she comes back, I'm going to get Flack on it now."

"Okay Mac, but hurry."

"I will love, just stay calm."

Hanging up the phone the gang knew something was wrong.

"What is it Mac?"

"I need you get in touch with the station, I need someone over to my home to trace a call."

"What? What's going on Mac?"

"I think Stella may have just heard someone being murdered. We need that call traced immediately."

"Okay Mac, I'll get on it now."

"Thanks, I'm going to head home. I'll meet up with you there. Sheldon, I'll be back soon."

"Okay Mac. Just take care of Stella and your family. Keep me informed if you find the girl."

"I will."

Leaving out of the Hospital, Mac hoped they weren't to late.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

By the time Mac returned home, the Officers were already there.

"Mac!! Thank God your home. They've pin pointed the phone booth used to make the call."

"Okay. Where?"

"East 42nd street. There are Officers already there."

Leaving out the door again, Mac headed to 42nd street. When he arrived he seen Danny already there.

"Danny!! Have you found anything?"

"Yeah Mac. It looks like she may have struggled with her attacker. We found blood on the metal below the glass. I also found a chipped finger nail. could have fallen off in the struggle."

"Okay Danny. Get those back to lab, and have Adam work on them immediately. We need to find this girl."

"I'm on it Mac."

"Hey Mac!!"

"What is it Don? Did you find something?"

"Yeah. Two eyewitnesses say they seen the victim being dragged into a dark blue or black sedan. But they couldn't get the plate number."

"Did they say the girl looked alive?"

"Yeah. She was struggling pretty hard. The witness seen the guy smash her head into the car door, knocking her out."

"Okay Don. Have your Officers get on that sedan. This is priority, understood?"

"Yeah Mac."

After Don left to inform the Officers, Mac searched the area with Angell.

"Mac!!! You think we'll find her alive?"

"Let's hope we do."

As Mac looked down he noticed the piece of paper on the ground. Putting on his gloves, he picked it up and opened it.

"What is it Mac?"

"Looks like a SOS letter."

"What does it say?"

"Help me. My father is trying to kill me."

Placing it in the evidence bag, Mac passed it to Angell to take back to Adam.

"That's kind of odd. Why would the victim write that. She would have been smarter to write down her attackers name. Or at least her name."

"Maybe, maybe not. This could also have nothing to do with our case at all. We won't know till everything is processed. I'm going to head back to the lab and see Adam."

"Okay Mac. See you later."

Back at home, Stella had gotten the kids settled in bed for the night.

"Mommy. Why is daddy never home to read to me anymore before bed?"

"Well Claire bear. Daddy is really busy with his new case. But I know when daddy comes home, he visits you while you sleep. He gives you kisses and hugs, and whispers he loves you."

"But I miss daddy. He tells the best stories, and sings the funniest songs."

"I know sweetheart. Now tuck in, and give me kisses."

Reaching up to her mommy. Claire smothered her in kisses.

"I love you mommy."

"I love you too Claire bear, night."

Leaving the room Stella checked on little Gary.


Stretching his arms real wide, he giggled.

"You my little bear should be sleeping."

Still giggling, he said...."up, uppy mama."

Picking up her son, she carried him to the rocker, and sat down with him. As she began rocking, little Gary cuddled himself under her chin, and fell into sleep.

Carefully getting up, Stella placed him back in his crib.

"Sleep precious Gary bear."

Leaving the room, Stella headed back downstairs to wait for Mac.
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