CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Merrick is evil? :eek: Didn't see that one coming. Very shocking twist there. You really keep us readers on our toes. Good job! :thumbsup:
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

*jumps up and down and then kicks broken laptop* Ahhhh I dont wanna miss this! hehe I loved that update :D
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Love the updates....somehow I always felt that something's wrong with Merrick:wtf:
Great job:thumbsup:
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When Mac arrived at the address he was given, he knew he'd have to handle it alone. Opening the door, he cautiously walked inside and called....

"Merrick? Merrick, where are you, you son of a bitch?"

"I'm right here Taylor, throw your weapon on the ground, towards me, and no funny tricks or Jennifer gets it in the head."

As Mac slid his weapon towards Merrick, a light flicked on and he seen his CSI's bound and gagged on the floor, except for Jennifer who had a gun to her head.

"Did you bring the file?"

"Of course I did."

Pulling it out, Mac slid it across the floor. As Merrick looked through it, he noticed half of it was missing.

"Where's the rest of it Taylor?"

"It's hidden. I'll tell you where it is as soon as you release my CSI's."

"Hah...like that's going to happen. Give me the rest of the file Mac, I'm not playing here."

Cocking the gun at Jennifer's head, he looked at the fear in her face. That's when Mac seen his opportunity to motion Jennifer. Giving her the signal, she brought down her fist, and punched Merrick in his crotch.

"Auuuuuuuugh....you bitch."

Mac ran towards him, Jennifer ducked as Mac attacked Merrick beating him to the ground.

"MAC.....look out behind you."

Picking up the gun, Jennifer fired at Gage killing him instantly. Leaning towards Merrick's ear he said....

"How many more of you are there? Tell me now before I change my mind and kill you."

"You're to clean for that Taylor. You don't have the guts to be dirty."

"Think not? You'd be surprised what I'd do for my team."

Twisting Merrick's neck, Mac heard him squeal in pain.

"Okay.....he choked out. Just me, I'm the last. I swear Taylor. Now let me loose you bastard."

Not releasing his hold, he told Jennifer to grab his cuff's. Bringing them over, she cuffed Merrick. Just as the FBI and SWAT came storming in.

"Mac? Mac you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine Sinclair, go untie my team."

Once everyone was released, Mac looked towards the FBI.

"Just what kind of unit our you running?"

"We are very sorry. But we can't discuss this case. We've brought you the papers for Merrick's release into our custody."

"You have got to be kidding me. After what my team and I have been through, you owe me something."

"Fine. We've been working this case for four years. In that four years, we had six Agents who were working for the Mofia in New Orleans. We knew they became crooked, but there was nothing we could do at that time. We knew if we jumped to soon the boss would flee. But then you and your sidekicks came in and tried to play hero. We lost four of our real Agents due to your interference."

"I don't give a hell what you lost. I have a member of my team fighting for his life, all because of Headquarters allowing weapon trades to happen. It was your stupidity that caused this. You have no one to blame but yourself. Now take Merrick, and get the hell out of my City."

Once FBI cleared out, along with SWAT, Mac and his team headed back to the Hospital.

"You think it's all over Mac?"

"I do Danny. They have the file, and Merrick is now in custody."

"I can't believe Headquarters would allow weapon deals to go down."

"I don't think they meant for it to go this far. There was no way they could have known that their Agents would have become corrupt."

"Hmmm...I guess. How you doing Don?"

"I'm good, though I think I'll take Jennifer home. We'll stop by and see Sheldon later today."

"Okay Don. Get some rest Jennifer."

"I will Mac. You take care of your family. They must be worried by now."

"I will Jennifer."

When Mac, Sinclair and Danny arrived at the Hospital, Claire came running.

"Daddy, daddy, I missed you and love you."

"I love you too my Claire Bear."

After smothering her daddy in kisses, he carried into Sheldon's room.

"Hi sweetheart, how you feeling?" As he wrapped his wife and son in his arms.

"We're fine Mac. The doctor was in. He informed us Sheldon's brain waves were functioning normally, and his chest and lungs were healing."

"Daddy, we had someone smash our window. It's a big mess."

"I know my Claire Bear, we'll get it fixed."

"Okay, I love you daddy bear." As she smothered him in kisses again.

End Chapter

Thanks SpeedC,:lol::guffaw:
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

I love your fic :thumbsup:
And the moment beetween Mac and Claire, is so darling! I love:thumbsup:
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Oh really good update!
Loved Mac and Claire:bolian: Glad eveyone is safe!
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

With life in NY slowly returning to normal, Sheldon still slept.

"Any changes yet Sid?"

"No. Still nothing Mac. I just don't get it. They say everything has healed, and his brain waves are normal, why won't he wake up?"

"I'm not sure. Could be he's not ready Sid. Why don't you go home and spend some time with your family?"

Mac could tell Sid didn't want to leave. But he also knew his family was missing him.

"Sure Mac. You'll stay with him?"

"I will. I promise you Sid. I won't leave till you get back."

"Oh don't promise me that Mac. If you get a call out you'll have to leave him."

"I'll tell you what Sid. If I get a call out, I'll call you. How's that?"

"Okay Mac."

Bending down he whispered in Sheldon's ear....

"I swear to you Sheldon, I've not gone far. I'm just going home for a while and then I'll be back. I promise. But you continue to fight for me, okay?"

Watching with pain, Mac hoped to hell Sheldon woke up soon. For he knew if he didn't. Sid would not be able to cope with the outcome.


Flack was pampering Angell with breakfast in bed.

"Look what I brought you Jenn, breakfast in bed."

"Mmm...looks good. You're going to spoil me."

"I hope so. As I plan on it for the rest of our lives."

As Angell bit into the strawberry Flack passed her, something hit her tooth. Removing the strawberry, she seen the ring shinning inside.

"Oh my God...." she whispered

Getting down on his knee, Flack looked into her eyes and said...

"Jennifer, you have become my destiny, my hope, my world and more. Now I hope on this day, you'll accept me as your husband forever more."

With tears shinning in her eyes, she whispered....

"Yes Don, I'll marry you. Forever and everyday forward, I accept to be your wife."

Placing the diamond on her finger, he passionately kissed her between the scent of strawberries that lingured on her sweet lips.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Loved the conversation between Mac and Sid. Aww Flack's so sweet. Yay they'll marry:adore::luvlove:. Good update!
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

I love the connection between Sheldon and Sid :D

....AnJella- when i scanned your posted I thought you said that Shaldon/sid were getting married :lol:
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