CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Once everyone had left the Hospital. Sid pulled up his chair, and sat down beside Sheldon holding his hand.

"Sheldon, I know you can here me. I need you to stay with me Sheldon, I need you to fight. Take my strength if you need it. Sheldon I'll give you everything in my soul, in my spirit, to help you fight."

While Sid caressed Sheldon's hand, and shoulder, he could have swore he flinched his fingers. Doing it again, Sid seen his fingers twitch. Not wanting to be wrong, he kept it to himself for now.

"I know you can hear me Sheldon, I can feel your energy. You don't have to wake yet Sheldon, but you just keep listening, and when you are ready you'll come home."

Laying his head on Sheldon's knees, he fell into sleep.

When Mac got home, he found his family sound asleep. Walking into the Nursery, he picked up his son, took him to the rocker and sat down with him. As he began rocking, he sang....

"Gary baby, oh won't you be mine.
Gary baby, daddy loves you all the time.
You are daddy's Angel, his little tiny star,
that protects your heart from straying afar.

Gary baby, you are my only one.
Who magically makes my world worthwhile.
Forever and for always, it will always be you,
my Gary baby, with your heart and soul so pure."

When he was done his song, he lifted his precious son and laid him carefully in his crib, kissing his little crown.

Covering him up, he left the room, and checked on Claire.

"Daddy....*Came the little whisper*, is that you?"

"It's me Claire Bear, why aren't you sleeping love?"

"I was afraid."

"Afraid of what Claire Bear?"

"I was afraid you were never coming back home."

"Aww...come here my Claire Bear. Daddy would never leave you, ever. I'll always be with my Claire Bear, always right in your heart."

"Can you sleep with me daddy? Can you hold me like you used too?"

"Of course I can."

Laying back on the bed, Mac took his little Claire Bear into his arms, and wrapped her tight, with her little head laying on his heart.

As she snuggled in closer, Mac could feel her tremble.

"Shh!! come on Claire Bear, it's okay, daddy's here. I promise I'm here forever."

Leaning up her little face, she leaned in and kissed her daddy's lips.

"I love you daddy, you are my hero."

"I love you too my Claire Bear, you and Gary Bear, are my hero's."

Closing her eyes, while daddy caressed her back, she finally fell into sleep.

Once she was in deep sleep, Mac crawled out and headed into his room. As he opened the door, he seen his lovely wife sprawled out on her tummy, with her white silken gown half way up her waist.

Stripping himself of his clothes, he knew he needed her tonight. He also knew it would be with a violent need. For his soul was so unpure right now, and she was the only one who could him pure again.

Climbing up upon her, he laid flat out on her back, and raised her hips, as she felt his soul touch hers. Then bending towards to her ear, he whispered...

'I'm sorry sweetheart, I can't be gentle tonight. I need your purity to make me clean."

"Take then Mac, take what you need, and how you need it. Take all of me, I'm yours, till you're at peace."

Mac was so blessed. He had such a loving, beautiful, giving wife, that allowed him to take, because she knew deep in her heart, that he would return the love, the passion, the need twice over.

With no more words between them, Mac possessed his wife's soul, as their fingers locked, their bodies rocked, and their souls emerged as one, together in the midnight light.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Loved him singing to the baby and the scene with Claire. So cute. Loved Sid/Shel too. And as always, the Smacked part was very nice. Good job! :)
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Aww Claire Bear was really cute:drool: and I also loved the Sid/Sheldon part:thumbsup:.
Great update!:bolian:
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

While Sid was sleeping, he was startled awake by the nurse entering the room.

"Oh..I'm sorry Sid, I didn't mean to wake you. I just need to take some from vitals from Sheldon."

"Sure, has there been any change?"

"None yet I'm afraid. But he's schedualed for a CT Scan and X-Rays in the morning, so we should know more then."

"Isn't there anything I can do for him right now?"

"Sure, if you like, you can take the oil, and massage his hands, arms, and legs, to help keep the blood flowing."

"Okay, thanks."

After the nurse left, Sid took the oil and dropped a bit on his finger, then began massaging his left hand and arm. While he continued, Mac was watching from the door.

"How is he Sid?"

"Mac...Oh, he's the same. I'm just helping work his muscles. They are sending him for a CT Scan and X-rays in the morning."

"Well that's a good sign. Here, give me that and I'll start on the other side."

Passing Mac the oils, he and Sid worked on Sheldon's muscles through the night.

Meanwhile Danny and Merrick had arrived at his place.

"Whoa....wow. How the hell did you get a harley in here?"

"It wasn't easy, trust me. So do you play pool?"

"I do. Why, you want a round?"

"Sure, just let me grab a couple beers, while you rack the balls."

While Danny was in the kitchen, Merrick had to admire how close this team seemed to be. They were like family. Something unheard of in the Agency. The more he thought about it, the more he was happy with joining NY's finest.

When Danny came back with the beer, he handed one to Merrick.

"Okay Danny, you break."

"You sure now? I wouldn't want to outshine ya," he laughed.

"Go for it Dan, trust me. By the time I'm done with you, we'll know who the best," he laughed.

Meanwhile Flack and Angell had just gotten back to their apartment.

"Jen, how you feeling babe?"

"Okay, a little hungry. Do we have any of that Deli meat left, with that potatoe salad?"

"I think we do love. Why don't I make the snack, and you find the movie."

"Ahhhh...okay, I have the movie already in my mind."

"Oh really? Which one would that be babe?"


"Oh no....not that one with Sharon Stone, where he seduces her and takes off her sweaty clothes, while he admires her beautiful body."

"Mmm..that's the one hot stuff." As she seductively grinded her hips against the wall.

"What are you up to there Jen?" Whispered Don.

"Nothing, just going to set up the movie."

Before she get out the kitchen door, Don had her wrapped in his arms, and began seducing her.

"You know my favorite part of that movie Jen?" When he slowly unclips her sweaty pants, and zipper. Then so erotically he places his hand down and causes her to moan and gring against him."


As he continued his assult on her senses, she felt herself ready to release.

"Don....stop, please, I......"

"shhh!!! let it happen Jen. Let me give you what you so desperately need. Me."
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Aww at the Sid/Mac/Shel scene. Loved Danny/Merrick. Loved the hot Flack/Jenn scene. Good chapter! :thumbsup:
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Later that evening, Mac went to get coffee for him and Sid. As Sid sat and waited, he noticed Sheldon's finger's twitching. Looking carefully to make sure what he had seen was real, he pushed the call button for the nurse.

"Hi Sid, did you need something?"

"I do. Watch Sheldon's left hand."

As she watched, she noticed his fingers twitching.

"Oh...let me get the doctor."

As she left the room, she banged into Mac, knocking coffee all over his shirt.

"Oh dear, I'm sorry. I'll get you some greens."

"What the hell was that about?"

"Look Mac, Sheldon's hand, it's twitching."

Looking at his hand, Mac picked it up and said...

"Sheldon, if you can here me, squeeze my hand."

As they watched, Sheldon's fingers squeezed Macs tightly.


Danny and Merrick were loaded.

"Christ man, you scammed me. I owe you half my paycheck."

"Thanks Dan. That will help with a new apartment."

"I bet, another beer man, or you ready for bed."

Looking at the clock it read 3am.

"I think we should hit the hay. I have to see Sinclair in the morning."

"Okay man, I'll grab you a pillow and a blanket."

"Hey Dan?"


"How do you think Sheldon is?"

"I don't know man. Most likely the same or Mac would have called."

"Yeah! I guess you're right."


Stella was sound asleep when she heard the crash downstairs. Getting out of the bed, the alarm was going crazy. Grabbing the two kids, she took them into the closet, and locked it from the inside. As she listened, she could hear footsteps.

"Where the hell is ADT, fuck, somethings wrong."

Stella never swore, but she couldn't even here sirens.

Placing the baby down, she told Claire to shh!!! Reaching up, she grabbed the cell phone and called 911.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"This is Detective Stella Taylor. I need officers dispatched to my home, I have invaders."

"We'll get right on that, don't hang up."

While Stella waited she could hear them enter her daughters room. She knew if the baby made a sound they'd be caught.

"I'm telling you Gage they are not here. They are all at the Hospital."

"Listen you jackass, don't ever use my name again. They are here. Steve went by the Hospital and it was only Taylor there."

All of a sudden, they heard the sirens in the distance.

"Fucking cops man, let's split. Fuck the file, get Henson to get it himself."

Taking off out the back door, they jumped the fence and took off.

"This is the police, is anyone in here?"

Coming out of the closet with the kids, Stella seen Yates and Lyons.

"It's about time, we were almost found."

"Sorry Stella, what the hell happened to your alarm system?"

"I don't know. I need to call Mac."

Picking up the phone, Stella called the Hospital.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Yay, Sheldon's coming around!

Glad the cops got there and scared off the bad guys before they found Stella and the kids.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When Mac returned home, he found his family snuggled up on the sofa.

"Stel, what happened love?"

"I'm not sure Mac. We were sound asleep. Next thing I heard was glass shattering, but no alarm going off. So the kids and I hid in the closet, and I called the Police using the cell phone we leave in there with the locked 45."

"What do you mean the alarm didn't go off.?"

"Excuse me, Det.Taylor. I'm from the Alarm company. We've done a check of your alarm panal outside, it appears the wired were clipped."

"Clipped. I thought your company was full proof?"

"It is Detective. We are checking the backgrounds of our employees now."

"When you find out anything, I want to know."

"Yes sir. Will do."

After everyone left. Mac asked Stella...

"Sweetheart. Do you have any idea what they were looking for?"

"Not really. One of them said a file. But when they heard the sirens they took off."

"Did you get a name, or hear anything important?"

"One of the guys called the other Gage, and the other said that Steve could get the file himself."

"I can't believe these people are still after that file. What the hell is in it. I've looked at it, and seen nothing that we don't already know."

"I don't know Mac. Maybe there's a cryptic message or something between the notes, who knows. All I know is the kids and I need to find somewhere to go for the night."

"Okay. I'm going to drop you off at Danny's. Merrick is there with him, you should all be safe there."

As they packed the overnight bags, and headed out to the car, the shooting started.

"Bang, bang, bang."

"Get down, everyone down. Where the hell are those shots coming from?"

"I'm not sure Detective. We'll have a look."

While the Officers searched, Mac took off with his family. When the arrived at Danny's they found the door opened, and no one inside.

"Danny....Merrick. Where the hell are you guys?"

After searching the apartment, Mac knew somethihng was wrong.

*Phone Rings*


"Hello Mac. How are you?"

"Merrick? Where the hell are you, and were is Danny?"

"Well Mac, they are all here with me. Say hello to your boss."

"What the hell is going on Merrick?"

"You Taylor. Are going to bring me the file. No tricks this time. If you try anything, Jennifer gets it first, followed by Flack. Oh...and if I was you I'd hurry. It seems Gage has taken a liken to Jennifer, and I'm not sure how long I can contain him."

"You son of a bitch. I knew it was to easy. Someting about you bothered me from the begining."

"Just bring the file Mac. You have two hours, then your CSI's start to die."
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