CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

That made me laugh.....''Best he could''- Pretty easy job right? I mean Sinclair's not exactly the skiniest man alive

You must remember NattySuess, he had those tubes in his neck, plus Sinclair had to make sure he didn't touch that beam:)


When they arrived at the Hospital, Sheldon was taken right into the ICU and put on life support. Once they had him comfortable, and hooked up to several antibiotic drips, they allowed Sid to see him.

As Sid walked in, he had tears in his eyes. Oh he knew him and Sinclair had done their best to keep him alive. But Sid now knew the rest was up to Sheldon. He knew he would have to fight his way home to them.

Sitting beside him on a chair, he took Sheldon's lifeless hand, bowed his head and prayed...

"Dear Lord, I'm asking you to hear the pleas for my friend that come from my heart. I need you to help Sheldon find his way back to me and the team. You see Lord. We need Sheldon here. He's not finished on this earth, he has so much more to offer others. We love him Lord, please, bring him home to us.


While Sid watched the monitor's beep, Danny walked in with Sinclair.

"How is he Sid?"

"Not good Danny. His chances are very slim, even if he makes it through the night, he still has to battle the infections that are coursing through his body."

"Christ. What the hell happened in there?"

"To much, to fast Danny. If not for Sinclair's help, Sheldon would have died, for I could not be in two places at once. He breathed life into Sheldon, and that made a world of difference."

As Danny looked over at Sinclair, he seen his eyes were misted.

"Oh don't look at me like that Messer, I'd do the same for any one of you."

Nodding he understood, Danny walked to the opposite side of the bed and took Sheldon's other hand.

"Listen to me Sheldon. I know you can hear me. You are to fight, fight hard, and do not give up. I need you man, I need you to come home to the team."

Meanwhile Mac had finally gotten home with Stella and the kids.

"Merrick, there's a spare bedroom to your left, get some rest. Is there anyone you need to phone, family wise?"

"No. My wife died a year ago, we had no children together."

Nodding he understood, he watched Merrick leave the room.

Taking Gary from his wife, he held him close, then picking up Claire in his other arm, he sat down and held them close.

"Come here love."

As Stella walked over in tears, Mac wrapped his family in his arms.

"I'm so sorry I scared you all. I love you all so much."

"We love you too daddy. Mommy thought you got hurt real bad."

"No Claire bear, daddy is fine. I want you understand that. Daddy is fine."

Kissing his daughter and son, he walked upstairs and got them ready for bed. Once he read his daughter a story, she fell asleep half way through. Checking on his son once more, he kissed him again and searched for his wife.

"Sweetheart, you okay?"

Seeing her standing by the window, he could see the tears silouetted on her lids. Walking up behind her, he wrapped her tightly in his arms.

"Shhh...come on sweetheart, calm down. It's okay, I'm safe."

"So many times today Mac, I thought I lost you, I thought we'd never see you again. When the building collapsed, I felt my heart die."

Knowing the only way to calm his wife, was to allow her to feel him. He lead her to the bed, and sat her on his lap, facing the mirror. Then without speaking a word, he began caressing her thighs, as he slowly and sensually raised her dress. Touching her where she needed it most, she leaned back against his shoulder and allowed him to seduce her in his love.

A short time later, as she layed drained on the bed. Mac kissed her passionately once more.

"Sweetheart, I'll be home as soon as I can, I need to check on Sheldon. Try and rest. I love you Stella, don't ever forget that."

"I love you too Mac."

Heading downstairs, Merrick was waiting for him.

"Merrick, you okay?"

"Yeah. I just spoke to my Chief. I've been told to hand in my badge, I've been fired."

"What the hell for. You helped, and you got your man."

"Mac, I broke a dozen rules. They don't take lightly to that."

"So what are you going to do?"

"I don't know. This is the only life I've had, since my wife died."

"Why don't you come with me to see Sheldon. The Chief is there, maybe we can find a position for you on our team."

"You sure Mac. You think that would happen?"

"I don't know Merrick. But I do know for sure, that we will need someone to replace Sheldon while he hopefully heals."

"Okay. Thanks Mac."

Heading out the door, Mac turned on the alarm.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Sinclair's not exactly the skiniest man alive :lol:

:lol: To be honest, I can't really remember what Sinclair looked like. I thought he was kind of wide-shouldered, but I didn't remember him being "not-skinny".

where's Jimeka and Shel Jr?

Aww... poor Merrick. How old is Merrick? I was just wondering. Is he around Mac's age, older or younger?
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

You know what, next time my fic is meant to be funny, I'll let you all know.

There was no humor there at all

Jimeka and their son is in the other fic
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

I wasn't laughing at the fic, I was only laughing at Natty's comment about Sinclair. Sorry if it upset you.

I'm glad you made Sinclair more sympathetic and humanized him in the fic... more so than the writers of the show ever did. Many fans of the show are always picking on the character cause the show writers write him like he exists only to be a thorn in Mac's side.

Jimeka and their son is in the other fic

Oh. :smacks forehead: I should have remembered that. I got :confused:
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

It's not upsetting, it's just it takes time to make something seem so real, well as real as possible. That was why throughout the fic I mentioned Sheldon having tubes, in his neck, plus the beam covering him. That's why Sinclair had to be carefully. So he wouldn't hurt Sheldon more than he already was.:)

It's just frusterating sometimes
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

I remembered the tubes and all his injuries, so I knew what you meant. :) I actually saw Natty's comment before reading the chapter though. Cause I clicked on the "view last page" thing and saw her comment before realizing I was on the wrong page :lol: , then I had to click on the previous page to read that particular chapter before reading the last chapter you posted. Didn't want to read them out of order. But, when I actually read the chapter, I understood what you meant by him having to shield Sheldon to the best of his ability. :)

BTW, I forgot to mention: I liked the part where you had Sinclair telling Danny not to look at him that way, that he'd have done the same thing for any of them. That was nice. :)
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

*Puts uo hand* I actually loved how you wrote about Sinclair...and like said, i liked the part in the hostpital with Danny :)
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When Merrick and Mac arrived at the Hospital, they seen Sinclair ready to leave.

"Merrick, if you give us a minute."

"Sure Mac, I'll just head in and see Sheldon."

"I want to thank you Sinclair for saving Sheldon's life. Sid told me without you there, Sheldon would have died."

"No thanks needed Mac. I'd do it again if I had too. I may seem like a mean bastard at times. But that's my image, and my job. As for you and your team, they are the best I and NY have, and don't think it goes unnoticed, cause it don't. Now I need to get back and see where we are going to call home for the next several months, till NYPD and the lab is rebuilt."

"Before you leave Sinclair. We are going to be down one CSI for a while. Now Merrick in there, just lost his job with the FBI. So I was thinking, maybe we should ....."

"You want him hired on?"

"Just till Sheldon is better, and is capable of returning."

"Do you trust him Mac?"

"I do. With my life."

"Okay, tell him to see me in the morning, and we'll get him set up with a badge and weapon."

Nodding his agreement, Sinclair left the Hospital.

When Mac walked into Sheldon's room, he seen Sid was very messed up.

"Guys, give us a few minutes please."

"Sure Mac. Let's go grab some coffee Merrick."

"Oh...Merrick, you are to see Sinclair in the morning, he has some papers for you to sign."

"Okay, thanks Mac."

Once the room was quiet, Mac walked over to Sid, and took him into his arms.

"You okay Sid? How you holding up?"

"Not good Mac. Not good at all. I can't lose Sheldon. He's part of me, you know. It just can't happen, he can't die."

"Listen to me Sid, you need to stop thinking that way. With your quick thinking and Sinclairs, you both gave Sheldon hope, it was the two of you, that held him together, and kept him alive. You can't give up on Sheldon now, trust me, he can hear you, and he needs positive thoughts."

"I know Mac, I'm just not sure if I have any left."

"Sid, you have more left then you know. Why don't you take a break, I'll stay with Sheldon."

"Sure Mac. I'll be right outside."

"Why don't you grab a coffee, go sit with the boys for a bit."

Once the room was silent, except for the sound of the monitors, Mac sat on the edge of Sheldon's bed, and leaned towards his ear.

"Sheldon...Sheldon, I know you can hear me. I know you think this battle you are fighting within yourself can't be won. But it can Sheldon. I know it can. I know how strong Sheldon Hawkes is, he's a fighter, a fighter who never gives in. He keeps battling the evilness till he's ready to come home. So fight Sheldon, fight hard."

As Mac looked over Sheldon's broken body, he reached for his hand, and held it. Feeling the coldness of it, he knew it wasn't a good sign.

"Sheldon, if you can feel me squeezing your hand, blink your eyes, make a sound, or squeeze mine back, come on Sheldon, you need to come back, please Sheldon squeeze."

Not getting any response, Mac understood it was way to soon. So as he released Sheldon's hand, he felt him grip it. Not tightly, just enough to let Mac know, he heard his pleas."

Bending back down, Mac whispered....

"That's it Sheldon, you keep fighting your way home."

"Any changes Mac?"

Mac wasn't about to give his team false hope.

"No. He's still the same. Listen Danny, I have to get home to Stel and the kids, will you be okay with Sid."

"I will Mac, but what about Merrick?"

"He'll be coming with me, I have a spare room."

"Oh come on Mac. You have your kids that need all your attention, I'll take Merrick with me."

"You sure Danny. He needs to see Sinclair in the morning, 9am sharp."

"He'll be there Mac, no worries. You just get home to Stel and the kids."

"Okay. Merrick after you've seen Sinclair, stop by and see me please. So we can go over how I run my team, and what I expect."

"Sure Mac. I'll see you tomorrow."

After Mac left, Danny whispered.....

"You going to be a CSI?"

"Yeah, just till Sheldon gets better."

"I highly doubt that, if Mac talked Sinclair into hiring you, then you are stuck with us. Mac doesn't pick his team lightly, he must have seen something in you, to fight for you to work as a CSI in NY."

"Hmm...." Was all Merrick could think to say with a smile on his face.

"You're going to like it here, aren't ya?"

"You know what Danny, I think I am."
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

I'm glad Sheldon heard Mac's pleas.

Loved Merrick smiling at the end knowing Mac wants him on his team. Danny saying "you are stuck with us"... that sounds like something Danny would say. :)

Good chapter.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

I'll second that smiling that GNRF I loved the ending :D But I also liked the Sid/Mac part- well written ;)
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

I also liked the Sid/Mac part

:smacks self: How could I forgot the Sid/Mac part. That was great. I love how Sid said Sheldon was part of him ... that was very sweet. And I loved how you worded Mac comforting Sid.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

I also loved the Sid/Mac part and the one where Mac was talking to Sheldon.!
I hope Sheldon is strong enough!
I really enjoyed how you wrote it that emotionally:thumbsup:.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Thanks again for all the FB, I'll not be updating for a coule days, maybe friday. RL is taking a very heavy toll rioght now.

Thanks for understanding:)
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Sweetie the fic is really great, and *hugs* Hope your okay and things work out.
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