CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

:lol: at Mac trying to go after Michel. Get em, Mac! :lol:

Good thing for Sheldon that Sid knows what he's doing.

Poor Claire bear.

Glad Adam's okay.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

While everyone waited patiently outside, the Fire and Rescue continued to work on getting through the rubble.

"Damn, this isn't getting us anywhere. It's been over four hours now, they can't have much air left in there."

"Dig deeper, faster, let's go, pick up the pace."

Meanwhile in the holding cells, Mac and Merrick were the only two still capable of checking on the others. As Mac opened the cell to check on Michel, he found him not breathing.

"Merrick, get in here, Michel's not breathing."

Running into the cell, they stared two man CPR, but with no luck.

"It's been ten minutes Mac, he's gone."

Taking the blanket Mac covered his body, and closed the cell door.

"How are the other two prisoners?"

"Barely alive. I can hear them wheezing away."

"Okay, soak them down with a bottle of water. Get them to take little sips."

While Merrick did that, Mac checked on Danny and Flack.

"How are you two doing?"

"Giving a thumbs up, Mac nodded and sat back down."

"Christ Mac, how much longer can we last?"

"I don't know danny. Michel's already dead, and his two men are on there last breaths. Which means the air is gone. So we all need to sit and not talk."

Downstairs in the Morgue, Sid was gripping Sheldon's hand.

"Come on Sheldon, talk to me. Say something. Sheldon, answer me."


"Good. That's good Sheldon, just hang in there, I'm right there with you."

"Sinclair? You okay."

"I'm fine Sid, I just hope that Mac and his team have some air left in those holding cells."

Sitting all together, Sid had to wonder himself. For he knew the air was thickening everywhere, even in the Morgue.

"I'm going to open the coolers, this will give us somemore air."

As Sid got up, he heard the deep intake of breath.

"Sheldon....Sheldon, come on Sheldon breathe, breathe Sheldon"

Rushing to the tools, Sid grabbed a scapal and another piece of tube.
Making a slice in Sheldon's throat, he inserted the tube down into his airway.

"Listen to me Sinclair, I need you to breathe for him. Slow, steady breaths into the tube, understand?"

Placing his mouth over the tube, Sinclair began breathing his life into Sheldon.

"Good, I got a pulse. Keep doing that Sinclair, and don't stop. I'll be right back. I'm just going to open the coolers."

After Sid left, Sinclair prayed to himself, that he would be able to keep Sheldon alive.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Back in the Holding Cells, Flack and Danny were trying their best to breathe normal.

"Come on you two, hold on. You can't give up."

"Mac, they don't look good, any water left at all?"

"None Merrick, not so much as a drop."

"Christ, how much longer before they get to us?"

"I don't know. I think we should start moving some of this debris ourselves."

"But isn't that going to bring in more dust, we can hardly breathe now?"

"No. About seven or eight feet above us is a vent. I think we should try and clear it. It leads into the Morgue. Help me move this chair."

As Merrick pulled the chair over, Mac climbed it and unscrewed the vent cover. As he did this, debris came down, followed by cool air.

"You feel that?"

"Yeah, that's air, Danny, Flack, come on. Come on get up, we have some air."

In the Morgue, Sid could have swore he heard Mac's voice.


"Sid. Oh God Sid. Is everyone alright over there?"

"No. Sheldon is in bad shape Mac. Really bad shape. His chest was crushed with a beam. Sinclair is breathing life into him. Any idea of when we will be rescued?"

"No. I haven't heard anything, and we can't get an outside line."

"Can you and the boys climb through the vent?"

"I don't think so, there is to much debris in there."

"Okay, I'll try pushing you through some water, and food, just hold on Mac."

"Danny, Flack, how you feeling now?"

"A little better, could do with a drink."

"Sid's trying to pass us through some stuff. Here it comes."

Once all the debris had been pushed through, it was followed by water, and packaged snacks.

"Did you get everything okay Mac?"

"We did Sid. Keep me informed about Sheldon."

"I will Mac, you guys take it easy over there."

"You too."

Outside the crowds were growing, for it had been over 12 hours now, that they were trapped inside, and night was coming.

"Stella, you okay?"

"No. I'm worried Don, really worried, this is taking to long."

"Just try and relax Stella. They'll get there soon."

Back in the Morgue, Sid checked on Sinclair and Sheldon.

"How's he doing?"

"I don't know, I can barely get a pulse. What if we try lifting the beam off him?"

"We can't. We don't know how badly crushed he is. By moving the beam we could kill him."

The Rescue Team

"Are we making progress yet?" Yelled the Chief.

"We think so, I can see an opening, but we need more man power over here."

"Get team B over here now, let's go hurry."

With the two teams digging away, things were starting to look up.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

As the rescuer's had found an opening, they called inside.

"Hellooooooooooooooooo, is anyone alive in there?"

"You hear that Mac?"

"Yes...we're alive. There are four of us in the Holding area, and there are three in the Morgue. One of my CSI's in the Morgue was crushed under a beam, he's barely clinging to life, you need to get to them first."

"Okay, Det.Taylor. You just hang tight, if you have any problems while we are digging in to the Morgue, you yell, and we'll stop. Got it?"

"Got it. Just save my man."

While Danny, Flack, Merrick and Mac sat in a corner away from all the debirs, they waited to hear news on Sheldon.

"Sid, do you hear that, someone is coming through the wall."

"I hear it, just keep breathing for Sheldon."

As they knocked in the wall, Sinclair covered Sheldon's body with his, best he could.

"Thank God. We need you over here. One of our men has been crushed with a beam."

As the resuce's looked at the beam, and how it was positioned across Sheldon's chest. They knew it wasn't good.

"What are you waiting for, get it off him."

"We can't."

"What do you mean you can't?"

"The beam is what's keeping him alive. If we move it off him, he will die. His chest is crushed."

"Listen, there's no blood. So how can you say....."

"The beam is holding him together. I'm sorry there's no way of removing it, he'll die."

"I can't accept that, you get me some surgeons down here now, and a slat, we are going to lift him and the beam onto my table. I want to have a look with my Ultrasound machine."

"Listen Doctor, I know how you feel. But it will take about eight to ten men to lift him and that beam together."

"I don't care, get it done now."

while Team C brought in the slat, they slid it under Sheldon. Then grabbing the ends and the middles, they lifted him onto the table.

"Now get me an oxygen tank, hurry, and those damn surgeons."

As they left to get the needed help. Mac, Merrick, Danny, and Flack walked in.

"Oh my God. Sheldon. God Sheldon, hold on bud, don't let go."

As the team watched in pain, and sorrow, Sid's Surgeons finally showed up.

"This is highly irregular, the conditions alone will kill him. Do you have any idea how many infections he'll catch? Even if we are able to save him, the chances of survival are slim to none."

As they turned on the Ultrasound machine, and had a picture of Sheldon's organs, they could see his ribs , punctured in his left lung, along with a ruptured spleen, bruised liver, and bowel.

"What do you think?"

"I think you are crazy Sid, but let's see what we can do. You three will lift one end of the beam, and you three EMT's the other, at my count, understand? Sid, you be ready with that scapal. Where the hell are my units of blood?"

"Right here Doctor, they just arrived."

Once they had the blood, saline solution, antibiotic drips going through, they put Sheldon to sleep.

"On my count, one, two, three."

As they lifted, they could hear the air come out of Sheldon's chest. Working quickly, Sid and two other surgeons faught to keep Sheldon alive.

"Christ, what a mess in here, I can 't see anything. You...get over here."

"The name is Det.Mac Taylor."

"Fine. I need you to suction this blood from his chest cavity. Can you do that?"

"Grabbing the tube, Mac began suctioning out the blood, so the surgeon's could stitch."

"I'm telling you Sid, this is going to be one of those stories that make Medical History. Especially if this young man survives."

Once they had his organs repaired, they checked for anything they may have missed.

"Okay, let's get him stitched up, and transferred."

"Will he wake up?"

"Listen Detective, I'd be more worried about the infections he is now going to have to fight. I can tell you this much. His survival rate is 10% if that."

Once they had Sheldon, on his way. Mac and his team headed out.

"Mac, you think Sheldon will make it?" Cried Danny."

"We can only hope Danny, Sid's with him, he'll keep us updated. Let's get out of here."

Entering out of the rubble, Stella ran into Mac's arms, and embraced the life out of him.

"Easy love. It's okay, I'm fine. Shhh!!!! Come on Stel, it's okay. It's over."

When Jennifer seen Flack, she just about smothered him in her love.

"Oh God Don, I thought I lost you, thank God you survived. Are you hurt, are you okay?"

Kissing her softly on the mouth, he whispered...

"I love you Jenn, don't worry, I'm fine. Let's go home."

"Mac, I'll see you later."

"Okay Don, get some rest. Merrick, you can stay with us for a while, till things get straightened out at Headquarters."

"You sure Mac. I wouldn't want to impose."

"You're not, you were invited. Stella this is Special agent Merrick, he's been helping throughout the case."

"It's nice to meet you. Mac, how's Sheldon? I need to see him."

"I know love. Why don't we go home and get cleaned up, after we rest, we'll go see him."

Walking to the car, they strapped in the kids and headed home.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

I really hope Sheldon's gonna make it!!! I'm glad the others are alright:thumbsup:.
Awww;) at Jenn and Stel !
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

*hugs* Jen and Flack :)

Sinclair covered Sheldon's body with his, best he could.
That made me laugh.....''Best he could''- Pretty easy job right? I mean Sinclair's not exactly the skiniest man alive :lol: :lol:
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