CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Back at the Hospital, Mac was all ready to go in with his wife. He knew this C section meant no more children after this. The doctor had warned her how small she was with Claire. All he could hope, was that his son had had enough time to grow.

Walking into the room, he heard the monitors, seen the machines, the little ting incubator his child would be placed in. Reaching over he took his wifes hand and held it tight. Bending down he whispered.....

"I love you sweetheat. I'm right here with you, I promise not to leave. I'll be your strength, your rock, the one to take all your pain away. Look at me love, just focus only on me."

With tears streaming down her face, she tried her best to focus on her husband, but the tears were drowning him, blurring him.

"I can't see you Mac, I'm so scared. My tears are blocking your strength, I need to see you Mac"....she cried.

As the nurse passed the kleenex, Mac carefully wiped his wife's tears, so she could see his face, so she could concentrate on him, only him.

"Okay Stella, you are going to feel a little but of pressure, as we insert the needle for your freezing, so hang on love, and try not to move."

As she felt the pressure against her spine, she squeezed her husbands hand, as her tears poured.

"It's okay baby. It's okay, as he kissed her tear. Just hold on a little longer love, it's almost in."

With the freezing in place, Stella losened up on her husbands hand a little.

"It's okay baby, I'm right here, they've given you something to relax you a little, as you won't need to push. They'll do all the work. All you have to do is concentrate on me. Only on me."

While the OBGYN worked on releasing the baby that was wrapped around the umbilical cord. Mac thought back to all the time, he and Stella had gone through their first labour with Claire.

"How you feeling love? You having any pain?"

To afraid to speak, she shook her head no, as her tears continued to pour. Two hours into the C Section, Mac was getting nervous, he thought for sure they would have had his son untangled from the cord by now.

"Excuse me nurse, how much longer?"

"It shouldn't be to much longer detective, he's coming along nicely, just a few more minute."

Mac didn't want a few more minutes, he wanted to see his son now. Just as he got up to look over the sheet, he heard the lusty cry of his son.

"You hear that love, you hear that, that's are son, listen to him scream love, telling us all he's survived, that he's a surviver. Like all Taylor's."

"Congrat's Mr. & Mrs.Taylor, you have a healthy baby boy. A little under weight, but all his parts are working wonderfully, would you like to see him?

"Yes please," cried Mac, as the doctor passed him his son, who was still screaming.

Taking the tiny bundle into his arms, he kissed his little crown, and laid him across his mommy's tummy, where he curled up under his legs, and began suckling his fist.

"Oh Mac, he's so beautiful, look at him, and all his tiny curls. Hello little one, I guess we need a name for you, don't we?"

"I have one love. How about Gary Robert Taylor."

"Ohhh.....I love that Mac. That's a wonderful name."

"Well then....welcome to the family Gary Robert Taylor."

Giving his son back to the nurse, so they could clean and check his health, he gave his wife another tender kiss.

"Excuse me...Det.Taylor. Your pager has been going off for that last two hours. I think it may be important."

"Thank you." Looking the pager he seen the words SOS,SOS going across the screen over and over.

"Sweetheart, I have to go. I'll be back as soon as I can. The boys are in trouble."

"Okay Mac, bring them home safe."

"I will love. Bye."

Running from the Hospital, still in his greens, he got into his car and drove to the warehouse, calling for SWAT and backup.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When he arrived at the Warehouse, SWAT was already in place.

"Listen to me. There are three of my guys in there. You are not to storm the place. They have major weapons, and bombs. I will not have my CSI's killed."

"Mac....yelled Sinclair. What the hell are you wearing?"

"Never mind that. My guys are in there. We need a plan to get them out."

"I know that Mac, we are trying to negotiate with them now."

"Okay...listen up in there. There is no way out alive for any of us. Now tell us what you want?"


"That isn't going to happen, in order to get something, you have to give something."

"Listen Wolf. Maybe we should release the detectives. I mean Joans is already dead, you killed him like you planned. But we don't need the detectives, all we need is a way out with the weapons."

"Shut up Iceman, you're fucking confusing me."

Looking over at the detectives, he noticed that the one called Sheldon was half dead. As Joans had shot him twice.


"No deal, we wany all three."


"Mac...I don't know where the hell you got those greens, but get in there and make it look good."

"Don't worry Sinclair, this is my team we're talking about."

"Okay...I'm sending in the doctor now, don't shoot him, understand?"


As Mac walked in he assessed the situation and the area. Then he see4n Sheldon gasping for air.

"Is that the victim?" as Mac played dumb.

"What the hell do you think, now if I was you, I'd help him before he dies."

Walking over to Hawkes, Mac seen it wasn't good. He had bullet lodged right in his chest, bubbling, letting Mac know it struck his lung.

"I need you to listen to me. I cannot save this man here. The bullet has lodged in his lung, he needs emergency surgery or he will die."

"I don't care, do what you can."

"Listen, let him go, and take me. I'll stay in his place."

"Come on Wolfman, let the guy go. We weren't supposed to kill any detectives, just dirty cops."


Mac knew he had found his weak link. Iceman, he could tell this guy wanted nothing to do with this mess.

"Listen to me Wolfman, by you letting this detective get help, you are showing them that you are willing to co operate with the negotiations."

Taking a deep breath he said.....

"Fine, he goes, you and the other two stay. Now help him out."

Standing by the door, Mac yelled.....


As two Officers came forward with the EMT's, they loaded Sheldon onto the stretcher and carried him off.

Looking at Sinclair, Mac nodded letting him know everything would now be in control.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Awww Mac called Stella "baby". I love that! Like the name. Did you choose it cause it's Mac's real name?

I hope Mac's Marine training will come in handy with Wolfman.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

After Mac walked back into the Warehouse, he noticed three gang leaders. The one called Wolfman, another called Iceman, and a third called Rockman. As he sized up the remaining gang, he noticed they were all kids.

"Okay, listen man, I want in. I want to be part of this gang. I can get us out of here if you cut me in."

"You're kidding right?"

"I'm serious. First we need to cuff these two remaining detectives back to back, give me the key."

"Are you nuts, I don't even know you. You really think I'm going to give you a key to the cuff's?"

"Listen, you can watch. Come on, we need to hurry."

Not sure whether to trust, but knowing he had no choice. Wolfman passed him the key. Following Mac to make sure he didn't release them, he watched as Mac cuffed Danny and Flack together, leaving the links open.

"Okay, here's your key. Now we need to get this stuff moved. Downstairs in the Warehouse basement is a opening, it leads to an underground tunnel. Have all your young ones start loading the weapons into the tunnel. You, Iceman, Rockman and myself, will pack what is remaining up here."

Once Mac had their trust, he waited till the younger ones were downstairs. Giving the signal to Flack and Danny, they began to scream in pain.

"Owwww....come on man, these are to tight, get them off."

"Rockman, Iceman, go shut them up."

As they walked over to shut Danny and Flack up they jumped them, tackling them to the ground,knocking them out. Then cuffing them they left Wolfman to Mac.

"Wolfman, it's all over, put your hands behind your head."

Looking up Wolfman realized he was surrounded.

"You're a fucking cop, a fucking stinkin pig."

"No...I'm a Detective. Detective Mac Taylor, and you have the right to remain silent......"

With all the boys in custody, Iceman, Rockman, and Wolfman, were taking in with Flack and Danny. While Mac went to check on Sheldon.

"I can't believe you fell for it Wolfman, you told Iceman and me you were the best, unstopable."

"Oh shut the hell up," said Wolfman.


Sheldon was just coming out of surgery when Mac showed up.

"How's my detective?"

"He's going to be fine. The surgery went well. He's in recovery, you can see him if you like."

"Thank you."

Walking into Recovery, he seen Sheldon sleeping.

"Hey Hawkes."

"Mac.....came in the barest whisper....did you get them?"

We did Hawkes, they are all in custody."

"Good, I'm glad no one else got hurt."

"You and me both. Rest now Hawkes, before the team gets here to see you."

Closing his eyes, Sheldon fell back into sleep.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Woo-hoo! Go Mac! He's a very smart man! Good job! Glad they caught them and that Shel's okay. :)
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

After visiting with Sheldon Mac went to check on his wife and child. As he walked into the room, he found them both sound asleep. Walking up to his son, he picked him up and nestled him.

"Hey there little man, how's daddy's boy doing?"


Sitting in the rocker, Mac began to sing to his son. Bringing up his knees, his son snuggled in closer, wrapping his little fist against his daddy's heart.
Closing his eyes, Mac just continued to hum, and rock until he heard his wifes voice.

"Maaaaaaaaac" you're back, is everything okay?"

"It is love. They are all behind bars, but Sheldon was hurt pretty bad, but he'll recover."

"That's good."

"How are you feeling baby?"

"Sore, but okay. They still can't get Gary to latch on, they've tried several times. So they've been giving him sugar water."

"Shall we give it a try love."

"IF you like."

Bringing Gary over to Stella, he sat down beside her and helped her bare her brest. Then taking his son, he laid his head across his mommy's nipple. With gentleness and care Mac began caressing his little cheeks until his mouth opened.

Helping him latch on, he refussed at first, until Mac gently squeezed her nipple causing a little milk to leak out. Then attaching his son again, he finally gripped on and suckled.

"There he goes love. Look at him, he's certainly drinking now."

As they watched Gary feed, Danny and Lindsay walked in with Claire.

"Hi mommy, is this my new brother?"

"It is love. Come meet Gary, your new baby brother."

As Claire walked over, she seen how tiny he was.

"Daddy, why is he pink?"

"He's not pink honey, he's just been born, it's the same color you came out."

"I not come out pink."

"Yes you did sweetheart, with wrinkles too."

"Daddy you is joking right?"

"No Claire bear, see that book over there."

"Yeah, that's my baby book."

"That's right, go have a look at the first page."

As Claire opened the book, she seen a pink wrinkly baby.

"That's not me, I not look like that ever."

"Now Claire bear, turn the page, and you will see how you looked a week later."

As she turned the page, she noticed how cute she was with her curly hair.

"Ohhh...that's me, so why's I come out wrinkly"

"All babies do love, now come say hello to your brother."

Walking up Claire kissed her brother on the cheek, and he screamed.


"He no like me mommy, he cried."

"He loves you honey, he just has some gas, mommy needs to burp him."

Laying Gary over her shoulder, she tapped his back until her burped.

"Oh, he's loud mama, so now we have Daddy bear, Mommy bear, Claire bear and Gary bear."

"Yes we do. Are you happy with your new brother Claire?"

"Uhuh...can I have Pizza now Uncle Danny. You promised."

"Of course you can. Mac what time you picking her up?"

"Shouldn't be to long, about an hour."

"Okay Claire bear, let's go get that Pizza."

Leaving the room, Claire pushed the elevator button, and got in.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Good chapter. Claire's so cute.

Mel, you were having trouble with the site too? was it saying "database error"?
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When Mac got home, he found Claire sound asleep in Danny's arms.

"How's Gary doing Mac?"

"Good, he's finally feeding. When I left he was sound asleep. What time did Claire fall into dreamland?"

"About an hour ago. She kept saying....."I know I no have wrinkles Uncle Danny. I's not pink either."

"So how did you get her to calm down?"

"I put on Snow White, and BOOM, she was out."

"Thanks for everything Danny. I'll see you in the morning."

"Okay, night Mac."

Carrying Claire upstairs, he grabbed her teddy bear, and snuggled it up under her.

"Is you home daddy bear?" She said in a sleepy voice.

"Yeah baby, daddy's home, go back to sleep."

Kissing her on her tiny lips, she feel back into sleep.

Heading into the Nursery, he looked at the room that was painted blue, with little car boarder around the walls, and a mobile that had spinning cars that lit up. With everything in order, Mac headed downstairs to finish up some paperwork.


Flack had finished up the last of the paperwork on the Wolfman Gang. Closing up the file he headed out the door and walked right into Angell.

"Angell....what are you doing here?"

"I came to see you. I was in the area, and figured we could go for a drink."

"Sure that would be great. Let's go."

"Did you want to grab Messer?"

"I think he's sitting for Mac, Stella had their baby tonight."

"Oh my, what did they have?"

"A boy. They named him Gary Robert Taylor."

"Aww...I'll have to stop by and see her tomorrow. Claire must be big?"

"She is. Very big, and the image of Stella, all the way to her long tiny curls."

"Sounds like a beautiful family. Shall we get that drink?"

"Sure...let's go."

Getting into the car, thay drove off, being followed by a black van.
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