CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

As Danny left the NYPD, he was approached by a young kid.

"Our you Danny Messer?"

"I am, who are you?"

"My name is Fred, and I need your help."


"My brother Timmy is in this gang, and he can't get out of it. They've broke his finger and everything. I don't know what to do, if they find out I'm here, they'll kill him."

"Are they watching now?"

"They're always watching, please you have to help me. They killed that cop and witness."

"Are you part of this gang?"

"No. I went with my brother a couple times, but I was not what they wanted."

"Okay, let's go into the station, and I'll take your statement."

"No way man, they see me walk in there, they will kill me."

Danny wasn't sure what to do. He felt sorry for this young boy. But he also felt something wasn't right."

"Okay, come with me, I'll take you to my home."

Helping him into the car, the others watched and followed.

"Listen to me, I only have a few minutes. You are being set up Danny. This gang wants into the Police station, to kill as many of you as they can. This is a vicious group. A gang of over 200 or more. They have weapons, fire arms, bombs, you name it, they have it."

Just as Fred was about to say more, the shot rang out, straight through Fred's head, blowing brain matter all over Danny.

Ducking down, so he wouldn't be hit, he called it in. As they heard the sirens, the gang took off, leaving Danny with one hell of a mess.

"Danny, Danny, you okay?" called Flack.

"I'm fine, but get me out here, before I throw up."

While Flack helped Danny, he almost gagged himself. He had seen alot of things, but nothing like this. Danny was wearing 90% of some kids brain.

"What the hell happened Danny?"

"It's a long story Mac, but I'll tell you this much, we need to get ready for a war."

"What....with who?"

"That's what we need to figure out. Let me get cleaned up, and I'll tell you what I know, before Fred here got shot."

While the rest of the team processed, Mac drove Danny back to NYPD.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When Rockman reported back in with Wolfman, he knew he was going to be pissed.

"Rockman, how'd it go?"

"Not good Wolf, I had to kill the kid."

"What, why?"

"Listen if it wasn't for those wires, I would have never known he was squaking to that cop. So I had to kill him."

"How much did he tell?"

"Almost everything. Our plan for the Police station, our bombs and weapons. "

"Christ, you know what this means. We have to change our plans."

"I know, I'm sorry I had to kill the kid, but I had no choice. Especially if he told them our hideout."

"Whether he told them or not, we have to move. Once the cops start asking questions in the neighbourhood people are going to give us up."

"But where the hell are we going to go?"

"There's an empty warehouse I know of. We can use that for now. Start packing up the stuff."

Back at the Station Danny had had his shower, and headed in to see Mac.

"How you feeling Danny?"

"Sick. Man I never seen anything like that."

"I know Danny, now what's going on?"

"This kid approached me, told me he needed my help to get his brother, out of gang. He told me they had broke his fingers, and that they forced him to kill that new cop and the witness that found her. I told him to come down to the station, and we'd talk. But he freaked, said no. So I told him I'd take him home, next thing I know he starts changing his story, that this new gang that has moved in, is planning a hit on our Station with bombs, and weapons."

"Did he say how many are in the gang?"

"He told me over 200. But as he went to tell me more, a black sedan pulled up and fired."

"Okay Danny. First we need to see Sid, I have a feeling the kid was tapped, that's how they knew to shoot him. Also, it sounds like you were being set up. They most likely needed a cop to inform them of the best places for the bombs. Most likely they would have killed you, count yourself lucky that boy talked. I'm sorry he got killed, but he saved your life."

"I know Mac."

"Okay. Let's go see Sid."
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When Mac and Flack finally found the address for the house. Flack sent out his officer's to surround the place.

"Mac...we've found the address, I've just sent out my Officer's and we are waiting on SWAT."

"You did what? Let's go."

As they got into the car, Mac said....

"You need to call them back Flack, do it now."

"Why Mac, I already have them in place, SWAT is on the way."

"Radio and tell them to stand back away from the door, do it now Flack."

"1023 this Det.Flack."

"This is 1023 go ahead."

"Listen Greeves, back away from......"


All went silent. 1023 come in. Come in 1023."

Nothing not a sound. as they pulled up in front of the house, there was nothing left, but bodies everywhere. Some of them not even noticable.

As Mac exited the car, he seen a young girl with a chunck of metal in her chest.

"Hey sweetie, stay still okay, don't move."

"It's hurts," she sobbed.

"I know love. It's going to be okay, just stay still."

Looking Mac in the eyes, he could see death, he could see this young child wasn't going to make it.

As he kept reassuring her, she took one last deep breath, and closed her eyes.

Taking off his suit coat, Mac covered her little body with it.

"Flack, any of your men alive?"

"I have four, maybe five of the fifteen. Where the hell are the Medic's?"

"They're on their way. I'm going to check the house next door, there's alot of damage, and I think it may be where this young child lived."

Entering the home, Mac seen the whole side of house blown in, and as he looked beneath the bricks, debris, and smoke, he came across the mother, father, and a new born baby still wrapped against her mothers chest.

"Christ what a mess," Mac whispered to himself, trying to fight the tears.

Heading back ouside, Mac informed the Medic's there were three victims inside the home.

"I don't know Mac, this isn't good, I've lost all my men but four."

"I know Flack, we need to find these bastards fast. It's obvious they're serious. This isn't a game."

Once they had everything in order, and processed Mac headed home. He needed to see his daughter. The purity, the warmth, the love, of her touch.

When he walked in the door, he seen her walking towards him, most of her bruises now faded, her ankle all better.

"Daddy bear, is you okay?"

Falling on his knees, he wrapped his daughter tightly around his chest, and cried.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Stella came in and seen Mac on his kness, while his daughter was stroking his hair.

"Mama...daddy sad, why?"

"Mac...."Stella asked with concern.

Still holding his daughter tightly, Stella walked over and sat down on the floor with them.

"Mac....talk to me please. What's the matter?"

"Just a bad day Stella, a really bed day. We'll talk later. I just needed to feel my baby's purity."

"Daddy bear. You know what makes me feel better when I have a sad day."

"No, what Claire bear?"

"Lots of kisses daddy, lots and lots of kisses."

Taking her tiny hands, she placed them on her daddy's cheeks and started kissing his whole face, over and over.

"Better now daddy bear?"

"Much better my Claire Bear. Let's go watch a movie."

Getting up off the floor, he took his daughter into the living room and sat her on their Papa bear chair.

Meanwhile Stella headed to the kitchen to call Flack.


"Hey Don. What happened today? Mac is really torn."

"You know that gang that we've just found about."

"Yeah, Mac talked to me about it earlier."

"Well....they decided to move their clubhouse. They left us a present. I lost 12 Officers today, and Mac held a young girl no older then Claire with a large piece of metal in her chest die."

"Oh my God."

"That's not all Stel. He also found the girls parents, and new born baby dead, with the baby still clinging to his mothers chest."

"Oh Flack. No wonder he's so destroyed. Okay, thanks I'll talk to you later."

Hanging up the phone, Stella knew once she got Claire to bed, it was going to take alot of work to fix Mac, and the pain he felt today.

Meanwhile the Wolfman had set up camp at the old warehouse.

"Wow, this is great Wolf. I have a report for you."

"What is it Rockman?"

"12 dead officers, and a family of four."

"You're kidding. Oh this is great. Call Mr. Know, tell him we want 500 more of those punch bombs."

"You got it Wolfman, I'll get right on it."

Once Wolfman was alone. He knew it was only a matter of time before the NY police Dept. went down.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Later that evening, after they had Claire in bed, Mac headed towards the shower. Turning on the spray, he climbed in and allowed the heat to take away his pain.

As he was lathering up with shampoo, he felt his wife's hands wrap around his helping him wash his hair. Caressing her hands over his, again and again, she slid them down his waist, legs and thighs, until she was burning his soul in her love.

Turning to face her, he carefully leaned her against the shower wall, and began raining little kisses across her neck, her chest, her tummy, and as he kissed her thighs, she gripped the shower wall for leverage, so she wouldn't fall.

Needing her with a greed of fire, and desire. Mac turned off the spray and lifted her into his arms, carrying her into their room. Pulling back the stain sheets, he laid her in the center of the bed, exposing her swollen tummy. Then instead of making love to her, he laid his head on his child and cried. Cried for the loss he had seen today.

With the sobs coming from his soul, Stella felt their child kick. A soft gentle kick. The kind of kick to let his daddy know he understood and loved him. Raising his head, Mac began kissing his son, whispering how much he loved him, and couldn't wait to hold him.

Stella couldn't believe the rippling that was going through her tummy. It was almost as if, their child needed out. Out to help his father survive what he had witnessed today.

"Shhh!!! easy my boy, it's okay, go back to sleep, daddys okay. I love you son, just sleep now."

As Mac and Stella watched the rippling stopped.

"It never ceases to amaze me how beautiful our unborn children are. How smart, and alert they are."

"I know Mac. I feel that too. It looks like you and son have already built your bond."

"I know love."

Giving her tummy one last kiss, he crawled up beside her, and wrapped her as close as he could her to him.

"Mac....what happened today?"

"I seen a small child Stella, no older then Claire, laying in the street with a piece of metal sticking out of her chest. It was so heartbreaking when she whispered...."It hurts". All I could tell her was "I know love, it's okay, just don't move." Then she died right in my arms Stel."

"Then I had to go into the house, and I found a new born baby who must have been suckling on his mother when the bomb went off. All of them dead Stel, all four of them because of this bastard gang."

"Shhh....I'm so sorry Mac. I wish I could take all your pain and horror away from today, but I can't, all I can do is love you, love you till the only thing you feel is our world far away from this evil reality."

Passionately kissing her husband again, she helped him forget the horror. At least for tonight.
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