CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

The following morning Mac awoke to Claire jumping on their bed.

"Daddy bear, daddy bear, wake up. Wake up daddy bear."

"What is it Claire bear?"

"I's hungry and want to eat. You make me animal pancakes daddy?"

Getting up out of bed, he picked up his little bear and tossed her over his shoulder.

"Come on, let's get you those animals."

"Yay!!! I love you so much daddy bear."

"I love you too Claire bear."

When Mac got downstairs he started the griddle, and hoped that they had a peaceful day.

"Morning daddy bear, and Claire bear."

"Morning mama bear, and little baby bear," as Claire stroked her mommy's tummy.

With the pancakes ready, the Taylor family sat down to eat.


"What the hell Wolfman, why are we at the docks?"

"Shut your mouth, sometimes you make me want to pop you Timmy."

"Sorry Wolf."

As they waited, they seen the boat pull up.

"You stay here and don't move. Not one move, understand?"

"Of course Wolf, I won't move."

Walking down to meet the guys on the boat, they started unloading crates. As Timmy watched, he figured they must need help. Coming out of his hiding place, he stood on a security spot, and lit up the dock.

"Oh Shit....."

As security came running out, the guys in the boat took off, leaving Wolf and Timmy with all the supplies.


Putting his hands in the air, Security cuffed Wolfman, and Timmy putting them into a security car.

"I'm sorry Wolf, I didn't mean to move, I'm sorry."

"You're dead man. You better pray they kill you in Prison or I'll do it myself."

"Don't worry Wolf, please. I know a great lawyer, he'll be able to get us off, he's crooked as hell."

"You better be right, cause if we don't get out of here, all my plans are screwed. Either way, you are a deadman, I can't let you stay in the gang now. You know the rules. Once out you die."

Timmy was in tear. He knew he wasn't very bright. Never had been, but he didn't want to die.

"Please Wolf, don't kill me, I promise to listen next time."

"You know the rules, once we are out, you are dead."

When the Police showed up, they transfered the boys into their squad car.

"Here's the evidence, I need you to sign here," said the guard.

"Sure." Reaching to his side, he pulled out his gun and fired a silencer shot right through the Guards head.

Pulling out of the lot, the cop said.....

"What went wrong Wolfman. It was a easy job, pick up, that's all you had to do."

"I know boss, Timmy here decided not to listen and set off the alarm."

Pulling over to the side. The boss pulled Timmy out, sat him on knees and fired.

Getting back into the car, they headed to the Warehouse.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

As the Taylor's finished breakfast Mac got the call.


"Hey Mac, we need you down at the docks. There's been a murder. Security Guard."

"I'll be right there."

After kissing his family good bye, he headed out. As he neared the docks, he seen a body laying on the side of road. Pulling over, he noticed the young kid, with bullet through his head, execution style. Picking up the phone, he called Flack.

"Flack, where abouts are you?"

"At the docks, where are you?"

"Just up from there. I've found a young kid with a bullet through his head, send up Sheldon."

"I can't send him Mac, he's with the Security Guard."

"Damn, I can't leave here, till he get here."

"Sorry Mac, I'll send up Danny to help you process, he's done here."

"Fine. bye."

Mac couldn't believe this day. Two bodies, less then 30 feet apart, both shot execution style. As he waited for Danny, he began processing, when he heard the shots ring out. Ducking down behind a crate, he pulled his gun just as Danny pulled up.

"Danny, get down, stay in the car."

Opening the drivers side door, he hid down behind it.

"What's going on Mac?"

"I don't know Danny, someone just started firing."

Not knowing whether it was safe or not, they waited till Flack, a few Officers and Sheldon pulled up.

"What's going on Mac?"

"Hell if I know, someone's been firing at us since I got here."

"It looks clear now. I've got my Officers combing the area."

While Sheldon looked over the body, he noticed the little tattoo on the boys right arm.

"He's one of them Mac. He's also got broken fingers, I think he may be the one that was with that kid Fred."

"Okay, so what have we got. One dead Security Officer, one dead gang member, missing crates, and a case that's going no where."

"I know Mac, none of it is making sense. The only thing we know for sure is someone has put a hit on the Station."

"Flack, I think you should set up round clock patrols at the station. I have a feeling this hit is going to happen within the next few days."

"I'll do that now Mac. As soon as I find Officer Joans."

"What do you mean find him?"

"It seems he didn't show up for his shift this morning, I'm not sure where he's disappeared too."

"Alright, let's get back. We have alot to do. We need to come up with a plan before the hit. Have your five best Officers meet in my Office."

"Okay Mac, but Joans is one of them, I'll keep trying to reach him."


With the crates unloaded at the warehouse, Wolfman discussed his plans with the boss.

"So exactly when is this hit going down?"

"Very soon Wolfman, within the next couple days. I have to go, I've been being paged all morning."

"Okay, we'll await your word."

"Good, it won't be long, hang tight."
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Good chapters. Poor Timmy. I hope they stop the bad guys soon before anyone else gets hurt.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

At the Station Flack walked in and found Joans sitting at his desk.

"Where the hell have you been? We had a double homicide this morning, and you are no where to be found?"

"Sorry Det.Flack, got caught on the john, bad dinner or something last night."

As Mac walked in the first thing he noticed was dock mud on Officer Joans boots.

"Flack...a moment please."

"Sure Mac. Stay where you are Joans, we aren't done yet."

Waling from the room Mac said.....

"Did you find out where he was this morning?"

"Yeah, he said he had stomach problems."

"Stomach problems? Take a look at his boots Flack."

As Flack looked at Joans boots, he noticed they had the same mud that theirs did.

"Intersting, don't you think?"

"It is Mac, what do you want me to do?"

"Let it slide. I think we've found our insider. Give me an hour, I want to set something up."

"An hour. You want me to keep him here, good luck, he's forever disappearing."

"Make him stay. Even if you have to cuff him to a chair."

"Okay Mac, but make it fast."


"Stella had been having cramps all morning. Trying her best to walk them off, she no longer could. Picking up the phone, she called Lindsay.


"Lindsay, it's Stella. I need your help, I think the baby's coming."

"You're kidding right?"

"Afraid not. I'm having alot of cramps here."

"Okay Stel, where is Claire?"

"She's still sleeping. Please Linds hurry."

Hanging up the phone Lindsay called Mac.


"Mac, it's Lindsay. Stella just called, she's having really bad cramps, I'm going to run her to the Hospital."

"Christ not now. Okay Linds, keep in touch. I'll get there as soon as I can."

"Okay Mac."

"Danny, I need you to do me a favour."

"Sure Mac, what is it?"

"I want you to very carefully follow Officer Joans. Take Sheldon with you. Stay far behind him, he's our insider. Be very careful understand?"

"You got it Mac, don't worry."

After filling Flack on in the plan, he released Joans.

"Okay Joans you can go. It might be best to book off for the day."

"I think you are right Flack. Thanks."

"No problem, take it easy."

"I will, see ya."

Heading to his car he got in and started driving with Danny and Sheldon tailing him.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When Mac got to the Hospital, he asked directions to his wife's room.

"Sweetheart, Stella love, how you feeling?"

"Sore Mac, I'm in so much pain, they are talking about doing a C section. I don't want one Mac, it's to soon. I'm only seven months."

"Listen Stel, remember what the doctor said, that after six months the baby's survival rate is great."

"I know Mac, but I want to carry to term."

Just as Mac was about to say something else, the OBGYN walked in.

"Det.Taylor, good timing."

"Can you tell me what's going on with our child?"

"It seems your son has gotten himself twisted in the umbilical chord. Very twisted. As you can see by the monitor he's fully lodged and can't move. If we do not C Section him, he will die."

"Stel, sweetheart. Please, we need to do this. I'll be here with you all the way, I promise."

Stella was in tears, never did she think it would come to this. She had listened to the doctors orders, everyone of them, and still the baby was in distress.

"Please love, let them save our son."

Finally giving in they preped Stella for surgery.

"If you'd like to go with the nurse, she'll help get you into some greens."

"Thanks, I'll be right back love. Stay calm."

Kissing his wife on the lips, he left the room.

"Lindsay call the team, let them know Stella is going to have the baby."

"Sure Mac. I'll do that."

Menawhile Danny had stopped three blocks from the warehouse, where Joans had gotten out.

"Do you think he seen us," asked Flack.

"I don't know, but to be safe we should move behind that building, just incase they decide to bomb the car."

As Danny, Sheldon, and Flack moved behind a building, they waited and watched for Officer Joans to exit.

When he came out, he was carrying a box. Watching him place it in the car, he went in for another.

"Something isn't right Flack. Somethings wrong."

"What Danny, what seemes wrong?"

*Click, click, click,*

"On your feet detectives."

As they got up on their feet, they were told to place their hands behind their head, and cuffed. Taking them done towards the warehouse they seen Joans.

"Well, well, well....looks like we have vistors. Just didn't know when to leave well enough alone, did ya Flack?"

"You won't get away this Jacobs."

"Yes I will, cause you and your team are going to help me."

As they dragged them into the warehouse, Flack hoped to hell Mac was hearing the beep of his pager.
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