CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

As they arrived at the bar, Flack parked the car, and they headed inside. After finding a table they ordered a pitcher and two glasses, when Danny showed up.

"Hey Messer, over here."

"God damn, is that you Angell?"

"It's me Danny, in the flesh."

"So I see, so who's the father and when did you get married?"

"There is no father as far as I'm concerned. It was a mistake on part. That's why I needed to talk to you guys."

"Are you in trouble?"

"Yeah...It seems during one of my investigations I fell for a very sauve, good looking buisiness man. Don't look at me like that Messer, people change," she laughed.

"Go ahead, I still can't my Angell fell for a suit."

"Anyways. I found out to late that he was connected to a very organized crime group. I don't think he knew I knew of his buisiness, but he could have. As I overheard him converese with someone. The voice sounded very familuar, but I couldn't place it."

"Does he know you are pregnant?"

"What do you think Danny."

"Oh yeah....so how did you leave?"

"I told him I was going to visit my old stomping grounds, and to see you guys."

"Did he buy it?"

"I don't know. If I know him well enough, I'm sure he's having me tailed. But I could be wrong."

"Angell, you know you're going to have to talk to Mac about this. Especially with him having a family now. The last thing you want is them in danger. Then there's yourself. We need to protect you and the baby."

"I know. I'm sorry to put you guys through this, but I had no where to turn."

"Don't worry Angell, you can stay with me tonight. We'll talk to Mac in the morning."

"Thanks guys. Now, if you don't mind, I'd like a tall glass of milk," she giggled.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

On their way home, they dropped Danny off.

"I'll see you in the morning Angell, night Flack."

"Night Danny, see ya."

When Flack and Angell pulled into Flacks underground parking, they got rammed.

"What the hell......"

Pulling out his gun, he opened the door, and faced the car behind him. As he neared the drivers door, he opened it, aimed, but no one was there. As he checked the break, he seen a knife sticking in it.

"Angell....grab me my gloves from my kit."

Passing Flack his gloves, he put them on and pulled out the knife.

"Do you think this has anything to do with me?"

"I'm not sure Angell, I'm going to call it in. I want this car towed back to the garage."

Once they had everything settled. Angell headed upstairs with Flack.

"Here Angell, I'll take your coat."

Angell had forgotten how neat Flack was. He always had everything in its own place.

"Did you want something to drink?"

"No. I'm just pretty tired, it's been a long trip."

"Angell. How did you get involved with this case?"

"It was a favor for a friend. He needed help with a case he was working on. His partner was the one I fell in love with. It wasn't till later I found out he was involved with these men. By then it was to late, I was in to deep."

"So the friends buisness partner, was the one leaking the information to the crime group?"

"Yes. Like I said, I found out to late. I overheard a conversation, one I wasn't supposed to hear."

"Can you tell me about it?"

"I've told you to much already. I'd rather wait and talk to Mac in the morning, that way I only have to tell the story once."

"Okay. I'll let you get some sleep. You take my bed, I'll take the sofa."

"Thanks Flack, I appriciate it."

"No problem, you'll find some large shirts that should fit in my top drawer."

"Hmm...I'm not likely to find any female items, am I?" she giggled.

"No...now get some rest."

While Angell headed into the room. Flack often wondered why he and Angell never took the chance to explore their friendship. Setting up the couch, he fell into sleep.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Later that evening, Flack heard someone trying to get into his apartment, pulling out his gun from the table, he got up and headed to the door.

"Who's there?"

Silence, nothing could be heard. With caution and care, Flack opened the door and seen no one down either side of the hall. As he went to lock his door, he heard Angell scream.


Running into the room, he seen some guy on top of her, trying to stick a needle into her arm. As Flack took aim and shot, the suspect fell on top of Angell.

"Angell, you okay?"

"I think so, but I don't know what he stuck me with."

As Flack pulled the suspect of her, that's when the pain started.

"Auuuugh....Oh God Flack, the pain, it's so bad, I feel like I'm having contrations, but I'm only 12 weeks, help me, it hurts."

Picking up the phone, Flack called Mac and the team to meet him at his place. Then he called 911. As he looked down at Angell in her t-shirt, he seen the blood coming from between her legs.

"Oh God Flack. I've miscarried, haven't I?"

"I don't know Angell, it looks like it, where the hell is that syringe?"

As the EMT's arrived, they assessed the situation, and loaded her onto the stretcher.

"Flack...what's going on?" asked Danny.

"Someone tried to kill Angell. They distracted me by the apartment door, while the other came into the window, they injected her with whatever is in this syringe. We think she may have miscarried. Listen, tell Mac when he gets here that I'm with Angell, I've called in extra Officers to come with us to the Hospital."

"Okay man, just go. You want me take that syringe back ro the lab?"

"Yeah, just let me get some of the liquid out of it, so the Hospital can test it."

Heading into the Ambulance with Angell, they took off with a police escort.

When Mac arrived he seen one dead body on the floor, and a pool of blood on the bed.

"What's going on Danny?"

"It's a very long story Mac, one you should talk Angell about. Flack's gone with her to the Hospital, apparently someone broke in and jabbed her with needle before Flack could stop him."

"Wait...Danny I'm not understand this. When did Angell come back, I thought she was helping her friend with his case?"

"She was, but something went wrong. I think it's best if we get this all processed, and head over to the Hospital, Angell is going to us."

As they processed, Mac thought to himself....

"What the hell has she gotten herself into."
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Yeah Linda those being you're evil and like to hurt the characters lol

I am not:p Just ask Mac, he's right here snuggling with me.;)

update shortly:)

You tell her NattySuess
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