CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When Mac and Danny arrived at the Hospital they found Angell wrapped in Flacks arms.

"Angell, how are you feeling?"

"Okay, don't worry about me Mac, losing this baby was for the best."

"I know you must be tired Angell, but I need to know what is going on."

"I know Mac. It has nothing to do with NY. At least it didn't. Though it might now I'm here."

"Start at the begining Angell."

"Okay, I went to New Orleans, to help a friend with a case. The case consist of me doing some undercover work for him. It was a job I wasn't to be paid for, because he is a friend. Anyways. It was simple, I followed the wife of a buisness man, who was supposed to be cheating on his wife. I know it sounds silly, but the wife was worth a fortune, and had an idea her husband was out to kill her."

"Go on."

"Well, Thomas had a partner, his name was Fredrick Rodwell. I kind of got involved with him. He was very sweet, sauve, and very handsom. It was just one of those things Mac."

"Listen Angell, I'm not here to judge you. I'm here to help you."

*crying*..."I know Mac. I'm sorry to get you all involved in this mess."

"It's okay Angell, just continue."

"After dating for a while, we kind of had an intimate night of passion. One which lead to my pregnancy. Something I hadn't felt in a long time, the need to feel wanted, and loved. Anyways a few months later he got a call and took it in the den. It got pretty heated, and I heard information pertaining to a serious hit on some mob boss named Walter Salvano. When he hung up and came out of the room he asked me if I was okay. I told him I was fine, but I think he knew I overheard the call."

"Is that when you told him you were coming back to NY?"

"It was. I told him I needed to see friends and family. To let them know of my news of being with child. But he didn't buy it. Though he didn't stop me either. I'm not sure why. But ever since then I figured I was in the clear, till tonight when Don and I got rammed by a black car in his parking lot."

"What happened after that?"

"Don and I talked a bit, and them he gave me his bed for the night."

Danny was smirking, until Flack punched him in the arm.

"Owww, sorry man, couldn't help it."

Angell laughed, she always loved the way the boys toyed with each other.

"Okay Angell, I want you to write down the names of everyone involved, including your friend. This way the team and I can get started right away. I'm going to post Officers on your door for the night."

"That won't be necessary Mac, I'll stay with her."

"Listen Flack, whether you stay with her or not, she still needs extra protection until we figure out what the hell is going on. Do we have any idea yet what was in that syringe?"

"Not yet, we are still waiting on it."

"Okay Angell, you just relax, and take it easy. Danny and I will get started."

"Mac....I'm truely sorry, and I hope this doesn't put your family in danger."

"Don't worry about my family Angell, I can take care of them. Just rest."

After they left the room Angell started falling asleep on Flack's shoulder.

"Don't leave me Don. Promise you won't leave me?"

"I promise Angell. I got you tight, just rest."

Closing her eyes, Angell fell into sleep.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

hey, give me back Mac! lol it's hard enough to get him cause Lynn is supposed to share but doesn't always, and we have to worry about Stella too.

lol I can just see him saying "come on girls, there's enough for all of you" and then Stella drags him off. "MINE! And he's being punished for sneaking off"
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

lol I can just see him saying "come on girls, there's enough for all of you" and then Stella drags him off. "MINE! And he's being punished for sneaking off"

Me too, and that explains who knocked me out and locked me in my room, without my Macky:p:scream:


Later that night Angell wanted to be released.

"Flack, Flack, wake up."

"What is Angell, what's the matter?"

"I want to go back to your place. I don't feel safe here."

"You don't feel safe with me?"

"No...I don't feel safe here, please, just take me back to your place."

Not wanting to leave Angell to check with the nurse, he pushed the call button.

"Hello, what do you need?"

"I would like Angell released, I'll be sure she's well looked after."

"I'm not sure if that is a good idea. I'll get the doctor to come talk to you."

When the nurse left to get the doctor, Angell began getting dressed right in front of Flack, who couldn't help but look.

"Angell, what are you doing?"

"Don't be shy Flack, not now. I'm going to your place and that's final."

"Excuse me, I'm Dr.Lanks, I understand you'd like to be released."

"That's right, I'm fine, and ready to go home."

"Det.Angell, are you aware someone gave you a high dose of Methotrexate?"

"What the hell is that?" asked Flack.

"It's a drug mainly used for Cancer patients. It attacks the cells that are growing rapidly, it also causes abortions by seperating the fetus and placenta fron the lining of the Uterus."

"So is that what caused me to miscarry?"

"It is. I'm highly surprised someone could even get their hands on the product. I can honestly tell you whoever had access to this medication, was a Physician and or Radiologist."

Angell was shocked.

"Can this hurt me now or later?"

"The worst is over now. But you may still experience some vomiting and or stomach cramping."

"But it's okay to leave?"

"As long as your bleeding has slowed, it should be fine. But if you start with heavy flow or clotting you must return immediately."

"I will. Thank you Doctor."

"You are welcome. I will get your release papers and you can go."

Seeing the tears in Angell's eyes, Flack embraced her and whispered....

"It's okay baby, I promise I will protect you," as he kissed her hair.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Once Flack had her safely at his place, there was no way in hell he was letting her out of his sight.

"Angell, I'm going to share the bed with you, I think it's best."

Nodding her head she understood, she walked into the washroom and changed into another one of Flack's t-shirts. Coming out, she overheard Flack talking to someone.

"No. I'm telling you right now, I want this taken care of. I know you know people who can do this. It's not very often I ask you for anything, so do this for me, please."

Once the conversation finished on the other end, Flack and turned and seen Angell standing there.

"Jennifer, you okay?"

Angell was a little stunned, it wasn't very often Flack used her name.

"I'm fine Don, who was that?"

"No one important, let's get you into bed. You need rest."

Once Flack had her settled in the bed, he laid down beside her and carefully embraced her.



"Yeah Don?"

"Do you ever wonder why we never tried dating?"

"I did, and still do. The only thing that kept coming back was the fact that we worked together."

"Yeah, I guess that would do it. But Mac and Stella seemed to have overcome it."

"What are you trying to ask me Don?"

"I don't know Jen, I guess I'm just thinking about what could have been, or maybe I'm overtired."

"There is no could have been Don. But I can honestly tell you this, since I first came back, and you held me as I cried, I felt something change."

Looking into her eyes, he could feel the need and want begin, and as he leaned forward to kiss her she softly opened her mouth and invited him in. As the flame fueled, they both knew their lives were about to change forever.

Breaking the kiss, Don whispered.....

"I think our friendship has just become a relationship."

"Know what Don? I think you're right."


*Phone conversation*

"Listen, I have a job for you. I need this taken care of right away. I want you to go too New Orlean's and deal with a guy named Fredrick Rodwell. Call me when the job is done."

*Phone clicks in the background, as conversation ends*
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

After processing and making some calls Mac headed home to his family. When he got upstairs he seen his wife feeding Gary. This always amazed him, how his son suckled on his mothers breast with his little fist curled just above him.

Walking over, Mac caressed his sons crown, as he kissed his wife.

"How's Jennifer Mac?"

"She's doing okay. Don brought her back to his place. She lost her baby, but she seems to be holding up."

"Aww...I'm sorry."

Burping Gary, she passed him to his daddy, while she got up.

"Hon, why do you have that look about you?"

"What look love?"

"The look that says it's going to be a difficult case."

Kissing his son, while rubbing his back, he eyed his wife.

"I guess because it is love. She's gotten herself involved with some pretty shady people in New Orleans. I checked into the background of a couple names, seems they are Mofia connected."

"Oh my, so someone is out to kill her Mac? Can Don handle this alone?"

"He's not alone love, I have undercover units around his apartment. They'll be fine."

Placing his son in his crib. Mac wrapped his arms around her and just held her while they watched Gary sleep.

"Such innocence Mac."

"I know love. It's a crazy world we seem to bring our children into. Yet the world seems intent on reproducing."

Covering up their son, they headed to bed.

New Orleans.....

He arrived on the 11pm flight. As he came onto the streets of New Orleans, he hailed a cab. Paying the cabby triple the wage, he asked him to wait one block up the street. Heading up to the door, he knocked as a man answered.

"Can I help you?"

"You can, are you Fredrick Rodwell?"

"I am. Why?"

Pulling out his silencer he shot to rounds into him, Mofia style. Carefully shutting the door, he turned walked back up the street and got back into the cab.

"Take me back to the Airport please."
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

*whistles* Was I the only one who laughed at the smooth killing

No....what can I say NattySuess, I'm to tired to make it long and painful:p
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