CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

The perp bugged his own guys? :lol: He's a smart one! They really have their hands full this time for sure!

:lol: at Sid's gift... so cute. She can sit on the bear's lap? Now why didn't they have toys like that when I was little? :lol: So, it's kind of like a giant Teddy Rupskin (can't spell that, sorry)?

I want one of those bears :lol:

Yeah, that gives a whole new meaning to "let me be your teddy bear". :lol:

Love it, MLA! Great chapter. I heart Sid. He's awesome!
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When Mac got home with Claire's bear. They were eating breakfast.

"Ohhhh...daddy, look at the big bear?"

"You like that Claire Bear?"

"I's do daddy, where you get it?"

"It's from Uncle Sid. You can sit on it's lap, and he will tell you the story of the Three Bears."

"Can we try it now daddy?"

"Of course we can." Passing the bear to Stella, Mac picked up his dauhgter and sat her on the bears lap. Turning on the bear, it opened it's eyes.

"Oh daddy, he's looking at me?" she giggled.

"I see that, now listen...."

"Once upon a time, there were three bears. A Daddy bear, A Mommy bear, and a Baby bear....."

As the story went on, Claire listened all wide eyed. Once the story finished, she said to her dad.....

"Again daddy?"

"Sure, there you go."

While Stella and Mac finished the dishes, Claire kept on listening to the story. And the next time Mac and Stella walked into the living room, she was sound asleep.

"I'll take her up love, you bring the bear."

Once she was all settled in bed, Mac placed the bear on the chair, beside Claire's bed. That way if she awoke, she wouldn't panic.

Heading back downstairs, Mac and stella decided to plan Claire's 5th birthday party.

"What do you think Mac? Just a few friends from school, and our family."

"Sounds great love. But we will have to send the invitations out. She's not due to go back to JK for at least another week."

"That's fine. At least this way, everyone will get them in time."


The gang had returned to the clubhouse with the new Ammo.

"Get out to the car, and help carry this stuff in."

As they brought it all in, Fred had never seen so many weapons.

"Wow....you planning to blow up NY or something?"

"No...just the NY Police Station, and everyone in it."

"You're kidding right?"

"Do I look like I'm kidding. Why, you backing out, you want a beating before you leave?"

"No man, no way. Just asking."

"Do you know what happens to people who ask to many questions?"

"Ummm..they get killed?"

"Very good, you are learning. Now...for you next initiation, you are to kill a cop. Any cop, I don't care which one. Stand out on the street and find one."

"Whoa man. You didn't mention killing a cop. Are you insane?"

"What did you say? Do you know what happened to the last guy who called me insane?"


"He ended up with no tongue, cause I cut it the fuck out, got it?"

"Yeah man, I got it."

"Good, now here is your gun. It's a Semi Automatic. Go get me a pig. You are to bring back his badge and gun. IF you fail, or try to change your mind, I'll know, and you will end up like your friend."

"Fine. I said I'd do it."

"Good, Timmy will go with you and make sure you don't chicken out. Now get the hell out."

Leaving the house with the gun. Fred and Timmy went looking for a cop.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When Fred and Timmy arrived across the street from the Police Station, they knew damn well it wasn't going to be easy.

"Hey Tim, how long have you been with this gang?"

"I don't know, a little over a year, why?"

"Hmm...just wondering. Did you ever have to kill a cop?"

"Nah...back then Wolfman wasn't psycho. We just did like small time things. Rob stores, beat people up for their money. Things like that."

"Then what made him change?"

"One night, we were doing a convience store, and the teller was a very young girl. He took her into the back room, while Wally watched the counter. Making like he worked there, you know. The next thing we heard was her screams, and I mean she was screaming loud. So Wolfman grabbed a bag of those skittles and shoved them in her mouth. I guess the bag opened and she choked on them, as they went down her throat."

"Christ...and none of you did anything?"

"Like what man, get ourselves killed. No way, we all kept our mouths shut. After that, everything got worse. He met up with this other gang who told him he could make extra money selling weapons on the street. Well that was it, it was money in the bag to him. Ever since then, our gang has grown to like 200 or more."

"Jesus, and there is no way I can get out?"

"Only one I'm afraid. Death, he kills you and your out."

"Man....I'm freaked. What if I just take off, and you tell him I got away?"

"Listen man, I know how you feel. But I'm telling you, he has eyes everywhere. We are being watched right now. I'm sorry, you're going to have to do this."

Fred was scared, robbing a store was one thing, but killing a cop.

"Okay man, get ready. Here comes one now."

As Flack was walking out with the new female officer Mary Dretz, he got into his car and told her.....

"I'll see you tomorrow Mary, you did great."

"Okay, bye Flack."

Walking down the parking lot to her car, she felt she was being followed. As she turned.....


"Christ that was loud. Grab her badge and gun, let's go."

Picking up her badge and gun, they took off, but not before a bystander seen them running. Making her way over to the cop, she bent down to help.


"Damn Rockman nice shot."

"You know what Wolfman said, no witnesses, and those two dimwits have had it when we get back. It's obviously Timmy forgot the rule Check before you fire."
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Oh no! :eek: I hope those people are okay. Poor cop, first day on the job and she gets shot.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When Fred and Timmy arrived back at the house, they noticed two things. One, the leader was no where to be found, and two, there were over eight seasoned gang members there.

"What is going on?" Whispered Fred.


"Timmy, want to tell me the first rule of our pack on firing a weapon?"

"Sure, we always look before we fire."

"That's right, do you want to tell me why you didn't?"

"Ummm....I guess I forgot to tell the new guy Fred."

"Whether you told Fred or not, you should have known better right?"

"Yes Rockman, you are right. I screwed up."

"You did, you left a witness behind. Good thing I was there to take care of it for you, wasn't it?"

"Yes Rockman, thank you."

"No thanks needed. Now come here."

Timmy knew what was coming, for it had happened to another member a few nights ago.

"Hands please."

Holding out his hands, Rockman had him place them on the edge of the table.

"Which hand Timmy? You tell me which hand?"

"The left Rockman."

"Good choice. You wouldn't want to lose your shooting hand, would you?"

Taking his right hand off the table, Rockman grabbed his two middle fingers on his left hand, and laid them out flat.

"Now Timmy. I don't want to hear a scream, understood?"

Closing his eyes, he shook his head no.

"Come on Timmy, open the eyes, I want you to watch. Fred, you too. You need to learn what will happen if you screw up."

Fred didn't want to watch. He wanted to run for help. But he knew he'd never get away.

"Are we all ready? Good. One, two, three."


Not making a sound, or so much as a move, Timmy stood perfectly still, till they had moved away.

"Good job Timmy. You're a great asset. Now go have Louis wrap your fingers."

"Excuse me Fred, stay still. I didn't give you permission to move, did I?"

"No Rockman, sorry."

"Do you have something for me to give to Wolfman?"

"I do."

Placing the gun and badge on the table, Rockman smiled.

"Good job. You've passed your second phase. One more and you are in. Now leave us. Go get something to eat, or check on Timmy. When Wolfman gets back, he'll have your final assignment for you."
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Yikes! That reminds me of that scene in "Payback" when those guys did something similiar to Mel Gibson's character. Only I don't think it was his hand.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When Mac and the team arrived on the scene. Flack noticed right away it was the new girl.

"Flack! you okay?"

"No...she's one of my new Rookies, her name is Mary, I left her no more than half an hour ago."

"Any idea who would want to kill her?"

"No Mac, she was new to our City."

"Well...it seems whoever killed her, stole her badge and gun. Which tells me, we now have a cop killer on our streets."

"Yeah, but why the other victim?"

"She obviously witnessed what went down, so they had to kill her to shut her up."

"Sheldon, TOD's."

"I'd put them at four hours ago."

"Okay, get them to Sid, hopefully he can get something off the bodies, then have Lindsay do trace on the clothes."

"Sure Mac, I'll get that done now."

"Oh and one more thing, put out in the Media about the missing badge and gun. Tell them to inform people to pay attention to the Badge #."

Once Mac had done all he could, he headed home to see Claire and Stella.


Wolfman had returned to the house, and found Rockman.

"Rockman, how'd did everything go down?"

"Not to bad, one mistake, but I took care of it."

"What mistake?"

"Timmy forgot to inform Fred, to look before he shoots, so I had to take out a witness. But they got the job done. Here's the badge and gun."

"Get rid of it."

"Why? I thought we needed a badge for the job?"

"Are you questioning me?"

"Never Wolfman. Just trying to understand."

"The badge is all over the news. It's no good to us. People are going to be watching for it."

"So we're back where we started?"

"Not really. Fred here, is going to pull off his last gig. He's going to befriend a cop named Danny. He's going to tell him about us, lead him here, and then we will kill him, and use his badge for the transfer of our weapons."

"But why this Danny guy?"

"He's the weakest link. He wears his heart on his sleeve. He has a soft spot for those who need help."

"Christ Wolfman, you've been planning this for a while haven't you?"

"I have. I also plan to succeed. Once I have Danny, I have my way into NYPD and take them all out."

"Whoa....you didn't say anything about taking out a station."

"Are you thinking of backing out?"

"Never Wolfman, but you better be sure, and have everything ready. For one wrong move, and we all go down."

"Don't worry Rockman. "Fred....get over here now."

As Fred walked over, he stood in front of Wolfman.

"I heard you did a great job today. I'm proud of you. But I have one last assignment for you."

"What kind of assignment?"

"You my friend, are going to befriend a cop, bring him here, and help us kill him."
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