CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Once they had pulled up to the house. Mac lifted his Claire bear in his arms and carried her upstairs.

"Daddy, I no wanna sleep alone."

"I know baby. Don't worry, daddy will put your bed in our room for now, until you are all better."

"K daddy, I love you."

"I love you too sweetheart."

While Mac made room for Claire's bed in their room. Stella was getting worried. She understood Claire's fear, but it seemed Mac was boardered on terrifying of leaving her alone.


"What is it love?"

"Do you think it is a good idea for Claire to be with us? The doctor said she needed our help to overcome this. But putting her in our room, isn't going to help the situation. It could cause her to become scared of even leaving the house when she is better."

"It's only for a couple days love. Once she's feeling a little more secure, she'll go back to her room."

"I hope you are right Mac."

"I am love, don't worry."

Stella left the room to start lunch. As she thought back to her beaten, she could remember how she was terrified of going back to her apartment. Even after she walked in, she realized she couldn't do it, and went to a Hotel. Well she had regretted that choice. for she never faced the problem, still to this day she kept that fear buried. That was something she didn't want for her daughter.

Heading back upstairs with lunch, Stella found Mac rocking her in the chair.

"Hey guys, how about some lunch? Mommy has PB&J, with milk and cookies."

"K mama, but with daddy okay? Daddy and I eat together?"

"Claire, remember what the doctor said, that you had to follow his rules if you came home. That means you have to sit in your wheelchair, and mommy push you up to the table to eat."

"I's want to stay with daddy, please mama."

"Well, daddy can sit at the table with you. How's that?"

"Why I not sit on daddy's lap and eat. It's okay right daddy?"

As much as Mac wanted to say yes, he knew that Stella was right. Claire needed to know she'd be okay on her own.

"I'll tell you what sweetie. You eat with daddy at the big table in your chair, and then after supper you can lay on the couch and watch Cinderella."

"No daddy. I want to stay with you."

"Listen Claire, I'll be right beside you, I promise not to leave."

Sitting her in her wheelchair, Mac pushed his chair beside hers.

"There we go Claire bear. Now you, daddy, and mommy bear can eat."

While they ate, Stella cut up Claire's sandwhiches in little squares so they would be easier for her to eat.

"There you go Claire bear."

Waiting for a thank you mama, she didn't get one, she just turned her face to daddy.

Mac had seen what Claire had done. Helping him realize , that while Claire was to young to understand the meaning of blame. She was hurting her mom for what had happened. Mac also knew if he didn't straighten her out soon, she would carry the hurt towards her mom always.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

For her ankle, she's to young to use crutches for her broken ankle:)


After their lunch, Mac carried Claire to the sofa, while Stella cleaned up.

"Daddy, I watch Cinderella now?"

"Of course you can love. But I think you and I should have a little talk about what happened."

"I no wanna talk about what happened."

"Claire bear, why are you mad at mommy bear?"

"I's not, I's just tired daddy, can we watch Cinderella now?"

"Not unitl we talk about mommy, and what happened with that man."

"He was scary daddy, I no want to talk, I no want movie, I want to go too sleep instead."

Mac had had enough. He knew his daughter had been through hell. He also knew she needed to get it out now.

"Listen Claire, daddy wants to know how you feel about what happened now."

"NOooooooooooooooo.....it's all mommy's fault, I told mommy I no want to go too park for ice cream, but as we turned to leave the man grabbed me and ran."

"Sweetheart, if mommy turned to leave, then she listened to what you wanted. You can't blame mommy for the man grabbing you. Mommy is carrying your sister or brother, she wasn't able to run to catch you. You can't be mad at mommy for that."

"But he hurt me daddy, he really hurt me, and he slapped me, and gabbed my arms. Then he pulled my foot, and twisted it when I try to get away. It was scary daddy, I hate him, I thought I would never see you or mommy again. I sorry I blame mommy, I not mean to, I was just scared, and I sorry......" she sobbed

Stella was listening from the door in tears. She hated the hell her daughter was put through. She felt shame, in not being able to protect her. But she also knew she couldn't change what had happened, she could only help her daughter heal.

Walking into the room, she said....

"I made popcorn guys, who wants some?"

"Mommy....I's sorry, I's know it's not your fault mama bear, I's so sorry, I's love you," she cried.

Walking over to her daughter, she sat down and placed her head on her lap.

"I know baby. I love you too, and I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you baby."

Kissing her mommy's cheek, she laid her head back down on her knee, and that's when she felt the kick.

"whoooooa, what was that mama?"

"That is your little brother or sister saying hello, and that he/she is happy you are safe."

Rubbing her mommy's tummy she whispered....

"I love you baby, I will take care of you and protect you, I promise."

Kissing her little baby, she turned back around and watched Cinderella.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

After the movie, Mac changed his daughters dressings, put her in a big girl pull-up in case she had to pee and couldn't get out of bed.

"There we go Claire Bear, how's that?"

"Better daddy, but I hurt."

"I know love. Daddy wants you to turn on your side."

As Claire turned on her side, Mac stuck her with a needle.

"Owww daddy, that stings," she cried.

"I know love, but you will sleep peaceful, cause you will have no more pain."

"Daddy bear, you and mommy bear will stay with me, right?"

"We will sweetheart. Right up here in this bed. You can see us if you look up."

"Now here is your bear, and your kisses. I love you Claire bear."

Yawning a huge yawn, she fell into sleep."

"Do you think she'll sleep through the night?"

"I'm not sure love. All we can do is hope she does."

"Mac, what happened when you left the Hospital. Please tell me, and don't lie."

"I drove around the city looking for Hendrix, At frist I couldn't find him. So I spoke to a few people to find out if they may have seen him. When I had no luck, I came back here."

"Mac....you are still hiding something?"

"Sweetheart, I swear to you, I did nothing to the guy. Please love trust me, let it drop."

Knowing it was best all around, she allowed the converation to end.

Removing her shirt, Mac grabbed the baby oil, and lubed up his wife's tummy. Slowly and seductively, he caressed little circles around his child. Massaging their baby, while singing to it.

Enjoying the feeling of his wife's lovely flesh, against his warm hands, he massaged his way between her thighs, causing her to grip into her pillow, while biting down,

"Maaaaaac....she whispered.

Slowly opening his wife's thighs, he loved her through the night, carefully loving her, seducing her, torturing her body into his world. helping her forget all about Hendrix, and the hell he deserved to face.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

rowwwr lol
I wonder how old kids have to be for crutches. Or in other words how small they make 'em lol
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".


In the shady part of NY, a new breed was arriving. A gang that spoke of corruption, drugs, rape and murder. As they started moving their items into their new home that would be known as their clubhouse.

As people watched from their homes, they new that things would soon change in that area, and that their children would either be raped, beaten, or forced to join this new breed of gang.

"Hey boss, looks like we have company."

"Pigs, go figure, well this is NY. As long as they mind their own buisness and leave us alone, there should be no problems."

"But how are we going to get those weapons and drugs through? They'll be watching now they know we are here."

"I said don't worry about it, didn't I. Now get back work so we can start claiming new territories."

"You got it boss."


Claire awoke screaming.

"Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, noooooooooooooooooooo, help me daddy, daddy, help me."

Jumping out of bed, Mac picked up his Claire bear and began rocking her.

"Shhh...it's okay love, it's okay, daddy bear has you. Daddy bear has you, nice and tight."

Rocking her back and forth, she finally fell back into sleep.

"She okay Mac?"

"She's fine love, though I think I'll put her with us the rest of the night."

Placing her in the center of their bed, being careful of her ankle. Mac, Stella and Claire all snuggled in tightly together.


Flack, Sheldon and Danny were leaving the bar at 2:30am when they seen four suspects hanging around the corner by the Variety store.

"I think we may have a problem Flack. Look across the street."

As they observed, they seen the four guys go into the store. Waiting a minute or so, they walked over and in.

"Evening Fred."

"Hey Detectives, how are you tonight?"

"Good, got any hot coffee?"

"Of course, always for you."

As the four guys lurked, they knew they would be getting nothing from this store tonight. Heading back out, they rounded the corner and left.

"Now what are we going to do. We were supposed to come back with smokes, money, and food."

"I don't know man, I told you it was a bad idea to join these guys. There crazy man. I mean did you see the Ammo they had, it's insane. I say we change our minds and just go home."

"Yeah right, and end up dead. Once in, you can't get out alive. That's what hey said."

"I know. But if we talk to those detectives about what they are planning, they'll protect us."

"I don't know man. These guys are crazy. They'll know."

"I don't care man, I'm going to tell."

"I'll have no part of it, I'm out of here."

Running home they left Bert by himself, and as Flack, Danny, and Sheldon came out of the store, the kid went to approach them.


"What the hell, get down Flack. Where did that shot come from?"

"I don't know. Look, Sheldon call it in, a kids been shot."

While sheldon worked on the kid, Flack and Danny did there best to contain the crime scene.

"Call Mac Flack, get him down here."

Picking up his cell, he phoned.....


"Mac, it's Flack, we need you, there's been a shooting at 600 East 1800th St."

"I'll be right there Don."

Getting up out of bed to dress, Mac headed out.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Oh, great. This time there is more than one perp to deal with... a whole gang. Poor Mac and crew. They're gonna have their work cut out for them. Good chapter! :)
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When Mac arrived, he found Sheldon had finished with the body.

"What happened here Danny?"

"I'm not sure Mac. Don, Sheldon and I came out of the bar across the street, and noticed four young teens hanging near the store. When they went in, we followed in case of trouble.

Once the boys seen us, they walked back out and headed around the corner. That's when we heard the gunshot, and found this one laying in a pool of his own blood."

"So what was it, gang related, you think?"

"We're not sure Mac. It all happened to quickly."

"Did you get a description of the other boys?"

"Better then that. We got their mugs on video from the store."

"Good. Get it to Adam. Anything else I should know?"

"According to the store owner, there is a new group in NY. A gang. He said they were rough bunch, and had taken over one of the houses over on the East side."

"Okay. Let's see what Sid and Adam come up with first. Before we cause trouble where there may not be any."


"We are sorry boss. We almost had the stuff, until the Detectives walked in. So we had to leave."

"I know, for it was my gang that shot your partner for almost talking."

"But how...."

"How did we know? That was the easy part. We stuck a small mic on you, this is how we keep an eye on newbies. You two proved yourself by coming back, unforunately your friend had to die for being stupid."

"We understand, so what now?"

"For now, you two stay here. I have to take my seasoned group out to pick up a new supply of weapons that have come in. So make yourselves at home."

After most of the seasoned gang left, Ralph and Sam just weren't feeling to safe around the newbies.

Back at the lab, Adam was viewing from the footage when Mac, Flack and Danny walked in.

"Anything Adam?"

"Oh yeah, here are your boys. I'd say no more then 16-17 yrs."

"Okay Adam, run them through and see what you come up with. I'm going to check on Sid's findings."

When Mac got down to Sid, he found him admiring the bullet.

"What have you found there Sid."

"I'm not sure Mac, looks man made to me. It's filled with tiny pellets, and a thin piece of metal. I don't even think you could classify this as a bullet."

"So how did our victim die?"

"Oh he died with a 45, but I found this one in his stomach, the strangest thing, he swallowed it."

"Who the hell would swallow a bullet?"

"That is for you to find out Mac. Now!!! How is little Claire?"

"She'll be fine Sid."

"That's good Mac. You'll give this to her from me, won't you?"

Opening the slat, he pulled out a great big teddy bear, that stood at least Mac's height of 5"9.

"Wow....now that's some bear."

"It is Danny. It has little stories and a tape recorder in the back. So when Claire feels like the story of the Three Bears, he will read it to her."

Mac was laughing.

"Thanks Sid. Though I don't know how I'll fit it in my car."

"That's easy Mac, it's bendable, she sits on his lap, and he tells her the story."

"Aww...thanks Sid, she's going to love it."

"Good. So for now, that's all I have for you Mac. If I find anything else, I'll let you know."

"Thanks again Sid."

With the new case at a stand still, Mac headed home with Claire's new friend.
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