CSI:NY - Danvale #2... Continuing the bloodlines

It's Jessie's words, against Jill's. Jessie was caught, Jill wasn't. It's just the way, life sometimes works, sad as it is. it's a reality.
When she got home with Jessie, she put Gary down on the floor to play with his blocks. Then heading to the kitchen, she started supper. God she was so angry. Just who the hell did that Pricipal think she was? Never had Donna met such rudeness.

Hearing someone knock on her door, she heard Jessie yell... "nana... what's you doing here?"

"Never mind that. What are you doing home, sweetheart?"

"I's got spended. Cause I punch Jill, but she pulls my hair first."

"Hi mom. Sorry about lunch. We had a problem at Jessie's school."

"That's okay, love. We can talk about it over coffee. I brought some sandwiches from the Deli."

Sitting her son on the floor with Jessie and Gary, she walked into the kitchen.

"So what happened, Donna?"

"It seems some girl in Jessie's class, snatched a doll from one of Jessie's friends. When Jessie told the girl to give it back, she refused. So Jessie went to tell the teacher. But before she got there, she pulled Jessie's hair. Causing Jessie to turn and belt her one. Problem is, Jessie was the one that got caught. So now she's suspended for three days."

"Three days? Isn't that a little drastic for Jr.Kindergarden?"

"That's what I thought too. But according to the Principal they have a zero tolerance policy against any kind of violence."

"So what are you going to do, love?"

"I know what I'd like to do."

"No you wouldn't, get thought out of your head right now, young lady."

"Fine. I"m not sure yet. I want to talk it over with Gary. I really think that type of policy needs to be changed. Especially for the little ones."

"I'm not sure if that will happen love. There is so much violence now, that they are teaching children at a younger age, that violence of any kind is not appropriate in society."

Sighing deep, Donna sat down.

"It's just not right mom. I mean, how does it teach our children anything, if one child gets reprimanded, but the other don't. That just causes more resentment towards them."

"I know honey. Unfortunetly, that is the type of society we all live in."

"I know mom, but it still doesn't make it right. There must be something, I can do about it?"

"You're best just to let it rest honey. Besides, I thought they had more then one teacher?"

"They do. They have a student teacher. I spoke with her, her name is
Sally. She said that when Jessie returned in three days, that she would be keeping her eye on Jill."

"Let's just hope this student teacher, lives up to her promise."


When Doug showed up for his appointment, he noticed the Police in the parking lot.

"Shit... now what the hell am I going to do?"

Turning to leave again, he walked over to a small cafe, and headed into the bathroom. Sticking out his tongue, he could see the infection already setting in. He could also feel the swelling, as he could no longer close his mouth.

Walking back out with his head down, he seen a small doctors office. Walking in, he could tell it was a private practice. Clicking the lock, the secretary looked up and seen the gun pointed at her.

"Where's your doctor? Where is he?"

"He's in the back room with a patient."

"Call him... I didn't say get up. I said call him."

Yelling down the hall the doctor came out, and seen his secretary with a gun to her head.

"Who else is here besides your patient, doc?"

"No one. What do you want?"

The doctor could tell there was something wrong with his tongue. He could see the redness.

"You are going to help me lock your patient and your lady here in your closet. Then you are going to help me fix my tongue. After that I will concider letting you and the others live."

The doctor could tell this guy was unstable. Especially with all the pain he must be suffering from losing part of his tongue.

After securing the patient and secretary in the closet. The doctor dealt with Doug.
I hope one of the those hostages has a way to alert the cops.

Gotta say though, kudos to that little girl for biting him, he deserved it.
It's all part of the story. Be patient;)

"Listen... I'm not sure how much I can do for you here. I don't keep drugs on my premises."

"I don't want your drugs. I want you to fix my tongue," he slurred.
Taking a look at his tongue, he could see the infection had fully set in. Leaving him to believe that the patient may already be dealing with another illness.

"Look... there is nothing I can do for you. I can give you a perscription for the infection, and some pain killers. As for the rest. You need a Hospital, before that infection kills you."

"You think I don't know that? Are you stupid? I can't go to a God damn Hospital. Don't make me kill you, do something, NOW!!!"

Reaching into the cupboard, he took down the alcohol. Knowing he only had one shot to get it right. He unscrewed the lid, and threw it at Doug's face. Splashing it right into his eyes. Screaming in pain, the doctor grabbed the gun, closed the door, securing it with a chair and called 911.

When Gary and Don arrived on scene, the doctor took them into the room, where Doug was still screaming in pain.

"Help me... help me, God the pain. I can't see."
Pulling him up by his shirt, Gary said...

"It's nothing compared to what you did to that child, and my nephews, you worthless scumbag. Don... get me some ankle bracelets, besides the cuff's."

Once they had Doug cuffed at both ends, Gary allowed the EMT's to assess him. While Don read him his rights.

"He's going to need a Hospital detective."

"That's fne. Don go with them. Make sure the Hospital know that he's to stay fully cuffed."

Nodding that he understood. they headed out the door.

With Doug now behind bars, and another case behind them. Gary and the boys hoped for some peace over the next few days. But then again, this was New York, no one ever knew what to expect.

When Danny arrived at home, he found his pregnant wife sound asleep on the couch. Bending down, he raised her shirt, and kissed her tummy where their child was nestled.

"Mm... Danny. Hi, you're home. Did you catch him?"

"We did Judy. How are you two feeling?"

"Good. The baby has been doing alot of kicking today."

"Has she? I'm sorry I missed it."

"She? You said she."

"I know. I"m not sure where that came from. Just a feeling I guess."

"Aww... no matter what we have Danny, he or she will be very loved."

"I know. I just hope I don't disappoint you as a father."

"You could never do that Danny. Look at the wonderful job you did with your little Claire. She turned out not only smart, sassy, and beautiful, but loving too."

"That was mostly Stella and Mac's love, that did that."

"Don't you dare sell yourself short, Danny. You had alot to do with it. Think that girls love for you, would shine like it does, if you didn't play an important part in her life? She has so much love for you, that at times you would swear she was yours. That kind of passion is very hard to find. You will always be her second hero."

"I guess not. I guess I'm just terrified with being a dad. I don't want to fail as a father."

"That would never happen, Danny. We won't let it. I love you. Keith loves you, together... we are going to raise the happiest little girl/boy in the world."

Pulling Danny up towards her, she kissed him with all the love inside her. Letting him know, that no matter how difficult, how challanging the road became, they would face it together as a family.

Gary finally got home, and found his son crawling towards him.

"Hey there little monkey, look at you go. Such a big boy."

Smiling at his daddy, showing his two teeth, he picked him up.

"Sweetheart, I'm home. Where are you are?"

"In the kitchen with Jessie. We're just finishing up supper."

"Hi my ladies. Did you miss me?"

"Always daddy. I love you, and I no have school for three days."

"No school for three days? Why?"

"Cause I bopped a girl in the nose."

"Jessie... what have I told you about fighting?"

"I know daddy. But she pulled my hair first."

"Did you tell the teacher?"

"I tried daddy. After she took my friends doll, I told her to give it back. She wouldn't. So I told her I was going to tell the teacher. When I turned, she pulled my hair, so I punched her. Then she told the teacher what I did. But cause the teacher didn't see her pull my hair, only I got sent to office."

"Donna, did you try?"

"I did. But with the new policy in affect, there's nothing that can be done."

"So what if it happens when she goes back?"

"Well... the student teacher said she would keep her eye on Jill. So hopefully that will help."

"Your not mad at me daddy, are you?"

"Of course not Jessie. Though next time... whether she pulls your hair or not, tell the teacher instead of punching her, okay?"

"I will daddy. I promise. I love you."

"I love you too, sweetheart. Now let's eat."


When Don arrived home, he brought dinner. For some reason, he felt like Italian. It had been a while since he had it. Come to think of it, the last time was when Jess was pregnant.

Opening the door, Donald met him.

"Hi daddy, what's you got?"

"I have dinner for us. Where is mommy?"

"She's in the kitchen, making the dinner. So we have two dinner daddy?"

"Hmm... I'm not sure, son. Let's go see what mommy is making."

Taking his son by the hand, they walked into the kitchen.

"Hi Jess... I brought dinner. What did you make?"

"BBQ pork chops, baked potatos, fresh garden vegtables. You?"

"Scaloppine Parmigiana. Sauteed veal with plum tomato, glazed with mozzarella and parmesan."

"Oh my... you are a God. We will have yours."

"Mommy... what's I having?"

"I brought you spaghetti and meat sauce son. How does that sound?"

"Yummy daddy. Hurry, cause I hungry."

After dinner, Don bathed Donald, while Jess did the dishes. Bringing their son out all dry and in pj's he kissed his mommy goodnight.

"Night mommy, I love you."

"I love you too, Donnie. You have a good sleep. Angels to keep you safe."
Laying him down in his bed. Don read him a story, helped him say his prayer, and tucked him in.

"I love you daddy, seep tight."

"You too, son. Angels again to keep you safe."

Closing his sons door part way, he headed into his own room. Turning on the light, he dropped his clothes, and headed to the shower. Turning the spray on hot, he felt his wife's hands slide up his back.

"Mm... God Jess, you feel so wonderful. My body is just aching."

Continuing to slide her hands around to his front, he hissed out a sound, then turning he wrapped her around him. Gripping him with her legs, he leaned her against the shower wall, and passionately loved her.

So deep within each others souls, as the steam from the shower added to their already heated bodies. Both on the edge, both ready to release their souls, they moaned out each others names, into their necks.

Turning off the shower, Don helped her into a towel, then himself. The taking her by the hand. He walked them to bed.