CSI:NY - Danvale #2... Continuing the bloodlines


Jessie had arrived at her classroom. Looking around, she became shy, hanging onto her mommy's leg.

"Mommy... I no like it here. I go home wid you."

"Aww... you have to stay sweetheart. I promise you will love it. You get to color, paint, play with toys. You even have snack time."

"I can have snack times at home. I no tay here."

"How about if mommy comes in with you for a little while? Then when you feel comfortable, I will leave."

"No, no leave mommy. Please, I just go home."

As Donna was about to explain more to her daughter, the teacher walked up.

"Hello there. You must be Jessica Taylor. I've heard wonderful things about you. Would you like to come in?"

Shaking her head no. She hid behind her mommys leg.

"Why don't you come in with her Donna. You can have a seat on the carpet with the other parents."

Walking over Jessie sat on her mommy's lap, as the teacher explained everything they would be learning, throughout the school year.

NYPD... Crime lab...

Hey Don. Have you seen Gary?"

"Yeah, he's in his office. Why? What's up?"

"I'm not sure yet. You coming, may as well grab Messer and Hawkes too."

"Yeah, we'll be right there."

Once they were in Gary's office, Tony explained...

" I was approached today by two of my female students. They say that one of our Professors is using young girls for sexual services, in exchange for good grades. According to the students, he has a small operation going of about twent five girls so far."

"Why would they tell you about it Tony?"

"That's what I can't figure out either. Until Lana mentioned that she overheard my complaint to the Dean, about favours being exchanged for grades. As Lana put it. They feel they can trust me. Lana is also terrified, that her Professor will hurt her if he finds out she talked."

"Oh come on Tony. Are you telling me, you're going to believe two young girls, who are involved with this Professor."

"Normally I wouldn't Gary. Until Lana gave me this. It's a recorded message between the two of them, with him propositioning her."

As Gary listened to the message, something just didn't sit right with him.

"I don't know Tony. How do you know that's even the Professor speaking?

Do you know what he sounds like? I'm also sorry if it sounds like I'm not believing you. Cause I am. It's just we have to be really careful, especially if you're wrong, and get slapped with a lawsuit not only from the University, but from this Professor as well."

"How did this all start Tony? asked Don.

"It all started on the last saturday that just passed. I informed one of my students that I would help them catch up. When I showed up on saturday, she wasn't interested in learning. She wanted to trade her grade. When I told her no. She became upset. So I gave her a choice. Either she earns her grade, or she transfers out of my class."

"Let me guess. She choose to transfer."

"That's right. After that, I placed a complaint with the Dean."

"Then shotly after that, these girls approached you? No... something isn't right here Tony. I'm going to have one of my female Officers pose as a University student. I want to see for myself if anything is going on. Cause I have a gut feeling that because you said no to this young girl, she's now trying to get some kind of payback."

"Do you really think that Gary?"

"I do Don. None of this makes sense. This is all to clean, to suspicious. So just leave it with me Tony. I'll keep you informed, as we figure out more."

"I should be involved with it though. Otherwise these girls are going to figure out quickly, something isn't right."

Gary sighed. As much as he didn't want his brother in law involved. He knew he was right.

"Fine. Don go and find Robin. Let's get her up to date with this case, so we can get started."

Leaving the room, Don went in search of his youngest rookie Robin.
Yeah, it didn't sit right with me either. I thought at first the girls were setting him up then I thought well maybe they're truthful, but Gary just said everything I intially felt, so... I'm back to that. Can't wait to find out though. :D

When Tony arrived home from setting everything up with Gary and his team. He found his lovely wife, trying to reach for the spatula.

"Here baby. Let me grab that for you. Where are our boys?"

"They're doing their homework. I think Jimmy needs help with his math again. I'd help him, but I'm busy with dinner."

"It's okay baby. I'll do it."

Bending down he caressed, and kissed his daughter, who was nestled in her mommy.

"How have you been feeling today baby? Any problems?"

"No. Mom came over for a while. We had lunch, talked, and then she head home. Besides that, it's been quiet."

"That's good baby. I'm going to help Jimmy. If you need me call."

Caressing her husbands face, she whispered...

"I always need you, Tony. Always. I love you."

Passionately kissing her, he whispered... "I love you too, baby. Don't ever forget that."

Walking into the den. He found his boys trying to figure out their homework.

"Hi boys. Mom says you need help with your math."

"We do dad. How was your day?"

"It was good son. So how about you show me where you're stuck and I'll help."

After finishing up their homework. They sat to dinner, and a discusion on their boys day.

Donna had just gotten home with Jessie from school, when she heard the phone ring.


"Hi Donna. I'm going to be late tonight. I have to do that stakeout with Don and Danny. We really need to catch that serial."

"That's fine Gar. I'll keep dinner warm. Good luck and I love you."

"I love you too. Give the kids a kiss for me."

Hanging up the phone, Don, Danny and Gary headed over to Kennith's apartment.

"Are you sure he works tonight, Gary?"

"He does. I talked with Michael. He said he gets releaved at eleven."

"Let's just hope Kennith decides to come out and play tonight. Before we end up with another victim."

As Danny checked his watch, he noticed the time was 8:15pm.

"I don't know Gary. It's already after eight. Maybe he doesn't have a victim tonight."

"Come on Danny. Serials are like clockwork. Just be patient."

Watching as the apartment door opened, they seen Kennith walk out onto the street. Heading up 47th, they followed him. As he neared the bar, he went inside.

"Now what?"

"Now we wait, and see who he leaves with."

"Listen Gary. Why don't I go in. This guy has never met me. This way you have eyes on the inside too."

"Okay. Be careful though. If you have any problems, give me some kind of sign."

"That's funny Gary. Yeah... I'll be sure to throw myself through the window." said Danny with sarcasm.

"Smart ass. Get the hell out of the car."

While Danny entered the bar. Don and Gary waited patiently.

"So how do you think Jessie's first day of school went?"

"I'm not sure. Hopefully okay. Donna didn't say much when I called. So it must have been alright."

As Don was about to answer, they seen Kennith come out of the bar alone.

"Where the hell is Danny?"

"How the hell should I know. Kennith is getting away."

Just then Danny stepped out, and gave Gary the okay to follow Kennith. Pulling out, they follwed right to where he worked. Waiting to make sure he started his shift, they left.

"This doesn't make any sense. What the hell is going on?"

"I don't know. Let's go back and pick up Danny."

When they got back to the bar. Danny was sitting inside with a young girl.

"What the hell Messer? What happened?"

"I'll see you later Danny. Call me sometime."

Kissing his cheek, she left.

"I thought you were keeping your eye on Kennith?"

"I did. See that young blond over there. She has a date here tomorrow night, with Kennith. He told her to be here precisely at 6pm."

"Have you informed her about what's going on?"

"Of course. She's coming to see us tomorrow afternoon around three. This way we can get her set up, before she meets him."

"She agreed to this?"

"Yup. She's all for it. Says she's an actress. But is having trouble finding work, so she agreed to help us, cause it will help her with the part she's applying for."

"Do I dare ask? What part?"

"Lead role of a detective."

"Great. We have a civilian, wanna be actress, willing to face a serial killer, just to get a part. Wonderful, what the hell is next?"

Don laughed as he was about to say....

"Don't even go there Don. Just keep it to yourself. Let's head home. We know where Kennith is for the night.

Parting ways, they headed home to their families.
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Thanks for the great reviews:)

By the time Gary got home, everyone was sound asleep. Heading into his daughters room, he kissed her cheek, and whispered his love. Then opening the door to his sons room, he found him awake.

"Hello son. Why aren't you sleeping?"

Picking him up in his arms, he held him close. Always his children made him feel pure and clean. Like nothing or no one could touch his soul. Sitting with him in the rocker, he quietly hummed to him. Stopping in between, as his son made little moaning sounds.

"Are you trying to sing with daddy? Is daddy's boy going to be a singer?"

Letting out a huge yawn, and a few more grunts, Gary Jr. snuggled deeper under his daddy's neck. Caressing his sons back, he got up, placed him back in the crib on his tummy.

"Goodnight son. Angels to keep you safe while you sleep."

Leaving his sons room, he headed into the kitchen. Checking the oven, he found his dinner still warm. Sitting down with it at the table, he thought back to the days events.

Just how the hell were they going to handle these strange cases. The serial one wasn't to bad. They knew Kennith was their killer, they just hadn't had the chance to gather enough evidence, or catch him in the act.

The second case was Tony's. Gary just knew something wasn't right with that one. Oh he believed that Professors may very well be doing their students. But what he didn't believe was the prostitution ring. That just didn't add up.

But again... leave it to Tony, to find trouble. He was like a magnet. For some reason it always found him, at the wrong times. The last thing he needed was a damn lawsuit with the baby coming in a few weeks.

Besides that. Had his sister not asked him to protect him, when he could. She herself knew that Tony always tried to be the hero. That he would always find himself in situations that he shouldn't be in.

Placing his plate in the dishwasher, he headed upstairs to his wife. He really needed her tonight.

Walking into his room, he dropped his clothes, and crawled into bed.
Covering himself, he turned at the same time Donna turned.

"Mm... hi Gar. How was the rest of your night? Did you eat?"

"It was normal, and yes baby, I ate. Thank you, it was great. How did Jessie like school?"

"At first... she hated it. Then as she got to playing with the other kids, she was fine. Now she loves it."

Donna loved it when Gary came home. Always he would ask about her day, and the childrens, no matter how tired he was. Taking her hand, she slid it down his thigh, as he closed his eyes and groaned. Moving himself closer into her touch, he softly, passionately kissed her sweet lips.

Feeling the aura of their souls tense, and build. Gary flipped her under him.

"So loving Donna. So sensual, sweet, and giving."

With each spoken word, he would move, leaving her to raise herself up to meet him. Nothing but desire could be felt between their souls, as they passionately danced with fingers wrapped, and whispered kisses.

"Please Gar... please love me. I need...."

Those were the last words spoken between Gary and Donna. The only sounds that remained in their room, were there purrs and sighs, as their bodies continued to sway, and dance within their bed.


Danny was met at the door by Judy's son.

"Danny... mom's sick. She's been sick all day. I've been really worried. She keeps saying she's fine. But I don't think she is. Can you make sure she's okay?"

"Calm down Keith. What do you mean, she's been sick?"

"Okay. This morning before I left for school, she was vomiting in the toilet. Then when I came home from school, she was laying down. She said, she still wasn't feeling well."

"Alright... you better get to bed. You have school in the morning. I'll make sure mom's okay."

Danny knew eating his dinner was going to have to wait. Heading into his bedroom, he found Judy sound asleep. Shaking her gently, he woke her.

"Judy, Judy... wake up hon."

"Mm... hey Danny. What's the matter? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. Everything is fine. Keith said you were sick."

"Oh... I'm fine now. It was just a little this morning. By the afternoon I was feeling a little better. Have you eaten yet?"

"No... I was just heading into the kitchen, when Keith told me you were sick."

Climbing out of bed, Judy threw on her robe, and walked into the kitchen. Taking Danny's dinner from the oven, she placed it on a cool plate.

"Here you go. I hope you like it. It's a new reciepe I thought I'd try. Keith and I loved it. It's called Pizza lasagna."

Danny gave her a strange look.

"It's lasagna, but without the beef. instead you substitute bacon, mushroom, green peppers, and other toppings you like. You layer it on the noddles, add the cheese, then bake it. So what do you think?"

Danny tasted it. He had to admit, it tasted like pizza without the crust.

"It's good Judy. Did you want some?"

"Um... I shouldn't. I already had two pieces at supper."

Taking another fork she dug in, over and over, till it was gone.

"Hm... was it good Judy?"

"Oh God. I'm so sorry Danny. I didn't realize had eaten the whole thing."

"Are you sure your not pregnant? He laughed.

Judy dropped her fork. Getting up she ran to the calender. Damn why didn't she think of that?

Counting back the days, she realized she had missed her monthly.

"It's okay Judy. I was just teasing you."

"Teasing or not Danny. You may just be right. I'm three weeks late for my monthly."

Stunned speechless, the place was now deathly quiet. That is until Danny dropped his fork to the plate...

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"Great. We have a civilian, wanna be actress, willing to face a serial killer, just to get a part. Wonderful, what the hell is next?"

ROTFL! Loved that.

"It's lasagna, but without the beef. instead you substitute bacon, mushroom, green peppers, and other toppings you like. You layer it on the noddles, add the cheese, then bake it. So what do you think?"

Hmm that sounds good except the bacon (I don't eat any meat except fish), but I'd use imitation bacon bits instead. :lol: Crap! Now I'm hungry again. :lol:
"Are you serious? I'm going to be a dad? Me... Danny Messer, a father?"

"Uhuh... isn't it exciting. We are going to be parents. God Danny, I love you so much."

Getting up, he swung her in his arms. Yelling throughout the apartment.
"I'm going to be a dad. You hear me New York? I'm going to be a dad."

Judy laughed, she never expected Danny to be this excited. She loved it. He was making feel so cherished.

Running out of his room, Keith said...

"Get out... you and my mom. Mom, You're pregnant?"

"I am son. You are going to be a big brother."

"Aww... aww... this is freak'n awesome. So when's the wedding?"

"Wedding? Hmm... I don't know. Danny hasn't asked me yet."

"Come on Messer. Get with it. You don't your child born out of wed lock, do you?"

"Wow... this is all moving so fast."

Judy could see Danny's confusion. She could see his happiness, but at the mention of marriage he seemed to freeze.

"It's okay Danny. We don't have to get married. Afterall, it's just some signatures on a piece of legal document."

Danny knew she was right. But he also knew she deserved all the happiness he could give her, especially after losing so much in her life. Reaching for a garbage bag tie, he twisted it into a circle. Then getting down on one knee, he said...

"Judy... I don't have a ring for your finger at this time. So I hope you can accept this beautifully handcrafted garbage tie ring, as a symbol of my love for you. I love you Judy, and I'd like you to marry me."

Slipping the garbage tie ring onto her finger, she cried.

"Yes Danny Messer. Yes, I will marry you."

Clapping as they kissed, Keith thought to himself that he couldn't have asked for a better step father.

Back at the Flack home, Don was to tired to eat. It had been a very long day, which was going to be even longer tomorrow. Heading upstairs, he checked on Donald Jr. Finding his crib empty. He knew Jess had him in bed with her.

Walking into their room, Donald was on his tummy sleeping. While Jess had her hand protectively around him. Undressing, he headed towards the shower. Turning it on, he stepped in, closed his eyes, and allowed the heat to take away his aches.

Throwing back his head, he felt his fingers, as they lathered his hair in shampoo.

"Rough night honey?"

"Yeah. Yeah it was Jess. I missed you and Donald alot. How was your day?"

"It was good. DJ and I went to the park for a while, then out for lunch with Stella and Alan."

Turning in her arms, he wrapped her against him. Caressing his hands across her back.

"God Jess, you feel so good after a difficult day."

Igniting their passionate flame, Don drowned her in his heat. So on fire, as he backed her up against the stall, squeezing their fingers in pleasure, in sensual love, as they allowed the early morning to take them away, while still wrapped in each others arms.