CSI:NY - Danvale #2... Continuing the bloodlines

When Gary finally got home, he found Donna sound asleep on the couch. Admiring her beautiful form, he couldn't fight the memories of what he had done to his first wife, cause tonight, Gina forced them to come flooding back.

God... was he a cheater? He cheated on his first wife with Donna, the night before their marriage. Then he had cheated on her again with Gina, the night they had huge fight. And now... now all that guilt was back. How could he have been stupid back then.

Sighing deep, he fell back in the chair, rubbed his hands over his face, and thought about his daughter Jessie, and his son Gary. He had been so lucky to find Donna again. Yet... he never had the urge to cheat on her. Why was that? What kept him from doing to her, what he had done to his first wife.

Slowly opening her eyes, Donna seen Gary's frustrated look.

"Honey... are you okay? Did something happen with the case?"

Leaping off the chair, he collapsed in front of his wife, laying his head in her lap, as he gripped her waist. Crying for what he done all those years ago.

"Gary?? What is it? Please talk to me Gary."

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for all those years ago. For the cheating, the lying, hurting my first wife the way I did. How can I ever forgive myself. I don't deserve you Donna. I don't deserve you, or my children"

"Hey... hey come on Gary. Gary... calm down, you're scaring me. What brought all this on? And you never have to be sorry for anything you did. I would never judge you on what happened before we were married. Do you understand Gary? I love you. Your past is your past."

"But I'm a cheater Donna. I cheated on my first wife, twice. Once with you, the night before I married her, and then with the defence lawyer Gina. It was one night after a case. A really bad case. I remember Janice had needed me at home, and I yelled at her, very badly, that the case was more important then our boys."

"Oh Gary... you were under alot of stress, I'm sure she knows you didn't mean it."

"Whether she did or not, didn't matter. After the case couldn't be solved, I was so frustrated that Gina offered me out for a drink. So I went. But instead of the drink, we ended up at her place, where we got heated. Really heated. God... I'm such a jerk. Then she asked me again to stay with her tonight, becuase the client she was looking after was killed."

"Oh honey... but you came home instead. Don't you see Gary. You've matured since then. You didn't go. Instead you came home to us. Your family. Please don't get me wrong Gary. I'm glad you told me, but you didn't have to share that part of your life with me. For you came home. You knew this was where you wanted to be. The past is the past Gary. Everyday forward now, we look to the future and what we build for ourselves, and our children."

Continuing to stroke his hair, he pulled her down under him, as he kissed his way up her beautiful form, reaching her neck, her ear, as he softly whispered his love, over and over. Placing kisses along her cheek, her chin, till he reached her warm sweet lips, where his tongue plunged with greed, the greed that fed his ever growing craving for her soul.

Donna knew this what he needed. To take, to dominate, to prove to himself that he loved her and his children, like no other. Losing control, Donna knew it wouldn't be long before Gary took her with sensual, passionate, burning desire.
The following morning, Gary and Don headed over to see the Feeber brothers. As they pulled up, they could see the two of them arguing.

"Kennith and Scott feebers? We need to talk."

"What is it now, detective?"

"I need to know where you both were last night around 10:45pm."

"I was at home with my wife and kids. Why?"

"What about you Kennith?"

"I was here, my shift starts at 11:00."

Just as Kennith finished saying that, Michael walked in.

"No you weren't Kennith. You were late last night. Almost an hour late."

"What? You were late again, Kennith. Did we not talk about this?"

Kennith was getting nervous now. He could see the questions, and suspicion play along the detectives face.

"That's it Kennith. I warned you, once more and you were fired. Pack up your stuff, and get out."

As Kennith headed to the locker area, Gary and Don followed him.

"Kennith. I ask you again. Where were you last night between 10:45 and 11pm?"

"It's personal. Now can I go?"

"I don't care how personal it is. We can discuss it here, or at the station. Choice is yours."

"Fine... I was helping friend come down off his high. He was really sick, and needed my help."

"Where can we find this friend?"

"I don't know. He has no home. I let him room with me sometimes."

Don was getting more suspicious by the minute. As was Gary.

"Can you tell me what ties you have with Gina Peterson, or Betty phobes?"

"Who? I don't know either one of them. Can I go now?"

"No. We'd like to see your locker please."

"What? No. You need a warrent for that. Now unless you're placing me under arrest, I'm leaving."

Gary knew they had no grounds to search. All they had right now were suspicions.

"Fine. You can go. But don't leave the city."

After Kennith left, Don looked at Gary as he said...

"You know he's guilty of something, don't you? So...now what?"

"Now we do round clock surveillance on Kennith Feebers. Hopefully by the end of the night, we have our serial behind bars."


Claire woke to the baby kicking up a storm. Sitting up, she could feel her daughter kick her again. Hard, as she felt it all the way to her toes.

"Tony? Tony?"

Not getting an answer, Claire checked the rooms and realized the boys had already left for school. Picking up the phone, she called her mom...

"Mom... I need you. Please mom, there's something wrong."

"Calm down Claire. What is it sweetheart?"

"I don't know mom. Julia has been kicking around my tummy all morning. Really bad too mom. What if she is in distress?"

The only one in distress, was her daughter. Most likely the baby was feeling, what she was feeling.

"Claire... I want you to listen to me. You need to calm down. The baby knows you are upset. This is her way of responding to the messages you are sending. Just breathe deep honey. Breathe deep, and think of something wonderful. I'm on my way."

Hanging up the phone, Mac asked...

"What's going on love?"

"Claire. She's upset herself with fear. Now the baby is kicking up a storm, and she thinks she's in distress."

"Well it's understandable love. She's already lost one."

"I know that Mac. But she's giving Julia more stress. If I don't get her calmed down, they are both going to be in the Hospital."

Kissing her husband and son goodbye, she headed out to see their daughter.


When Tony arrived at the University to teach his class. He was told to see the Dean. Walking into the room, he sat down.

"Good morning Anthony. How are you?"

"I'm good Dean. How are you?"

"Concerned. I've read over your report. I must admit, I find it very difficult to believe. I'm not saying it doesn't happen. But it just seems difficult to imagine it happening at this University."

"Why? All the University's are the same Dean. It makes no difference."

"To you, maybe. But I've been Dean of this University for eleven years now. If something was going on, I would have heard about it by now."

Tony couldn't believe it. How could this Dean be so blind. All you had to do was look at the way the male teachers eyed their female students.
That and the fact, 90 percent of them stay after the class.

"So what are you telling me? That you're not going to do anything?"

"At this time, no. Unless you can bring me solid evidence. I'm afraid there is nothing anyone can do."

Getting up Tony left the Dean's office with only one thought on his mind...

"I'll find the damn proof. And when I do, I'll shove it down your throat."

Storming into his class, he turned to his students and said...

"Open your books to page 247. Terry, if you can begin reading please."

As Terry read the passage, Tony continued to think of ways to find the proof he needed.
I won't, they've been through enough:)

When Stella arrived at her daughters home. She used her key to get in. walking into the den, she found Claire laying on her back crying. Looking down at her tummy, Stella could see the ripples as they coursed through.

"Oh my... looks like my grandaughter is talking up a storm."

"God mom, it hurts. It felt great at first, but then shortly after, it felt like murder."

"Oh stop, Claire. You panicked when she rippled through you this morning.
Leaving her to panic with you. Just lay back and close your eyes."

Laying her head on the pillow, she closed her eyes, as she felt her mothers caress on her tummy. Then listening, she heard her say...

"Hey my little Julia. This is your nana talking to you."

As Stella watched Claire's tummy, she seen the baby ripple closer to her.

"I love you sweetheart. But you need to calm down and sleep for mommy. Can you do that for your grandma? Just try and sleep sweetheart."

As Stella continued to talk too her granddaughter, the rippling finally stopped.

"Oh my God, mom. She's sleeping," Claire whispered.

"She is. Now you need to listen to me Claire. These panic attacks have to stop. Or you and Tony, are going to have a very nervous baby on your hands. You are in your last trimester, even if you did go into labour, the baby would survive. Understand?"

Claire teared up.

"I'm sorry mom. I really am. But I'm so scared I'll lose her."

"I understand your fears Claire. But you need to put them all to rest. You need to remember that you are far enough along now, to deliver a healthy baby."

Kissing her daughters head, she sat down beside her, and lifted her head onto her lap.

"What time does Tony get home?"

"In about half an hour. You can go if you need too, mom."

"No. I"m fine love. Just try and rest okay."

While Claire closed her eyes, her mother continued to stroke her hair.

When Tony finished his shift, he packed up his briefcase and tried to head home. As he neared the parking lot, he seen two young girls from his class waiting by his car.

"Lana, Helen? What's going on?"

"We need your help Professor. Lana was threatened by one of her Professors."

Looking over at Lana, he waited for her to begin.

I needed extra help with one of my thesis. So Prof.Evens asked me to stay after class. When we were alone he approached me with a proposition."

"Which was?"

"I could work hard to get my grade. Or he could make it easy on me, if I worked for him. When I told him I wanted to work for the grade, he tried to coax me into changing my mind. The more I refused, the angry he became."

"So why are you telling me this? He backed off, right?"

"I'm telling you, cause I heard through the grapevine that you had made a complaint. The second reason is..."

"Just tell him Lana."

"Prof. Evens is running a female student sex ring,operation. He has twenty five female students who work for him, and ten male students." she cried.

Tony sighed... "why am I having a very hard time believing this? Do you have any evidence to back up your aligations?"

"Yes. Reaching in her bag, she pulled out a small tape recorder. I taped our second conversation about it. It's all on there. I don't want any part of this. If he finds out I told, he'll kill me. Please... please say you believe me."

Tony wasn't sure what to believe. The only thing he did know, is that it was time to get Gary involved.

"Okay Lana. I'll see what I can do. In the meantime you stay away from Prof. Evens, understand. Ask to be transfered to another class, if you have too. But stay away from him."

Getting into his car, he headed over to see his brother in law.
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A mother's love and understanding is enough to calm her daughter and baby. aww.. loved the Stella/Claire/Julia scene.

This thing with Tony is getting interesting. :D