CSI Miami Therapy

Thanks guys! Now, enough cute. More action... :devil: I have a HUGE plan for this story ATM, now that my writer's-block has seemed to clear.

Horatio and Ryan had been in Los Angeles for three days. They were talking to LAPD officers about Speed, staying in touch with Cooper back in Miami, who helped them track Speed's cell phone, credit card, computer, ect; all assuming he still used them, and doing everything they could to find out where he was. They had a meeting with an LAPD official that day, at a cafe in Downtown, about new organized 'police gangs,' that acted as a sort of milita. Horatio suspected Speed could be a part of one.

They drove up to the cafe, dressed casually. It was 10am, but the streets were already flooded with cars, honking horns, angry coffee-deprived workers and the smells of a busy city. Horatio was reminded of his time in New York.

He parked in a private lot and walked out into the alley, Ryan close behind. They were about to enter the cafe when Horatio spotted a police officer on the ground, a stab wound in his gut, out cold. The two rushed up to him, and Horatio used the officer's radio to send out for help and backup. Just then, shots rang out. Bullets came whizzing at Horatio and Ryan, and acting on impulse, Horatio dove on top of Ryan, tackling him to the ground. One bullet grazed his back, and he winced, rolling off of Ryan and grabbing the wounded officer's gun. He looked around the alley for the source of the shots as more bullets sprayed the area. Ryan had gotten up, and out of the corner of his eye Horatio saw three bullets shred into him- one into his shoulder, one in his hip and the last into his heart.

Horatio calls out to him as he spots the source of the shots- from the corner of the alley. He quickly puts two bullets into the shooter's chest, and looks around for more. The alley grows quiet, and the regular city sounds take over. Horatio rushes to Ryan's side, noticing the younger man is still alive, his eyes open and staring ahead in disbelief.

Horatio: Mr. Wolfe, you're going to be alright.

Ryan: *coughs blood, sits up against the alley wall* I can't...breathe...

H:...just stay with me, keep breathing. You're going to be okay...

Horatio watches the all-too familier scene play out before him: Ryan leaned over, coughing up blood onto the concrete. His face pale, his shirt soaked with blood. Horatio places his hands on Ryan's back, pulling him away from the cold, hard wall and resting him down in his arms. He's limp, and his skin clammy.

R: *coughing blood* I'm...sorry...

H: Don't be sorry, Wolfe, don't be sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

R: *looks up at Horatio, dazed* I'm sorry Horatio. I can't...breathe...

H: Please hold on, Ryan...hold on Ryan...

Squad cars pull up, as well as an ambulence. Horatio cradles Ryan's body in his arms, tears threatening to fall. He watches the young man slip from his grasp, and close his eyes. His body goes completely limp. Horatio allows the paramedic to load him up onto a stretcher, and he stands up. Looking down, he realizes his shirt, jacket and sleeves are stained with Ryan's blood.

He crumples on the ground, his head in his hand, leaning against the wall. A paramedic approaches him.

Paramedic1: Sir, you've been shot. Can I take a look at you?

H: *stands up* I'm...fine. I just...is he going to be okay?

P1: I have no way of knowing, but you need to get checked out. You're covered in blood...

H: It's...not my blood. Can I just ride to the hospital with him?

P1: If you allow someone to check you out once you get there.

H: *nods*

P1: Let's go. *opens ambulence doors*

H: *climbs in*

The ambulence speeds off to the hospital. Horatio watches as the paramedics strip Ryan's shirt off, leaving him in only jeans. The bullet hole appears shredded, bloody, and raw. Horatio watches as the paramedics attempt to jump-start his heart with a defibrillator, attatching an oxygen mast to his face when they pull away.

Paramedic2: *rubs the pads together* Ready...and...clear. *positions pads on Ryan's chest, which rises and falls*

P1: It's not working.

P2: One more time...and...clear!

:eek: Lilly, how can you just...Stop writing? Action-packed my goodness. (Oh my God, the song on my iTunes just keeps repeating "Shot through the heart, shot through the heart" :lol: Gotta love re-mixes)

Horatio must be going through an entire range of emotions. Fear, anger, pain, concern, all of that encased in the embodiment of excellent storywriting. ;) Loved the parallel to another certain predicament that Horatio's been through. It's going to be interesting how he handles everything.

Lastly, I always love the descriptions and novel-like format before you get into the story. It really sets up the mood and brings the reader along with the characters. Great job! I hope your writer's block is long gone and you're able to continue soon. :)
Geni! Welcome back to therapy.

Thanks guys, sorry I left you hanging but here is an update.

Horatio sits outside the OR, in a visitor's chair, his head in his hands. He can feel his back bleeding from where he himself was shot, but the pain is welcoming. The rest of his feelings have all gone numb- he feels like a rock, and the longer he stays still, the more the world around him will dissapear and the closer this nightmare is to over.

Time passes, but Horatio doesn't realize any of it. His eyes are closed, his body hunched over and rigid, and the smell of Ryan's blood on him keeps his breathing shallow. The slightest movement will bring him back into reality, a place he feels he's left behind around the time he started therapy. This other world he's entered is worse than the abuse of his father, the loss of his mother, the killing of his last living parent, the death of his brother...all those times he felt he had someone who was there for him, to ease the pain. Now, he was alone.

Nurse: *walks up to Horatio* Sir?

Horatio: *raises head*

N: You're covered in blood.

H: I know, ma'am.

N: Would you like to be checked out by someone?

H: I'm fine.

N: What happened?

H: My friend and partner was shot, and I...happened to be there. This is his blood, not mine.

N: It looks as if you've been shot in the back.

H: I'm fine. I'm just waiting for news on him from the OR.

N: Will you please come with me just for a few minutes? I'll make sure you know as soon as anything changes.

H: *sighs, stands* Alright.

N: Follow me. *walks off*

H: *follows*

The nurse leads him to the ER, where she sits him on an empty gurney and closes the sheet around his bed.

N: Not very busy today, which is surprising for an emergency room in Downtown Los Angeles. Normally we'll have hundreds of gang members who've been shot in here.

H: Mmhm.

N: I'll take a look at you for now. If it's serious I'll have a doctor take a look at it.


N: Can you take off your jacket please?

H: *takes off bloody jacket, sets it on the bed*

N: *moves to other side of bed* I'll need you to take off the shirt as well.

H: *sighs, takes off bloody shirt, sets next to jacket* These are evidence, can I have them treated accordingly?

N: Of course. You're a police officer, I gather.

H: Head of the Miami Crime Lab. How'd you know?

N: You think like one. And you talk like one.

H: *smiles*

N: So, Miami. *examines wound* Here on business?

H: You could call it that.

N: I'm sorry about your partner.

H: *hangs head* It was my fault.

N: I don't think it was. *cleans wound*

H: *sighs*

N: You've been grazed by the bullet, which should be at the scene, since it's not in your back. I'm just going to clean the wound and dress it, since it's not too serious.

H: Thank you.

N: You were lucky. It's near your shoulder, but any closer to your neck and it could have killed you.

H: I don't consider myself very lucky at the moment.

N: *dresses wound* The surgeons here are great. They'll do everything they can.

H: I just...a whole lot of crap just seems to be happening to me lately.

N: It'll get better. Things always get better.

H: *smiles* I know, but...it's not as if it's just me. I've done some things I'm not proud of, that have affected the rest of my team. Made some stupid, hasty decisions.

N: You're human, you make mistakes.

H: But I've just drove everyone I care about away. And now one of the last ones who's with me is laying on the operating table with a hole in his heart.

N: *fits a sling over Horatio's dressed wound* Just think of everyone back home who does care about you. They might be mad, but they still care about you. It's really hard to stop caring about someone.

H: Well I might have put them in that position. *sighs*

N: If I were you, I'd call them. Talk to them. Maybe you'll find out you're wrong, and they're missing you right now.

H: *nods*

N: You can re-dress your shoulder at home, and I've given you instructions and materials for it, but keep that sling on.

H: Okay, thanks. Do you have, ah, a shirt I could wear? Until I get back to my hotel?

N: I'll go get one. Be back in a second. *leaves*

H: *takes out cell phone with un-slung arm, dials Calleigh's number*

The answering machine picks up on Calleigh's cell phone. Horatio remembers that Miami is three hours ahead of Los Angeles.

H: Hey Calleigh, it's Horatio. Call me back the second you get this message, it's extremely urgent. Thanks.

N: *walks in with large plain white t-shirt* It's all we had that looked like it'd fit you.

H: Thanks. I'll, uh...need some help, I only have one arm.

N: Oh, right. *helps Horatio into shirt, puts sling over shirt* Well, you can go sit outside the OR again. He's not out yet.

H: Thanks.

N: What's your name, by the way?

H: Horatio. Lieutenant Horatio Caine.

N: Wow. I hope you feel better, that everything works out, and your friend is alright, Lieutenant.

H: Thank you. And...your name?

N: Delight.

H: *nods* Beautiful name. It was on your nametag, I missed it.

N: *laughs*

H: *smiles. Thanks for everything.

N: Of course. It's my job.

H:...that sounds like something I might say. To a victim's family...

N: We're not so different, I guess.

H: I guess we're not.

Delight's cell phone rings

N: They need me in another room.

H: Well, take care.

N: You too. *leaves*

H: *stares after Delight*
I liked the interaction H had with the nurse but what about Ryan? I'm going crazy not knowing but I can wait til another update!!

BTW this one was really great!!
wow...amazing update! poor ryan! shot in the heart?? well if eric can survive a shot to the head then ryan can obviously recover full force in time to tour universal studios with H :lol:

i liked that H could open up to a complete stranger, its human nature and often easier to unload our problems on someone who isn't affected my them.

can't wait for more! :)
The update before this remided me of 'No Man's Land' (which was on tonight by the way :( ). Great update and I know that you won't let Ryan die. :)
OH MY GOD!!!!!! I love this!!! I just read it all! It's great!!! I really like that Calleigh loves Ryan but Eric loves Calleigh! Too bad so sad Eric! J/K I like Eric too! Just i LOVE Ryan! I'm a big shipper of CaRWash! Anyways my fave part of the story is this part:

cainesugar said:
R: *gathers bags* I call window seat! *sticks tongue out, rushes to board plane*

H: *smiles*

H: I call driver!

R: *frowns*

H: *sticks tongue out*

I really don't like the part where Ryan got shot! You really made me cry just by reading and i'm not exagerating I love Ryan and reading that was like being shot myself!!
Damn those gangs!!!! i hope he's ok please repost soon!!!!!!
oh and might i say that was a very nice image in my head of ryan in the ambulance with only jeans on and horatio in the hospital with no shirt i mean seriously they need to make an ep of what you just wrote all the ryan lovers would be bawling i know i would i already did anyways KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK I LOVE IT!!!! :)
Hey, newcomer! Glad you like it, and welcome to therapy. Sorry about Ryan getting shot. And I don't know, if they had H shot in an episode (and I LOVE H BTW) I'd be celebrating. :lol: 'Bout time.

Thanks so much guys. Stef, that's what I was thinking while I was writing it. He can open up to a complete stranger because he knows he's never going to see her again. The doc would tell him to do this with the people he cares about most, but we'll hear more from her later. :D

Thanks, and I'll have an update up later today.

Horatio stood outside the hospital in Downtown Los Angeles. It was nighttime, around 11pm, but cars were still tearing up and down the streets and the city was just as alive as ever. Again, Horatio remembered his days as a cop in New York City.

He used his good arm to make a call. It was raining, and his shirt was soaked through, but the cool rain was welcoming in the LA heat- even at 11pm it was warm. He paced the sidewalk, anxiously waiting for someone to pick up on the other end.

Horatio: Calleigh?

Calleigh: *yawns* Hello?

H: Calleigh it's Horatio.

C: Horatio, it's...it's like 2am.

H: I know, I'm sorry. I keep forgetting the time difference...

C: What's going on? Any news on Tim?

H: Errm, Calleigh...you might want to sit down for this.

C: Horatio, it's 2am. I'm lying in bed.

H: Right, sorry.

C: What's going on?

H: *takes deep breath* Ryan's in surgery.


H: We were ambushed in an alley earlier today. I was hit in the shoulder, but I'm fine. Ryan...one in the heart, one in the hip-

C: Is he...going to be okay?

H: I don't know, Cal.

C: Why does all this shit keep happening to us?

H: I...I don't know.

C: Oh, Horatio... *cries*

H: I know, Cal. I know.

C: What am I going to tell Eric? And Alexx? That after Tim was supposedly killed, then found out to be alive, then returned to Miami, then snatched away, and all along this was a plan to put the lab under a freaking microscope and bring us down...and you were almost killed. Now Ryan...

H: I know.

C: I mean...what if you don't find Tim and it was all for nothing? He's hurt for nothing?

H: I know. And I'll be frank with you, it doesn't look good for him. I want you to all be able to talk to him once...if he...

C: Shit, Horatio...is he going to die?

H: It's going to be a rough night is all I can say.

Nurse: *approaches Horatio* Lieutenant, he's out of surgery. You can see him now.

H: Hold on, Cal. *puts hand over phone* Is he awake?

N: Not at the moment, but you can come in and stay with him.

H: Alright. *puts mouth to phone* Cal?

C: Any news?

H: He's out of surgery. I'm going to see him.

C: Horatio...call me if anything changes.

H: I will. Hang in there, Cal.

C: You too. *hangs up*

H: *sighs, hangs up* Alright, where is he?

N: Follow me. *goes inside*

H: *follows*

They walk through the hospital, and Horatio sees the tragedy from room to room that's come upon these people. He realizes that he's build a sheild around himself that prevents a real feeling of deep sadness for the victims of the crimes he sees ever day. These are the people who are lucky enough to make it.

He passes a room where a man can be heard moaning, and when Horatio looks in, he sees the man's entire face covered in bandages. From what he can gather, the man was in a large fire; there are burnt clothes next to the man's bed. Another room holds a woman, who's crying. Her doctor is standing next to her, possibly breaking some bad news.

N: Here we are, room 203.

H: *looks back at the long hall* How do you...do this job? Deal with all this sadness and pain?

N: I could ask the same thing of you, Lieutenant.

H:...I know. But this is so much more...


H: Yeah.

N: Your victims are already dead, so it's easier to imagine them as corpses and not people. These people are right in front of you-

H: Yeah! I just don't understand how you deal with all of it.

N: I personally focus on what I can do to help them. It's my job.

H: *smiles*

N: Anyway, he's sleeping, but he's stabalized. The bullet penetrated his heart, and his lung. We went in, stopped the heart, removed the bullet and repaired the damaged tissue. The surgery was a success, but he could have some serious aftereffects, because it was open heart surgery. He also lost a large ammount of blood.

H: Can they test me as a donor? I want to do anything I can help.

N: Yes, but...the bullet to his hip may have done just as much damage as the bullet to the heart. You can donate any ammount of blood, but his organs were under a great deal of stress. We're not sure he's strong enough to make it through the night at this point.

H: *nods* Uh...I just want to do anything I can to help. I'd like to donate blood as soon as possible.

N: I'll set up a room and call you in. It'll be pretty soon, because he needs blood urgently.

H: Okay.

N: You can go see him now. We'll call you in.

H: *sighs* Thank you. *walks in*