CSI Miami Therapy

yeah i was nervous at first but then i made some really good friends and it was great. and it goes by so fast. it seems like yesterday i was a freshman and now i'm a senior. I'm actually so excited this year because now i'm an upperclassmen..not the underclassmen. and plus i've got prom and senior trips and i'll finally get looked up to. so don't worry. you'll be fine. trust me i've been through three years of it already. :D and i can't wait till you post more :D
Sorry about leaving you all hanging there: here's an update, finally. Very short, but oh well then.

The door is opened, Horatio looks straight at Speed, who hasn't shaved in a while and appears disheveled.

Horatio:... ten.

Speed: You should have stayed in Miami.

H: Don't tell me what I should have done.

S: Don't you get it? While you're here, they're working on bringing down the lab back in Miami. You're needed there.

H: I came to get you. I'm done with this crap.

S: I'm not leaving. I can't do that to you.

H: Do what to us? *enters apartment, shuts door* We love you. We'll do anything to keep you with us.

S: *looks at floor*

H: Did you not realize that?

S: I know you love me. I love you too.

H: So what is it then? I came here to get you back and you can actually stand here and say you're not coming.

S: They're too powerful! They'll get me, or take the lab down. It's safer for everyone if I stay here.

H: It's not. I have a lawsuit in action. I'm bringing this down, I'm not alone, and I'm taking you back with me.

S: *looks at Horatio* I can't just leave.

H: Yes you can. We're police officers, we can do what we want. They come after you, I take them out. I'm really sick and tired of this dancing in circles crap where everything is a secret and everyone's getting hurt.

S: *sighs*

H: This is a big deal. I know that.

S: It's not just that. It's a lot of things. There's some things I've done that I'm not proud of. Here I can make it right-

H: Wait- you're actually supporting this new brand of cops?

S: No! But I can help people here. LA is a crime-ridden city that needs enforcement and undercover agents.

H: Let LA's cops take care of it, not this criminal gang that pretends to know what they're doing.

S: They're not criminal! They're against the criminals!

H: But they're also against the real cops.

S: Only the ones that don't support them. Or us.

H: This group is no more than a militia. It's attempting something that'll never happen, and in the process is taking down families and ruining lives. People who've made foolish mistakes as kids are being yanked away and dragged down here through blackmail.

S: I don't agree with it, but I have to do it.

H: I keep telling you this- you don't! We can fight it, we can change this. We can overcome it and send people back home.

S: I don't know...

H: I was almost killed back in Miami. Hundreds of people have been brought here to change the way law enforcement is run, ripped away from their loved ones as you've been- as you know. Ryan almost died here as we tried to find you. Don't you think it's better if we end this?

S: *snaps head up* Is Ryan okay? What happened?

H: Come back with me and I'll tell you. You're part of our family, and we'll do anything to keep it that way.

S: *smirks* I've just been trying to help you all out. But you're right: we need to end this for everyone out there.

H: Is it really that- the fact that this is hurting other people too- that's bringing you back?

S: *nods*

H: You're such a cop.

S: *laughs*

H: *pats Speed on the back*
yay!! i've so missed this. that was excellent! and i totally read it with my shipper goggles on. big suprise there, huh?

We're police officers, we can do what we want. :lol: i love that.

thanks lilly!
I want to apologize for, once again, flaking on this fic. As you all might know, I entered HS recently and have been extremely busy with homework because of the classes I'm taking, sports, and other extracurriculars. Plus, I have a challenge to run in Fan Art, and winners banners to make, and a lot of stuff to do. I hate to tell you guys I'll update and then leave you hanging.

I'll be taking a Therapy break, an official one. I'm sorry for leaving you all hanging for so long, and for having to take the time off when it always seems like weeks between updates. I'll probably be able to start again as the school year really kicks off, but I can't tell, because it could just bring more work. I apologize again, and thanks for always reading and bearing with me and my hectic schedule. :) You guys are awesome.
Don't worry Lilly we've always been in HS (I'm in it :rolleyes: ) and its no fun at all specially if your taking AP classes and such.
awwww well you better post ASAP!

I wanted to take AP classes or at least Gifted and Talented but could never get my grades high enough. Schools don't have advanced or gifted classes for people with learning disabilities and it stinks sometimes. I know I'm smart but it's like I can't utilize my full potential. *sigh*
I hear that! Here where I went to school they called you stupid/retard, and told you that the only thing you would be good at was flipping burgers at McDonalds. Here I am 11 years out of high school I have a college degree and I love my job working for 3 doctors and a nurse practitioner. Yeah I am stupid.

Keep up the school work cainesugar! The story can wait, but not for to long. ;)
It's ok Lilly I know how you feel i'm drowning in hw right now i'm in IB it's like AP but somewhat harder anyways i'm sure things will lighten up! :) As long as you don't procrastinate you'll get everything done! :)
Hey everyone!

Thank you for your continual support and encouragement. I have a present for you all.

Originally I was going to have Speed get shot in LA and Horatio bring him back home, but I decided to slash that idea for something else. I'm not resuming the Therapy story, but I wrote a oheshot ff.net story based on the whole 'Speed gets blackmailed and sent to LA' storyline with different details (as in; he's only there for three months, Horatio is alone when he finds him, ect). Please R/R, and check out my other stories while you're over there.

Going Home

I'll be back to this story in a few weeks, I hope. Thank you! *group hug*
*headdesk* I worded this wrong. I will continue the story, just not now. Now I was posting the link for the ff.net story for y'all, and will be back with more Therapy in a few weeks.

Sorry for any confusion! *huggles you guys*