CSI Miami Therapy

cardiac arrest?? poor ryan. whats next, lilly? a brain tumor? they always say we hurt the ones we love :p

oh and horatio gets shot and speed is no where to be found?? he must have heard...some boyfriend he is....um, i mean friend. :D *backs away slowly*

keep 'em comin! i likes me some CMT. (not country music television although i like that too... :))
oh and horatio gets shot and speed is no where to be found?? he must have heard...some boyfriend he is....um, i mean friend. *backs away slowly*
Shhh, Stef... no one's supposed to know about their undercover love affair. :p

Aw, come on guys. Y'all know how much I love Ryan. And the nurse said he should be okay. I'll try and get an update up tonight, but with the two ICs, it's not going to be easy.
*smackshead* i so knew that! story of their lives man...story of their lives.

take your time lilly :)
ooh secret lovers j/k i like horatio not being gay. I love ryan but horatio's not so bad himself. sorry off topic anyways i'm loving this story!! Keep up the good work and keep my ryan safe or i may have to hurt the writer. j/k lilly
Sorry for the delay.

Horatio visited Ryan for a little while, but he couldn't tell from looking at him that he was any better, except for the fact that the oxygen mask was gone. He was still sleeping, and Horatio felt he could do more at the crime scene, working with the officers. He had the nurses promise to call him, and then he drove back to the LAPD crime lab and police station, where he has become friendly with many of the officers and CSIs over the past few days.

When he arrived, he went up to the crime lab, where he asked to meet with Officer Greggory Ramirez, the head of the crime lab and head officer of the case. They were to meet in his office shortly before an interrogation.

Horatio: *sits across from Ramirez* Nice to see you, Greg.

Ramirez: You too, Horatio. How have you been doing, I see your arm...

H: It's not much, I've been well. I can't say the same for Ryan.

R: Wolfe? Your partner?

H: For this trip, he is my partner. He's one of my CSIs back in Miami.

R: One of the best, I hear.

H: *nods*

R: So, you've come here because you want to...

H: I want to help out in this case. It could connect to the reason I'm here- to find and bring back an undercover officer who was blackmailed to be put undercover.

R: How so?

H: I think it was a message, to say 'get out.'

R: So you want to interview the suspect?

H: Yes. You caught him?

R: As he was leaving the scene.

H: Well I'd like to be able to see the details of the case, help out, and definately speek with him, myself.

R: Alright, then. You can sit in on the interrogation and ask any questions you want to. I will be accompanied by one of my own CSIs in the interrogation, however.

H: That sounds good.

R: His name is Ronald Woodley, and he's been with us for a few years. You'll meet him before we go inside.

H: Alright, then.

R: So, let's go. *stands, leaves*

H: *follows*

Outside Interrogation Room

R: *walks up to younger CSI* Horatio, Ronald Woodley. Ron, this is Horatio Caine.

H: Nice to meet you, Ronald.

Woodley: You too, Horatio. *shakes hand*

R: Shall we?

W: *nods, enters interrogation room*

H: *follows*

R: *enters, closes door*

The suspect, Andrew Rafael Guadalupe, is a 17 year old high school dropout. He's small, but well-built, and wears baggy jeans and a black t-shirt. He scowls, and taps his feet.

R: Andrew.

Andrew: What?

R: You said in your statement that you did indeed shoot at Lieutenant Caine and CSI Wolfe, is that correct?

A: *nods*

R: So you deliberately attempted to kill them both?

A: I already said that.

R: And... *reads file*... it says here you claimed to have done it as an 'initiation for my gang'?

A: *nods* They wanted me to kill someone, gave me the gun and everything. Then I see these chums in the alley, on my way back home, and there's a police car out front. *smiles* Even better if I got to kill two cops.

W: Really? Because the gun you used is registered to... Rafael Guadalupe. Your father. So how about telling us what really happened.

A: Okay so they didn't give me the gun. I had to use my dad's.

H: Andrew, you've been caught in a lie. That means that just about everything you've said, we can discredit. You're not in a gang, and you're not being 'initiated' into one either.


H: *looks at Andrew*

A: I stole the gun from my dad. I shot at you and the other cop with it a day after the gang I want to join told me-

H: Andrew, we're not stupid. I happen to know that you were hired for this.

A: *smirks* Oh, yeah, like somebody's gonna ask me to shoot at some off-duty cops from Miami. Get real, man.

H: Who ever said we were from Miami?


R: *whispers* Nice work, Horatio.

H: See I think I know what happened. You need money, for...let's say some game.

A: *scowls*

H: And somewhere- I don't know where, but that doesn't matter- someone approaches you and asks you to do something for them. They explain to you somewhere along that we're from Miami and they want to scare us back there.

A: No way, man.

H: And you, with your 'shooting skills'... we know you're big on guns, Andrew. You're training with a sharp-shooter, and your father owns a ton of them. Which I could guess are not locked up, and you know how to use them.

A: 'Course I do.

H: You decide to take the violence path.



A: It wasn't like that.

H: Mhm.

A: No! This guy tells me I gotta kill two cops. Tells me where they'll be and when, and that I should get my own gun. He told me to kill, I didn't choose that.

H: Right, you didn't choose it.

A: He promised me ten thousand dollars, which I haven't gotten yet, by the way. The son of a bitch.

H: *sighs* Did you get a name?

A: No. I don't know his name, age, what he looks like...he was under a jacket.

H: *nods* Well then I can't help you on this.

A: I needed the money! My girlfriend's pregnant, and my parents aren't going to support us. I didn't have a choice!

H: You always have a choice, Andrew.

A: *stares at the table*

H: You made the choice to try and kill someone. You made the choice to take a son away from his family. You made the choice to take your son's father away, too.


H: Your son won't have a father.

A: *puts head in hands*

R:...we're going to need you to sign a confession later on, but we'll keep you in our holding cell for now. *stands*

Officer: Stand up.

A: *stands*

O: *handcuffs Andrew*

W: You're under arrest for the attempted murder of Lieutenant Horatio Caine and CSI Ryan Wolfe. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law...

R: *motions for Horatio to leave*

H: *exits interrogation room*

R: *follows* That was some...wow.

H: What?

R: You're...just...so amazing at what you do, wouldn't you agree?

H: *smiles* It's my job, and I'd like to say I do it well, yes.

R: I need to come to your lab, see how you handle it there. It seems to be working.

H: *laughs*

R: *smiles*

H: We need to find out how he knew where we'd be.

R: The kid? From the guy who hired him.

H: No, we need to find out how he knew.

R: *nods*

H: I was supposed to meet with an official that day, who works with the city but less as a cop and more as a political figure. His name was John Baylap.

R: I know him pretty well, and I'll bring him in for questioning. See who leaked the information.

H: *nods* Nice working with you, but I'll be going back to the hospital, so...

R: *sticks out hand* Nice working with you too.

H: *shakes hand* We'll meet again.

R: Of course.

H: Keep up what you do, someday you'll realize how much you help people. You're pretty young to understand it now.

R: *laughs* I will. I was born to be a cop.

H: Most of us cops can say that.

R: *nods* Hope your partner recovers soon.

H: So do I.

R: Bye, Horatio.

H: Bye Greg. *leaves*
OMG!!!! *cries* my poor baby!!! *sobs uncontrolably* oh Ryan, why!?!? poor, poor baby!!! *sobs* he better be ok!!!! and they better get Speed back after all of this!!!!
horatio has mad interrogating skillz. :D when they were introducing CSI Woodley i thought oooh its gonna be speed! but um, no. that would be too easy, wouldn't it? i read too much cheesy predictable fanfiction and this story is anything but. :)
When he arrived, he went up to the crime lab, where he asked to meet with Officer Greggory Ramirez, the head of the crime lab and head officer of the case. They were to meet in his office shortly before an interrogation.

So Greg, or Greggory, or Ramirez or whatever, is Office Ramirez, who Horatio was speaking with. He's the head of the LA Crime Lab.