CSI Miami Therapy

OMG are you trying to make me cry? this is torture! :( my poor Ryan is dying I can't watch this/ read this :( *opens eyes the story is no longer in front of my face* i love the story but this is so tense :) but i know you wouldn't let him die cuz I know your a big Ryan fan you wouldn't let him die would you? Oh God just take Stetler or some other jerk please!!! J/K just venting i love the story it's awesome! Keep up the good work!!
awww how sweet of horatio to want to donate blood to him.

really liking your nurse character btw, she's like a female version of horatio.

i would be worried but youre lilly! you love ryan! you wouldn't kill him...right? no, how silly of me, of course you wouldn't...or would you? oh no...i've talked myself out of feeling confidant about this one.

You are killing me with the suspense! Killing me, driving me crazy, leading me away in the van with the nice people in white.

ANYWAY. I like Delight. She's delish, and very much like the female Horatio.

*Crosses fingers*
Heather! I won't let them take you away. You just sit your tush down and keep reading. And if they do... I'll have to call in the crazy task force. *crickets chirp* Wrong thread? :lol:

Welcome to therapy, SpeedsDaugthter. Not much therapy at the moment, though. Just action. Read back and you'll find plenty of therapy crap. :lol:

Ignoring the 'you wouldn't kill him, right?' comments/questions, onward! (And I actually have a therapy spoiler, if you will, for y'all. Who wants me to post it, in a box of course)

When Horatio entered Ryan's room, he thought at first he was in the wrong room. The pale, thin man lying on the hospital bed, attatched to all those beeping machines wasn't Ryan...was it?

Horatio approached his bedside. Ryan's hair looked darker against his ghostly face, his thin hospital gown thicker where bandages peeked through, covering his chest. An oxygen mask was attatched to his face, which helped him breathe. His chest slowly rose and fell. More wires and tubes were attatched to various machines and entered into his gown at the neck. An IV stood near his bed, entering through his finger as well as his arm.

Horatio sat down in the chair next to Ryan's bedise. He used his good arm to brush the hair from Ryan's face- it had grown longer in the past few months, and looked like it did when he had first come to the lab, as a patrol cop. He took Ryan's hand, the one without the IV, and grasped it in his own. He could feel how limp and lifeless he was.

Horatio: I don't know if you can hear me, Ryan.


H: I, err...never really called you Ryan. I don't know why. *laughs* I guess...I wanted to look respectful, without being overbearing. I never felt we were the closest, but...in the past few months, you've been a good friend.


H: I mean, you never once complained. Here you were, unsure of what your fate was in the mess- if you would lose your job, if the team would ever look at you the same way again- still the new guy. Struggling for your place.


H: You were amazing throughout the whole process. Concerned, but sweet, reserved...you knew when you should step in and when to step out and leave it to someone else. Whatever 'it' was.


H: I know I haven't acknowledged this, and I should have. You've really proven yourself, Ryan. Not just as an amazing, hard-core, intense CSI...but as a aweet, funny, loyal, loving guy. You've not only earned your place in the team but gone beyond that, and proved your character.


H: I'm proud of you.


H: You have a bunch of people back in Miami who love and care about you, Ryan. Even if you don't know it. Calleigh, Alexx...


H:...Eric. He does care about you.


H: I mean, he cares about me. And yet he's furious with me right now. He really does care about you, Ryan.


H: Please fight through this. I want to br ordering three plane tickets back to Miami- myself, Speed, and you. And not on a gurney.


H: I, err...I'm going to donate blood for you. And I'm not getting jabbed with a needle for nothing. *laughs*


H: You are strong. You can make it through this.


H: We all love you, Ryan.


H: *lets go of hand*

Nurse: *peeks in room* Lieutenant Caine?

H: *turns around* Delight. You can, um, call me Horatio.

N: *smiles* Horatio. They're ready to test you.

H: *nods* Thanks. *stands, walks to door*

N: Follow me. *leaves*

H: *sighs, looking at Ryan* Coming. *follows*
omg here comes the tears again!! :( he better live through this or i'll i'll probably just cry a lot :( that update was great horatio was so sweet!! keep writing this is too suspensful!
Aww that was so sweet of Horatio and I wish that he would call him Ryan on the show cause Mr. Wolfe is getting pretty annoying. Anyways, great update.
Thanks so much guys! You're the reason I keep writing this thing, thank goodness. :lol:

And a spoiler-ish hint: more than one person is going to be injured while in Los Angeles. :p

Horatio was led into a new room where he was tested, confirmed as a match, and donated blood. Afterwards he was given something to eat, but from the days events, donating blood, and his own loss of blood, he was exhausted, and passed out in a chair in the room where his blood was drawn.

He was awaken by a new nurse, who helped him outside, where he got a cab and was taken back to the hotel. He needed to sleep now, because he knew he was too tired to stay with Ryan, and it wouldn't do any good for him anyway. The hospital promised to call him once he woke up, or they had any news.

He fell asleep the moment he got into bed, with his clothes still on. He slept through the night, and well into the next day. He finally woke up to the ring of his cell phone.

Horatio: *yawns* Caine.

Calleigh: Horatio, it's Calleigh.

H: Hi Calleigh.

C: Did I wake you up?

H: Uh, yeah.

C: But it's...it's 2pm there.

H: Oh, sorry. I donated blood for Ryan last night, and-

C: You donated blood? After losing some your own blood? You were shot yesterday.

H: Well I was fine.

C: But Horatio...

H: Calleigh, I was fine. He...he really needed blood.

C: *sighs* I'm sorry, Horatio. I'm just so worried about both of you right now...

H: Don't worry about me, Cal. I'm fine. I got back to the hotel okay.

C: What happened?

H: I passed out at the hospital, I believe, and a nurse helped me get a cab and get back to the hotel.

C: Are you sure you're okay?

H: Yeah. *gets out of bed* A little sore.

C: *smiles* I'm so glad you're okay, Horatio.

H: I was okay last night. I'm fine, really. It's Ryan I worry about.

C: As do I. But it seems so...unrealistic. I'm talking to you, I can be assured of what's going on from your voice. I haven't seen Ryan. It's hard to...imagine...

H: I know.

C: So, no news?

H: He was in surgery to repair the damaged tissue in his heart and lung, and the bullet to his hip caused a shock to his organs. I'm not sure of how he is right now, I'll get ready and head to ths hospital.

C: Call me when anything changes.

H: Of course.

C: Take care. *hangs up*

H: *sighs* You too, sweetheart. *hangs up*

Horatio gets showered and dressed, in jeans, a collared shirt and a casual jacket. Oddly, it's still raining outside, and he rememberes his Hummer is still at the cafe where Ryan was shot. He calls a cab, as there aren't many on the streets- the biggest difference between LA and New York- and is drievn to the cafe, where he picks up his Hummer.

Once he drives to the hospital, he notices that it's already busier. Last night, it was slow, there were many nurses available, and not many patients. Now the lobby is flooded with people, cars are parked everywhere outside, and the whole hospital seems more alive and fast-paced. It takes a long wait for Horatio to check in, and even longer for a nurse to escort him to Ryan's room. Coincidently, it's Delight.

Nurse: Horatio, you're back.

Horatio: Nice to see you, Delight.

N: You too. Here to see your partner?

H: Ryan Wolfe, yes. How is he?

N: I haven't been checking him today, but I have his file...last night he went into cardiac arrest, but we were able to stabalize him, and he started breathing on his own a few hours ago. Things are looking up.

H: Do you think he has a better chance of making it?

N: I think the first night is always the hardest.

H: Honestly, do you think he's going to recover?

N: With some more time here, and intense care, yes. I personally like to be optimistic.

H: *smiles* Thank you. Can I see him?

N: Of course. Right this way. *walks off*

H: *follows*
OMG cardiac arrest my poor baby :( but atleast he'll be ok you know if calleigh was a real friend she'd fly to l.a to visit ryan :) just saying. I really like the story keep up the good work!
The Crazy task force... :lol:

Omg, Lilly! Don't leave us in suspense for much longer! This is getting really intense. *sigh* Update soon, k?