CSI Miami Therapy

I just spend 2 days reading this thread from page 1 till 8 and Lily, I have to say you got in ya. I'll surely be back for the follow ups.
Wow, new readers! Thank you everyone, you guys are the life of this thread. (And we're ON FIRE now! That's awesome!) I'm working on an update on my school computer and should have it up soon.
Sorry for the double post.

Dr. Jennings sits in her swivel chair across from the fifth CSI of the sessions begun anew after Horatio's injury. She wears jeans and a formal blouse, and the CSI wears a suit. Dr. Jennings gets her pen and pad of paper ready and begins the session.

Dr. Jennings: Hi Alexx, how are you?

Alexx: Not very good at the moment, doctor.

Dr. J: Really? What happened, I'd of thought Speed being back and the team back together would have made you happy?

A: Speed was fired this morning.

Dr. J:...

A: Horatio fired him because...well, I don't know why. He wouldn't say. I mean, he must have had a good reason, but I just hope something will change his mind.

Dr. J: Wow.

A: *sigh* I was so happy after all of this and now Speed's been fired and the team is all upset and really mad at Horatio...lab techs saying it's because of his injury, that he's gone nuts.

Dr. J: What do you think?

A: I think he had a good reason and that he'll work it out.

Dr. J: Do you have any idea why?

A: Well, Horatio wouldn't say, but...I think it's because Speed won't talk about who approached him, who had him fake his death and Horatio wants to build a case to protect the lab. Speed could be in some serious trouble, which would put the lab in trouble, and Horatio just wants to protect everyone...including Speed.

Dr. J: Yeah. He wants him to be able to stay.

A: But he fired him! I just don't get it. The whole team is going to fall apart again. People are furious with Horatio.

Dr. J: Are you?

A: I don't know. I'm very mixed up right now.

Dr. J: I understand.

A: What do I do now?

Dr. J: You go to work, go home, and be there for anyone who needs it. And this will work itself out. Do you trust Horatio?

A: With my life.

Dr. J: Then trust him on this.

A: *sigh* Alright.

Dr. J: I'm going to cut our session short, I'm so sorry but I really need to make a call right now.

A: Okay. *gets up*

Dr. J: Alexx, I think this will work out. In fact, I know it will.

A: Thank you. *leaves*

Dr. J: *picks up phone, dials*

Horatio: Caine.

Dr. J: Horatio you need to listen to me.

H: Dr. Jennings?

Dr. J: Yes. I nnow who approached Speed. Or I'm pretty sure.

H:...okay, you have to tell me.

Speed, meanwhile, picks up his phone at his motel room and dials

'David': Hello?

Speed: It's Speedle.

'D': Go back to LA. Didn't I send someone after you already?

S: Stetler couldn't get me to go back in a million years. You're really bad a negotiating.

'D': I'm not going to negotiate. Either you go back or everyone you love will die.

S: I just want to know one thing. Who put you up to this?

'D': Stetler and I, and a few others, came up with it. He was to take over CSI, and I was to bring you to LA to start a new brand of crime-fighting. The others were for planning.

S: Okay. What do I do?

'D': Go back to LA. Your ticket is waiting with me at the Miami International gates, tomorrow at 2pm.

S: Got it. But...can I tell my team?

'D': Ha, no.

S: Do you want me to fake my death again?

'D': No.

S: Just...leave?

'D': Just leave.

S: *sigh* Okay. I'll see you tomorrow.

'D': Right. *hangs up*

S: *grabs pen and paper, scribbles note, later drops it off at Miami Dade Crime Lab*

The note reads:

My family,

I hate goodbyes. I always say 'I'll see you again sometime' because when you think and say you'll never see someone again, it's ever more poignant and sad. But I do think this is goodbye. I don't think I'll see you again.

I want to explain everything again, in writing, what happened to me exactly. I wasn't a good kid: I was terrible in school, a smart ass, I did drugs and smoked a bit and did everything I could to piss people off. It went too far when I shoplifted drugs for a friend after making the right decision with the wrong action. I was young and stupid, if it's any help.

The man who approached me is a genius. He has connections with government, and can do just about anything he wants. He contacted Stetler and some other men who wanted to bring down the lab and split up the team (some for personal reasons, some for power, some for money) and planned out a way to bring us down: kill off one, the rest come down with him.

But 'David' as I've called him; he wanted to establish a new way of fighting crime in the US capital of crime: Los Angeles. He decided to build up a good case, blackmail, bring the target (me, in this case) to LA and start up his new plan. I was supposed to work undercover with drug gangs for a few years while he attempted to get more CSIs and cops to LA, where he'd start a new establishment and police force. I don't know too much of the details.

He approached me after work, so yes I do know what he looks like. Three years ago he told me imply that he had a case, showed it to me, and gave me a few days to think it over. If I told anyone or refused, I'd be fired and the killers would begin to stream out. I decided to protect Miami and the team. He set it all up and I was told what to do.

When I was shot at, he had me drugged. My heartbeat slowed down, my breathing became shallow and I actually thought I would die. The bullet wasn't to kill me; it was a blank but the drug did, in a sense. I bled out with simple move props and seemed dead. It was heartbreaking to lay there with you over me, Horatio. I felt guilty, and messed up for what I was doing. But I had to protect the lab, team, and Miami. I did what I could and that was it.

The paramedics were hired to take me to a headquarters here I was drugged again, and a makeup team prepared me for the morgue. I was driven to Alexx, who was in on it as well but couldn't say anything because she knew the consequences, and she began to pretend to perform an autopsy. She had to get rid of Horatio so he's think she cut into me for real, and he left. Then she did as well, I got up, and was met outside the back door by 'paramedics' who drove me to a motel where I got ready and left for LA a few days later.

I'm sorry. I know I hurt you all very much. I hated LA, working undercover was good work and money and I made new friends and loved the city, but I felt guilty and missed all of you. My parents as well, though we were never close and they moved away after my 'death'. I got through it though, frequently visited by 'David' and his team members, with meetings and such to explain when I might begin the new program. We never did.

He fell out of contact for a few months so I left for Miami soon after Horatio was injured and no one stopped me. I was fed up and didn't care; I wanted to see you all. You know the rest of the story. I've been working with you for the past month or two. Now, I am aware that the lab is in danger with me being here and I respect Horatio's decision and know it was for the good of the team and Miami. It's the same thing I did three years ago. He was right to make it.

But I've been contacted and I can't go into details, but I must leave for LA again. I won't be in contact, I'm afraid. I just want to let you know why, what happened, and that this is for the good of you, me, and the lab. Continue to do the amazing work you do protecting Miami. You are amazing people who have enlightened my life and made it that much better. I love you all very much. Please don;t forget that, even if you forget me. You are always loved and in my heart.

With utmost admiration and love,

NO! oh lilly youre so evil! you bring him back and then yank him away again? not fair. horatio better get his ass over to speed before he leaves and knock some sense into that boy. i have a few ideas of how he could go about that but i shall keep those to myself... :devil:
Aww you guys. I want to stretch this story out until the thread is over, I want to finish the thread with this fic. I need Miami for inspiration so some of this kind of angst will continue, sorry. :)

Horatio receives the letter from Speed and calls a meeting with Alexx, Eric, Ryan and Calleigh, in the break room. Everyone sits on the couches, cleary angry, eating and drinking. Horatio walks in.

Horatio: Hi everyone.

Everyone looks at Horatio

H: I understand that you're all mad at me.

Eric: *smirks*

H: But I made the right decision here. And I stand by it.

E: *gets up, walks up to Horatio* We just got him back and you fire him. You've changed. I am so mad I don't even know what to think.

H: I'm sorry Eric.

E: Yeah you should be. You ruined this team again.

H: I never ruined it to begin with.

E: *breathes heavily* I can't believe this, H. You have changed. You're different.

Calleigh: Okay Eric...just calm down. Let him explain.

H: Thank you. I have copies of Speed's farewell letter, written after he was fired.

Ryan: Speed wrote this?

H: Yes. He left it in my mailbox here at the Crime Lab. *passes out papers*

Everyone reads

E: Oh my gosh.

H: *sigh*

Alexx: Wow...this is so surreal.

C: Oh, Speed.

E: We have to help him! We have to find out who did this to him!

H: That is what I wanted to talk to you about, as well. I spoke with Dr. Jennings a few days ago.

A: And?

H: And she knows a whole lot more than we thought.

R: What do you mean?

H: This is a huge deal. Everything that's happened in the past few months has been a bit of a set-up by Stetler and a few others to bring down the lab. And combining the info I got from her, and Speed's letter, I assume a group of people including Stetler got together an developed this plan to bring down the lab as well as start a new brand of police work in Los Angeles.

E: I knew Stetler had something to do with this.

H: And, Stetler hired Dr. Jennings to give us 'therapy', and give him the tapes so he could find more on us.


H: Eric? Guys?

R: That son of a bitch.

E: And her! She gave him the tapes of our sessions! The traitor.

H: She told me she gave him the tapes at first, but then decided she was on our side and stopped giving them to him. He's been giving her a really hard time about it, too.

C: So she's on our side?

H: I believe so. I've told her so much that could get us into a bit of trouble, such as investigating Speed's 'death' and some other things I discussed with her.

A: Do you still trust her?

H: Yes, I do.

E: But she...she betrayed us! She broke the law and gave our private discussions away.

H: I still trust her. For now at least.

E: H, you're out of your right mind.

C: Eric...

E: Ever since the shootings. I am fed up with it. I'm a police officer and I'm going to get her for this.

H: Eric, we need her right now. She knows a lot more than we do about this whole thing, and if we find out about it, we can get Speed back.

E: You fired him to begin with. You're crazy, I want no part of this.

C: Eric, come on.

E: You know what? I'm out of here. If you hadn't fired him he wouldn't have left.

A: Eric, he would have. He said he was contacted by-

E: No! He could have stayed! He would have gone with us, he loves us, but we let him go! I'm done with this. *storms out*

C: Eric, wait. *follows*

H: *sigh*

Outside the room

C: *grabs Eric's arm, pulls him back* Eric, wait.

E: *stops*

C: *lets go*

E: What?

C: Eric, don't do this. Don't abandon him right now. Don't abandon us.

E: I'm just fed up. I'm tired of Horatio making all these terrible decisions without talking to us, I mean, we're a team. I'm tired of this crap with Speed and Stetler and LA and I just want it to be over, like it was before, with Speed her and all this complicated bullshit done with and over.

C: I know, Eric.

E: I want Speed back. I thought my best friend was dead for three years and then he turns up again, and believe me, I was happy as hell, but it wasn't easy adjusting and realizing all my pain was for nothing. And with the shootings art the lab and H in the hospital I was going crazy.

C: I know. I know.

E: And now, when everything seems to be great, he's yanked away again. And I find out that the past few months have been a freaking set up, and this whole story of Speed and Stetler and all these guys have this crap set up and I just want everything to be normal again. I want Speed back. I want Horatio back, too.

C: *hugs Eric*

E: *cries into Calleigh's shoulder* I just want it to be over.

C: *hugs tighter*
lol I tend to go for the pitchfork when it gets angsty but it will hopefully end okay. *shows rocketlauncher*

*snuggles Eric*
poor eric, he's just all kinds of upset. and poor H...takin that kind of abuse. this is where we need a group hug.
OMG!! just wow. *cries* *Hugs Speed* *Hugs Eric* poor Eric!! and why'd H fire Speed!?! i mean H did some bad stuff too!! He killed his own father for crying out loud!! all speed did was get into some bad stuff as a kid, but he's past all that. i don't get it! and it's actually kind of funny because on the CBS website in Speed's backstory it says he was a very good student who led his high school's science team to win the championships four years in a row. so it's just funny to picture Speed as a bad kid. but he has a sort of bad boy edge to him so i can picture it.
^ Well CBS makes money off that show, I'm doing this for free so I'll do whatever the hell I want with it. Including making a goody-two-shoes into a badass. :lol:

Anyway, I graduated today! So to celebrate, an update. (And Stef, you crack me up; you all crack me up :lol:)

Horatio sits with his head in his hands at his desk late that evening, after everyone has left. He has no idea what's going on with Eric, or the rest of the team, where Speed is, what Dr. Jennings has been doing behind his back, and why this is all happening to him. The incredible weight left on his shoulders is too much to bear. He slams his fist into the desk, and papers go flying. Grabbing the phone, he angrily dials a number he's memorized by now.

Horatio: Stetler.

Stetler: Horatio. What a surprise.

H: Don't play dumb with me, Rick. I know what's been going on between yourself and Dr. Jennings, and the plan to fake Speed's death and get him to LA.

S: I assume the kind doctor has filled you in. And that rat, Speedle.

H: I have you for this, Stetler. This is the end of your career; forcing a doctor to hand over confidential, private patient tapings.

S: Oh, and I should just let her charges land her in prison and remove her liscence?


S: You won't say a word.

H: I want Speed back. How do I contact him?

S: You're dumber than I thought if you actually think I'm going to allow you to bring Speedle back to Miami. Besides, you fired him.

H: I didn't know who had blackmailed him at the time. Now I do.

S: It wasn't me. I was part of this, yes, but I'm not the mastermind and I certainly didn't meet with Speedle to bring him to LA. My job was strictly to get the tapes.

H: What about the shootings? That wasn't you?

S: I'd assume it was another colleague in this plan. I didn't plan that part and frankly I think it was pathetic and stupid. We didn't need you dead, just case files destroyed so the lab would be forced to shut down, and I could have done that- and would have- differently.

H: What a good samaritan you are. You just wanted to find any way to shut us down. Getting rid of Speed, our therapy tapes, destroying case files...you're desperate and pathetic, you low-life piece of shit.

S: Careful how you speek to your superior.

H: Superior in what? Stupidity?

S: Amusing, but I have things to do. Your lab is coming to an end here, and soon I'll be in charge of the disaster it is. I'll fix it for you, though. New CSIs, labtechs, patrol officers...

H: And you just openly tell me your plans?

S: Well who's going to believe you over me?

H: Who, you? Rick Stetler?

S: Of course. I'm head of my department of IAB, you're a particularly crappy CSI.

H: Thank you Rick. That'll be all.

S: I'll be sitting where you are very soon, Horatio. *hangs up*

H: *hangs up, turns off phone recorder* Sucker.

Meanwhile, Speed meets his blackmailer at the airport and boards the plane. 'David' accompanies him to Los Angeles, and they land around 5pm LA time. Speed gets his motorcycle out of the large luggage department and 'David' drives behind him as he heads back towards his old apartment that he hoped he wouldn't have to go back to again.

At the apartment

Speed: *opens door, sets down luggage* No one rented this room out.

'David': No, it's yours again. It's all been paid for.

S: So...I just do what I did before?

'D': We'll contact you if anything changes.

S: Is there any way I can see my friends in Miami again?

'D': No, and there's no need. Stetler wouldn't approve anyway.

S: Horatio will get you guys for this, somehow.

'D': While he's working on that, you do your job. We'll be in contact.

S: Right.

'D': Bye, Speedle.

S: *sits down on bed*

'D': *leaves, closes door*

S: *sigh*
He should just say he's not listening anymore and do what he wants, I think, and just trust the others to stop them.