CSI Miami Therapy

i know!! it's so un Speedish!!! the real Speed wouldn't let them get away with it! but this is cainesugar's story. and it's up to her. but i still love it anyways!!! great job Cainesugar!!!
I'm sort of going to add in here- Speed is doing what he thinks is best for the lab. I think it makes it extra Speed-ish because he cares more about his friends than himself. By giving in, he avoids the lab being brought down (or tries his best to) Okay, carry on. I'll have an update up soon. :)
lord have mercy girl, youre killin me. stetler is pissin me off. where is tony soprano when you need him?? its very commendable that speed puts the lab before himself, shows just how much he cares about the team even if it does irk me that he's back where he started.

youre doin a great job lilly. :) thanks for the update and...

Sorry for the superlong delay- my dad works all day and my mom's been away for a while, so I've been away from home a lot in order to get rides places and when I am home, IC has swallowed me. I have an update on my laptop and will transfer the files tomorrow and get an update up (after my softball tournament) Thanks for being patient, and for the reviews. You guys are really amazing. *huggles for everyone*

ETA: It's so early I'm half-asleep, haha. Like 6, and I got up to get ready at 5. Stupid 7am tournament. I would upload it after but I have a minute, so here ya go.

Horatio set up a meeting with a private lawyer he had known and trusted for years the day after his conversation with Stetler. They met in the lawyer's office around noon, when cars were already speeding along the Miami highways and the sounds of honking horns, angru drivers yelling and screeching tires rang outside the window. The lawyer, Mr. Burns, closed the blinds and sat down in his desk chair, facing Horatio, who was seated in a leather lounge chair on the opposite side of the desk.

Mr. Burns: Nice to see you, Horatio. How have things been?

Horatio: Things have been pretty hectic, in the last few years so much has happened.

Mr. B: I know. The last time I spoke with you, you were with the Bomb Squad.

H: *laughs* Those were the days. When you went to work, did your job, came home and was done. Now, work is everything.

Mr. B: Tell me about it.

H: How's Marie? The kids?

Mr. B: Joshua got into UCLA recently, so he'll be moving to Los Angeles next fall. Brian's on his high school football team now, and he's actually pretty good. And then Jason is starting high school next year and he's extremely excited, he's in all honors and is taking three of his classes with eleventh graders. And Marie has been wonderful, thanks.

H: So Jason's quite the brain.

Mr. B: *laughs* He needs it, don't tell him I said this but he can't play sports to save his life. Too bad, because he really wants to play soccer.

H: I could show him a few tricks one time if you'd like. Try and improve his game.

Mr. B: You play soccer?

H: Was on my high school team, I just never played after I graduated. But I'd be happy to.

Mr. B: Thank you, it would mean the world to him.

H: It's my pleasure.

Mr. B: So, we didn't come here just to talk about life. Or, maybe we did.

H: No, there is a matter at hand. A very important matter.

Mr. B: Alright. Shoot.

H: Well, it really started three years ago. You know Tim Speedle...

Horatio explains the situation from when Speed was approached and blackmailed, to now, when Horatio found out about the plan made by Stetler and 'David' to bring down the lab and create a new law enforcement program in Los Angeles. He talked about what the team had gone through, the set-up therapy with Dr. Jennings, the investigations and before he knew it, an hour had passed and he was just finishing up.

H: And so now he's gone to LA and we're left with all these questions and a case just begging to be investigated.

Mr. B: Wow.

H: I will get these guys and get Speed back here in Miami if I have to fly to LA myself, drag him back, and beat the crap out of these guys. I won't let out team fall apart.

Mr. B: What do you have?

H: A conversation between myself and Rick Stetler, in which he confessed to his plans to take over the lab and his involvement in the blackmailing. I had it recorded.

Mr. B: That's good. We'll need a testimony of yours, Speedle's, and the woman you said you worked with who was involved.

H: Alexx.

Mr. B: Yes. And, we'll try and track down everyone they used in this. Prove they actuallty did it.

H: Well, the fake EMTs, Dr. Jennings, the people who bought the plane tickets...

Mr. B: That's a good start. Can you track them down for me, and then give me their phone numbers. I can set up a meeting with them and get a testimony in the trial.

H: We're really going to get them for this?

Mr. B: We are.

H: So what do I do now?

Mr. B: Go to LA and get Speed here. We need his testimony.

H: How? He's being watched, and I have no way of finding him.

Mr. B: I would take a team member with you, track him down, and get him back any way you can.

H: *sigh* Alright.

Mr. B: Call me when you get back from LA and can get me the numbers of everyone involved. Don't let anyone except for your team know what you're doing.

H: I understand.

Mr. B: We'll get them.

H: *stands up* I hope so.

Mr. B: Take care.

H: You too. I'll meet with Jason after this is all over.

Mr. B: Thanks.

H: *leaves*

Horatio goes back to the lab, not sure of who to take to LA with him. He would take Ericm but he hasn't been talking to Horatio even though he's been working. This was his day off anyway. Horatio passes Calleigh in the halls, and stops her.

H: Hey Cal.

Calleigh: Hi Horatio.

H: How've things been around here?

C: Quiet. Finishing up some paperwork, no new cases, no one to interrogate. A nice day, for once.

Calleigh's phone rings

C: Damnit. *picks it up* Be right there, Tripp. *hangs up* We've got a hit and run near the beach. Got to go.

H: Need any help there?

C: Tripp's got it. Thanks, see you. *walks off*

H: Calleigh!

C: *turns around*

H: I'm going to be, ah, going to Los Angeles for a few weeks.

C: *frowns* This about Tim?

Horatio tells Calleigh about his meeting with Mr. Burns, the whole conversation, including his plans to prosecute the blackmailers and get Speed back.

H: I need his testimony. I need him here.

C: For good?

H: Yes.

C: Who are you going to take?

H: I don't know. I want you here in charge of the lab and since Eric is furious with me...I was thinking Ryan.

C: Go ahead. He's been wonderful throught this whole thing. He deserves a break.

H: Thanks Cal. We all do.

C: Horatio, I know everyone's mad at you right now. But I trust you. I really think things are going to get better around here, and this will all work itself out.

H: Thank you.

C: *hugs Horatio* I'll always trust you.

H: *smiles* I love you. I love you all, the whole lab. You guys are my family.

C: I love you too, Handsome. *lets go* Now, Tripp's gonna be pissed, I'll see you around. Have fun in LA and keep in touch while you're gone.

H: I will, sweetheart. Take care of this place while I'm gone.

C: Of course. *walks off*

H: *walks to Trace* Wolfe.

Ryan: *jumps* Whoa, you scared me.

H: What are you running at the moment?

R: Checking something from an old case. Lawyer's trying to appeal, saying we processed evidence wrong. Just making sure.

H: It's been quiet. No new cases, I hear.

R: *laughs* Yeah. Normally I'd never have time to do this.

Horatio explains his conversation with Mr. Burns and their plan for prosecution.

R: So we need to go find Speedle and bring him back?

H: Yes.

R: From Los Angeles?

H: Yes.

R: I am so coming with you. I'm going to Los Angeles!

H: Quiet down.

R: Sorry. I'm really excited. Haven't been to the West in a while.

H: Pack your things and meet me at my house tomorrow morning, 10am sharp. I'll drive us to the airport.

R: And work?

H: It's been taken care of. This is a business trip, if you must.

R: Wow. I'll see you at 10, I guess.

H: Thank you. *leaves*

R: *shakes head, smiles*

Next session: ?

(We'll get back to sessions soon, but right now I need to get down to the good stuff, without the doc :D)
picturing H playing soccer just cracks me up. :lol: anyway, go H!!!! i'm glad he's taking ryan. i think ryan makes an awesome sidekick to superH.

great update lilly! :)
Sorry for the long delay, again. Who knew summer would be so stressful and jam-packed? Quick update, I've got to run (again... *sigh*)

Horatio sat on his bed around 9:30 am the next morning, looking at his packed bags. His feelings were mixed- he felt regretful, sad, longing, empty, relieved, a bit happy, and lonely all at once. He knew that his team was there for him, and that Ryan was probably one of the most loyal members- and a hell of a great one at that- but he still felt alone in this. Maybe it was because everyone he loved was being snatched away from him. He lay down on his bed and stared at the ceiling.

Thoughts ran through his head. He knew Los Angeles was an exciting place- he had been there for a seminar once, and remembered the traffic, hot weather, bright colors and busy cities. It was the kind of place where something was always happening. It was very similar to Miami, but it was a fresh start. He would have a few weeks to find Speed, while exploring a new city and starting new relationships. Maybe he would become friendly with LAPD, something that could help him in future cases. His mind began to clear as the stress dissapeared, and he felt almost whole again. Right now, he had Ryan, he had his reputation, and he had a limitless city with over six million people.

The doorbell rang, and he sat up. He was dressed casually, for once, in jeans and a white dress shirt rolled up at the elbow. He grabbed his keys, cell phone, gun, badge and sunglasses and slung his bags over his shoulders as he made his way to the door. He could see Ryan from the peephole, dressed in dark jeans, a t-shirt and sweatshirt, carrying a duffel bag and a suitcase at his feet. Horatio opened the door.

Ryan: Wow, you do own something besides suits.

Horatio: *smiles* Ready?

R: If you are.

H: I'll drive.

They took the department Hummer, as it was technically a business trip, to Miami International Airport. When they arrived, Horatio checked in the Hummer in a parking garage, they checked in their luggage, spoke to some servicemen about their weapons aboard the plane, and walked to the terminal. They would sit for twenty minutes before they were allowed to board the plane.

H: So, you excited?

R: Los Angeles is the entertainment capital of the world. Of course I'm excited.

H: It's more than that. I'm planning on spending a few days sightseeing, getting a feel for the place. Hopefully we'll meet some LAPD officials and establish relationships that could help us in the future.

R: Yeah...and spend a day or two in Hollywood. See some movies.

H: We could learn their techniques, about their cases, give them tips.

R: And go to the beach of the Pacific. See some celebrities. Go out to fancy dinners.

H: *sigh* Of course.

R: Where do you think Speed would be?

H: Low-quality apartment. Something where there's a lot of crime and very little officers.

R: Downtown LA.

H: Exactly. We find the big gangs, we find out who he is, we become associated with the people he's associated with, and we find him.

R: Once we find him, how do we get him back without directly taking him from these guys? We just want him, without their knowledge.

H: I haven't figured that bit out yet.

R: *laughs*

H: I will, I will.

Intercom: Now boarding flight 356 American Airlines, to Los Angeles.

H: *stands up, grabs bags* That's us.

R: *gathers bags* I call window seat! *sticks tongue out, rushes to board plane*

H: *smiles*

They board the plane, and it takes off about twenty minutes later. By the time they land, only two hours have passed because of the time difference, even though it's really been five. Horatio rents a car and drives to a nice hotel in the middle of Downtown, the upscale, office building part. He knows Speed would be a few miles down, in the slums, but at the moment his only concern is keeping a lower profile so 'David' doesn't know they're in LA.

They get to their room and quickly unpack. They discover there's only one bed, so Horatio has a cot brought in, and assigns Ryan to it. Ryan grumbles a bit, but finally they settle in.

H: Our first day, and it's only midday. Want to grab some lunch?

R: Sure. Where?

H: When I was here there was a great burger place in Burbank, about half an hour from here. Want to try it?

R: Burgers? Hell yes. Let's go.

H: I call driver!

R: *frowns*

H: *sticks tongue out*
okay, that was awesome! love the banter between H and Ryan. its all just great.

more!! right now!! more!! um...i mean take your time...i'll still be here. :D